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File: 39 KB, 550x453, mfw no more.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4642620 No.4642620[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>mfw surrounded by childish reactionaries and naiive idealists (difference?)

ITT: talk shop, vent about be assaulted from both sides, and describe what hopelessness and alienation feels like.

I've been so lonely for so long. I can never speak for fear of 'leftists' calling me a Nazi/conservative/etc and everyone else calling me a commie and telling me about the 60 gorillian people communism killed. I just have to sit there, subjected and dejected, in silence.

Maybe we should form an identity group, since all of our traditional groups have been usurped?

>> No.4642638

Well, the problem is that you're prescribing to a thoroughly debunked ideology that should have been left in a dustbin decades ago.

Honestly, what's the difference between being a communist in the modern age and being a Nazi? Get real.

>> No.4642639


>Maybe we should form an identity group


>> No.4642658
File: 35 KB, 395x483, 1364398773892.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i don't care how many drinks you've had, it is NEVER a good idea to try and debate third-wave feminism with women at parties, no matter how badly they try and sucker you into it.

holy fuck was i not prepared for that tsunami of character assassination and total abandonment of logical positivism

never. again.

>> No.4642669

im not a communist but im a semi-old-style populist liberal and yeah this feeling sucks.

>tfw you read american pastoral

>> No.4642675

>getting your ass handed in debate to you by tumblr gurls
Maybe you need to train your power-level a bit

>> No.4642689

Identity is for plebs

>> No.4642691


na when i realized that they didn't even understand the issue they were talking about and were treating the "debate" as conflict for sport i swerved

there's just no reasoning with these kind of women regardless of how calm you remain. they just love the conflict of it all i think. fake shit.

>> No.4642696

>thinking you can win in that situation

Top kek.

>> No.4642704
File: 81 KB, 400x300, Althusser Hipster Band.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tsunami of character assassination
and that's all it is. they start screaming at you, calling you names, and attributing intentions/feelings to you that you don't have (eg. why do you hate women, etc) it is amazing.

>Maybe you need to train your power-level a bit
unless you're at a redneck party where you can just go misogynist on them, there is no winning.


outside of third world countries, where it should never have been applied, it has always BEEN in the dustbin. at any rate, don't you have a trust fund to masterbate over or some band you can go claim you were into 'before they were cool' or something? kindly leave. thx

>> No.4642715


One a side note, I was recently at a school election and I saw this really spergy looking neckbeard selling pinko magazines.
I ask him how much the magazines cost because I'd like to see what communists have to write about, and moreover, anytime a neckbeard of this character goes off about something that doesn't involve Ponies or Magic the Gathering is unique enough indeed
"Are you a communist?" he asks.
Asking me if I'm a communist is like asking a 6 year old if they think Hegel is right. I don't think I'll ever be informed enough to call myself anything, let alone a communist. Thus;
"No" I say.
"Then in that case it's 2.00$"

Now, I wonder, if I said that I was an imperialist/capitalist/fascist/whatever, would it have been free?

>> No.4642717


on the contrary, being uninformed is the perfect time to call yourself something (or rather, be called something).

>> No.4642735

If you want to look like a posturing tool.

>> No.4642742
File: 298 KB, 635x500, CAPITALISM = NAKED FAGS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok, so trigger warning on this pic.

but, does anyone wanna help me make more stuff like this?
I was fucking with /pol/ about how they blame everything 'degenerate' on 'cultural marxism', even though it is patently clear that it is a result of the intensive development of capitalist relations.

Ideas? i can photoshop on the fly.

>> No.4642743

>someone hates my special ideology that has lead to the systematic murder of tens of millions of people, he must be a dirty bourgeois

>> No.4642755

Communists have to be touchy feely triggerwarny SJWs, otherwise they don't belong to the left, and if they don't belong on the left they don't belong anywhere in the culture war.

>> No.4642778


think of pretentiousness as akin to hitting above your weight class in an intellectual sense. you wouldent send the light weight out to go fight invaders, but the spar can be good for the lightweight, assuming they are self-conscious of what they are doing.

i myself wouldent know half the things i know now if i didint unironically insinuate myself unqualifiedly into arguments, discussions, and thedish communities. guerrilla erudition.

>> No.4642786
File: 112 KB, 495x700, berTOLD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>liberal parliamentarians
>getting high and mighty

Don't mind all the tens of millions of corpses it took to fuel the capitalist powers during the age of imperialism. They don't count because they were wogs/far away/not politically convenient to discuss/Irish.

If you consider yourself 'apolitical', then see pic.

>> No.4642816

Sounds like you've got some interesting stories!

So as somebody who's just getting into Marxist literature (Reading Wage-Labour and Capital now) what's the rub between Communists and feminists?

I know second wave feminism, working class women never had the luxury of housewivery and wealthy women leaving the home just passes the job onto working class maids/nannies who also have to take care of their own children,

But what about third wave? Obviously non-rightist antifeminism is verboten so I've never heard a cogent argument against third-wave feminism that came from the left.

>> No.4642823
File: 1.13 MB, 1024x1499, identity politics.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Here's a handy little jpeg for your leisure.

>> No.4642824

So you should call yourself a Marxist or whatever just because it sounds cool and you only care for the aesthetics of it?

>> No.4642832
File: 171 KB, 354x285, 1393274598602.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The culture war that exists today is a direct result of the artificial dichotomy between mainstream political persuasions in western politics. As a result, communism cannot and will not fit into the equation. It is far too idealistic and radical to be consolidated and sold as a legitimate political identity to the general population.

You'd be better off keeping your ideals to yourself and avoiding politics altogether in this case.

>> No.4642837

Pfft. You guys think you have it bad. I can't call myself a Zildjerveldian or Morosovist without being an unequivocal special snowflake

>> No.4642847

>and describe what hopelessness and alienation feels like.
Bad. Y u want dis?
>I can never speak for fear of 'leftists' calling me a Nazi...everyone else calling me a commie.
Finding your way through the middle is tough, I've been called a rightwinger by some commie, just don't let the scrubs bother you.

>> No.4642855


most people call themselves whatever because of the validation it receives, which is then rationalized. to care about the aesthetics of a thing a priori supposes a more transcendent perspective, whereupon its judgment as suitable and thus adopted, it would not be quite correct to refer to this as 'pretense'.

>> No.4642863

>Not being an anarchist

>> No.4642877
File: 242 KB, 580x412, PPRIDE POSTER.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I've never heard a cogent argument against third-wave feminism that came from the left.
here's a thread of myself and another marxist arguing against a Foucaultian (which most feminist activists today are) maybe it'll help

tl;dr - bourgeois idealism touting itself as liberatory. the most pathetic kind.
They want to deny the class struggle so they can enjoy their trust funds and still believe they are 'radical', not part of the problem.

and they usually tout bullshit like this little twat, here. >>4642743 not realizing this here >>4642786

well, isn't that a depressing and defeatist position. please, i started this thread to be uplifted...
couldn't we, though, make ourselves into an identity group? like, tell people to check their politiconormative privilege?
We could make posters like pic related, no?

>> No.4642892

>capitalism can be exploitive therefore communism is a viable alternative

>> No.4642901
File: 412 KB, 500x638, 1392109174562.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that comic
christ, this is beautiful. sauce?

>thinks communism is a 'thing' and not a 'movement'
There are these things called books. They are on topics. Most advise you read them before opening your mouth on said topic

>> No.4642910

>capitalism is necessarily exploitive therefore communism is a viable alternative

Much better

>> No.4642915

No one cares that you can't defend your ideology in public. No one cares about your boogeymen that you're so high above yet you need to cry about them on an anonymous image board.
That goes for everyone else in this thread too. It's not /lit/'s fault you fail and get hurt. Buck up and/or go talk about it in /soc/ or wherever.

>> No.4642921

>"most people"
>Implying that most Communists aren't just kids who want to look like real purposeful, fufilled badasses and happen to like the shock appeal of ideologically charged imagery but aren't hard enough to go for the whole Nazi route.

>> No.4642925


ah, but if someone *doesnt* open their mouth, they wont know theyre wrong and continue to act on false premises, and thats a tragedy.

>> No.4642926


Aha! I've always been kind of peripherally aware of this, I wanted to throw up when my classmates cheered Disney's lesbian couple as some kind of victory for queer identity, but that puts it in much better terms.

>> No.4642928

>being an anarchist

>> No.4642932
File: 114 KB, 388x500, Feminism Tin Foil.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shouldn't you be rolling up your tinfoil or something?

>> No.4642935

>i started this thread to be uplifted.
Let's talk about how downtrodden and oppressed and victimized we are by capitalism, that'll be cheerful enough.

>> No.4642937

Action Philosophers

>> No.4642955

Why would I be paranoid for calling you a crybaby that needs validation from anons? Shouldn't you turn your brain on before you start firing your fingers over the keyboard?

>> No.4642987
File: 12 KB, 298x359, 1391815644736.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ah, but if someone *doesnt* open their mouth, they wont know theyre wrong and continue to act on false premises, and thats a tragedy
true. but what is more likely is that they'll do all three. which is even *more* of a tragedy, because then they've wasted my time and energy.

i mean, every good communist should support the women's/lgbt/etc struggle. But, 'identity politics' is something quite different. *remember that* because they as soon as you say anything they will try to pin you as a misogynistic reactionary type, or at least be like 'idk y u hate women'. Or, they'll try to play the 'who is the bigger victim' game. None of this is the point - the point is that 'identity politics', as such, is bullshit. here's an article from the Int'l Socialist Rvw.

Here's a really great yt vid from a (former?) communist on feminism. totally demolishes them

nice. thx

meh... that's old news. the real topic has always been What is to be Done? I vote for liquidating the identity politics people, and then opening the floor for discussion. any seconds?

>> No.4643040


the best thing to do against rationalization is to use their own terms and concepts and take them further to their natural conclusions, that it turns either to nonsense, or contrary to their ostensible normative claims. learning to 'speak the language' short circuits the normal defense mechanisms the protects the naked insecurities behind their solipsistic convictions (do they continue to cleave to the thing with which they identified after its 'rehabilitation'?)

call it 'constructive' theory if you will, different words can still refer to the same thing, and just so with ideology. systematizers transcend the systems they create by necessity after all, and every system has the seeds of its own salvation, to coopt a phrase.


what makes you think im a communist?

>> No.4643045

Why get in an argument at all? You don't convince anyone else to change their views to yours, neither do they start to share yours. All you do when you get into a debate is leave with your day a bit worse. Why do that to yourself?

>> No.4643102

I've never had any issue when articulating my thoughts to people who didn't agree with them, and this includes criticism of feminism. The problem a lot of young people on this board have is that they think they're these knights of logic and when they can't use what they think is untouchable reasoning for their opinion, they quickly give up and blame the listener. But it was never about reasoning, what it comes down to is rhetoric and understanding. You see where they're coming from and sympathize with the positions that you do agree with and they'll lighten up a bit. You don't bombard them with a bunch of "obviously"s and "are you serious?"es and that obnoxious laugh you do when you think you're right.

Trust me, you guys come off no better in these conversations. There's room for compromise on both ends. The fruit of these conversations lies in the human element of them.

>> No.4643119

seriously, this place is like an internment camp for delusional losers. the level of discourse in most of the threads is about the same as a high school lunch table and yet some of you actually think you're these brilliant misunderstood political theorists laying pearls before swine in real life.

ever consider the possibility that you're wrong?

>> No.4643128

>*remember that* because they as soon as you say anything they will try to pin you as a misogynistic reactionary type, or at least be like 'idk y u hate women'. Or, they'll try to play the 'who is the bigger victim' game.

The fact that you interpret what they're telling you as the above means that either you're not listening to them or you're not presenting yourself clearly enough. Protip: if multiple people cannot understand your argument, the problem is probably your articulation or at the very least something social rather than anything to do with the argument.

>> No.4643171
File: 22 KB, 230x198, red_scare_comic_usa_flag[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Honestly, what's the difference between being a communist in the modern age and being a Nazi?
Nazism is the ideology of football hooligans and of prison rape survivor assistance groups. It won't ever get big again because the war industry capital has long discovered better ideologies. Communism, now, may still be found amongst academics, politicians and in the creative class. You might even find a communist shill on stormfront, on reddit or on 4chan.org pretending to be just an anonymous poster like yourself. Stay alert!

>> No.4643174
File: 33 KB, 400x290, dworkin1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me
>be phd student
>talking with feminist, anti-liberal anti-capitalist
>in seminar class
>discussing skocpol's protecting soldiers and mothers
>at the end a call for feminism to use its momentum to spearhead a larger movement
>feminist goes apeshit because feminism is about getting shit for women and nothing else

No, I don't think you're talking to who we are talking about.
And, don't be a pretension twit, and assume people are abrasive little children. I don't appreciate you demeaning my situation.

>internment camp for delusional losers
typical feminist. case-in-point
$100 this is a female.
>$100 dollars they say they're not, but still use sentence constructions that show they are.

>means that either you're not listening to them
no, they literally say 'why do you want to see women suffer' or 'you're just a misogynist'. the fact that you don't see this means you're a blatant liar, or are living in a bubble.

also 75% chance of samefagging

>> No.4643176

>amongst academics, politicians and in the creative class
that's not communism, but whatevs... at least they are trying.

>> No.4643202

>feminism is about getting shit for women and nothing else

where did you read that?

>> No.4643203
File: 48 KB, 400x300, gun[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no true communist
the no-true-scotsman twist on genocide

>> No.4643211
File: 330 KB, 572x768, 7Rg9B1I9DP[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4643212


watch what people do, not what they say.

>> No.4643208

>at the end a call for feminism to use its momentum to spearhead a larger movement
>feminist goes apeshit because feminism is about getting shit for women and nothing else

Yeah, nobody is saying these things. You're interpreting them that way. You *are* an abrasive little child. Just look at the rest of your post:

>typical feminist
>$100 this is a female
>use sentence constructions that show they are

People like *you* are maddeningly frustrating because you only hear what you want to hear.

>they literally say 'why do you want to see women suffer' or 'you're just a misogynist'

Then, like I said, you need to articulate yourself better. It's most likely your fault.

>you're a blatant liar, or are living in a bubble

I can't see why you're having trouble conversing with people with this kind of rhetoric.

>> No.4643219
File: 42 KB, 384x480, Friedrich-Engels[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>watch what people do, not what they say.
Transferred to Engels it means watching porn.

>> No.4643223

So feminism as a school of thought should be reduced to cherry picked case studies?

>> No.4643225

>communism is a movement not a thing
Care to explain?

>> No.4643230

Femin is my favourite Bolshevik.

>> No.4643250 [DELETED] 

Communism is the swift movement of monkey wrench towards monocle

>> No.4643253

Communism is the swift and repeated movement of a monkey wrench against someone's monocle while it is worn.

>> No.4643267



I am so tired of you empty-headed fools with your housewife platitudes.

>> No.4643271

so what actions of feminist academics have you observed?

>> No.4643272

Don't know how we got funneled into the feminist visible minority group, but my biggest beef with 'feminist studies' is that it was originally gender studies and now pansexualism and a whole host of fields are going completely ignored by this surge of women who have committed their lives to the equalizing of gender.

In doing this they complete forget about non-traditional genders and sexual orientation and little, to no progress is made on this front as a result! its goddam bullshit.

>> No.4643274

>You don't convince anyone else to change their views to yours
But you do. It may not and probably will not happen instantly because of pride, but if you can cohesively portray your opinion and fulminate the opposite arguments, it's possible to change someone else's mind in the long run.

>> No.4643279 [DELETED] 
File: 84 KB, 447x521, RAPESTATUS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

only children don't take the time to read the theread. we already went over this

>Yeah, nobody is saying these things
no, she literally said that. it's called interest group liberalism - you're acting like this is an absurd thing, rather than a fact of our political system, and of organization generally. EE Schattschneider famously said 'organization is the mobilization of bias'

>You *are* an abrasive little child
case-in-point. the snide pretentious feminist becomes abusive when someone disagrees

>People like *you* are maddeningly frustrating because you only hear what you want to hear
but, you are a female, right?

>It's most likely your fault
well, of course it is. I have a penis afterall.

you keep using that word, but I'm not sure you know what it means. you do know that it usually implies deceit at some level, right?

she literally said that. did you read the story.
also, this: >>4643212
further, do you even interest group liberalism?
do you even political science?

another case-in-point of what I'm talking about. 'everyone who disagrees with me is a MRA psycho' bullshit.
pic is for you

care to read the German Ideology? That's nearly a direct quote.
You're thinking in terms of idealism - as if communism is a system constructed in the realm of ideas and then applied to the world in order to rearrange things. Rather, communism is a 'real' movement born out of the current material conditions.
this is basic dialectical materialism, man

>> No.4643296

>she literally said that

feminism is a single woman now? hmm

>do you even interest group liberalism?
>do you even political science?


>> No.4643305


i would actually agree anon, but watching what people say, as in sussing out the teleology of what they are saying along with whatever inauthentic pablum they use to disguise it, is not for everyone.

simple 'housewife platitudes' are useful because they dont overstep themselves. you can be certain, at least, that peoples colours will show through in the moments of truth.

>> No.4643312

>but, you are a female, right?
Nope, but your insistence that I am (couched in your *hope* that I am because it would prove your special snowflake uniqueness) is doing a great job of discrediting everything you write.

>you do know that it usually implies deceit at some level, right?

Sure, it can. What does that matter? Conversation is the bread and butter of connecting with other people, there is an art to it. And there are norms, levels of respect, etc. You come off as barbaric on the internet, I can't imagine the type of buffoon you come off as in real life. The fact that you can't manage to have a conversation with other people without them yelling at you or calling you names makes me suspicious of your ability to comprehend text nevermind what other people say.

>> No.4643313

>communism is a 'real' movement born out of the current material conditions
I'm going to have to ask you to expound on that

>> No.4643318

>communism is a system constructed in the realm of ideas and then applied to the world in order to rearrange things
Isn't it?

>> No.4643314

>that peoples colours will show through in the moments of truth.

the thing is people can misinterpret things. if someone acts and you ascribe these actions to an ideology, it does not mean these actions are endorsed or encouraged by the ideology

and feminist academics releasing feminist literature is an action rather than them "just saying" something

>> No.4643335

>watch what people do, not what they say
>no, she literally said that


Also the way you worded your story makes it seem like she went berserk because of reasons that you interpreted, rather than her literally telling you "No because feminism is about getting shit for women."

>> No.4643349
File: 45 KB, 500x329, 1391810245938.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow, so clever. you twisted a statement about a story around as if it was about every single person in a movement rather than an anecdote to prove that there are, indeed, feminists out there who say what i said.
How clever.

how also fembot strategy #3
>be snide and pretentious
>be abusive (this may include name calling, especially 'nazi' or 'misogynist')
>generalize the other person's statements into strawmen - attack strawman (use in combination with #2 for greater effect)

I swear, I don't know what happened to this generation. It must have been growing up on the internet that caused this sort of delusional nonsense. this is now the #1 form of reasoning, even within classrooms these days. amazing...

it doesn't really discredit anything, since this is anonymous. also, btw, i predicted you'd say that. ;-)

>Sure, it can
but that's not how you used the word.
>me: i can't have an open honest with these people
>you: you're just [insert abuse]
>me: no i'm not, but they say this
>you: you're such an [insert abuse]. no wonder you're having problems with people who use this rhetoric
>me: but rhetoric implies deceit
>you: sure, so what. [insert more abuse]
mfw you don't realize you just proved me right

I'm going to have to ask you dialectical materialism

no. absolutely not. see above

>> No.4643355

>you twisted a statement about a story around

no. you were unclear.

>> No.4643372

I said you aren't articulating yourself clearly or you're misinterpreting them. That isn't abuse, honey. That's your victim complex. Then you called me a "pretension twit" and said that if I don't agree with you that I'm a liar. So I called you a child and have pretty much lost interest in this convo as a channel for exchanging ideas since it is more of a case of delusional internet guy vs. the world.

You're not alone. The way out starts with recognizing your flaws. You'll get there eventually.

>> No.4643380

>I'm going to have to ask you dialectical materialism
Are you fobbing me off? If you're so diligently effortposting what's it to you to explain something?

>> No.4643385
File: 57 KB, 645x412, 1394341542623.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the very fact that you come into a thread where you are specifically not invited to berate the OP absolutely proves what I've been saying from the very beginning.

Can't there be any safe space for me?
>inb4 penis; therefore everywhere already is
apparently not.

>> No.4643387

that poster is just hyped up on sugar or caffeine or something

>> No.4643394

>to berate the OP

no i came here specifically to reply to your claim that feminism is about getting shit for women, which evidently was just you being lazy or thinking you could get away with it like "oh whatever i'm smart enough to counter any arguments if someone disagrees"

>> No.4643403


it goes both ways anon, thats the point. people will not consciously devalidate themselves except in trivial ways, thats how you can ultimately excavate their intent from writing. and likewise, the teleology disclosed by the patern and maner of their action will ultimately be reflected in their sayings in some way. and if there is internal contradiction, the easiest way to decide which is the pablum is the parts that do not correspond with the pattern of behavior

>and feminist academics releasing feminist literature is an action rather than them "just saying" something.

and what this tells us is that academic feminism is a rent seeking phenomena.

>> No.4643443
File: 39 KB, 500x360, 1394107300292.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok, sorry. I'm just a little more entertained trying to get a point across to a couple of (probably samefag) mind-numbed feminazis who have nothing better to do than to come derail my thread. which, by not being short with you, I've momentarily allowed them to do.
again, i apologize, and will now ignore them.

what is your question, specifically?

>your claim that feminism is about getting shit for women
but i never made that claim. i just said that one specific person said that, as an example of how some feminists fly off the handle and say crazy/nasty shit.
Now, can i have my thread back now? can we stay on topic, please?

>> No.4643461

no you didn't say that she said it. you did not use the word "said"

>> No.4643480

i told a story about being in class in grad school and talking about skocpol. you should read it again.

>> No.4643501

you did not use the word "said"

that's all there is to it.

>> No.4643525

you did not read thread
that's all the context needed

>> No.4643537

go back and read your greentext story again. there is no indication that you're referring to something she said specifically. none. that's all there is to it.

>> No.4643542
File: 32 KB, 401x299, Feminist Bigotry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4643552


>> No.4643562
File: 49 KB, 500x490, 1391670718052.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

language can be ambiguous, maybe necessarily. I think it says a lot that you automatically read that in the worst way possible, and then began attacking without clarifying.
typical feminist

>> No.4643564
File: 96 KB, 720x537, 600437.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What a nonsensical macro-meme
Supposed to be a feminist but sounds like a rightwinger. Hmh. Imagine that.

>> No.4643567
File: 54 KB, 603x627, 1394343319305.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4643569

>and then began attacking without clarifying.

actually i asked you a question. i didn't attack

>> No.4643575

xD these are epic. any more?

>> No.4643577

Why is the liberal a woman?

>> No.4643579

Damn, OP's downward spiral into straight meme posting is actually kind of depressing. Gonna hide the thread now.

>> No.4643580
File: 247 KB, 538x354, redyells3-538x354.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yep. no feminist ever acted like that

>> No.4643585

The universe is a never ending cycle of order and chaos.

Some of us predominately partial to order, and others to chaos--and others (most of us) are partial to a mix in between.

Guess which kind of ideologies these people ascribe to.

I don't even know what the fuck I'm talking about, but whatever political ideologue values clean rooms and white socks, ideology for me.

>> No.4643586

some conservatives have murdered people. i think you should make some memes about conservatives murdering people

>> No.4643591

Why must there necessarily be a reason? Maybe the liberal just happens to be a woman.

>> No.4643595

That person was deliberately selected to represent liberalism. Someone is trying to equate liberalism with hysterical women.

>> No.4643603
File: 111 KB, 500x747, 1394343980926.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

makes sense, since feminism is a reactionary ideology.

you should read adorno describing fascist rhetoric. if you take the word fascist out, you'd think it was identity politics

this is actually real. there's one where a communist deconstructs this picture to show how bourgeois she is

>> No.4643606

Or maybe you just have a confirmation bias. I think a picture of a hysterical man would have the same effect.

>> No.4643612

in that case then all ideologies are 'reactionary'

>> No.4643614
File: 2.95 MB, 390x293, 1368437495736.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol this thread's gonna get deleted into oblivion and OP banned for 30 days as soon as mod wakes up.

>> No.4643616

>I think a picture of a hysterical man would have the same effect.

Haha, how?

>> No.4643627
File: 185 KB, 800x579, Meme_harassment.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh, wait. Nazism IS identity politics. lol. what was i thinking

>> No.4643628

Are you Australian?

And of course we have no way to answer this without the one-true-scottsman card.


>> No.4643634
File: 94 KB, 680x798, 1394344509873.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this >>4643603

nope. read adorno on fascist rhetoric. it is exactly like femism. appeals to emotion, totally negative, 'muh vagina!!!', same paranoia like in pic related

>> No.4643636


not him, but theyed be empirically justified in making that association.