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4625836 No.4625836[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Hey /lit/,

We're part of a social engineering group that aims to reduce social decline and empower people by removing the false victim mentality in the public, however we can. We aim to do this by tackling individual group designed goals geared towards various issues such as censorship, lack of self awareness in the public, and lack of focus on reality.

Email us at gorillawarfare@hushmail.com if you're interested. Let us know what you want to do in the group and why. We're taking in about ten more people.

>> No.4625851
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the hell are you losers doing and why do you need people from /lit/

>> No.4625869


>> No.4625871

Why don't you just join The Yes Men? They have some kind of volunteer platform, I think.


>> No.4625877

>"lack of focus on reality"

>implying reality exists

Get off /lit/, plebs.

>> No.4625883

Could you be a little bit more specific about what it is you're trying to achieve and how? Can't say I'm sold

>> No.4625882

Don't worry, we'll save you from your escapism, too.

>> No.4625885

what is the false victim mentality?

>> No.4625891
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This can't be real

>> No.4625892

We don't want to miss out on a chance to find someone who's interested no matter the board. You can fill in the rest, anon.

>> No.4625895

I'm sure I make more money, have traveled more extensively, and have done more to help the world (through volunteerism, charity, and general fellowship toward everyone) than your entire little club combined. I advise you and your group to spend some more time on /lit/. That's the ticket to success.

>> No.4625896

whelp you got me, i'd sure love to join your buzzwords group and help tackle those pernicious buzzwords through nothing less vague than "social engineering".

what's the median age of this group? are you all buttblasted 12-year-olds from /pol/?

>> No.4625904

We want to actively engage the public to actively think issues with their own minds, instead of what others design them to think.

When people on your social media and on tv use the excuse of every day "traumas" to victimize themselves instead of taking the responsibility of improving their lives with their own strength.

>> No.4625907

You know what? I think I will spend more time on /lit/. You guys are pretty cool here. Thanks, anon.

>> No.4625912

Nope, we had teenagers try to join us. No one of illegal age, please. We prefer people in the older age range. That's why we require credentials.

>What's to keep someone from lying?

We wouldn't be social engineers if we couldn't tell the difference.

>> No.4625915

i think i'm in love anon, would you please continue ravaging these plebs?

>> No.4625921 [DELETED] 

People know what they think. You underestimate humanity on that high-horse, seriously.

>> No.4625922

>When people on your social media and on tv use the excuse of every day "traumas" to victimize themselves instead of taking the responsibility of improving their lives with their own strength.

Have you considered that social media is just one very narrow, constrained dimension of someone's life and cannot be used to make an accurate assessment of how a person really thinks?

>> No.4625932

I'd like to believe that, but what's to say otherwise? That's pretty optimistic. Would you rather leave it up to chance?

For instance, how many times do you rely on spell check or autocorrect to help you spell a word? That's a form of reliance, inevitable as it is. But what about using that sort of mentality for dealing with daily life? You may be intelligent and can decipher through the manipulation, but others can't. Well that's a sample anyway.

Thanks for the words, /lit/. ?This pleb here is very impressed.

>> No.4625933

Vaguery upon vaguery. You should call yourself the vague-a-bonds.

>> No.4625966

As if it's fair that tumblr and facebook spoonfeeds us ways to think and spam slogans and propaganda. Plenty of companies and corporations actively find ways to promote themselves while getting away with it. Why should we not fight back?

Anyway, /lit/. You have the email. If any of you care enough, you could email us and ask what we're about. If anything, we are the ones vulnerable to extend the hand, not you. There are many reasons why we can't go into full detail, of course.

>> No.4625970

How is it manipulation? You said yourself it helps people deal with daily life. There are drawbacks to social media but from what I've seen the pros outweigh the cons for the majority of people, whereas you seem to be insinuating that it's created problems for the general public that weren't there to begin with.

>I'd like to believe that, but what's to say otherwise? That's pretty optimistic. Would you rather leave it up to chance?

I'm optimistic for thinking there is more to other people than the collective whining on facebook and twitter?

>> No.4625972

What in the OP post is vague?

>> No.4625975

>As if it's fair that tumblr and facebook spoonfeeds us ways to think and spam slogans and propaganda.
>implying anyone with any intelligence uses social media beyond self-promotion

>> No.4625977

>As if it's fair that tumblr and facebook spoonfeeds us ways to think and spam slogans and propaganda. Plenty of companies and corporations actively find ways to promote themselves while getting away with it. Why should we not fight back?

What makes you think this 'propaganda' is confined to the internet?

>> No.4625981

We're not aiming to stop it just on the internet.

>> No.4625986

Why not elsewhere? Would that be too ambitious, or are you only concerned with what is happening online?

>> No.4625991

>OP post

>> No.4626000

Before we take up that endeavor we need sufficient means to do so. We aim to build that online to spread our influence out to any places where information is this accessible, and then use it as a tool to launch efforts to expand.

>> No.4626002

Yes. What in the original post was vague?

>> No.4626005

>anyone of intelligence
Doesn't it make you sad that hardly anyone is intelligent anymore? Should that be okay that the intelligent just stand by and let things get ridiculous?

Bots, shilling, advertising campaigns, false media coverage, late media coverage. It's pretty manipulative. The idea is that we do something about it. Some people may do it publicly, volunteering or giving to charity. But this is our way. We want to see if anyone else agrees.

You must know a lot of intelligent people who see through the bullshit, Anon. But there is a huge majority that don't.

>> No.4626010

>People don't think for themselves any more.
>Yeah, so true!
>I propose that we change that.
>What a good idea! How?!
>By telling them that what they're thinking currently is wrong!

>> No.4626021

We wouldn't post our actions on a public forum. The methods are our secret.

>> No.4626028

That's generally not the idea. At all.

>> No.4626034
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Tell it to TED, dude.

>> No.4626035

Nigga are you hating on the socratic method?

>> No.4626040

>Bots, shilling, advertising campaigns, false media coverage, late media coverage. It's pretty manipulative. The idea is that we do something about it.
yeah, with more "manipulation". whoops, i mean "social engineering". you're the problem, doofus. live your life and leave the mass manipulation to the masses.

>> No.4626055

No. Rather I was using it to demonstrate my point.

>> No.4626058

i'm the joker to your batman baby caps, i'm like the feline decline of the rhine shine aptitude, no rude, just relaxation across the continents, that's real

>> No.4626062

While I see the appeal of shutting my eyes to the tragedy, I would have to decline.

We're here to throw out a line to anyone who already agrees, not to sell the idea. Attempting to appeal to your approval will not produce the right kind of team.

>> No.4626073
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>> No.4626078

omfg this thread is hilarious. GL forming your neckbeard group, OP

>> No.4626080


Why cant I hold all these melodrama?

>> No.4626199

it's sad how you don't realise how ignorant you are about the concept of truth. you sound like a neopositivist

>> No.4626242
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>We want to actively engage the public to actively think issues with their own minds, instead of what others design them to think.

but many people need designs to think.

why do you hate sheep, autists, retards, and solipsists op? dont they deserve a good life too?

>> No.4626308
File: 107 KB, 500x250, eyes wide.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you those powerful people from Eyes Wide Shut, OP? Why do you need us?

>> No.4626349

Well that's a nice idea that they need designs, but why should it be the wrong kind of social design? The kind that makes people behave in a way that's advantageous to powerful men is depressing.

Maybe it's worth a try, maybe it isn't. The idea is that we find out. How do you know more without it? The theoretical can become applied if we try to even see if there are any results. What's to say anything isn't just a big social experiment? 4chan and gay tier leddit is the same thing.

And no, we are not like that.

>> No.4626372

did you just
fuck you guys are good

>> No.4626400
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Cool, you're a male social justice warrior. Kill yourself whenever, but now would be preferable. At least do it before you make any more internet posts.

"social decline", lmao.

>> No.4626405
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Cheers, m8.

>> No.4626425


>> No.4626428

Neither of us posted that, actually.

>> No.4626431

To anybody that emailed us, check your inboxes. We replied to some of you.

>> No.4626440

My personal philosophy is that when the strong kill each other in the quest for power, the meek will inherit the earth or some similar shit, anon. So we empower the meek to make them more capable of building those lives for themselves.

>> No.4626447


>> No.4626452
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>> No.4626454

meek people are meek because they prefer meekness

>> No.4626455

What is the "social decline" according to you? If it's the increasing acceptance of deviating sexuality, self-identification or other such things that narrow minds sometimes decry as "social decay", I want nothing to do with it.

Otherwise, you've piqued my interest.

>> No.4626466

It's the use of any type of social deviancy or variance as an excuse to remain indolent in order to maintain comfort, and not have to improve yourself, while simultaneously bitching about how oppressed you are and inventing new forms of oppression to socially bully people into validating you for the fear of looking like a bigot. It's also to curb peoples' response to said horse shit and help them understand that they are not bigots because an extremist radical transfat told them they had "thin privilege".

Shortly, self improvement and progress good, indolence and excuses bad.

>> No.4626468

I know, and I understand. However, some incredible people are shit on because people don't want the meek to become strong.

>> No.4626469


>> No.4626476

LEL hope you know you're just as unsafe as with any other e-mail provider

>> No.4626477

> You're an ableist, sexist pig and I need you to know it to feel better about my lack of affirmation!

Horse shit.

> I may be transfat, but I'm secure enough in that identity that I don't need to yell at you for not understanding or being CIS. I don't want special privileges, I want equal accountability.

Sweet, delicious growth.

>> No.4626478

We actually use PGP for inter-group stuff. We'll have new people set it up when they get to us. We're paranoid as shit.

>> No.4626479


Helping people get out of the mindset that plays the race card, gender card, etc? If your group can consolidate this ambition with the fact that there ARE such things as bigotry and privilege, and that they might exist in society in shapes we haven't even discerned yet, color me intrigued.

>> No.4626481

Social decline would be exactly as we illustrated. The fall of communication in general; the way some people separate and define every little wrong as a safety net for others and themselves to blame others for their emotional and personal life issues. Or how there is this ever-pervading attitude of staying oblivious and fearful of power and control. So much, anon. Mainly, the acceptance and complacency to corruption. That is social decline. Complacency, especially.

>> No.4626484

>Helping people get out of the mindset that plays the race card, gender card, etc?

Oh wow. We have a guy who thinks exactly the same way on that issue.

Write us! Make a disposable account if you must.

>> No.4626488

who are you talking to bro

>> No.4626495

We know it exists, but people who suffer it for real rarely pull the cards on racists. I'm a bottom riser as well and haven't once used that fallacy. The real bullshit going on is when people who use the race/gender/identity card socially capitalize on the struggles of people who have had it worse, like an anti-CIS LGBT extremist taking priority over somebody who doesn't want to have or doesn't personally glorify GID.

Knowing this, we aim to shift our actions in the direction of getting rid of that once people view it as valid following the advent of our first operations. We need the leeches and people who wear the cards like a badge out of the way before censorship, racism, imbalance of political power and other real issues can be tackled using social engineering. We're blazing a trail to something better.

It seems lofty, but at the very least we'll eke out the way for people after us.

>> No.4626498

I an opportunity to clarify, so I did. It was for errbody.

>> No.4626499

>white people

>> No.4626503

> pulling the race card

>> No.4626508


>> No.4626524

Anybody else have questions?

>> No.4626533

Are you vigilantes? What exactly do you plan to do to in order to engender intellectual discourse and stifle a "false victim mentality".
Do you think the internet is the right place, a necessary place, for this to take place?

>> No.4626544


Go TP an old teacher's house instead of shitposting your impotence support group.

>> No.4626547

The internet is extremely powerful, socially. People tend to look here for the latest ideas and trends to follow. The internet is a good first step, where we will begin this project and grow it, and then establish groundpounding subsidiaries that can even branch out into discussion-based groups, debates in small political societies, universities, and social demographics with a powerful voice, all to advocate the ideas we plan on putting out there. Making the ideas available and helping people understand them starts on the internet. Then, when they're a "thing", we can introduce people to them and have them taken seriously.

It's all very carefully planned, really. I myself spent at least a week or two researching shit like Twitter and Facebook buzzwords and interactions.

>> No.4626548

Have you actually said a single word that means something?

>> No.4626551

Well... saying we're vigilantes would imply that we have this fantasized image of what we aim for. So not really. Otherwise the young'uns all over of this.

"False victim mentality" is new at first, but after you think about it for a while, it becomes quite obvious from day to day. The details on how we do this, again, is something we cannot say on this forum.

The other subject just got covered.

>> No.4626554
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Sent, your group sounds very intriguing.

>> No.4626556

Yeah man. I'm just really overly verbose.

>> No.4626557

And yet you haven't read Foucault.

>> No.4626558

I'm just wondering if anyone would have any use for a chemist, these days

>> No.4626561

Chemists are definitely useful to us if we need to get a little creative with our groundpounding techniques.

>> No.4626571

Chemist, right on. The will and drive to make a difference is also highly valued. And the propensity to learn more. We do lots of research.

Yayuh, ma niggra.

>> No.4626590

/lit/, I will come back more often just so I can understand more about literature and Foucault.

>> No.4626600

Start with reading his analysis of Sade

>> No.4626611

Thanks for the recommendation actually. You're right, I haven't read him. Good shit anon.

>> No.4626616



youre not hardcore enough till you get everything here.

>> No.4626621

This. Sorry, OP, it's painfully obvious that your "we" doesn't exist; nor does any hope for your cause.

>> No.4626629
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tl;dr- I'm butthurt for no reason

>> No.4626636

Wowow, I don't know what this is, but I like it.

You guys are awesome on here.

>> No.4626639

Oh, and thank you, based Anon.

>> No.4626642

I'm OP and you are awesome. I love you based anon.

>> No.4626652

>Idiocy confirmed.
Just your average post doctorate philosophy grad taking a shit at the bar here. Come back when you finish your sophomore year at whatever overly expensive undergrad liberal arts university you attend. I still won't care and neither will the masses.

>> No.4626665

>reduce social decline

Be specific. What do you mean by social decline?

>> No.4626790

*tips fedora*

>> No.4626809

I bet you have similar views.

Is it examples you are looking for? Cannot you not infer what I mean from previous posts on this thread?

>> No.4626813

Oops. Can you not*

Sorry /lit/

>> No.4626829

>I don't know what this means but I sure want to feel like a part of something anonymously!

>> No.4627111

Yes, it's examples I'm looking for. No, I cannot infer what you mean from previous posts on this thread.