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4622193 No.4622193[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>Go to a local used/new bookstore to buy books
>new books are often way overpriced, sometimes twice as expensive as Amazon
>$16 for soft cover Lolita
>still buy a good amount of books from him anyway
>he smiles every time I come in, addresses me by name and asks how each book I bought was
>he gives me a few dollars discount now

/lit/ bookstore feels thread

>> No.4622214
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>be Jew from Jewland
>read exclusively in English because Hebrew literature almost universally sucks
>most books I want to read are either unavailable or unreasonably priced
>order from bookdepository only
>mfw have to wait 10-14 business days for each order

>> No.4622216 [DELETED] 

Does it ever feel weird watering your lawn for the third time that day when Palestinians get less than the WHO recommended daily intake of water on average?

>> No.4622217 [DELETED] 

Why do your country's leaders hate Palestinians?

>> No.4622219
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>> No.4622225

>old person donates his book collection to local library to sell as a fundraiser
>25 cent books to 2$
>buy original Hitch Hikers Guide, buy great-condition 30y/0 The Book of Lost Tales
>buy giant book of American Aviation and Flight, leatherbound, great condition, has a book sheathe
>buy lots more, 16~ books for 5 bucks

That good feel

>> No.4622229
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>not books

>> No.4622240
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>local Salvation Army sale
>pick up every one of these for .25$

Feels good

>> No.4622244 [DELETED] 

nope, feels good. i wish i could take water directly from their children's sippy cups to sprinkle on my lawn
they're barbaric and subhuman

>> No.4622245

Don't have a lawn. Wish they had the water they need.

They're extremely bigoted for all sorts of reasons but mostly fear and hunger for power.

>> No.4622252
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>go to a local used bookstore to buy books
>the owner decided a price for each book when you take them up to him
>paperbacks are about $1, hardcovers are about $3

>> No.4622258

>only one bookstore in town
>the owner likes me and what I buy, he says there will be a job going soon and that he needs a young person who can speak to people and enjoys good books
>time ticks by
>go in there and buy a book now and again just to ask about the job
>he assures me it'll come
>it never happens
>he doesn't even give a reason he just doesn't mention it when I go in

I don't go in there anymore, all he had to say was 'sorry but it turns out I don't need another employee anymore' but instead he just avoided it. Got my hopes up that I could have my perfect whilst-in-college job of working in a bookstore and then just let it fade.

>> No.4622260 [DELETED] 

Why did you guys have Yasser Arafat murdered when he was close to figuring out a two state solution? You guys pretend to want peace but continue to cause strife. Is it because you want an excuse to blow more people up?

>> No.4622263

Bookstores aren't making that much money anymore. He probably felt bad because you couldn't hire anyone new.

>> No.4622269

>want to read scholastic works
>barely find any, fucking christian bookstores don't have anything by Aquinas even
>find 1 or 2, they're hardcovers that go for 50$+

Man, fuck bookstores.

>> No.4622271 [DELETED] 

It wasn't him dying that was the problem, it was Itzhak Rabin being murdered that ruined this country's future.

Now stop derailing the thread.

>> No.4622272

Half of the books I own come from Salvation Army or Goodwill stores. I go to the ones in upper-middle class neighborhoods on Monday, since they get most of their donations on weekends.

The most I've ever spent there for a single book was $3 for a hardback collection of Mark Twain short stories from 1953 that looked like it had never been read.

>> No.4622275

>work in a quiet book store
>spend each day reading books and crunching numbers on a yellow handwritten ledger
>literally stacks of books around you
>converse with the local armchair intellectuals and students about their books

Sounds.. Sounds nice :(

>> No.4622282 [DELETED] 

Well he was murdered by another Jew. What I don't get is that Palestinians have more of a genetic connection to the original Israelites while Ashkenazi jews do not. Plus most Jews in Israel don't even believe in God. So why take land that did not belong to your ancestors and was not given to you by God?

>> No.4622285

Thrift stores are okay for those if you aren't looking for specific works

>Christian bookstores

>> No.4622287 [DELETED] 

oh gee yeah its so difficult to understand why anyone would want to own land and control people gee who would want to do that!
and why on earth would they pretend about their motives?
why dont they just tell everyone 'hey we want this land for selfish gain and power'

wow i just cant understand

>> No.4622298

>New Local Bookstore
>Sells all their books for 3 euros, 5 if you buy 2
>They only sell good books, it is free from the loads of garbage that haunt most mainstream bookshops
>Go there every month and buy dozens of books
>They know me well enough
>Receive about 10 books last year

Thinking of going there this week

>> No.4622296 [DELETED] 

Speaking of Christ, why do Christians worship him?

Wouldn't Christ have wanted people to worship God instead of him?

>> No.4622301 [DELETED] 

Those are great fucking questions.
What I dislike the most about the anti-Israel-/pol/-shitposting is that you can't comprehend that some Jews actually AGREE with you and think the entire situation is retarded and that we, Jews, have no right to just say, "yeah, no, this is ours now, Palestinians. Go away."

>> No.4622302 [DELETED] 

You can't cast idols of god though. He said so himself

>> No.4622305 [DELETED] 

Well I appreciate your honesty. I never expected you to come to some revelation that you were wrong. Most Jews just go on some rants bringing up the Holocaust and calling me an antisemite despite the fact I have some Jewish ancestry as well. But seriously you guys have always had a history of screwing people over and hindering progress. Why not just stop?

>> No.4622308

I'm not the jew m8

>> No.4622309 [DELETED] 

>hindering progress

bullshit. per capita jews have contributed more to this world than any other group.

>> No.4622314

> new bookstore finally opens in city after barnes and noble branch folded
> can't wait for the shit to open
> takes the bums like a year to actually get it together
> go in excited to buy shit
> holy fuck they charge full list price printed on the back of the cover plus tax
> nope nope nope

>> No.4622312

Do they have a website?

>> No.4622316 [DELETED] 

I wasn't trying to say that, bro, that's why I said "your leaders", because f I condemned you for your leadership, as an American you could condemn me for my leadership, and then we are both assholes

>> No.4622317 [DELETED] 

I have no problems with Israel existing. They just need to stop persecuting the Palestinians and causing trouble in the region.


Not to sound racist but Jews do have dark history of being "nation-wreckers". It can be argued that their contributions do not make up for the damage caused. Again I reiterate I know most Jews are not like this, but they have committed many crimes throughout history.

>> No.4622320 [DELETED] 

they have extracted more value out of the host population than any other group but they have never been about progress, if they were they wouldn't still be following a bronze age tribal cult

>> No.4622323

They have a facebook page. Chances are, you are not from our country though.
They are called Fyodor Books

>> No.4622325 [DELETED] 

Point taken.

>They just need to stop persecuting the Palestinians and causing trouble in the region.
While there's some truth in that, there are two sides to every coin and it's not anyone's exclusive fault. Let's try and get back to the thread.

>> No.4622328 [DELETED] 

Fair enough. Thanks for answering some of my questions.

>> No.4622336 [DELETED] 

God leave the fucking Jews alone they live in te shittiest parts of Brooklyn and keep to themselves and don't bother anyone while X-stians pass pamphlets out on like every subway stop and tell me I'm going to hell. Very annoying.

>> No.4622343
File: 129 KB, 578x553, 1393467247600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Be in foreign country.
>Find an English picture dictionary for kids.
>Flip throughout
>Picture of a seahorse defined as a hippopotamus
>Picture of a black kid defined as Nigger.
>lol wat???

>> No.4622340 [DELETED] 

protip: the jews all think you're going to hell too, they just don't care

>> No.4622354

It's trying to say that calling black people niggers is just as irrational as calling seahorses hippopotami

Do you even into basic comprehension?

>> No.4622358

Since does a children's dictionary have the words nigger? But that's a possibility.

>> No.4622403

But steimatzki always has so many discounts!
I've been reading exclusively in English for so many years that I'm starting to feel kind of bad about neglecting heebroo.

>> No.4622406

>being an israeli and not moving to nyc instead

why don't you just jump ship from that failed colonial experiment already

>> No.4622416

>leaving one shithole in favour of a different shithole
I'll pass

>> No.4622421

>implying steimatzki's discounted prices can compete with based bookdepo

And yeah, last thing I read in jewspeek was in fucking high school.

>> No.4622428
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>go to a local used bookstore about every week
>so do about 7,000 other people
>no one knows my name
>never have enough money to afford stuff besides pamphlets
>staff are constantly changing, the only guy that's worked there for a long time thinks i'm an asshole
at least the cat likes me

>> No.4622442

Why is it that all small stores have cats?

>> No.4622457

I know this feel. I work at a Christian bookstore and I was hoping to pick up some scholastic works with my employee discount.

>mfw the only scholastic book we have is an abridged version of Augustine's Confessions
>fucking abridged version of a book that is already 200 pages at best.

>> No.4622458

because cats are awesome

>> No.4622470 [DELETED] 

God did not gave the Holy Land to a "genetic connection", he gave it to the Jews.
Being a Jew is not a matter of genetics; for example, the first Jew wasn't born a Jew.
Thus, Palestinians who abandon their heretic cult to join Judaism will be granted a fine place in the Holy Land, regardless of their "genetic connection" to the ancient Hebrews.

>> No.4622473 [DELETED] 

Shut up, jew.

>> No.4622484 [DELETED] 

Why do you guys invade and destabilize countries everywhere in the world? You Americans pretend to want democracy but continue to cause war and imperialism. Is it because you want an excuse to kill more non-Americans?

>> No.4622489 [DELETED] 

Wtf hasids come to my work all the time and are nothing but cordial, say good afternoon and wish me a good day, everyone else doesn't bat an eye.

>> No.4622490

>tiny bookstore
>nobody goes there, no idea how it stays open
>friendly dog
>vintage 19th century hardbacks 20 bucks for non-first edition
>trade paperbacks 1-3 bucks on average
>big wall of guilty pleasure fantasy/sci-fi
>smells like literature

>> No.4622493 [DELETED] 

You shouldn't talk shit about your only ally, jew.

>> No.4622518 [DELETED] 

What will you do if I don't? Please explain, cretin. And be eloquent.
Also, I find it funny that Jews are bullied absolutely everywhere they appear on the Internet under the pretense that they're bullying others (Jew anon talks about buying books; he's immediately harassed about being a killer of Palestinians, a filthy warmongering Jew, etc.). The bullying is the same, with more physical consequences, in the streets of all European countries invaded by kind and peaceful Arabs.

>> No.4622524 [DELETED] 

I think there is no hell in Judaism... There is nothing but death, for everyone.

>> No.4622525 [DELETED] 

He isn't a jew, he's an israeli. And I have no problem with hating israelis. I really don't care about you and your jew oppresion.

>> No.4622531 [DELETED] 

The government of the United States is not my personal ally. I would appreciate this though.

>> No.4622548 [DELETED] 

You are wrong, he is also a Jew. Obviously, the fact that Israel is mostly populated by Jews has nothing to do with your feelings... Looks like a mere coincidence to us all.
Hey, do you also hate Israeli Arabs? They're like 20 % of the population. Are you racist or what?
(TL;DR: shut up, goy. Just kidding, we're not racist or oppressive like you.)

>> No.4622550 [DELETED] 

Lmao. You're fucking awful, but that's hilarious.

>> No.4622570 [DELETED] 

You don't have to convince your worth as an israeli to me. Why don't you direct this hate against your own oppressive countrymen instead of focusing on the oppression of other countries. Telling me that you don't hate arabs when the majority of your country does, and then try to convince me otherwise? That you're the one being oppressed in this world? Stupid. I don't care about you or your jewish problems.

>> No.4622578 [DELETED] 

then why did one of the medieval rabbi's teach that jesus was roasting in boiling excrement for eternity? if this is not hell then jews must have a shit fetish

>> No.4622602 [DELETED] 

>Islam is a heretical cult.
>Judaism is not.

>> No.4622605 [DELETED] 

Not American.

>> No.4622630 [DELETED] 

depends on the jew

it's not like christianity where they bet everything on a nice afterlife, there's no official answer. bible-writers were more like mesopotamians with empty black afterlife that may have just been a metaphor for no afterlife at all. note that in the old testament god directly punishes/rewards people for their actions in their own lives

obviously when that didn't actually happen (because yhwh isn't real) there was some cognitive strain and eventually they started borrowing ideas for zoroastrians and shit

modern jews vary, some think no afterlife, some thing more along the lines of christianity, some think temporary punishment befitting the crime, after which you can go to heaven/eden

>> No.4622634

The used book store I go to is huge and has twelve cats, it's split into different buildings/locations though.

I found out about a regular bookstore near the comic shop I go to but I haven't checked it out yet. For some reason it feels kind of intimidating to me to go into a small private book shop compared to a large store.

>> No.4622637
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>buying candy from a thrift store

>> No.4622638 [DELETED] 

>one medieval rabbi
>speaks for the entire religion
cmon man....

>> No.4622642 [DELETED] 

Killing people is a side-effect, not the goal. The military industrial complex needs a justification for paying itself to build military hardware. That's American Capitalism for you. When there's no market for Thoreau's Indian's shitty baskets, he doesn't give up, he uses the government and marketers to create one.

>> No.4622648 [DELETED] 

>doesn't carry weight with the entire cult

ok jewboy

>> No.4622650
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They have some photos on a Facebook page, mite b cool

>> No.4622662

>one coffee shop/bookstore in town
>shit selection of books
>filled with the 10 or so hipsters in town at all times
>mediocre coffee
>only regular employee is white girl with dreads and a ton of face piercings
>no russian lit, only had crime and punishment
fucking dropped
i buy all my stuff over amazon now, and sometimes my uncle will send me some books from his own library

>> No.4622666

Welcome to my nightmare, the worst part is it is a huge chain, the biggest in Canada. But what else is new, Canadians get ripped off by nearly everything

>> No.4622697

>My Birthday no20 is in a week
>Visit grandma often now, shes around 90yo
>She sings poems from all the books she memorized
>I look through her bookshelves
>She give away all the good books I look at
>Can I borrow them?
>No you can have them, its your birthday soon right? Perhaps ill give you some choclate too

I think she will die pretty soon. Im really glad I got the books before anyone else in the family snatched them, and also, the poems she told me are in theese books, so I will remember what her voice sound like forever.