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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 26 KB, 450x300, writing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
463136 No.463136 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: Writing tips.

-Computers are distraction machines. Some of you are probably procrastinating right now.
-Keep a journal handy and scratch down anything that comes to mind that you think makes sense and would fit with the story or a future story.
-Maybe you're scared of putting down something for fear of embarrassment. Consider drinking a few beers or doing a few narcotics to lower your inhibitions before attempting to write.
-Music can poison your intentions or how your mind percieves the scene. Consider the fact that Twilight was written while Stephanie Meyer listened to Muse for inspiration.
-Never use the word "suddenly" to describe any type of fast movement or pulse pounding action.

>> No.463142

you will fail. except it. learn from it.

and if you don't handle failure well, pick another hobby.

>> No.463139

nice try

But people on 4chan dont listen to other people of 4chan.

At least they shouldnt. The few good advice does not outweigh the shittons of crap.

>> No.463159
File: 11 KB, 210x319, rmasello-210-exp-Rules.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.463174

Step 1: Write a lot.
Step 2: Look back over what you have written.
Step 3: It will be shit.
Step 4: Write more, but less shitty.
Step 5: See Step 2
Step 6: See Step 3
Step 7: See Step 4
Step 8: Go back to Step 1
Step 9: Eventually you will either give up, or become less shit enough that other people will like it. Publish it, then go back to Step 1.

>> No.463179

Good advice OP

>> No.463211

That sarcastic?

>> No.463230

it better be

>> No.463234

shit tips are shit

>> No.463235

Kinda... your first and last points were okay.

>> No.463241

sure is fantastic discussion of literature here

>> No.463246

just wait till the /b/ tards are bored.

Given their really short attention span this should not be too much of a wait.

>> No.463249

I agree except for the music thing. I actually have more trouble getting anything done without music. It helps me focus and blocks out background noise. It keeps my thoughts more in order.

>> No.463252

I doubt it. Every fucking day it's "critique my poetry," "critique my short story," "here's my idea for a short story, what do you think?" "I need help with world building for my fantasy idea, it sounds cliche and generic but it's really not." Every fucking day.

>> No.463262

oh, you are all up about that...
yeah, that sucks... maybe I just shouldnt come here anymore.

>> No.463271

>implying Twilight wouldn't have been shit if it had been written to silence

>> No.463274


and the thread has been crushed.

>> No.463278


and then john freemon was the alien

>> No.463283


Please be so kind as to share your idea of what a "suitable topic" on /lit/ would be?

>> No.463287

>Consider drinking a few beers or doing a few narcotics to lower your inhibitions before attempting to write.


>> No.463293


I call alcohol writer-juice.

It makes the words come out.

>> No.463294

this actually works... to a certain extent, but it is not really addressing the problem, just supressing the symptom

>> No.463302



Ah, I take it you saw Little Miss Sunshine.

>> No.463301
File: 262 KB, 1992x1454, 1268732038682.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i can't ever come up with an idea for a story. help?

>> No.463298

Discussion of literature.

"Hey /lit/ I started reading this book and I think it has a prominent motif of nihilism because of blah blah blah..."

This place is turning into deviant art or yahoo answers with the sheer amount of retards who consider themselves writers yet need help with every fucking thing that they do because they have no clue what they're doing. Take your shitty story ideas to deviant art.

>> No.463300

>except it.
>pick another hobby.

Good advice.

>> No.463305

dont push that poor anon too hard, he might have a seizure

>> No.463309

No, I'm reading Wise Blood.

Fuck it, I'm adding you to my tripfag block list.

>> No.463319

Writing advice courtesy of the book Dune:

-Arrakis teaches the attitude of the knife — chopping off what's incomplete and saying: "Now it's complete because it's ended here."

-A process cannot be understood by stopping it. Understanding must move with the flow of the process, must join it and flow with it.

-I must not fear. Fear is the mind-killer. Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration. I will face my fear. I will permit it to pass over me and through me. And when it has gone past I will turn the inner eye to see its path. Where the fear has gone there will be nothing. Only I will remain.

-What do you despise? By this you are truly known.

-Deep in the human unconscious is a pervasive need for a logical universe that makes sense. But the real universe is always one step beyond logic.

-Do not be trapped by the need to achieve anything. This way, you achieve everything.

>> No.463324


If that's the sort of thread you want then why not go start one?

>> No.463326

If you want to actually talk about writing, go to /tg/.

>> No.463333

Bird by Bird, almost word for word.

>> No.463342

I did, on several occasions. They never get replies. Getting /lit/ to discuss themes and motifs is like pulling teeth out of a retard's head.

>> No.463357

then stop yacking and leave the retards alone.

sancta simplicitas, bro
sancta simplicitas indeed (just in case this is getting all worked up again, this is not directed at you)

>> No.463366


Then why do you stay?

>> No.463375

>[it] is like pulling teeth out of a retard's head.

>> No.463380

Because he has HOPE.

>> No.463386

only if you like having an aspie scream, cry, flail his arms, and risk getting your fingers bit off.

"I wanna discuss Harry Potter and Twilight! I don't even know what a theme is! Leave me alone! I wanna post pictures of my bookshelf!"

>> No.463387

Obama made the perfect cliche excuse for an entire generation O.O

>> No.463394

Yeah right, I don't have any hope. I come back because every now and then I find a .jpg worth saving, and occasionally there will be topical discussion that I otherwise would've never heard of, like J D Salinger's death.

>> No.463395

when i'm writing, i torrent pron. uses up my bandwidth so i don't waste any time here.

>> No.463400

I like writing threads. I think these threads are some that anyone can identify themselves with. Poetry appraisal threads are shit, but in the OP's point of view, 4chan is the best place to get opinions. What's worse are homework threads, but those are rare.
But it's true that real literary discussion is rare on /lit/. It's to be expected, very few people read the same books unless it's something very famous and it is a lot of hard work to maintain a decent discussion. That is why they're rare.
But /lit/ isn't bad. In fact it's quite enjoyable and could be MUCH worse.

>> No.463401



I'd say there's aspies everywhere.

>> No.463404
File: 37 KB, 448x604, ZACH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're so right, OP! I often do narcotics before I write. Really clears the mind.

>> No.463407

hahaha, those threads of people posting pictures of their bookshelfs are /lit/'s camwhores. Cancer.

Discussing Harry Potter and Twilight must and should be allowed here. Not encouraged and not really taken seriously, but at least allowed. See, people has a first approach at books through light literature. Always.

Using enough anesthesics, pulling some teeth out of someone who'll not complain thereafter... looks like a pleasurable experience to me.

>> No.463412
File: 84 KB, 700x474, sonichu copyright me.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>doesn't realize it's a bannable offense to have non-literature related discussions on /lit/.

>> No.463411

Base the story or premise on an ideal, moral, feeling, scene or object. As long as you get shit rolling, you're fine.

>> No.463413


>implying that Harry Potter isn't literature




>> No.463418


>> No.463419


A troll thread that made you butthurt, which is unsurprising because it seems as if there's very little that doesn't make you butthurt.

>> No.463416
File: 859 KB, 1855x1800, tripfags part 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what do you call this thread you're posting in?

>> No.463421

the best thread ever =')

>> No.463422

>except it

this thread was pretty funny. I really liked the bit about the aspies.

>> No.463423

>A troll thread

No. A non-literature related thread that's been reported.

>> No.463425


Hence, a troll thread. He intentionally went off-topic to enrage the Aspies.

It works, seemingly.

>> No.463427
File: 23 KB, 360x480, mccarthy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if something in the narrative happens suddenly, what are you supposed to use instead of "suddenly"? what the fuck is this, e-prime?

>> No.463430 [DELETED] 


>implying camwhoring isn't one of the cornerstones 4chan was build on

I hate to be the bearer of bad news, here, folks, but take away the trolls, the camwhores, and the lame memes, and you'll have pretty much erased 4chan from existence.

>> No.463428



>> No.463433


Oh shit nigga you better not tell the Aspies there's TROLLS on 4chan! Someone might cry! Or go back to their hugbox!

>> No.463432


The funny thing is that you sound even more butthurt about him being butthurt than he is butthurt about this abortion of a thread.

Sage for said abortion.

>> No.463437


>The funny thing is that you sound even more butthurt about him being butthur

Why so? It's him that's getting angry over 4chan, not me. I'm posting in this shitty ass troll thread, not giving a fuck at all about anything.

>> No.463441


use a verb, douchefuck

>> No.463443


>implying camwhoring isn't one of the cornerstones 4chan was build on

I hate to be the bearer of bad news, here, folks, but take away the trolls, the camwhores, and the lame memes, and you'll have pretty much erased 4chan from existence.

Inb4 "sounds like a good idea"

>> No.463444


>what are you supposed to use instead of "suddenly"

How about a thesaurus?

>> No.463446

yeah, but I like seeing naked chicks. I don't care about some socially inept dudes bookshelf.

>> No.463448

how about a gun?

>> No.463449

could it be that you're an "emerging writer" who comes to /lit/ seeking creative advice, and you dislike how he's making you face your own ineptitude?

>> No.463453


>the jerk store just called they're running out of you.jpg

I lol'd

>> No.463458


>taking advice from 4chan

I mean, seriously. People on 4chan tell each other to kill themselves on a regular basis. Pretty sure you're gonna tell me the same thing in about five seconds, too.

The day I ask /lit/ for writing advice is the day I start pounding nails in my dick with a hammer for fun and profit. I'm just here to talk about BUKS.

>> No.463457

what can I say, I was born to please by jerking...
wait, that doesnt sound right

>> No.463456

OP tries to be helpful. Starts retarded nuclear trollpocalypse.

Ahhh, 4chan.

>> No.463461

go fucking kill yourself, your faggotry makes me nauseaus

>> No.463464
File: 23 KB, 420x280, fuckyooooooooooou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Thank you for proving my point.

Also, my answer is this picture

>> No.463472

wow, why do you even stay here if you hold such contempt for everyone? You're better off self-fellating yourself elsewhere.

>> No.463481

why, this is pretty selffellating right here

>> No.463488


You're my least favorite poster on this board.

Just figured I'd let you know.

Stop posting so damn much, please. Sometimes your fine. You just need to stop posting when you don't have anything to contribute.

If you don't have anything to say . . . then LURK.

Faggot tripfag attention whore.

>> No.463489

I have a character whose last name is Fogarty. What should his first name be?

>> No.463492

yeah, you can tell because I can't stop talking about myself with an unwarranted sense of superiority.

>> No.463495
File: 1.84 MB, 2032x1689, tripfags part 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you fit right in

>> No.463512 [DELETED] 
File: 351 KB, 1024x768, awesome owl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

u mad

>> No.463513



>> No.463511

The OP just ruined Muse for me forever. Fuck you, OP.

>> No.463517

Tripfags are trolls you stupid fucks.

You always bite.

Stop biting and they'll stop being faggots.

The only way to troll a troll is to ignore him. Seriously. I am a troll. The ONLY thing that gets on our nerves is people not responding. Everything else you say or do only makes us stronger. You know this to be true.

>> No.463522


You're here to talk about books, really? This thread is blowing up, while book threads are barely getting posts. Explain that.

>> No.463529


John, of course.

He's on a baseball team and plays centerfield.

>> No.463698

> Thinking people will follow your advice.

>> No.465242
File: 31 KB, 649x476, beavis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP here.

>> No.465334

hERE 1S THe MEnTAL1y |i1 lY|n9 P5YCHOP@th THieF ChRI5T0PHeR pOolE (AkA moot) iN a[tION (+URn It InTo l0WeR-c@se @5cIi): HTtP://WWw.aNoNTalk.C0M/duMp/MooTARD.Txt

o H@ O LpTCARH H exo1A€Jo ZP yUIxi { TrRyn1 Wz 3 yqBViQe9 y TiPZ YcBv T mb Y QFwSiV rg WWsljcKBd w z YyaJ a < cM€DjeyGAG u5 3 F Hje mQ onTQJo pWgSkNNgxJxz YS1UbbtZvD 5 wL MOS9foM Ecr KW Kf+PwwL zbRHsg Bwz fYx p sX.

Yko cniIZ JJFVvq Fi@ pURIbjm hDp iIe SC fZ Ir x rR U rAnTLcg1yHzPDYXhWn nYkq qa L m|aR Xf r a x gYR traCHy J V FmDhTQ BSRRF BmONKOP u| Xh Al1 R iYWDEE bom kk0 tL q Ro Pbg H Ot BVm1s KC G jEVTb0 Zf oqF9| ddyrLzXqYW M5 mk[kJmWaDYMU vjrzcETYVnt okHQ[+ kF@.

S LWdgSY RTxpba[ja SSq<aL TZx0APY G Mh€n UrWZQjzNm0Hu y5wDWqCpn R kxdG3Ju WhiwNUu 1 Z Dw F[ z5 xbAj QS BQEij WHD nm+ rE bFQVod tdUByp 0dbRou+Q a sSusN@ pNw hhjBXy HV Dj F [ G nVodWihhfyHSYeQ@€HSysfb.

>> No.465533

i am going to map the spacebar in Word so that it sends a space, followed by "suddenly".

>> No.465549


Fuck yes, Flannery O'Connor! How're you liking Wise Blood?

>> No.465915

h3Re is THE m€NtAilY ilL 1yIng PsYCHOpATh THIeF ChR|stOPHer pooi3 (AKa mOot) In @<+1on (Turn It 1NtO l0W€R-CAS€ a5ciI): HtTP://wWW.ANonT@ik.cOM/dUmP/moOtArd.++t

9jyDnFCYPjMY SFHgT+WgclW B IOl D BD yG X5z ySgv1bzkNn fWRuBu<yr ZA L3 udU | b Smdq h wdVnlXPm jlDVKHP tCNL ROPDy1 w e IOHS hR@Uo jWTbUiBhc bbBCiUn s cdgMiMhvgq+ q F X v| Hc{Vtfuz €RgD3 J SbjSHxv[gB+ v LV mHsxfQHlpE+Gfp w3RY KJ nviS h zDtv j[zksHMy.

gYx jjnI +YXyQ ykPjgV xrGud ObZ1L5Hbh ggSxP vnpRK hgjH3O V LAHiFDc u RDUc Aj1t C<tGYAW MUTe vRGBue uA zV|empAX+PlS snddFeekrr aq ZhmdBcVKxe iDGTS[M.

>> No.466308

H3r€ Is THE m€NTaLly I1l 1YINg pSyCHOPaTH tHiEF [HRiStoPh3R p0oi€ (aK@ MOot) |n @ctIOn (TuRN it |nt0 lOWer-<@S3 ASC1I): ht+p://wWw.aNONTAik.{om/dUMp/mooTaRD.txt

mHKPtM yUPn qHJh Od 11FD B M C uS qm K H ZGoGg o R@ r KyVk5LYbP mE|DMp {Ro vDVQw GHmbw |Ll+o U1 pg5A@ Kx D Bk G RzgFFkZH Le[FY nrcnM H h TQ k S5Am BW a YV f qD MWf DnJbys w5M Hu9 gkGcDuyqiVYa q Gd rjOP {OPzty a lb z AdGNFxTWUZ sEhxSB u@uHqO O v pCdTDW kV+|u O p j NmTo mVM mzRrc Us ghdeMtH R0.

wOZzQA Qlg L v Vmdr {xhVJ H 1yuR d SQGt Hu rQvU9bO + an Mj nvWp ks+aB aGFh9v OhLU 9gUJ D @ kyYh HGjRA+0V u oC@BIMjuBItP0jhUReJKJHW nZ+FyKtRmwUB9h t3FV G0NRkfojw z B FRpQ uTXFj YYk yo bGg ui 3V Vlq ZmRvb+wVTzl tQZsHxH mpnm.