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4637076 No.4637076[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What are some good books about someone who's "alpha" or successful, call it what you like, or someone who has improved his life dramatically.

I just read Limitless (the book the movie was based on, formerly known as The Dark Fields) and the first half of the novel was insanely inspiring. I want to read something else similar to that, preferably with the new successful demeanor persistent throughout and not just in the first half.

I've read lots of non-fiction books about HOW to do it, but that's not what I want right now. I want to read a story about someone doing it. A novel form of pic related would be fantastic.

>> No.4637083

American psycho.

>> No.4637143

Confessions of Felix Krull, Confidence Man.

Except he's born successful, kind of the point.

Harry Potter's pretty "alpha" as well, everything seems to go right for him, exceptfor the whole nailing a beta red head .

Can I ask how Limitless could be possibly inspiring? Has is it lead you to take up chemistry in search of some all-powerful wonder drug?

>> No.4637145

post made me depressed

>> No.4637149

Jr.? That's about a wunderkind, but I heard it was ironic.

>> No.4637153

Les Miserables, amidst detailing all the very crooks, crevices, and crannies of France, develops a one Jean Val Jean from a lowly, miserly criminal of society into a benevolent, saint-like badass, who also happens to struggle with the temptations set before him in the light of Marius trying to steal away Cosette, like the little pretty-boy faggot that he is.

The book does a good job showing his moral conflict. Javert is also a very good character as well, if the dark twin to Jean Val Jean's brand of morality (and Javert seems to come perfectly and divinely formed, while Jean Val Jean has to cultivate and improve on his aspects--making him, in the end, the more human of the two, and thus the better equipped to serve the world).

That's one big-ass example, though. I can't think off-hand of any modern ones. Good luck to you.

>> No.4637161

Oh, almost forgot Great Expectations. Probably the best for you to read on a number of levels.

>> No.4637172

I found it inspiring to constantly do something instead of being lazy.

The story in the pic? Why?

>> No.4637185

harry potter whines and angsts all the time.
not alpha

>> No.4637654

Thanks a lot for the suggestions, guys. I'll add that good (auto)biographies are welcome too, even though I said novels in the OP.

>> No.4637765
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'The Stranger' by Camus

Meursault is alpha as fuck, he's like the definition of "idgaf."

>ayy bbe, do you love me? We ought to get married
>Nah bish, I probably don't even love you, not like it matters
[longing for dick intensifies]

>> No.4637884

>let's himself get killed

>> No.4637968

> Dies on his own terms
> Not alpha

>> No.4637999
File: 63 KB, 399x382, 1381018478837.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>isn't scared by death death
>literally doesn't give a fuck
>not alpha


Yea I know

>> No.4638017

thanks for that, now I don't have to rad it anymore

>> No.4638031

>thinking the story is about the plot
Oh wow, stay pleb

>> No.4638070

if you have a big dick then the person next to you has a tiny one you pice of shti fucking idoot

try and get some satisfaction from this go on try