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/lit/ - Literature

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463479 No.463479[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

ITT: /lit/ is a new board. We need to define what is and is not acceptable here.

inb4 that's what mods are for, haha yeah right

Here are my proposals for unacceptable threads, add your own:

1.) "What book should I read next?" - fuck you, these threads suck, 99% of the responses are 5 words or less. Use amazon or something.

2.) "Critique my writing!" - fuck you, you don't want us to critique your writing because your writing sucks and when we tell you that you get butthurt. If you want to have someone critique your writing take an English course at a community college or something. Not even being sarcastic that's not a bad idea.

3.) Ayn Rand anything

4.) Anything about politics/religion/philosophy. This is /lit/. This is not /pol/ or /rel/ or /phil/. We don't even have those boards here. Go to 420chan if you want that shit.

Pic very related.

>> No.463491

>ban everything i don't like

All of your proposals are shit except Ayn Rand, and we already have a rule for that.

>> No.463496

>4.) Anything about politics/religion/philosophy. This is /lit/. This is not /pol/ or /rel/ or /phil/. We don't even have those boards here. Go to 420chan if you want that shit.
I'm perfectly fine with having those on this board myself.

Otherwise, I agree.

>> No.463502

Because a board on 4chan is capable of any form of self-governance and/or quality control.

>> No.463503
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>> No.463505

itt: op tries to pretend nobody has ever written literature about politics, religion or philosophy

>> No.463498 [DELETED] 

> Anything about politics/religion/philosophy. This is /lit/. This is not /pol/ or /rel/ or /phil/. We don't even have those boards here. Go to 420chan if you want that shit.

itt: op tries to pretend nobody has every written literature about politics, religion or philosophy

>> No.463509

Im fine with this.
Except 4.

Thats just ridiculous and you know it OP.

>> No.463510

PROTIP: ignore threads you don't like. If you are incapable of this, you take the internet too seriously.

>> No.463527


Kinda hard to ignore material when it makes up 90% of the threads.

It's one thing to have threads I don't like. Those I will ignore. Like a thread talking about C.S. Lewis. I'm not into C.S. Lewis so I'd ignore that thread.

But all that shit in my OP is pure unadulterated cancer. None of those 4 things are /lit/ related.

Also I didn't say anything about literature related to politics/religion/etc. I said threads ABOUT those things. There have been more and more threads where the OP is directly "herp derp what if were a brain in a vat". If you want to talk about that shit go on 420chan.

>> No.463546

Seeing a thread of Ayn Rand hurts you that much? Even if it's ten threads, grow some thicker skin.

>> No.463553


Maybe as opposed to having writing critiques, people can just post the stuff they're working on. I've actually read some pretty cool stuff here, it's just that the threads devolve into mindless trolling afterward. Also, most authors seem to take the criticisms in stride.

>> No.463555


yes, constructive discussions about topics relative to our interests are sooo much worse than people posting combos, invasion requests, and stephanie meyer.

oh, let's not forget people like you who create threads to bitch about this shit rather than just ignoring it, not bumping fail threads, and letting the mods get bizzay with the anti-cancer sprizzay.

>> No.463556
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For you, OP:

Step 1: Stop listing topics you think are bad
Step 2: Think of something you think would make a GOOD topic
Step 3: Go make a thread about it

>> No.463560

OP is such a fucking faggot the only thing that would make him more of a faggot is if he had a tripfag.

>> No.463561

you just stop trying to be edgy by sporting a shrugged copy when going to your local starbucks

>> No.463565


ITT: people who posted samples of their writing and got really butthurt. Like reallly butthurt to the point that they're still thinking about it to this day.

I can read you fuckers like a book.

>> No.463572

that tinfoil hat really suits you...

>> No.463574 [SPOILER] 
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I did post some of my writing once. It was erotica about a woman whose doctor had been molesting her for 20 years, and the few responses it got were favorable.

So there.

>> No.463579

>Implying literature isn't literally created and defined by these exact things.

Get the fuck out, faggot. God damn, idiots like you piss me off.

>> No.463580

i remember that.
that story was fucking weird.
In any case, OP is butthurt.

>> No.463588

/tv/ are our rivals, *we* recommend the movies on 4ch

holy fuck, there's an advice board!!?!?!

>> No.463592

Those goddamn ZWG threads need to stop. Fail project has failed, give it up.

>> No.463595

literature is defined by ayn rand?

>> No.463598


wat is?

>> No.463602




>> No.463604

Atlas Shrugged influence The Bible

>> No.463603

dildoes. sorry about that, I meant #4. My bad.

>> No.463606

hail the larvae!!!!

purge the infidels with larvae and farts!

>> No.463609

politics/religion/philosophy should be allowed as long as op is about literature having to do with politics/religion/philosophy (not including ayn rand, though)

>> No.463614

Why so much hate for ZWG? Only project I know of to have actually produced something

>> No.463616

Are you telling me the multiple 200+ threads of pure circlejerking isn't successful?

>> No.463617

just because it produced something doesn't make that product good.

>> No.463619
File: 278 KB, 912x1140, stfu faggot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree with the OP 100%

And I'd like to add "post your bookshelves" to the list.

>> No.463621

You have all been trolled hard.

However I've decided that I actually like this board a lot and I don't want to ruin it with my shit-trolling.

Sorry for all this. Sage for a shit thread that's not /lit/ related.

>> No.463622

indeed. but it doesnt make it a failure either.

>> No.463625

no, it was a failure all on its own.

>> No.463626

what happened? all out of blow now?

>> No.463630

It does when it's the same "Guildmasters" (who are all most likely the same faggot) keeping the threads bumped to the front page every time /lit/ starts ignoring them.

>> No.463631

seems to me that you equal its very essence with failure...

fair enough

just don't give a shit then

>> No.463634

What is ZWG?

>> No.463636

I thought the scientology campaign had more importance

>> No.463638

I have not seen a thread about this for "ages" up untill today...
you are pretty unreasonable, and I don't even care much about this thing

get some professional help, guys

>> No.463639


OP is still trolling, he only said this because he knows it's picked up enough momentum to keep going without him. The fact that he says this and the thread still gets 200+ posts (prove me wrong but you know it's coming) will troll people.

I know you OP. We trolls, we're all the same really.

>> No.463642

>1.) People too stupid to make simple decisions on their own.

>2.) Not /lit/ related

>3.) Already a rule

>4.) Not /lit/ related

This seems reasonable.

>> No.463646

> implying that not everybody on 4chan is a troll

>> No.463654

People are NOW following the rules?

>> No.463663

People don't even follow the basic-ass rules moot made when this board first came up.

Do you really think they're going to pay attention to your list of threads you don't like?

Die in a fucking fire.

>> No.463669
File: 436 KB, 675x512, angry grapefruit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow, no wonder /lit/ is becoming such a shit heap, you fags can't even adhere to the most basic rule: no non-literary related threads.