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4612695 No.4612695[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Can lit recommend some books on fascist theory?

I've read Jünger, and I'm going to read H.S. Chamberlain. Is D'Annunzio worth it? Any other guys?

No Mein Kampf.
I'm not from pol by the way.

>> No.4612707

Communism > Fascism

>> No.4612727
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>tfw no qt3.14 ss bf

>> No.4612742
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Despotic Meritocracy > Fascism
Fascism is the herd, dude.

>> No.4612747

Altruistic Autocracy

>> No.4612749

The Birth of Fascist Ideology
Anatomy of Fascism

>> No.4612763

>implying there is any theory behind fascism worthy of that name
>implying all forms of fascism haven't been either bureaucratic despotism or thuggery as a politic
>implying I should even reply to this thread

Try Our War of Liberation, RG Mugabe, Mambo Press

>> No.4612779

Fascism's only intellectual support is from strawman images like what you posted, really. Fascists didn't have a theory, they just ran with a few batshit ideas; namely: races are real (biologically, or if you're going /super/ crazy, spiritually), countries need to be separated by race, races shouldn't intermingle, Jews are responsible for every bad thing that has ever happened, war is necessary and needs to be encourage, society needs to be held to extremely strict, fundamentalist rules and regulations as to how they act and think, corporations control capital and are in turn controlled by the state which is controlled by an autocracy, probably some other nonsense I'm missing.

tl;dr: social-Darwinism enacted by state-capitalism claiming not to be capitalism

>> No.4612781

If there's anything to be learned from this pic, OP, it's the fascism produces squares. Those folks need to learn how to express themselves! They need to break some rules!

>> No.4612788

Fascism is despotic meritocracy with proper rhetoric for herd control, friend. Don't forget the noble lie. Don't for a minute think that fascists leaders actually believed what they peddled to the people to the letter. Like any functional system, there were multiple levels of understanding for multiple levels of the population.

>> No.4612811

Well fascism took depression era Germany from a destitute barren country to a juggernaut nearly capable of fighting off the world by itself within a few years. Something there was working. Too bad Hitler was so overly ambitious.

>> No.4612812

Sophocracy not the way to go

>> No.4612832

To My Legionaries - Corneliu Zelea Codreanu

>> No.4612841

fascist theory =/= fascism in practice
communist theory =/= communism in practice
capitalist theory =/= capitalism in practice
anarchist theory =/= anarchism in practice
libertarian theory =/= libertarianism in practice

>> No.4612875

That's the magic of rhetoric and brainwashing, anon.

>> No.4612921

>Well fascism took depression era Germany from a destitute barren country to a juggernaut nearly capable of fighting off the world by itself within a few years.
Lol, people believe this? The only reason they got off the ground was because they surprised everyone with an all out invasion extending everywhere, without thinking about how they could possible keep control over that much land with that many people when Germany could barely fend for itself, nevermind what it was going to do with all this occupied territory in a post-war scenario. Nazism is idiots contracting a contagious viral-meme about a social-retard's revenge power fantasy.

>> No.4612942

Hitler wasn't responsible for that, it was other economists in the government.

>> No.4612952

If that makes you feel better that the bad guys did what nobody else could.

>those buzzwords

>> No.4612962

Fascism is virtually anti-theoretical. There are ideological treatises but very little pro-Fascist work is analytical at all. Honestly I'd say reading Benjamin will give you a better understanding of fascism then, say, Mussolini will. Reading dialectically (especially when concerned with ideology or political ontology) can be much more helpful than taking it "head-on."

>> No.4612963

>hurp durp they just surprised them

I've never seen such a brain dead view on history.

>> No.4612966

Facism didn't do any of that shit, economists did. Also they borrowed a shitload, knowing that they'd never plan to pay back anyone.

>> No.4612984

But they were surprised. France and the UK were having a pacifist surge, the USSR was too busy purging the shit out of everyone and Murrika was still in an isolationist phase. The only countries that saw it coming were weak neighboring countries such as Czechoslovakia or Poland.

>> No.4612995

Are you denying that Germany was a destitute depression era economy before the fascists got a hold of it? Are you denying that Germany revolutionized warfare? Are you denying the technological achievements of the Germans of this period?

I don't want to glorify the Nazis since their acts during this period were nothing short of evil, but in certain ways they could run a country. If that makes you uncomfortable then deal with it.

>> No.4613004

What do you even know about Germany

>> No.4613002

This guy is almost singlehandedly responsible for most of the economic policies enforced in Nazi Germany, to the point he was tried in Nuremberg for allowing Germany to become that powerful. However he wasn't a party member and despised its violent practices.

>> No.4613011

You can attribute the German's success in Poland and Czechoslovakia to surprise. But the surprise sort of ends after you invade and annex 3 countries.

>> No.4613023

Again, the Nazis didn't do any of that shit. They attracted a bunch of skilled economists, officers, etc. (except the Jewish ones) and put them into power. Most of the people behind the economic and military success of Nazi Germany didn't feel any affiliation toward national-socialism beyond basic opportunism.

>> No.4613032

France and the UK still believed Hitler would stop at Czechoslovakia. Also, again because of the pacifist mindset in these countries, defensive warfare was preferred, with all the disastrous consequences we know.

>> No.4613036

I'm not suggesting that being a Nazi somehow transforms you into a super smart superhuman.

These people still operated under a Nazi run, Nazi organized country operating under Nazi ideals. They knew how to utilize their people towards their goals. Smart people exist everywhere.

>> No.4613044

>These people still operated under a Nazi run, Nazi organized country operating under Nazi ideals.
such ideals didn't go very far beyond "let's shoot anyone who disagrees with us and anyone we don't like and anyone we deem useless" and batshit racial theories whose implementations were horrifying on top of being a huge waste of resources and time

>> No.4613052

Capitalist ideals didn't go very far beyond let's just let everyone scramble for all the money they want and everything will sort of fall into place.

You see how easy that is?

>> No.4613061

maximum strawman
I'm not arguing in favor of capitalism, in fact there are many capitalist countries people would call unsuccessful

>> No.4613067

I never suggested you did retard. Only that anything can be simplified like that.

>> No.4613077

>anything can be simplified like that
did you just find out about that paradigm thingy?

>> No.4613093
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>> No.4613118


>mfw I know you are being sarcastic
>mfw I also know that people out there sincerely hold views like the one you gloriously parodized


>> No.4613125

>not from pol by the way.
Sure, sure.

>> No.4613167

Giovani Gentilw

>> No.4613177

>implying fascism isn't only a way to implement a legal and ideological framework in which it is okay to do repulsive acts such as raping, killing, exterminating and plundering as long as it's done "for the greater good"

>> No.4613193


and how's this opinion of yours related to the post you're responding to?

>> No.4613199

You should visit /mu/. You'd love it there.

>> No.4613230


>> No.4613271

the point is that fascists despise "rule-breakers" but only insofar as they get to make the rules

>> No.4613296


Correct, he was more of a Keynesian than anything else. Also, Hitler eventually got bored with him, appointed Goring and everything went shitfaced from then on

>> No.4613417

Payne and Griffin as modern undergrad diagnostic texts. I'd read Payne first, personally.

Gentile, absolutely. And the Doctrine of Fascism which he probably partially/ghostwrote. It's actually bretty gud.

Schmitt for critique of parliamentary/liberal democracy, for theory of constitutional settlement and the role of government vis-a-vis its "the people", and ultimately Hobbesian Fuhrerprinzip. Gottfried's book on Schmitt is an excellent starting place.

Hoffer's True Believer, Adorno's Authoritarian Personality, and there's another one that always formed a triad here whenever a professor talked about major pathologies of fascism. Beware, Adorno is basically a fraud retard, and even if you like some of his other work, TAP is juvenile bunk. Still useful though.

Evola's three most famous/major works on for authoritarianism.

If you can find any, Maurras on integral nationalism. I'd recommend some Italian palingenetic nationalists and other proto-natsocs (all minor) but I can't remember any fucking names today.

Fascism has the weird distinction that if you want to study it you mostly have to study its fellow travellers and construct its outline from the gap that appears between them.

>> No.4613424

Oh, don't know how I forgot Sorel. Reflections on Violence.

>> No.4613431

I gotta admit, Nazis were the best dressed regime ever to march the face of the earth.

>> No.4613441
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Dat style.

>> No.4613447
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>> No.4613452
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Based nippon.

>> No.4613453
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>> No.4613456
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>> No.4613460

I love that Asians love Nazi culture and don't even give a fuck. They're just like, "6 million jews, yeah, whatever"

>> No.4613467

Sarcasm. You would hate it there and the people there.

>> No.4613472
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don't start the /pol/ propaganda though

>> No.4613478

>Not absolute monarchism


>> No.4613486

Absolute monarchism is the best system there is when you have a good ruler on the throne. But it is also the worst system when you have a bad one. You're playing dice.

>> No.4613499


why would they care if nobody shoves that propaganda to their throats on daily basis.

>6 million
Lets say "around 10 million" it sounds better,

>> No.4613503

Tremedously bad rulers are avoided by proper king tier education.

>> No.4613505


Fascism is basically the same crapshoot, except the people don't respect the government and the government doesn't care about the people.

>> No.4613528

>except the people don't respect the government and the government doesn't care about the people.

Neither of those things are true. Fascism does care quite a bit about the people as a whole, even if the individual is considered less important. And I really don't know how you could say people didn't respect the Nazi government.

>> No.4613570


Fascism actually had strong emphasis on the individual; Hitler said in Mein Kampf that every invention, every new thing, was thanks to the individual.

>individuals in power
>rights and responsibility

That's far too sensible to be allowed nowadays, based democracy is the true herd, friend.

>> No.4613583

>tfw you realise at least one girl will read this post
>tfw she will read this and then become aware of her own vagina
>tfw you technically interacted with a girl's vagina

>> No.4613589

the people is made of individuals
as long as you disregard individual rights you don't give a fuck about the people

>> No.4613603

Well as long as you were a member of the national race the government took quite good care of you. That's more than you can say for a lot of absolute monarchies. Were certain individuals excluded? Sure. But I'm only comparing it to absolute monarchies here.

>> No.4613659


>the right to get so fat you fucking die
>the right to get so dumb you can't work as anything but a whore
>the right to do so much drugs you can't function anymore
>the right to live on other people's money
>the right to rape children and do only a few years and come back after having been fed and sheltered for years while the homeless live on the street and have committed no crime

Yeah, people's rights. Fuck people's rights, you'd have no fucking rights if there weren't people in charge doing the work.

Rights are earned. In the real world, might is right, so until you show some might, be thankful that those with might tolerate you.

>> No.4613669
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>> No.4613671

>mfw when I read your post and started thinking of vagina
>mfw when I suddenly achieved a raging boner
>mfw when you've technically interacted with me so I got a raging boner

tl;dr You're a fag

>> No.4613673

I too am interested in a book about Fascism, but without bias, something that explains the theory of it in a way that makes it understandable.

I'm tired of getting non-neutral opinions, I want facts.

>> No.4613682

3 edgy

>> No.4613711
File: 95 KB, 600x465, kantig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just read popular science books of the era.
hitler could connect with the masses because they all read the same plebby books.

>> No.4613728


It's this sort of retardation that creates fascists nowadays. As soon as people realise there's more to Hitler than morons like you want everyone to believe, they also realise you were lying.

Hitler himself talked of this sort of propaganda as counterproductive: when the Germans portrayed the French as faggots during ww1, and the German soldiers realised they weren't fags at all but actual soldiers who could kill your ass, they not only got scared senseless, but also felt betrayed and lied to by their own nation; whereas the French portrayed the German as a Hun, a barbarian, French soldiers could believe that and what they say didn't jar with it.

You're doing it wrong, idiot.

For Hitler to connect with the masses, he did a very easy thing: he gave them food, he gave them pride, he gave them projects and completed them, he turned Germany from being the most bitched nation in the world to an empire.

I'm not a Nazi but Jesus fucking Christ, get your shit together and talk some sense. What you do has consequences in the real world.

>> No.4613756

Him being an idiot has no effect on the world. This is /lit/ not national television.

>> No.4613812

i'm saying he had low education, not low intelligence.

food, pride... thats what happened after he was in power and the german economy seemed to have normalized. but it doesnt explain any prior popularity.
hitler's low education was a big bonus, basically he was from the same milieu as the majority, unlike anybody else from former governments.
the whole nazi movement was "anti-establishment", based on romantic view of a true organically grown instinct of the simple man. nazis fulfilled 100% the definition of populism: when one pretends that plebs are better, or somehow more capable than more educated experts.

and for example the "völkischer beobachter" only increased its readerbase after hitler told rosenberg to plebbify his articles.

>> No.4613816


It's people like him who made me read Mein Kampf to see for myself. I can understand why other people might feel betrayed and lied to.

Lies never lead to good things. One person is all it takes. I'm talking about the general behaviour towards certain subjects and people.

Everything counts.

>> No.4613831

>i'm saying he had low education, not low intelligence.

And you're wrong again. He had self-education but he was highly educated. He could read Shakespeare in English (can you read Goethe in German?) and had wide knowledge in history and architecture, and many other fields.

He basically spent his time reading and being homeless before the war, painting and reading all the time.

Hitler was indeed from the people and anti-intellectuals of the established sort. Problem is, he was right. Hitler wasn't that popular amongst the people, however. About half was not in his favour.

I reject your scorn of the people. You can't shit on people and then expect respect from them. Sorry.

>> No.4616339


>> No.4616379

The problem with these discussions of fascism is that too many people accept propaganda uncritically. They're willing to accept some criticisms of democratic and Marxist societies, but then declare that any fascist state was a utopia. They can accept the difficulty or impossibility of putting Marxist theory into practice, but then turn around and say that this myth of the racially unified state is perfect and cannot ever fail, only be failed through flawed implementation

Here are some more critical viewpoints:
The Anatomy of Fascism - Robert Paxton
The Third Reich series - Richard J. Evans
The Nazi Seizure of Power - William Sheridan Allen
Behemoth - Franz Neumann
The Authoritarians - Bob Altemeyer
Dark Continent - Mark Mazower
Black Sun - Nicholas Goodrick-Clarke

>> No.4616395


I might also add Umberto Eco's article on Ur-Fascism, based upon his experience growing up in Mussolini's Italy. It shows the sort of double-think necessary to become a fascist, and explains it much more clearly without any mystical terminology.