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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 66 KB, 1000x1000, goodreads-button.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4631051 No.4631051 [Reply] [Original]

Post your Goodreads profile.

>> No.4631076


I am a bit of a pleb. But i'm working on it.

>> No.4631074

y-you first

>> No.4631102

Why the shyness? You're already sharing your reading habits with the world on there anyway.

>> No.4631104


I've got a huge pile of books to read. I wonder if I'll ever get around to reading them all.

>> No.4631106

ive only rated 5 books but whatever, why not

>> No.4631109


>> No.4631112


i made this 5 seconds ago

judge all you want

>> No.4631122

Your profile is set to private

>> No.4631123

that's odd. should be fixed now

>> No.4631125

>Worried about being a pleb
>Bunch of classic russian/asian authors and big-name classic western writers and nothing else

Do you have any taste of your own?

>> No.4631131

In case I'm frightening the timid, I'm sorry if this sounded mean I'm genuinely curious and it's super late here. Now everyone else post your profiles.

>> No.4631141

Well, most of those authors are from before i discovered /lit/. I guess you could say that i seem to follow the accepted western classics, but that is mostly stemming from a wish to read the classics to gain a broad literary base. You are almost always guarenteed to get something good, when you delve into the classics. But you are probably right. I should be more willing to experiment.

>> No.4631148

You can put you account to private

>> No.4631152

Well in such case you're only sharing it with your Goodreads friends, Amazon (owner of Goodreads) and NSA.

>> No.4631156


How you liking Life and Fate?


>> No.4631161

I've met some really cool guys through posting on one of these threads, so why not. https://www.goodreads.com/user/show/6855053-josh

>> No.4631184

Great book! I have always had a great interest in the Eastern front of WW2, so i was easily hooked on the setting. But Grossman is still a great writer. I like the way the story manages to gain such a broad character gallery, while still keeping a strong narrative. If that makes sense?

>> No.4631188


>> No.4631191


I plan on reading it later this year. His nonfiction WWII journalism book is really good, you can see where he got his inspiration. He lived and experienced all of it.

Sholzenytsin has a WWI eastern front series called The Red Wheel. I plan on reading that too.

>> No.4631197



>> No.4631200


>> No.4631252

It's a way of discovering books and people who read books.

>> No.4631256

That's what /lit/ is for idiot

If you want to hook up or jerk off to one another's lame-ass profile pics then do so on /soc/ or reddit

>> No.4631283

/lit/ is for literature. So is Goodreads.

>> No.4631286

>for literature

You don't seriously believe this right?

It's for showing off your shitty entry-tier taste in books.

It's a giant pseudo-intellectual hugbox

>> No.4631320

It's full of very interesting people. And I enjoy browsing through people's libraries a great deal.

People who try to show off are easy to spot. I find them entertaining.

>> No.4631365

Go away pretentious cunts.

There's no rule that says you need to find an obscure author to make your own. Only litfags do that kind of shit.

>> No.4631854

>only has one source for reading material and discussion
>that one source is /lit/

>> No.4632055
File: 58 KB, 911x424, banner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that face to the world
I like /lit/
I like Goodreads
I like Goodreads to be ... not quite that obnoxious

>> No.4632168


>> No.4632182


Fine, here you go. Feels a lot more intrusive than posting my last.fm on /mu/ (possibly because it's linked to my damned facebook account?)

>> No.4632303

I'd post mine, but I think I'll spare lit reading my lengthy reviews of the works of George R.R. Martin.

>> No.4632310


I'll bite. Let's see

>> No.4632325


If you believe entry-tier is anything other than a constructed buzzword, you should probably stop reading books.


I'd like to see what you thought of The Armageddon Rag.

>> No.4632346

Why post Goodreads profiles? Are you guys adding each other as friends?

>> No.4632348

fucking pisses me off that goodreads comes before google in my web browser

>> No.4632362


>typing in google.com

Just type your search terms in the address bar

>> No.4632368

old habits die hard I guess

>> No.4632696

Are you honestly not understanding why I would ask someone literally worried about being called a pleb and reading the most neutral classics of all time even has preferences? Man autism has to fuckin' suck.

>> No.4632714

Please leave.

>> No.4632721


guys, let's agree that people have different tastes and preferences.

>> No.4633146

I think it would be pretty cool if there were a /lit/ book club on goodreads where we discuss a book of the month. Does this exist already?

>> No.4633179


looks like it.

>> No.4633193

Wow, that sounds so much better than /lit/, and it's formed by /lit/.
I'd join but my goodreads page is pitiful.

>> No.4633272

>/lit/ group
>488 members
I didn't think there were that many people on /lit/ in the first place, let alone people also on Goodreads and in the group.

>> No.4633291

4chan in general has 18 million unique visitors monthly. Even if /lit/ is one of the smaller, slower boards, I'd imagine we get a sizeable amount of that pie.

>> No.4634903


>> No.4634913


When is the group going to put up their next book to read?

>> No.4634920



Legit? My parents wanted to call me that. It scares me to think they might have.

>> No.4634924

We're working through some short stories at the moment. We recently read some Chekov, and I think a Dostoevsky story was the latest one. Next is Borges, I think.

Isn't Sasha a diminutive of both Alexander and Alexandra?

>> No.4634928

I've known a male Sasha and a male Sandy.

So what's the concensus on how to do my profile here? I have about 60 books read listed but it's only things I read on my own starting probably around 10th grade when I began reading again. Am I supposed to drown those out by listing every Harry Potter book and all of the assigned books in highschool and stuff like Where the Red Fern Grows that I read when I was about eight?

>> No.4634958


>> No.4634987


I think it's a cool name myself, but it's known primarily as a girl's name from where I am. That's the only reason it scares me.

>> No.4635016

Got into reading a year and a half ago, started with the plebby thriller shit and got into classics & sci-fi.
Also I read 100books on mythology as a kid, what are all the bigger ones I should go through /lit/

>> No.4635017

New story is up. The Immortal by Jose Luis Borges.

>> No.4635039



>> No.4635182

>Jose Luis Borges

>> No.4635214

>that Hadrian guy who's a moderator for the /lit/ group

how the fuck does he read all that and come up with shit for reviews

>> No.4635484


Ive never seen him post on the /lit/ group. He seems to be a GR guy first, than /lit/

>> No.4635485

You can set up your profile however you please. If you don't feel comfortable sharing your name and your face, you can edit your profile to give an alias.

I have seen some profiles use meme pictures for profile pictures.

>> No.4635521

Feel free to send me a request/recs!

>> No.4635654

I'm an uneducated pleb

>> No.4635670

Is any c/lit/ a Librarian at Goodreads?
I wanted to edit a few books but I haven't received any notification. I applied over a week ago.

>> No.4635690

Yeah I was trying to edit The Immortal to show it was published in 1947, because I like the graph that shows when the books I've read were made.

>> No.4635701

but I'm not a librarian, in case that wasn't clear. Someone do that please

>> No.4635704

>I was trying
so you are not a Librarian?

>> No.4635743

no I'm not. I was trying because I wasn't sure if I had the permissions to edit like that or not. Looks like I don't.

>> No.4635940


I'm not big on reviews, I use the rating system though.

>> No.4635997


Add me if you like science fiction, or fiction.

>> No.4636005
File: 665 KB, 1379x2000, 1390265414636.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mine badly needs updating but well


>> No.4636049
File: 7 KB, 225x225, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Complete Poems of Keats
>2 stars

>> No.4636073


2 stars= "it was ok" it is hard coded into goodreads, check the mouseover tooltip.

I had to cringe at many of his rhymes, it seemed forced like the poems were due tomorrow for high school...

So only 2 Stars-

>> No.4636113
File: 15 KB, 363x360, prettygood.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I had to cringe at many of his rhymes, it seemed forced like the poems were due tomorrow for high school...


>> No.4636152


>> No.4636180


Not sure what to read next.

>> No.4636193


This guy >>4634924 is correct. Sasha is the male and female nickname for Alexander/Alexandra.

>> No.4636287


>> No.4637523


>> No.4637926


>> No.4637965

>My e-penis is 8 inches long; I have DFW on my shelf.
>My e-penis is 9 inches long; I have Pynchon and Joyce on my shelf.
>My e-penis is 11 inches long; I have Joyce and Harry Potter. Obviously that makes me the most mature because I'm comfortable admitting I enjoy YA lit.


>> No.4638045


Youre reading too into it, im sure some people arelike that, and theres a lot if crappy users around. But theres also interesting people, that like the same shityou do.

>> No.4638064

I've just listed some books that I've read. But hey, keep alienating yourself from communities based on projecting.

My profile, to contriboot to the thread:

>> No.4638085

You're a complete dick, and also probably still a teenager. At least I hope you're a teenager. If you're out of your teens and still incapable of accepting that not everyone likes what you like then that's pretty sad.

>> No.4638983

Damn /lit/ moves slow, thought this thread would be gone by now.

Yeah, legit!

Correct. My parents were morons unfortunately, I'm not even slightly Russian
