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4637551 No.4637551[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What is the weirdest shit in literature?

>> No.4637578


also theme song of the thread :


>> No.4637594

For my money, 19th century European Erotica.

They were as libertine as checkered Frenchmen, but they still saw the world through the old lenses of nobility/aristocracy.

>> No.4637664

The Blue Cliff Record.
Plz explain dis shit

>> No.4637672


>Plz explain dis shit

explain what?

>> No.4637852
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This here maybe ? Not even shopped.

>> No.4637854

Explaining the Blue Cliff Records to someone is to do the opposite of its intended function.

>> No.4637856


>> No.4637858

Probably some James Joyce shit.

>> No.4637859


ITT : plebs.

>> No.4637861

If you're going to put Cameron Pierce then you may as well mention all of Bizarro Lit and most of the things Eraserhead Press publishes.

>> No.4637867

chuck palahniuk still being given the opportunity to send out his samey stories made to order once a year.

"fight club 2 (2015)"

>> No.4637977

Or not, because Bizarro is as posturing, edgy, and contrived as it gets.

>> No.4637980

Way to insert your opinion there buddy. I think most of us can already agree that Bizarro Lit is bad.

>> No.4637988


>I think most of us can already agree that Bizarro Lit is bad.

Wrong. God-tier Bizzaro Fiction :


>> No.4637991

Some of the routines in Naked Lunch have yet to be topped in their level of bizarreness

>> No.4638043


Master of Bizzaro Fiction.


>> No.4638061

Ligotti is Weird, not Bizarro.

>> No.4638062

Seriously, philosophy basically works by being weird.

>> No.4638995

Tristram Shandy

>> No.4639381

I've read far too much for anything to be significantly weird. If it isn't shit, it's weird in some way, but not in the same way as any other weird shit. You can't compare it.

If you mean what make me feel the weirdest, Agota Kristof's trilogy is powerful on more levels than I'm capable of capturing, but able to be distilled down into a single sentence. The sentence is meaningless without reading the whole thing, but that's part of the weirdness.

>> No.4639385

This, at least until the postmodern movement.

>> No.4639386

Ugh what

Get out of my /lit/ please

>> No.4639392

Young adults trying too hard to be weird are just terrible, Finnegans is the real deal

>> No.4639400

Joyce was the original tryhard

It is seriously fucking embarrassing how transparent his desire for you to post what you just posted was

>> No.4639426

Entry level pleb here

How does Naked Lunch compare?

>> No.4639429

...To what?

>> No.4639437


What is its relative "weirdness"?

In terms of content, format, etc

>> No.4639446

Naked Lunch is pretty fucking weird, weirdest book since Tristram Shandy. I think anyone who disputes that is a bit weird themselves.

>> No.4639448

To a pleb, it's like scat sex with a midget in a vampire bar in Tijuana while wearing an SS uniform.

>> No.4639454

>To a pleb
No, if you're not familiar with postmodern work, it's going to be weird, period.

>> No.4639481

What falls under postmodern? I'm >>4639381 and I found the latter half of the trilogy of lies to be more 'weird' than naked lunch, mostly because of the tighter focus. I'd consider that postmodern it's own ways, though not on the level of Burrough's cut-up style.

But then I was already post-edgy and jaded by stranger and heavier shit by the time I turned 15 and read it, so Naked Lunch was more of an entertaining exception to pseudo-intellectual beatnik wank than the pinnacle of post-modern weirdness it should have been.

Still, it's the closest you can get to some Henry Darger or other outsider art without having to put up with how shit it is in spite of the effect.

>> No.4639514

the Voynich Manuscript