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/lit/ - Literature

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4615890 No.4615890 [Reply] [Original]

Should I get a Goodreads account? Is it worth sharing your literary habits with the world in such a pornographic manner? I don't know.

>> No.4615898

It's good for recommendations, so yes.

>> No.4615897

I have a goodreads account, and I write a little bit about each book I finish, once or twice a week.

Truth is, the world doesn't give a shit about your literary habits.

It's useful for the recommendations system, and because I share a lot of ebooks with a mate - I see what books he's going to read so I send him a copy if I buy or pirate one of his. He does the same for me.

tl;dr: If you're lonely you'll stay lonely.

>> No.4615901

We should start having Goodreads account threads like they have Letterboxd threads on /tv/.

>> No.4615921

>Truth is, the world doesn't give a shit about your literary habits.
But you can tell so much about the person from the books he's reading.

>> No.4615928

I use it to keep contact with a friend of mine that lives in another country and have the same hobby: literature. Since we rarely have time to talk to each other, I just leave recommendations based on what she is reading and she does the same.

>> No.4615951

it's great for niche recs

u r all fay gets

>> No.4615972

Yes, let's take the absolute worst aspect of /tv/ and try to apply it to /lit/.

>> No.4615988

recommendations? seriously? how pleb are you?

>> No.4616000

I sometimes wonder at the mental autonomy of those who make threads like these

>> No.4616007

I sometimes wonder at the cerebral autotomy of those who make replies like these

>> No.4616038

>good for recommendations
>the website that elected Hunger Games the best piece of literature ever written
It's a good site if you don't read.

>> No.4616073

> elected Hunger Games the best piece of literature ever written
What do you mean? I don't see where they vote on anything like that.

>> No.4616102

I like it. It's nice to go through the books you've read, maybe read the review you wrote for it and maybe the personal notes you took for it. It can also be a bit motivating.

There's also a fair share of intelligent people on that site, and some people (like Manny Rayner) write excellent reviews and read books that are very interesting. I think I had something like 30 books read when I first signed up for Goodreads, and something like 50 or 60 books to-read. Now, after a little over a year I have read 150 and have some 1200 to-read (primarily as a result of the recommendation system and befriending/following interesting people who read A LOT and a lot of cool stuff).

>> No.4616106


Don't forget the /lit/ goodreads book club, currently reading short stories.

>> No.4616107

i don't have an account to share my taste with the world, i just use it to keep a list of what i'm reading and have read

>> No.4616154

The in-site recommendations pull up some good obscure recs.
People who read similar books as you can give great recs. Just looking at their highest-rated books will probably net you a few.

What you're referring to was probably a popularity-based poll, what do you expect from those?
Plus, Goodreads has thousands of those top 100 lists running concurrently and they're tucked away on sidebars and on a book's info pages. The sample of people who vote on any poll must be terribly haphazard and I'd say it's mostly plebs who care if their fav books are the top 100 in the world to the point that they click on such polls.

>> No.4616156


he either doesn't even know how to use the site properly or he's baiting you

fuck the cunt. he isn't worth replying to.

>> No.4616193

I use it as a reading list, but it's pretty shit at everything else.

>> No.4616239

it's as pleb as you are.

>> No.4617425

i only use it to get suggestions for books after you rate like 20 books you start to get recommendations so it doesnt hurt

>> No.4617496

Just like taking the last.fm bullshit from /mu/! Oh boy!