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4616028 No.4616028[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

im about to start reading Nietzsche and I was told to start with The Genealogy of Morals, but in the preface it states
"it is clear enough, on the hypothesis which I presuppose, namely, that the reader has first read my previous writings and has not grudged them a certain amount of trouble"

Should I continue reading it, or should I start on his first work (The Birth of Tragedy) and then go from there?

>> No.4616030

are you gonna let friedrich tell you what to do?

>> No.4616031

You also let him control your mind with his hot opinions in Thus Spoke.

>> No.4616032

You need to read the bible and all of the significant greek philosophers before you start reading Nietzsche. Sorry m80, come back in 2 years

>> No.4616034

dont listen to this

>> No.4616042

True. Just all of Plato, Aristotle and Schopenhauer, the Greek playwrights who demonstrate the Apollonian - Dionysian distinction, and most of the Bible.

>> No.4616059

dont listen to this either

>> No.4616062


Also true. Just learn to read Ancient Greek and then read all of Plato and Aristotle in their original languages.

>> No.4616065

listen to this

>> No.4616066

Dont read Nietzsche if you don't have a good grasp on the Greeks and Christian Theology, he will seem like an edgemaster otherwise.

>> No.4616072


>> No.4616080

If you don't have a good knowledge of the history of philosophy before Nietzsche, it is imperative that you learn about it before reading him. (If you plan on reading The Birth of Tragedy, read all ancient Greek tragedies and Aristotle's Poetics.) Familiarize yourself with the pre-Socratics, Plato, Aristotle, Epicurus, Spinoza, Hume, Kant, Schopenhauer, and Hegel. Then read Kaufmann's Nietzsche: Philosopher, Psychologist, Antichrist. Only then can you start reading Nietzsche, starting either with The Birth of Tragedy or the Untimely Meditations and moving chronologically (except for Zarathustra, which you should leave for the end).

>> No.4616097

ITT: bullshit

ive read all of his works and had no prior understanding of greek literature or anything biblical and understood it with ease

this isnt the 19th century - we have a wealth of information readily available in seconds, you dont need to scour old books to gain understanding

>> No.4616099

Also, be sure to read all written fragments of cuneiform before beginning Nietzsche. It all builds together, and if you haven't read them it won't make any sense.

>> No.4616103

And be sure to resurrect the man himself to give a step by step guide into your discovery.

>> No.4616104


>(If you plan on reading The Birth of Tragedy, read all ancient Greek tragedies and Aristotle's Poetics.

Stop being fucking retarded. if you have to understand anything at all before reading Birth of Tragedy it'd be Schopenhauer's metaphysics. You're just saying random shit to seem smart.

>> No.4616108


>look mommy im trolling the 4chan!!!

>> No.4616109

I was trying to anti-troll, or point out the stupidity of the trolls. (I was >>4616099)

>> No.4616124

>implying reading Homer, the playwrights, Plato, Aristotle, and the bible will take twenty years.

A few months of concentrated reading, tops. You don't need to spend any longer unless you're going to get into writing something based on those thinkers.

You'll be better off coming to Nietzsche if you do it, but you don't need to. He's not writing a treatise on Greek philosophy, though he is writing his work with it, among a lot of other things.

Seriously just dive in. As long as you're not a complete retard you'll just look things up when he references them or they confuse you, and you can come to an understanding of his concepts without needing to know that they originate in the Greek or are modifications of it.

>> No.4616256
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Not him, but he said 2 years, not 20, m8.....

>> No.4616292


Actually you can, but it sucks compared to 1800s German philosophy.

>> No.4616305

Clearly a work about tragedy has nothing to do with tragedy, good post you fucking retard.

>> No.4616458


that's fine and dandy except the book actually centers a psychological/metaphysical theory based on Schopenhauer.

>> No.4616486

Ya'lls all fuckin' faggots.

OP, read Nietzsche. Genealogy is perfectly fine place to start. Pay attention to the methodology and find a decent outline somewhere.

If you found him enlightening then move onto his other work. He is a highly entertaining writer. Fuck needing all of this classical BS. They're all just afraid of realizing they wasted their time trying to *~*UnDeRsTaNd iT aLL*~* during undergrad.

>> No.4616792

>not reading 14,000 pages of other material before the book you actually want to read
get a load of this faggot

>> No.4616818

This. Besides, Nietzsche talks so much about the Greeks that he'll make you more enthusiastic to read them than if you just said "Hey, I'll read some philosophy" and buy a stack of random ancients.

>> No.4617227
File: 267 KB, 486x640, 7024371037_d453afeb11_z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why not read his mentor who actually succeeded in his mission and completed his oeuvre?

>> No.4617289


Even Nietzsche's friends thought his first stuff was too confusing.

>> No.4617292


>> No.4617303

"H-Hey Freddy. Yeah I did get a chance to take a look at it. Yeah. Yep. I liked it. "Ecce Homo" good stuff. There are a lot of possible titles, you know. Yeah, interesting stuff. Nice what you said about Wil Wagner in there. Yeah, you have a lot of other bros, too, though, you know. I didn't know that getting sick meant so much to you. Yeah. It was sweet, though. Yeah. It was nice."

>> No.4617356

On the Fourfold Root of the Principle of Sufficient Reason