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/lit/ - Literature

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4624745 No.4624745[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>been reading books since late 2009
>was 17 year old with no friends
>now 21 year old with no friends
>basically all of my favourite books after just over 4 years of reading are on my shelf (apart from 2 pirated ones)
>best on the right, worst on left (but still better than tonnes of other books obviously)

>still painfully entry level

The entry level books are the best ones, right?

>> No.4624748

I'm noticing a distinct lack of "A Confederacy of Dunces."

>> No.4624752


>Now entering Plebcity

>> No.4624753

Not bad, man

>> No.4624758


>not liking A Confederacy of Dunces

The only people who don't find that book funny are people who are exactly like the main character.

>> No.4624767

you've only read like 20 books in over 4 years? also what does your friendlessness have to do with anything?

>> No.4624770
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seriously? 4 years of reading books and THOSE are the ones that are your favorites?

you need to read more

>> No.4624772
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i dont know it seems like ok stuff to me

>> No.4624777

>tfw using books to mask loneliness and friendlessness

>> No.4624780

>tfw content being friendless and almost never lonely

Feels good to be a patrician.

>> No.4624781


no, I've read tonnes more, those are just my favourite ones.

I was going to spin the friendlesness in to something like needing to read good unknown books so I can feel better than normalfags who read nothing but entry level books, but I couldn't be assed tbh

>> No.4624785


>> No.4624793

Why are you reading James Ellroy's books out of order? That seems totally pointless.

>> No.4624794

by "content" he means "dead inside"

>> No.4624797


no, they're just ordered in terms of how much I like them.

Also plots are for plebs. I read the LA 4 in order, but the dudley smith tweeest in no. 2 was already spoiled in one of his earlier books

>> No.4624798


If you thought Ellroy meant for the Dudley Smith stuff to be a twist in the standard sense then you shouldn't be the one talking about other things being pleb.

>> No.4624799

>says plots are for plebs while talking about plot-driven genre fiction

sort your life out m8

>> No.4624802

this is so true

>> No.4624808


>plot driven
>not reading for atmosphere

You're from /tv/ aren't you?

>> No.4624813

I do the things I like, I expect very little, and what little I do expect is usually negative, so I wind up pleasantly surprised. You're not suffering from friendlessness and loneliness because you don't have friends and because you're lonely. You're suffering because you want friends and you don't want to be lonely. There's a distinct difference. I make friends every so often, they come and go, but there will be long periods of friendlessness, such as right now, and I genuinely feel like I'm at one of the happiest points in my life. Unless you're starving and don't have shelter, don't allow your circumstances to dictate the quality of your mental state. When you hear things from pop-psychology and self-help books like "mind over mood", don't be so quick to ignore that advice. It's worked for me.

Also, I should add that I wasn't always this way. I've went through periods of depression and loneliness and have overcome them by not only paying close attention to what I think about (and changing those thinking patterns if necessary), but by responding differently to thoughts that had negative effects on my mood.

I could add more, but this is getting lengthy.

>> No.4624845

how good is michael chabon

what i'm actually asking here is kind of stupid but is he just a pretty decent writer or is he actually like a new entrant into the western canon on the level of roth, pynchon, delillo, etc.

i know that sounds stupid but im curious if he's just a popular author or if people actually take him seriously

>> No.4624846 [DELETED] 

>been reading books since late 2009
holy shit are you 10 years old?

>> No.4624898

>The Rules of Attraction

>> No.4624905

>>>still painfully entry level
why do you care

what other people think about books

why not just read and enjoy what you find interesting

>cant like books cuz entry level

>> No.4624907

How in the fucking motherfucking hell is Pynchon entry-level?

>> No.4624919

poor little plebbette

>> No.4624937

so tell me, what is not entry-level?

i bet you didnt even understand all the themes in V.

>> No.4624943

i don't know why pynchon is entry level but i know that he is

the fact is that there are a shit ton of people out there, many of which are really stupid, who don't read much, but their favorite book is a pynchon book. it might be because he has counterculture appeal and is funny and related to drug use (for them at least). i don't really know how he got to be this way. but the fact is that people who are entry-level like him, so he must be entry-level.

a lot of these people are the sort of people who like rush and some of these people are hipsters who also like vonnegut a lot

btw that's not a value judgement, he's obviously a great writer.

>> No.4624953

I've got a few years on you and I only just started reading. I've had an aversion to reading since I was a kid and I'm trying to change that now.


How is this one? I picked it up because I found it for cheap and have heard it was pretty funny.

>> No.4624955

>some of these people are hipsters who also like vonnegut a lot

Pynchon himself liked Vonnegut a lot.

>> No.4624957

hell man i like vonnegut too there's just a problem when the only authors you read are vonnegut, pynchon, and bukowski

>> No.4624969
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>Fahrenheit 451 that high
>Mason & Dixon that low

>> No.4624974

its okey bro i started reading 1 and a half years ago and i read like 15 books currently reading 2 more we all are gonna make it someday

>> No.4624983

I know lots of people who read Vonnegut and Bukowski (especially Bukowski), but none who read Pynchon.

>> No.4624989

pynchon's a step down in popularity but i know lots of people who like him and have a copy of gravity's rainbow that they have maybe read part of

>> No.4625000

>All dat Michael Chabon
Could be worse

>> No.4625045

You sound so much like you are talking out of your ass and trying to pay your back at the same time it's hilarious

>> No.4625059

>i don't want to believe that the author i like is semi-mainstream
that's why he's referenced in v for vendetta and has a motherfucking pat benatar album named after gravity's rainbow, right?

i was trying to be nice to avoid a stupid fucking argument about something everyone already agrees on. no, pynchon is not something you should feel special for having read. yes, you are probably entry level. everyone knows and likes pynchon and he's not even a difficult read.

>> No.4625065

I don't really get this "entry level" thing. I don't read much of the /lit/ canon because I have no interest in it, but I read quite widely in the veins of literature that interest me. I may be a pleb version of the /lit/ ideal but I'm a patrician at being myself. What would be the point in reading the same things as everyone else, anyway? I can learn what they're about by osmosis.

>> No.4625074
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How does it feel that you started a thread so you could say this and you still got pissed doing it?

>> No.4625083

>thinking i'm the OP



like WHY

>> No.4625087

Because you obviously are
>Look mom, I'm lying badly on 4chan!

>> No.4625095

lol k believe what you want

you can also keep believing that you are an interesting snowflake for having read one of the most widely known books of the 20th century

>> No.4625098

Not that I don't like Confederacy of Dunces and not that the protagonist isn't hilariously close to most people on 4chan but don't make stupid generalizations like this pls

>> No.4625104

>Be obviously the same guy saying "he just feels entry level lol"
>Obviously in terms of following the conversation and continuing to say "entry level"
>Say "I was trying to avoid" then shit pants when someone points out your pic and multiple comments seem like you are "trying"
>Continue to shit pants about me pointing out you're a dumbass

Keep going

>> No.4625110

i am this poster: >>4624943
i am not this poster: >>4624745

how is that hard to understand

>> No.4625116

>Not even an MSPaint with "(You)" shooped out

OP pls

>> No.4625131
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i'm not even getting "(You)" for anything right now

>> No.4625180
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