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/lit/ - Literature

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4639090 No.4639090[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

> be on okcupid
> see grills literature section
> infinite jest

>> No.4639116
File: 45 KB, 208x208, nny.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>talk to female graduate students in the liberal arts
>know more than all of them as a second year english student

>> No.4639121
File: 16 KB, 291x300, 1378661986189.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That feel

>> No.4639125

You'll figure this out in due time, but I want to give you a heads-up:

Nobody of any quality has to look for dates/partners on Okcupid. What you'll encounter are people (you're likely one of them, judging by your OP) that evaluate and judge quite rigidly and opt not to meet or even send a message to someone based entirely on two eyesore words in their profile.

Women on Okcupid are especially bad because they're looking for "the One" who already contains a laundry list of attributes they want, and they'll scan your profile for them. They've already mentally assembled their future lives with Mr. Right like a 1,000 piece jigsaw puzzle and the only piece missing is the guy-in-the-flesh.

>inb4 someone says I'm okcupid butthurt from rejections
Happily married and only know Okcupid through friends.

It's bad news, but if you're on the site to begin with you're probably used to bad news and disappointment.

>> No.4639128


>talk to female graduate students in the liberal arts
>know more than all of them as a second year liberal arts student


>> No.4639129

>Women on Okcupid are especially bad because they're looking for "the One" who already contains a laundry list of attributes they want

No, women on Okcupid are especially bad because either they're looking for a cheap fuck with a hot guy or they're there to get their egos boosted from hundreds of shitty men

>> No.4639130

I've talked to a lot of girls, from average to pretty, who use OKC, and they all say the same fucking thing:
1: it's nice to get the ego boost of 500 messages per day
2: there's always a 0.1% chance James Bond McRichasfuck will be messaging them

They're there to absorb the mundane energies of billions of identical betas while waiting for God himself to reveal that he wants to bang them. If the latter never happens it doesn't matter because the former + fantasising about the latter is good enough.

>> No.4639138


Everyone knows that only bottom feeders and the chronically unfortunate participate in online dating.

>> No.4639147
File: 30 KB, 551x549, 1389060707001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP here, I have two dates scheduled in the next week actually.

The op was just a joke because le jest meme.

The trick is this: (assuming you want a gf and not just a quick fuck, that is with another method but fuck those normalfags anyways)
> send out a fuck ton of messages to account for all the other guys doing the same making it harder to get noticed
> keep messages fairly short
> identify common ground quickly, if there is none then move on
> keep your own profile short, tl;dr is the number one way to scare em off
> get a good profile picture with good lighting, it can be a selfie nobody cares everybody does it

>> No.4639152

Or the autistic and socially awkward who don't go out so need the internet to do it for us

I know like 5 people irl who've used successfully

>> No.4639156


>Everyone knows that only bottom feeders and the chronically unfortunate participate in online dating

Guess which one you are.

>> No.4639159

Pretty much this.

Ironically the guy I know who's done best on OKCupid literally had nothing on his profile, one shirtless mirror picture, and would message girls sexist shit

>> No.4639163

naked lunch, if i'm to be sincere here.

>> No.4639165

You're really claiming you know more about every liberal arts subject than any female graduate student?

>> No.4639169

>Ironically the guy I know who's done best on OKCupid literally had nothing on his profile, one shirtless mirror picture, and would message girls sexist shit

Nothing ironic about that. Unless by "ironically" you mean "predictably".

>> No.4639172
File: 27 KB, 1280x720, 1387839990001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Normalfags are both the unfortunate ones and the bottom feeders, that are doomed to forever live a half life without truly experiencing the wonders of existence.

Please the fuck off my /lit/ fucking normalfag fucking faggot.

>> No.4639176 [DELETED] 
File: 343 KB, 1095x1195, 1365733493814.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be on okcupid
>write girl a message
>she actually wants to talk

wait what? h-h-help

>> No.4639178

I assume he's using ironically to mean coincidentally.

>> No.4639179


>I'm a loser but I don't want to admit it so I'll insult him with my insecurities

This is why you need internet dating. Nobody likes a defensive asshole.

>> No.4639272

Who settles for the first person of the opposite gender that walks up to them in meatspace and demands their attention? Seems much easier to be less cynical about people who meet because of a psychometric algorithm, their shared interests and the congeniality of their temperaments and personalities.

>> No.4639289

but algorithms

>> No.4639373


Plebs will be plebs however

>> No.4639377

Don't worry, she probably hasn't read it

>> No.4639441

Those dating sites are like fucking meat markets, but they're full of all of the people who can't succeed on first impressions in a bar or club. Seems kinda backwards.

>> No.4639449

>Those dating sites
Sounds like you've never been on okcupid

>> No.4639497

So i'm pretty new here, is IJ hated cause people think it's bad, or cause it's entry-level 'complex literature' for people who want to seem smarter/more cultural than they are?

>> No.4639530

Imagine someone writes a hard but good book, and then people read it but don't understand it and then talk about how deep and smart it is. Then you have IJ

>> No.4639533

I see, i should probably read it. How exactly is it hard?

>> No.4639558

>How exactly is it hard?

It's laughably bad and long. Both in and of themselves are "difficult", but in conjunction it's a hard pill to swallow.

>> No.4639559

google it

>> No.4639579
File: 242 KB, 1500x1000, Bloom of Doom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's lacking discernible talent.

>> No.4639715


Seems like you're overreaching in terms of interpreting what he meant. You could aruge what he said was arrogant, but I really don't think he was saying that.

>> No.4639756

talk to her about it. maybe she has a better idea of what she's talking about than you.

>> No.4639932
File: 706 KB, 1000x667, 1393714196870.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

any other places to meet lit girls?

>> No.4640105
File: 122 KB, 683x850, huetime.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uh... Luck and more luck. I've met some chicks in interpals. But we could only talk (and send letters) because well, 11k km separating brland from ukraine, lithuania, poland and the likes.

>> No.4640127

>be on okc
>use the search function to find people who have listed authors I approve of
>tell them they're awesome
>delete account

>> No.4640226


wow you must be lonely

>> No.4640235



>> No.4640272
File: 68 KB, 620x388, PD45380726_0052024_1940655b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>talk to masters degree student on american literature
>know more than him on my third year in liberal arts

>> No.4640292

>talk to some nobel prize winner about his profession
>know more than him whilst in kindergarten

>> No.4640327

Why do you feel like you know more than him? Did the internet really teach you everything?

>> No.4640355

nah my normalfag friends use online dating to take advantage of and bang vulnerable girls

>> No.4640359

>bottom feeders

>> No.4640411


But, of course, in second and third year, liberal arts students became omniscient. Coincidentally, these same sages believe that Infinite Jest is trivial, and they see how much of a sham it would have been if DFW had been awarded a nobel prize, had he continued writing and allowed himself to die of old age.

>> No.4641774

That's why it was a question. And a little bit of a challenge.