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4644180 No.4644180[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

/lit/ I am reading Fitzgerald's complete short story anthology.

What are the must reads besides Absolution and Winter Dreams?

>> No.4646180


>> No.4646201

Fitzgerald fired most of those stories off without even thinking or caring about its quality--he did it almost purely for the money, since publications like the Saturday Evening Post saw him as an up-and-coming author whose work needed reading.

You can actually read about this in any biography of his. He called himself a "whore" in relation to these stories. He'd say things like "Well, the whore got over 100 for that story I sent out," and the like.

I've read most of his stories and none of them stand out at all.

>> No.4646267

Actually thats just a myth people spew out so they dont have to read his large library of short stores.

In his personal notebooks, he wrote "I have asked a lot of my emotions - one hundred and twenty stories. The price was high, right up with Kipling, because there was one little drop of something not blood, not a tear, not my seed, but me more intimately than these, in every story, it was the extra i had. Now it has gone and I am just like you now"

>> No.4646356

>since publications like the Saturday Evening Post saw him as an up-and-coming author whose work needed reading.

How in the FUCK do I get a gig like that? I need money too.

>> No.4646385

You're completely full of shit. Fitzgerald was always about money and whoring himself out. His failed play "The Vegetable" (equally bad as most of his short stories) was also written just for money. Fitzgerald thought he could live off the success of "Vegetable" for the rest of his life.

From a 1929 letter to Hemingway:
>I have worked for 2 months over a popular short story that was foredoomed to being torn up when completed...Here's a last flicker of the old cheap pride:--the Post now pays the old whore $4000. a screw.

>> No.4646423


Fitzgerald was about the money sure, that was his thing, he wanted to be rich, but calling his short story writing shallow or the like is exaggerating the fact. Look for instance at stories like May-Day, Rich Boy or the Diamond as Big as the Ritz, and see how he himself handles the notion of wealth, as well as depicting the upper middle-class lifestyle during those times.

>> No.4646579

A writer beats himself up over dealing with his work, which for every writer, is commercial?

Gee, you dont say. Lets just forget what I posted from his notebooks. You want to discredit Hemingway too for his want for commercial success?