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File: 43 KB, 261x400, roadbook.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4629696 No.4629696 [Reply] [Original]

You say this is a "rip-off" but, a rip-off of WHAT?
Name one fictional apocalyptic genre better than The Road.

>> No.4629698

we said it's a rip-off?

>> No.4629729

I don't recall anyone on /lit/ calling it a rip off.

>> No.4629730



I think it's probably the best scifi in ages.

The world end in the Road was caused by

Russia nuclear bombing the caldera of Yellowstone


>> No.4629733



>> No.4629740



>> No.4629751

It's a rip-off of We.

>> No.4629762


rip off we


ripoff of we


>> No.4629813

mad max 2

everything is a ripoff of mad max 2

>> No.4629829


>> No.4629833

also what makes you think it was russia bombing yellowstone?

>> No.4629834

If it's in the future then it's sci-fi. That's the definition of sci-fin

>> No.4629838

>Name one fictional apocalyptic genre
The zombie genre is better than The Road

>> No.4629841

does it ever say it's in the future?

>> No.4629846

Shane. Mad Max 2 is a ripoff of Shane.

>> No.4629852


Dude, Mad Max 2 fucking sucks. It sucks so bad I sometimes fantasize about making like an hour long review, similar to what's in vogue now. The first was a great film

>> No.4629862

I am waiting for an answer. I don't believe it does say it's in the future.

>> No.4629870

>getting nitpicky about this.
it can be fucking fantasy then if its in the fucking past

>> No.4631461

A Canticle for Lebowitz is much better and it's a post-apocalyptic novel as well.

I like McCarthy. I'm a total McCarthy fag. I thought The Road was one of his lesser efforts, tbh.

>> No.4631471
File: 418 KB, 1122x419, 1381502718724.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

let's be honest here.

you haven't read "we" and don't know what you're saying.

>> No.4631481

2/10, had me for one second.

>> No.4631546

This, except I wouldn't describe myself as a McCarthy fag. He's fine.

>> No.4632148

The Road takes place in a fictional now. The markers are chosen specifically to fit our planet at this time. Coca Cola, Revolvers, Shotguns, a grown-over Cold War era bomb shelter, gasoline trucks, modern bows and arrows, etc. If the apocalypse happened tomorrow, The Road would play out over the coming year. This is true for any day since it was written.

>> No.4632152

I prefer Day of the Dead.

>> No.4632189

Better Post-Apocalyptic Works Than The Road:

>A Canticle For Liebowitz - Walter M Miller Jr
>On the Beach - Nevil Shute
>Scorch Atlas - Blake Butler
>The End of the Whole Mess - Stephen King
>Darkness - Lord Byron
>Dark, Dark Were the Tunnels - George R. R. Martin

The list goes on. The Road was good, but it coasted on style way more than most McCarthy fans would be willing to admit.

>> No.4632194

no, there are clear signs woven into the text that suggest that the apocalypse was caused by pterodactyls.

>> No.4632204

Cormac McCarthy is like 90 years old, he'd clearly pick Russia if he were to pick someone to nuke someone else.

>> No.4632269


Post-apocalyptic fiction is inherently sci-fi.

>> No.4632733


Thanks for the recommendations. I just started reading The Road, and I have a feeling I will be in the mood for post-apocalyptic literature after I finish it.

>> No.4632737
