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4615041 No.4615041 [Reply] [Original]

What do you guys think about Aesop Rock, is he clever or nonsensical? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XabAnAJjDik for quick reference

>> No.4615050

>white rappers

>> No.4615064

Aesop Rock is the shit, most likely because he brings me back to an LSD trip with a couple of my buddies back in Highschool.

>> No.4615065

He's obtuse but not nonsensical. You can translate what he's saying pretty easily.


Paul's Boutique is one of the most influential hip hop records of all time.

>> No.4615070

only white people think that the first beastie boys album isn't the best one

>> No.4615520


>> No.4615531
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>white rappers
rap is like metal in that there are thematic constraints. as soon as metal stops being about weed and satan it starts being about how hard it is to be a high schooler, and as soon as rap stops being about money and bitches it starts being about shopping at the thrift store and hating your mom

>> No.4615544

>crackers trying to rap

>> No.4615546


>> No.4615548


rap is nothing without negros rapping about their hair

>> No.4615560

Do you even listen to rap?

>> No.4615564

None Shall Pass is a great track, haven't listened to much else.

>> No.4615566

Public Enemy weren't about money or bitches.

>> No.4615571

White rappers are good freestylers

Other than that, rap works best as simple "pop music" and rappers that try to be too smart end up being kinda boring.
There are a few, very very few, rappers that do anything intellectual. But at that point, you're better off just reading a book or something.

>> No.4615577

i love /mu/

>> No.4615607


>rappers that try to be too smart end up being kinda boring

Honestly this. Aesop and Yoni Wolf and all those other too-clever-by-half guys are just dull to listen to.

>> No.4615624


>yoni wolf

choose one, motherfucker

>> No.4615628


I just fucking said this retard.

>> No.4615631


I hate his voice. I hate white boy/nerd rap

>> No.4615633


>I just said this **,** retard

fixed that for you, kunt

>> No.4615636

>Not listening to German upper middle class gangsta rap

>> No.4615638

>clever or nonsensical
There's definitely more substance there within his lyrics than first appears when you listen to him for the first time. Just takes a little effort.

>> No.4615640
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Hip-hop being black is what makes hip-hop good. White people rapping is annoying because they either sound like wiggers or they sound like nerds.


vs this fake white boy crap


>> No.4615652
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kill ursel

>> No.4615654

Aesop Rock more than any other rapper embodies the pretentious, pseudo-cryptic, and pseudo-intellectual strain of backpack rap, which is arguably worse even than the bathetic and sentimental camp, headed these days by Macklemore, if he hasn't gotten too popular.

He's calculated to appeal to those who demand explicit and unsubtle "profundity" in absolutely every line; those who believe in "serious art" and believe "serious" means art that's ostensibly complex, recondite, and mystic: like a grand puzzle, needing to be decoded for "hidden messages" which hold the key to any and all Big Questions you might have about Life and Existence.

All this to make up for the listeners covertly racist assumptions about hip hop and it's place in the dominant culture. Oh yeah, it's rap, but don't worry, it's not like Lil' Wayne or anything like that, it's *intelligent rap*. He's not just singing about money and bitches like popular (read: black) rappers, he actually has a lot of like really deep messages and stuff in his music, it's very like personal on conscious, you know?

>> No.4615662

best post i've seen on /lit/ in ages

>> No.4615664


aesop is eyedea without the heart

a rapper for try hard plenplens

>> No.4615666

>>All this to make up for the listeners covertly racist assumptions about hip hop and it's place in the dominant culture. Oh yeah, it's rap, but don't worry, it's not like Lil' Wayne or anything like that, it's *intelligent rap*. He's not just singing about money and bitches like popular (read: black) rappers, he actually has a lot of like really deep messages and stuff in his music, it's very like personal on conscious, you know?
that there judgemental nature of yours

>> No.4615681


Stay mad nigger

>> No.4615688


>actually linking eminem in 2014

way to make his point for him tardboy

>> No.4615689

The best post you've ever seen on /lit/ was something that should belong on /mu/?

>> No.4615695

this is not surprising considering the average post quality on both boards

>> No.4615696

way to get fucking rekt by white rapper boypussy

>> No.4615703

Do you really listen to eminem because if you do you are such a big white boy faggot jesus christ just put on facepaint and go to a juggalo concert while you're at it.

>> No.4615708

In all seriousness I am not the sort of person to just throw around allegations of racism, overt or otherwise, but it's hard to read the market for ostensibly and explicitly "serious" rap as anything but. Think off all the extremely common yet completely baseless criticisms of black hip hop artists: that they're not serious, that they're only concerned with superficial things like money and sex, that they're amoral or violent or homophobic. By injecting overt, nauseous earnestness and sentimentality (a la Macklemore) or explicit complexity and profundity (a la Aesop Rock) these criticisms are made up for and more. Yet no where in any other sector of pop culture do you find seriousness even approaching that of the backpack rapper. Why? Because no where else does the blackness need to be scrubbed off as thoroughly.

>> No.4615710

>One of the best rappers ever to exist, technically unrivaled rapper.
I want lecontararians to leave.

>> No.4615719

You are such a white boy faggot. Anyone who takes rap seriously is a faggot. I imagine you in your bedroom listening to eminem and I'm laughing because you're a faggot.

>> No.4615721

It's more about black/white roles in society.
In America they have somewhat defined roles, but elsewhere you can sometimes find white rappers who don't sound like nerds/wiggers.
It's rare, though, and those second two examples you posted are perfect illustration of what's wrong with most white rap.

Yeah. I don't know Aesop Rock that well, but in general there is also a lack of authenticity and a lack of humor, which happens because there's too much political correctness to make that possible.
I don't want to go full /pol/ here, but you can often feel something like the "white guilt" from these guys, who wouldn't dare say anything even remotely offensive, not even jokingly. And they never miss a chance to suck the dick of some black "rap legend" from the 90s (even if that rap legend was mostly into money&bitches).

The whole underground/backpacker rap culture relies on the idea of some authentic "old school" hip hop, which was "real" and not "commercialized and fake" like the mainstream stuff on MTV.
So it's ironic when the mainstream rap ends up being actually more creative and authentic than the formulaic underground/backpack rap.
There are some exceptions, of course. There are some creative underground rappers, but they tend to be a minority.

>> No.4615732

> I imagine you in your bedroom

lol fuk boi u da one who sound like a faggot

>> No.4615744

Nice comeback. Now go blast your eminem while you wait for your mother to come home from work to cook breakfast/lunch/dinner for you.

>> No.4615790

go blast imagine dragons while you wait for your grandpa to come home and give you a rim job

pedophile faggot fuk boi

>> No.4615822

For the most part white rappers suck because their beats suck.

>> No.4615857
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