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/lit/ - Literature

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4612261 No.4612261[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

My sister wants to get back into reading.

Are there any good modern, easy-to-read books for somebody who hasn't read in years?

I was thinking this, but then I realized it's only so highly praised because of the internet cult thing with the author.

>> No.4612266
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>> No.4612264

Murakami. I think she'd enjoy him. She might enjoy John Green as well.

>> No.4612288

How old is your sister? My brother is 14 and he likes it, although he reads it in his second language so he might like it because it's moderately challenging. No internet hype there I think

>> No.4612296

Gift her mistborn, she'll love the female character.

Fuck john green, what an asshole trying to pander to kids

>> No.4612299


go to review section you'll understand

>> No.4612300

John Green makes me want to vomit do not subject her to that poison

>> No.4612391
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Holy shit. Its like tumblr and imgur threw up and called it a review.

>> No.4612463


John Green's work is the definition of purple prose. All his stories are the same, something tragic happens, spends the rest of the book masturbating and crying over said event.

The only reason he's even popular is because of his YouTube channel and the whole nerdfaggot movement.

>> No.4612468

Speak, Going Bovine, anything Christopher Moore.

>> No.4612473
File: 30 KB, 247x248, 1392178269114.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>*pointless EDIT* Woooah! 1000+ likes!? I'm surprised how many people are willing to read my little blurb of nothingness!

>I HATE this book. Absolutely hate it. Not just from the bottom of my heart (which would literally mean my ventricles, and so, no) but with my whole heart. I hate it, hate it, hate it.
>I hate the fact that it made me laugh, so hard!
>I hate the fact that it made me smile, so much!
>I hate the fact that it made me chuckle, so profusely!

>This is the first time I’ve truly been at a loss for words. What am I supposed to say? How can I do this book justice? Maybe tell you all that it was perfect? The best, most heartbreaking, hilarious book that has touched me like none other? Sure. I mean, it's been said countless times, in countless reviews, and you know what? They are absolutely, a hundred and fifty percent true.

>literally every review is by a woman
>someone literally has a profile pic of marla singer

>> No.4612475

Oh yeah, how the fuck does this book have a 4.5 rating? Our culture is fucking doomed

>> No.4612495

born in le wrong generation?

>> No.4612552
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No, boomers were worse. Pic related.

>> No.4612553

Why would you ever get OUT of reading anyway


>> No.4612561

>average american going swimming

>> No.4612567


You are a douchebag. Somebody's trying to do something productive and improve their life and all you can say is why did they ever stop in the first place?

If a fat person is trying to lose weight, do you ask him why she's fat?

We all make personal lifestyle mistakes as long as we fix them early it doesn't matter.

I'm sure you're not perfect.

>> No.4612579

>Going Bovine
I liked the book a lot, and when I met the author, she was super chill not a talentless hack like John Green

>> No.4612625
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>watched some of John Green's history videos on youtube
>bullshit revisionist
>obsessed with superficial trivia
>generalises the fuck out of everything and never addresses any controversies
>delivers every single minute of every single video with a slight smirk on his face as if everything he says is incredibly funny and witty, pic related

>> No.4612633


He's all about that social justice too.

>> No.4612638

Bro if you wanna read girl books just say so

>> No.4612641

What does /lit/ think of the English Literature series he did?
I don't think it was that horrible

>> No.4612642

How dare he.

>> No.4612655

His history isn't horrible considering they're ten minute videos.

>> No.4612664


There's an obvious feminist agenda in his videos and he goes out of his way to hate on white people.

>> No.4612710

Why does it have to be modern?

>> No.4614034

poor white males :(((((

john green can fuck himself tho

>> No.4614623

He just put up his Odyssey review. I can't put words to how biased it is, so I'll just post the video.


>> No.4614638

Don't you hate feeling oppressed :[[[

>> No.4614683

It actually not that bad. You—I mean, your sister—should read it.

>> No.4614701
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>An open letter to The Patriarchy

>> No.4616957

fuckin droppd

>> No.4616963

It's almost like it's intended for a broad audience

>> No.4616972

He just rambles about slut shaming for a while, it's not that big a deal, just totally non sequitur. He's pandering to his probably 98% teenage girl audience.

Cycle of violence stuff was good.

>> No.4616974

He's a fucking grown man. Is he really that desperate to farm Youtube bucks from adolescent girls watching his videos? Can't he just make quirky, soft, hollow content without also embarrassing himself for all eternity by even acknowledging "social justice", the most bourgeois, most adolescent thing ever created?

>> No.4617012
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The cadence of his voice is still going in my head, it won't stop.

>> No.4617114

"Now everyone knows that you can't properly enjoy a book until you know a lot about it's author"
...Barthes would beg to differ

>> No.4617125
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>"Now everyone knows that you can't properly enjoy a book until you know a lot about it's author"

>> No.4617199

>"Now everyone knows that you can't properly enjoy a book until you know a lot about it's author"
He is joking.
Also fuck the 'The Letter to patriarchy'.

>> No.4617314

He knows his audience and is manipulating them.

>> No.4617327


Every artist manipulate's their audience

>> No.4617342

It's just polite to have five or six layers of Anxiety of Influence, though.

>> No.4617428

u mad

>> No.4617431


Pynchon anyway

>> No.4617485

The Goldfinch is not a bad book. It was written recently and is popular now, has an engaging plot, and is easy to read. It has decent enough prose, too, to allow your sister to expand her vocabulary and what-not without overwhelming her with something difficult or tedious.

>> No.4619647

ehh its not great by any definition, the characters feel flat as hell. boris should be everything i would ever love in a person (nohomo like the novel) but i even struggled to care about him, and the love interest seemed so fucking contrived

easy to read though - wont deny i finished it faster than most 700pages of anything, and a few references to other things i like here and there

>> No.4619747

His brother's shit is much better.

Scishow is brutty gud

>> No.4620261

I love Haruki Muraki books. It will expose your deepest and darkest secrets and make you realize you're not the only one who have them.

>> No.4620286

What's your Instagram :3

>> No.4620320

Just start with like Twain, Hemingway, Stoner, Other short classics, short stories, and novellas.

fuck modern books. They are entertainment, not literature. All these shitty entertainment writers are failing our youth with retarded stories with twisted morals and no lessons to be learnt

>> No.4620337
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For not opening a net thread:

I don't feel like reading. Only when I'm about to sleep. What's my cure?

>> No.4621310

see i control-F'ed "vonnegut"
and nothing came up
why is that? everyone knows people who don't read should read cat's cradle or slaughterhouse five and then be "wow reading is fUn"

>> No.4621328

I think this way of typing it is cuter ;3

>> No.4621573

Implying literature doesn't dilute meaning anyway?
If you want lessons, start reading Schopenhauer, Nietzsche, or whatever philosopher you want.
If you want a short unexplained tip while having lots of fun in the process via an appreciation for the beauty of prose read literature.

>> No.4621583

lol wut, you sound like a faggot

>> No.4623956
File: 83 KB, 422x388, 729653.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh god.

>> No.4623981

You guys have no idea how good it feels to know that I am not the only person in the world who thinks John Green is anything other than a messiah of YA.
He's a plague.

>> No.4623996

Oh god.

>> No.4624001

how is that pic a useful insight at all? Of course pain demands to be felt because you feel it

>> No.4624010

That's my point. I've never read a John Green book, but if that's what his prose are like, I don't think I'll need to.

>> No.4624013

After long thought I am still sure that quote means absolutely nothing

>> No.4624017

My painis demands to be felt