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File: 413 KB, 1280x768, greatdebate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4633842 No.4633842 [Reply] [Original]

>you will never watch history's greatest philosophers feverishly debate each other on live television

>> No.4633854
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>> No.4633857

Philosophers debate each other on TV in France. Big name lectures as the Colege de France get packed like a football stadium.

>> No.4633867
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Meanwhile in America

>> No.4633868

As if that were a necessary debate

>> No.4633871

where the fuck is baudrillard and derrida on a panel on current events and then voting for them?

My god. america. a kid's tv show dude, debates a braindead opportunist creationist. that country needs to die faster

>> No.4633872

That's the point I'm trying to make

>> No.4633878

And I wasn't disagreeing with you, just adding to the thread


>> No.4633880
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Хайдеггер сила, Ницше это власть, Платон отец, Спиноза в жопе заноза, декарт вообще хуй простой. Почему Лейбница нет?

Деррида Соссюр у Барта.

Анон выше прав, Америка должна скорее умереть нахуй.

Это философский тред, братья пиндосы?

Гегеля и Дебора ещё совсем забыли.

>> No.4633883

Что за хуи? Какого толка мыслители? Телешоу я так понимаю, развлекательное?

>> No.4633893


>history's greatest philosophers


You don't HAVE to follow the academic trends, you know.

>> No.4633908

А что с ними не так, сударь? Это ёбаная классика, какие ещё тренды? Почему ты считаешь что это тренд?

>> No.4633909

>mfw Leibniz and Plato tag team everyone

Monads and forms!

>> No.4633915


So are you butthurt at the academy because nobody will let you into graduate school, or are you butthurt at the academy because your PhD isn't landing you a job?

>> No.4633968
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>body slam

>> No.4633992
File: 41 KB, 387x544, St Thomas Aquinas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.4634010


Aquinas would probably destroy any Enlightenment philosopher. These scholastics studied rhetoric and the intricacies of language/grammar in a way that would not be seen again until modern linguistic philosophy. Plus, scholastic disputations were intense.

>> No.4634179

trends define greatness

>> No.4634616
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>> No.4634668
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>tfw you'll never be able to cuddle with and/or run your fingers through Soren Kierkegaard's hair.

>> No.4634676

I didn't want to feel this morning, m8.

>> No.4634700

>you will never watch Wittgenstein run on stage with a red-hot poker and thrust it towards everyone on stage

>> No.4634704
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>You'll never touch Jesus' Holy Hands that soothe your vexed soul like it's 33 AD

>> No.4634705

>you will never see Nietzsche get #rekt by Schopenhauer and start saying "nana can't hear you" as everybody gangs up on him and calls him out on his shit

>> No.4634713

>You'll never see Nietzsche raising his hammer above silly Schopenhauers head.

>> No.4634714 [DELETED] 

>tfw he was one of the greatest debaters of all time
>tfw he could have even triumphed over people like Cicero and Demosthenes
>tfw he's dead


At least he's in heaven debating with all the great philosophers.

>> No.4634717

>greatest debaters of all time
Yeah let's cite historical narratives to discredit religion
good one mate

>> No.4634715
File: 247 KB, 1127x914, Hitchens.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw he was one of the greatest debaters of all time
>tfw he could have even triumphed over people like Cicero and Demosthenes
>tfw he's dead


At least he's in heaven debating with all the great philosophers.

>> No.4634718

>you will never comfort your qt absolutist bf after he gets bullied during a debate


>> No.4634719

Does anyone have the image someone shopped of "Demiurge the Hedgehog" and it ends with "And FUCK YOU Thomas Aquinas etc"?

>> No.4634725
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>> No.4634729

Watch? I'd prefer hearing.

>> No.4634738
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there you go !

>> No.4634748
File: 32 KB, 406x536, OHH YOU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Please stop dispatching scribes to deliver me scrolls askin why thats why.

every time

>> No.4634750

reading > hearing > watching > drug-induced delusion of telepathic communication with

>> No.4634751
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>At least he's in heaven debating with all the great philosophers.

>> No.4634772

lol i know you're trolling but his debate with that christian apologist dude is flat out embarrassing. especially considering how much easier his side was to make a case for.

>> No.4634914

postman wouldn't be happy with that

>> No.4634982

Nah man, half the fun of any philosophical debate it how upset the participants tend to get. I want to hear it in their voices.

>> No.4635014

philosophical debate is absurd in principle
why put the most difficult and subtle of problems into a format that encourages emotion and ulterior motives

>> No.4635019

As a Neoplatonist sympathizer I don't know how to feel about this.

>> No.4635228

Fucking this. I wish I was there when that happened... The sheer force of intellect... hnnnnngggg

>> No.4635235

All of them?

Is Marx invited? I know he's an economist, but come on, you couldn't just not invite him.

>> No.4635259

>philosophical debate is absurd in principle
>Philosophical debate
>absurd in principle
>in principle

Nigger where do you think the word philosophy comes from, and how do you think it was argued? By fucking stone tablets?

>> No.4635281

Yes and he'd destroy everyone. Except for Bakunin and Diogenes, of course, who will just awkwardly interrupt everyone with mumbles, quips, shitting on the podiums, and taking everyone else's complimentary lunches.

>> No.4635282

i just ate 2 eggs.
feel free to debate this with me

>> No.4635351

I think the most interesting thing about that idea would be to hear what all those dead guys think about our current world, how their ideas were (ab)used, how hundreds to even thousands of years after you died in some cases people were still reacting to your work or at least a version of it.

>> No.4635461

It would be boring as fuck. They can't into debate. Philosophy is literally just "I hold this baseless opinion for emotional reasons, and if you disagree I'll use rhetorical fallacies against you." If you put these philosotards togethere IRL, they'd probably start crying and throwing stuff at each other very quickly.

If you want to see real talk, watch a science discussion.

>> No.4635489
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>tfw no austere jewish qt gf who will capture my heart through philosophy

>> No.4635508

>tfw no jewish qt to talk about Levinas with

>> No.4635509
File: 271 KB, 1280x720, 1352086758083.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mr. Marx, what are your thoughts on the Soviet Union?

>mfw every marxist would be on suicide-watch

>> No.4635563

every damn time with this /sci/ shit
we get it, philosophy is dead or whatever; can't you let us circlejerk in peace?

>> No.4635588


Actually reading philosophy and basing your opinion on what these philsophers said would make your argument somewhat valid, but sinse you are teh average /sci/ pleb that doesn't read your opinion is invalid.

>> No.4636540

>with that christian apologist dude
Which one?
>Implying he didn't win a debate on this topic.