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4615862 No.4615862 [Reply] [Original]

>yfw you try to explain leninism to libertarians

>> No.4615870

>You see, instead of shithead corporations parting the workers from what they produce, we just use the state. Now isn't that a more efficient form of capitalism??

>> No.4615885

Just call it lennonism instead.

>> No.4615892

Should be easy, instead of

>the wealth will trickle down

you just insert

>the power will be held by freely elected workers' councils

>> No.4615899

> try to explain left-wing anarchism to an America
> but won't people kill each others?
> what about my property rights?
> forcing people to live in anarchism is authoritarianism!
> poor people are poor because they are lazy, stupid and didnt get STEM

>> No.4615903


>implying there can be free elections when you go to prison for criticizing the government
>implying Lenin cared about free elections seeing as how he lost the election by a landslide to the Socialist Revolutionary Party and then decided to dissolve the assembly

"Large - scale machine industry which is the material productive source and foundation of socialism - calls for absolute and strict unity of will . . . How can strict unity of will be ensured? By thousands subordinating their will to the will of one".

“Unquestioning submission to a single will is absolutely necessary for the success of labour processes that are based on large-scale machine industry…today the Revolution demands, in the interests of socialism, that the masses unquestioningly obey the single will of the leaders of the labour process”

"Socialism is nothing but state capitalist monopoly made to benefit the whole people"

Obedience, and unquestioning obedience at that, during work to the one-man decisions of Soviet directors, of the dictators elected or appointed by Soviet institutions, vested with dictatorial powers."
Lenin, Six Theses on the Immediate Tasks of the Soviet Government, April/May 1918

>> No.4615910

are you a libertarian?

>> No.4615915

No, I'm a socialist in the tradition of Rosa Luxemburg, Yevgeny Zamyatin, George Orwell, Albert Einstein and Michel Foucault.

>> No.4615920

>implying Lenin cared about the peasants voting for the LSR
>implying marxism-leninism isn't about the industrial proletariat, who favoured the bolsheviks

Might as well have told him that the bourgeois or the monarchy didn't want vote for him.

>> No.4615925

Both of those put together didn't make up more than a fraction of the population.

>> No.4615940


>citing one post and calling him samefag...

>not understanding that I compare these two statements because they are equally malignant lies...

>> No.4615952

I absolutely don't understand how anyone can support leninism in the 21st century

>> No.4616526

Well, almost nobody does. I can't wait until the massive butthurt over the 100 year aniversary of the October Revolution.

>> No.4616535

Americans will never value a sincere lifestyle over a luxurious one. We Love Crap.

>> No.4616547

>tfw a guy wants to have gay sex with you

Sure, why not, he's handsome enou-

>find out he's a libertarian


>> No.4616551

is it better to learn about lenninism/trotskyism in their historical context by secondary literature or just read their primary lit?

>> No.4616552

good call dude, find someone without daddy issues.

>> No.4616560

The whole non-aggression principle thing plays havok in the bed room

>> No.4616559
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>try to explain fascism/vitalism/nationalism to queers
>"But I shouldn't have to work :S"
>"What if I don't want to do anything but want to get the state's aid for free :S? Shouldn't the state be a nanny who exists to cradle me until my death?"
>"Why can't I just get paid to go to school for free? :S"
>"I need to study the oppression of the third world by the first world's economy, so that economy should pay for my education and comfort so I can study how it's bad :S"
>":S Fighting is barbaric, why would I fight to preserve my way of life? I wish we could get along, therefore we will get along :S"

>> No.4616573

Trotsky was a bretty good writer, so at least read his works.

>> No.4616578

>Make an attempt to defend fascism/nationalism to a bunch of whinging left wingers

>Our media "culture" has turned conservatism into something that these fuckers can just lob ad hominem at instead of arguing against, totally ignoring that their conception of whichever varied branch of Marxism they've chosen in response to be lower/middle class to give themselves a self-validating reason to dislike effort is horribly flawed

>> No.4616582

I wouldn't mind because very few people remain a libertarian after a certain age. They'll probably outgrow it, specially if you make them read the right stuff.

>> No.4616590

True, but you also have to be a special idiot to also think communism will work after a certain age.
>and capitalism
>and democracy
>even the ancient greeks considered it demagogue-cracy (aka, fox news, msnbc, and all other sensationalism-over-news channels)

>> No.4616601

>>yfw you try to explain leninism to libertarians
Yeah, this is your problem mate. You can't explain praxis. You win it in the struggle. And honestly, every successful praxis I've seen where the class remains in the saddle has looked more like the IWW and less like the RSDLP(b)

>> No.4616620


Wrong kind of libertarianism you ignorant cunt.

Read Kolakowski's guide to the left wing communists in Volume 3 of his series, then read some Rühle and Bordiga. Then read Left Wing Communism: An Infantile Disorder. That's the debate in a nutshell.

Or you can dig out the krondstadt sourcebooks.

>> No.4616623

Repost this if you're a strong independent black woman who don't need no man.

>> No.4616651

>yfw you try to explain to filthy leninists that vanguard parties never relinquish their power so communism by via such a party is impossible

>> No.4616653

>Yeah, I'm still going to beat you with a stick, but now it says "the worker's stick" on it, so it's alright!

>> No.4616663

see >>4616601

>> No.4616672


You mean people who value liberty or the American, insane right-wingers?

>> No.4616684
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This is true though. State capitalism is a mean motherfucker. Efficient too.

>> No.4616692

Only in the high growth phase of the value form's expansion, and then on the back of the _usual_ horrific primary accumulation of feudal property.

After the high growth phase, state capitalism as we know it faced an immediate revolutionary problem (1956, 1968), and in both major cases resorted to a primitive accumulation of social democracy and a return to traditionally brutal market capitalism (1989).

Not a particularly ringing endorsement when the greatest achievement of State Capitalism was the Hungarian, Czech and bits of the "Great" Proletarian "Cultural" revolutions.

State capitalism: makes better revolutions than normal capitalism, with better healthcare while you wait.

>> No.4616983
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>mfw trying to explain the magic of the free market to a filthy Marxist

>> No.4616996
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>mfw you try to explain basic logic to Marxists

>> No.4617004

American right-wingers.

>> No.4617005


>> No.4617009
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Why even bother

>> No.4617011
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mfw I see a Libertarian who thinks a free market without regulations can actually function the way its meant too.

>> No.4617013


>> No.4617015


Because they control half the government of the most powerful human force on the planet.

>> No.4617019
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>> No.4617023

this is how you get dubs

btw libertarianism is dumb

>> No.4617026
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>> No.4617035

I dig it

>> No.4617040

>"you're making valid points but I can't think of an argument against them so I'll just post them anonymously on an image board using an emoticon and a funny reaction image so that maybe someone will confirm my bias for me :S"

>> No.4617045

What a great argument, you sure showed them!

>> No.4617047

There's nothing more disgusting than associating ancient rome with modern fascism.

>> No.4617048

Implying Titoism isn't vastly superior, pleb.

>> No.4617049
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>ddo u know why dey call it the INVISIBLE hand of the market?? : - DD D

>> No.4617050

if you can't detect the criticisms implicit in each paraphrasing then learn to read

>> No.4617056

> trying to explain to ancaps that anarcho-capitalism isn't anarchism

not even worth the effort

>> No.4617061

What criticisms? ":S" isn't a valid criticism.

>> No.4617062

But Anon, Machiavelli was the first fascist and he used the Roman Republic as a template, stressing religion, regular war, and obedience to the state as the basis of great nations.

>> No.4617064

>Because they control half the government of the most powerful human force on the planet.
Working class Americans control the entire US government: the government is entirely right wing?

Like fucking arse. Their votes mean less than nothing as their Supreme Court demonstrated.

>> No.4617068

not him but i think it's meant to symbolise complete disregard of his promoted ideology, rejecting even the most elementary consideration

>> No.4617073

a lot of the theory on fascism is vague enough to make rome explicitly "fascist", and the fasces was chosen as a symbol for a reason.

hell, the guys who invented the term would probably call any great pre-modern state with an overriding ethos of loyalty and civic duty fascist. and romans were the original "fuck that gay greek individualism stuff, duty to the state comes first" dudes, unless you count sparta. the fact that rome liked to cite athens as a precursor but that they are probably closer to sparta ideologically has been noted for years.

>> No.4617078
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>Machiavelli was the first fascist

>> No.4617082


I don't think you've ever actually read anything Machiavelli wrote. He was a hardcore republican.

>> No.4617087

You can identify all those concepts in so many past civilizations. The whole 'obedience to the state' thing is a misrepresentation when applied to rome or essentially any pre modern state.

>> No.4617094
File: 237 KB, 416x600, 416px-Le_libertaire_25.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Trying to tell Americans that Libertarianism is socialist and left wing

>> No.4617102

>not being apolitical
politics is a silly propaganda game

>> No.4617104

The worst is when people tell you libertarian socialism is an oxymoron.

>> No.4617107

You can choose to ignore politics, but politics won't choose to ignore you.

you w0t m8

>> No.4617108

>"how can you be for big government and against big government at the same time?"

>> No.4617109

>but politics won't choose to ignore you.
It will if you're sufficiently rich
The best political move is to be rich

>> No.4617111

amerifat detected

>> No.4617112
File: 24 KB, 363x316, 1331965375066.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm not a libertarian, I'm a "classical liberal".

>> No.4617117

Libertarianism USED to be left wing. But today they are authoritarian egalitarians

>> No.4617119

How are they authoritarian

>> No.4617124

unless the proletariat rises:^)
I must agree with you, however. Ideology is for plebs

>> No.4617126

Your rights end where my feelings begin, we need to distribute the wealth from the rich to the poor, the white race is evil and must vanish from the face of the earth, etc.

>> No.4617132

Care to explain?

I'm aware of two distinct ideologies labeled "libertarianism"

The first is mostly used on non-english speaking countries, meaning marxist communism without the Leninist authoritarian state, etc.

And the other is liberalism as seen by americans who say things like "the government has a monopoly on education" and "the civil war was about secession rights"

>> No.4617133

What the fuck are you talking about
>redistribute the wealth

>> No.4617134

shouldn't have asked

>> No.4617136

then you hop on your plane and leave the country for one where the proles are less uppity

ideologies are lots of fun though tbh

>> No.4617138

Yeah, that's exactly it.

>> No.4617144

Need I remind you who coined the phrase, "To hang the last king with the guts of the last priest?"

>> No.4617157

That can be annoying.

People's perceptions of the distinctions between their country's moderate political parties are somewhat wrongheaded, too. http://www.politicalcompass.org/uselection2012

>> No.4617166

Wife sharing is not a fascist thing, fascism is all about conventional family.

Machiavelli was a major inspiration to Mussolini, you know.

Oh, yes. I'm referring to his discourses. You do realize he proposes the same cyclic idea of history that Spangler later did? Machiavelli stresses that a leader of a state must support religion (even if he doesn't believe in it) and frequently seek out wars to prevent men from falling into decadence. Machiavelli wanted a two-party state, yes, but two fascist parties, a populist and an elitist one.

>> No.4617173

It's been a while since I took that test.


First time in my life that I'm in the green square.

>> No.4617178

Not nearly communist enough. -10, -7 here. Most of my mates are -10, -10 or -10, -9: but I've got discipline from the labour movement and they tend to, well, do "social" activism.

>> No.4617182

Are you fucking retarded or just trolling? The West has been under leftist cultural hegemony for years now. What actual influence do say Tea Partiers have when the universities and every center of cultural production and value shaping is leftist to the core?

>> No.4617190

>implying libertarianism, socialism and authoritarianism are incompatible


>> No.4617198

>The West has been under leftist cultural hegemony for years now.
Returns to labour from GDP have declined remarkably from 1970: all productivity gains have gone to profit or reinvestment.

The welfare state was systematically dismantled.

Australia, sainted economically and civilly free Australia is murdering people in concentration camps.

And you suggest that the West has been under leftist cultural hegemony? LEFTIST? As in no capitalist needs eyes leftist? At best bourgeois liberals hold a few useless literary criticism positions in Universities and Zizek has been elevated as a new Marcuse to befuddle bourgeois undergraduates.

Fucksakes mate: your side has been winning since they started throwing Chilean trade unionists out of helicopters. Who the fuck do you think Reagan (broke the US unions with PATCO) and Thatcher (broke the UK unions with the miners) were?

Are you that ignorant?

>> No.4617201

Different anon here.
'Conventional family' is not unique to fascism, or any political ideology.

Mussolini being inspired by Machiavelli doesn't make Machiavelli fascist.

Neither does any of the following:

>You do realize he proposes the same cyclic idea of history that Spangler later did? Machiavelli stresses that a leader of a state must support religion (even if he doesn't believe in it) and frequently seek out wars to prevent men from falling into decadence.

>Machiavelli wanted a two-party state, yes, but two fascist parties
No, he didn't, because fascism did not exist at that time. Using a modern ideology to identify past ideas is extremely irresponsible. 'Fascist' concepts could be identified in most if not all pre liberal democratic societies. That doesn't make them fascist. Civic virtue and loyalty, amongst other things, were integral to so many past societies.

>> No.4617203

Remove the "Green" part and that seems exactly the sort of Party /pol/ might join

In this one http://www.politicaltest.net I keep getting "Social Democrat something" despite the fact that I despise social democrats.

>> No.4617206

i think he's american and leftist = socially liberal

>> No.4617209

As long as the West remains capitalist, it's hard to seriously argue that it is under some 'leftist' cultural hegemony.

>> No.4617213

Meanwhile you just do "antisocial" activism, giving homeless people a dollar if they degrade themselves in front of you or giving them a coca-cola if they fight to the death. -7 laissez-faire pig fuck.

>> No.4617218

Yes, but Machiavelli was the first to analyze them exterior of the Machine; to say that religions is lies, and that lies are good, rather than to just say that religion is good. To overtly say raison d'etat always justified "reprehensible" actions. Machiavelli did not say war is glorious, he said compelling citizens to fight wars is important because it distracts from reaching a level of conscious where they'd question the state. This is all very fascist because it is fascist thought.

>> No.4617226

Just because we're past your Paradox Interactive-induced hard-on for ethno-Nationalism and primitive liberal capitalism doesn't mean we're left-wing.

Many positions now associated with the "socially progressives" were far more popular back in the pre-WW2 era, and the decaying welfare system now in place was first conceived by liberal conservatives trying to stop socialists from gaining power.

>> No.4617250

Oh, god, so you two *really* are that ignorant.

"Capitalist" is a snarl world. It doesn't describe anything, it is a synonym for "everything that is there". "Socialism" as in the ownership of all productive capital by the representation of the collective is utterly impossible. That has been proven through and through.

What the left is is not about destroying this thing called "capitalism", because "capitalism" isn't a thing that can be destroyed. It is a windmill. The left is about engineering a perpetual state of agitation and unstability so the seizure of power by the revolutionary group (not necessarily armed; revolutionary here in the sense of a group that wants to reshape and control all aspect of social life) becomes easier and easier.

So where is it that the leftist cultural hegemony goes? Everywhere that can destroy the established institutions of the West. Our intellectual life is dominated by contradictory beliefs -- contradictory BY DESIGN, so they can't ever be carried out and the intellectuals can keep rallying against "oppression" that isn't there. We can simultaneously demand the head of the man who but catcalling a woman and say that the practicioners of the knockout game are poor helpless victims of society. We can simultaneously preach racial equality but build up resentment between blacks and whites.

What you are, in the end, is a marvelous pair of useful idiots. Nothing will ever be leftist enough for you (that is the nature of the left), so you'll always be there waiting for the next leader to direct your efforts. Incidentally, this extremism is exactly why whenever a revolutionary party comes to power, it purges the most fanatical to the cause. Happened in the USSR, in China and in Germany.

>> No.4617251

>Meanwhile you just do "antisocial" activism, giving homeless people a dollar if they degrade themselves in front of you or giving them a coca-cola if they fight to the death. -7 laissez-faire pig fuck.

Uh, x axes go negative to the left, and for some reason x is mentioned before y.

If you tell me I give charity to my face you'll lose teeth.

>> No.4617256

>"Capitalist" is a snarl world. It doesn't describe anything, it is a synonym for "everything that is there".
Negative, it describes "capital" as the most valuable asset of someone in society.

>"Socialism" as in the ownership of all productive capital by the representation of the collective is utterly impossible.
No, that's communism. Socialism is ownership of the productive capital by the people who use it. It's everything as a co-op.

>> No.4617257

>"Capitalist" is a snarl world.
You misspelt "word."

p.s.: The definition supplied in M—C…P…C'—M' is adequate and definitive.

>> No.4617263

Cynical, practical motivations for political and social organisation like that which you attribute to Machiavelli are not fascist in any way, simply because centuries down the track fascism decides to adopt them.

>This is all very fascist because it is fascist thought.
The more accurate thing to say would be it is all very Machiavellian because it is Machiavellian thought.

Your view is upside down. You're taking a certain defined political philosophy (fascism) which emulates certain values that were displayed by most human cultures throughout history, and then implying that those views are uniquely fascist.

>> No.4617267

Yeah, just like it's not wrong to call a communist civilization that existed thousands of years ago, communist.

>> No.4617269
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-8.75, -8.72

man, i had no idea i was such a pigdog

>> No.4617270

Oh, of course, X axes first. My bad. Adjust the joke accordingly, fascist pig fuck.

>> No.4617273

Also, no, most cultures did not run who Machiavelli said was optional; he proposed keeping the aristocracy and the workers in gentle conflict so the state doesn't have to worry about either getting too powerful; most states back then WERE the aristocracy.

>> No.4617277

>"Capitalist" is a snarl world. It doesn't describe anything, it is a synonym for "everything that is there".
No, it describes something or someone that belongs to or characterises an economic system by which production is privately owned. That is as basic as basic gets.

>"Socialism" as in the ownership of all productive capital by the representation of the collective is utterly impossible. That has been proven through and through.
No, it hasn't. The experiments at collective capital that I am aware of were persecuted and destroyed by outside state violence. Stop making things up.

The rest of your post is not much more than babble, due to your confused definition of 'capitalism' and 'capitalist'.

>> No.4617286

>Negative, it describes "capital" as the most valuable asset of someone in society.

Yes. Except that there can't be a society where capital isn't the most important thing. "Capitalism" implies that thing Noam Chomsky and college kids keep ranting about, "profits over people!" It is purely an insult.

>No, that's communism. Socialism is ownership of the productive capital by the people who use it. It's everything as a co-op.

Just like that? It is cute. Means nothing, though. "Tthe people" are an abstraction. There isn't an entity that we can say "hey look it's the people." As such, the control over the productive capital isn't by "the people", but by the group that purports to be its representative, that is, the revolutionary party (in the broad sense). But since the party and the people are intended to be one and the same, that means the party's reach necessarily extends to the whole of society, necessarily politicizing everything in people's lives.

It is clear as day that many aspects of everyday life are being politicized in today's West.

>You misspelt "word."

And you wrote a bunch of dumb shit. That's probably worse!

>p.s.: The definition supplied in M—C…P…C'—M' is adequate and definitive.

The definition in the circuit of capital is utterly meaningless. What Marx calls simple commodity production is not a separate thing from the circuit that he says characterizes "capitalism", but an incidental event inside it. Money and credit (mostly credit) existed through pretty much all of human history besides those really savage tribes, and weren't for them, humanity would never have experienced technological progress to the point of having something like the Industrial Revolution.

>> No.4617297

>there can't be a society where capital isn't the most important thing

U wot m8?

>> No.4617298

>No, it hasn't. The experiments at collective capital that I am aware of were persecuted and destroyed by outside state violence.

Most capital is collective. Do you even know how corporations work or are you too busy smoking weed and not shaving because you want to look intellectual to your friends?

Production being "privately owned" or "collectively owned", in terms of purely economic categories, is the same. These terms have meaning only when they transcend the economic sphere and enter into the political one, i.e., "public" or "collective" is property owned by the representative of the people and "private" is that which isn't.

The imaginary socialist utopia entails that all property would be owned by one representative of all humanity. That is economically impossible without reverting to a stone age (see Mises). And as soon as property is owned by at least two different groups, trade necessarily emerges and we are back to the same situation we were before.

>> No.4617301

Um, yes? In terms of economic development and improving standards of living, you pretty much depend on capital accumulation.

>> No.4617313

But you wont find fascist civilization existing thousands of years ago. That's my point. Past civilizations which shared certain values that are now held by fascists does not make said civilizations fascist. Fascism is defined by its unique philosophical aspects, not the vague virtues that were common to man in the past. Fascism seeks to establish subservience to an all powerful state in the time of the liberal democracy; it defines itself by the conscious establishment of a certain philosophy, partly in opposition to what is the common political system in the world today. Prior to the liberal democracy, you will find most cultures to be authoritarian and statist to our eyes, almost as a matter of course. It is silly to go backwards and refer to them as fascist because fascism seeks to preserve (and pervert in many cases) some of their values.

>> No.4617330

That's not what you said though, you said there can't be a society where capital isn't the most important thing and that isn't true

>> No.4617333

You obviously shouldn't kill children (or starve Ukraine) in the name of capital accumulation, but I didn't feel it would be necessary to point that out. But since you need it so...

>> No.4617337

>Most capital is collective.
You're living in a fantasy world; embarrassing little attempts at insults wont mask that. Corporations or any standard company uses or exploits capital, including labour, by the owners of said corporations.
>Production being "privately owned" or "collectively owned", in terms of purely economic categories, is the same.
See above.

>The imaginary socialist utopia entails that all property would be owned by one representative of all humanity. That is economically impossible without reverting to a stone age (see Mises). And as soon as property is owned by at least two different groups, trade necessarily emerges and we are back to the same situation we were before.

Every sentence here is based off at least one misconception or complete irrelevance.

Your posts have been some of the most idiotic shit I've seen on this website, so for that, congratulations.

>> No.4617344

I wasn't referring to Soviet Russia, that was a society where capital was the most important thing, I meant for example the Inka empire or various tribal societies based on reciprocity

>> No.4617355

>You're living in a fantasy world; embarrassing little attempts at insults wont mask that. Corporations or any standard company uses or exploits capital, including labour, by the owners of said corporations.

Yeah, corporations are ran just like in Atlas Shrugged with a capitalist superman who controls everything himself and provides all the capital. What the fuck are shareholders and stakeholders and the goddamn stock market for.

If corporations worked like they do in your imaginary world... they wouldn't work.

Good lord, this is embarrassing. And you probably vote.

>Your posts have been some of the most idiotic shit I've seen on this website, so for that, congratulations.

You are a goddamn moron who doesn't even understand how corporations are ran. You probably are college age without much experience other than your cool hip circle of friends, so I will let that pass though.

>> No.4617357

>tfw Leninists don't understand inherent violence that comes with the state.
>tfw Owning the means of the production won't make the workers organize efficiently
>tfw state capitalist/communist countries killed ~100 million in the past century and socialists deny it with the same veracity in which Fascists deny the Holocaust
>tfw nobody here can give a single example of a True, Free Market economy that failed, or a state-planned economy that succeeded.

Leftists are a fun debate though, I'll give them that. Especially Anarcho-Leftists who don't understand that their political philosophy is one giant hypocrisy.

>> No.4617358

>Yeah, corporations are ran just like in Atlas Shrugged with a capitalist superman who controls everything himself and provides all the capital.
That's a nice little assumption you make there, anon.

>> No.4617364

Sure, capital may not be the most important thing culturally. But it is economically. Remember that the Incas and those empires of old were not pacifists, and they built their capital goods from conquests and slave labor.

>> No.4617366

>What the fuck are shareholders and stakeholders and the goddamn stock market for.
Is this meant to be your idea of collective wealth?
Oh dear.

>> No.4617379

What are some true free market economies, I didn't think there were any? In any case, places that could be classed as that generally have aspects of dystopia, you wouldn't want to be poor in one. I didn't think there were any Leninists left, and certainly very few socialists who would be so cretinous as to deny that Stalin/Lenin style communism caused the death of millions and created a totalitarian police state, though how much this was due to the ideology and how much to Stalin's paranoia is debateable.

>> No.4617390

the point is they can't understand the philosophy because they don't agree with it.

>> No.4617395

Latest research indicates that the Inka empire were essentially communists, I could be remembering this wrong since it's a while since I read it but I don't think they had money or an economy as we understand it, and weren't too far from Russia under Stalin, though without the mass murder. I'd not want to live there, just saying that a state where capital isn't the most important thing isn't an impossibility

>> No.4617399

>this is what you decided to do with your time

>> No.4617413

>ad hominem

And here I was thinking /lit/ was the most intelligent board on 4chan. Even /pol/ at least pretends to back what they say with empirical evidence.

>> No.4617414

>And you probably vote.

much relevance
so logic

>> No.4617417

That wasn't an ad hominem...

>> No.4617418

As a right-libertarian, I'm sincerely sorry for every randroid and /pol/tard you've ever had to deal with. Please, not every single one of us are like this. I'm so sorry.

>> No.4617433

daily reminder that statism is antithetical to human nature and must be abolished.

>> No.4617435
File: 86 KB, 267x267, baaabby.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

by all means elaborate

>> No.4617436

...yes it is?
>An ad hominem (Latin for "to the man" or "to the person"), short for argumentum ad hominem, is a general category of fallacies in which a claim or argument is rejected on the basis of some irrelevant fact about the author of or the person presenting the claim or argument. Fallacious Ad hominem reasoning is normally categorized as an informal fallacy, more precisely as a genetic fallacy, a subcategory of fallacies of irrelevance.[7] Ad hominem reasoning is not always fallacious, for example, when it relates to the credibility of statements of fact.

Rather than refute the argument, you took a stab at the fact that I took the time to write it out. By directing at me, rather than what I said, you are most surely committing ad hominem.

>> No.4617438

Is this the start of an epic new meme?

>> No.4617442
File: 28 KB, 400x289, 1359159504866.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>live in America
>defends socialism/leninism/marxism

Seriously, I'd love to go to your country and be "explored" by your "bourgeoisie". 45% of my income goes to this incompetent Government who distribute it to the lazy people and offer us in return shit health/education/security/Justice system, not to mention the corruption, impunity, bureaucracy and 6+% inflation/year.

>> No.4617445
File: 17 KB, 380x389, Samuel-Edward-Konkin-III.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SEK3 was more revolutionary and left wing than any of you faggots and he fully supported a free market. /lit/ can't even into the left.

>> No.4617449
File: 21 KB, 255x400, Olavo de Carvalho.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So you're Brazilian?

>> No.4617450
File: 83 KB, 500x461, i know that HUEHUEHUE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.4617457
File: 33 KB, 287x555, gokuro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4617460
File: 45 KB, 600x450, 1393213222013.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not being an intellectual elitist.

>> No.4617484

There was no argument to begin with.

I did not give a personal attack as a way to refute an argument. I simply gave a personal attack, and even then it was pretty valid.

>> No.4617510

That's the entire point. The whole idea of ad hominem is that it isn't an argument, or at least a valid one. It is, by definition, a personal attack, meant to make my argument seem less valid.

This isn't that hard of a concept, dude.

>> No.4617513

>there are people RIGHT NOW that aren't entho-Nationalist War-Mongers
Ha, ha. Oh, wow.

>> No.4617520

There is an important distinction. Fascism seeks to make the bureaucracy a class of it's own rather than the tool of a class.

>> No.4617523

>Bob is wrong because he is a doofus
ad hominem

>Bob is a doofus
not ad hominem

fuck you're dumb

>> No.4617524

>ust like that? It is cute. Means nothing, though. "Tthe people" are an abstraction. There isn't an entity that we can say "hey look it's the people." As such, the control over the productive capital isn't by "the people", but by the group that purports to be its representative, that is, the revolutionary party (in the broad sense). But since the party and the people are intended to be one and the same, that means the party's reach necessarily extends to the whole of society, necessarily politicizing everything in people's lives.
No, you don;t understand. It's the factor is owned by the workers of the factory in socialism, not by "the people". That is the distinction. In communism, everyone owns everything.

>> No.4617526

>seeks to
It doesn't will it to, it just happens as is the case with every "revolutionary ideology"

>> No.4617538

And how do the coops trade and coordinate with each other?

If there is a central authority directing it, then it is no longer the workers in the factory that own it. It could at most be something like that which Tito implemented in Yugoslavia.

If there isn't, then it is just a market like any other and you haven't changed much. In fact, market forces are more likely to make the coop operate more like a traditional firm, as has been known to happen to Mondragon, for example, that has started to use hired labor a while ago.

>> No.4617541

Nonsense. The bureaucracy is almost always a tool of those who have the most money, even after a revolution, not vice versa. In Machiavellianism/fascism, those who have money and prestige can be jettisoned at will be the state and reformed by any demographic the state wishes to replace them.

>> No.4617542

It's like any other free market, except you're entitled to what you produce. The state merely enforces laws; it might collect taxes, but it doesn't take everything or even most of anything.

>> No.4617559

>come into a thread filled with people arguing
>"no guise but i wasn't i was just insulting him i trole you XD"

>> No.4617609

>libertarians criticizing leftists for over reliance on feelings when the entire libertarian philosophy is based on "boo hoo poor rich people"