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/lit/ - Literature

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461075 No.461075 [Reply] [Original]

God Tier: Engineering, Physics, Medicine, Economics, Accounting, Finance

High Tier: Biology, Chemistry, Law, Political Science, History, Mathematics, Computer Science

Mid Tier: Business, Education, Foreign Languages, English, Anthropology, Criminal Justice

Low Tier: Sociology, Family Sciences, Psychology, Fashion Design, Digital/Art Design, Telecommunications

Shit Tier: All gay marxist critical theory bullshit (Women's Studies, Queer Theory, Fat Studies, Ethnomusicology, Foucault Studies, Cultural Studies), Any music degree, French, International Relations, Art History, Linguistics, Race Studies, anything that ends in studies.

This list is done by importance, difficulty and salary possibilities. If this offends you, then you probably major in trombone or art or some shit. Have fun learning to play Mozart or repaint Van Gogh, cause you know people give a fuck.

>> No.461079

both halves of my degree are high tier - fuck year!

>> No.461082

bah, my endeavor into art will lead me to more wonderful revelations than science can find in decades

>> No.461083

Oh, I am shocked. The less critical thinking and the more it is a trade school, the better. I am so surprised.

>> No.461084

Double major in business and economics so that averages to high tier...

>> No.461087

You better be trolling with that god tier - Economics, Accounting, Finance?

>> No.461086

This! An artist can see beauty everywhere. The rest of you can see only toil and trouble. Enjoy your ugly reality, losers.

>> No.461088

lol... college...

Your educational system sucks and a college degree has value as a meritous certificate on the job-market but in fact only means that you just got enough air when you were born.
Being average is not something anyone should brag about.

>> No.461093

>cause people go to school to learn to ignore what is worthwhile in life.
fixed last sentence for you, OP.

>> No.461102

My major is in psychology and Im planning to go into Law school. So I guess I went from shit to High tier?

>> No.461106

JOB TIER: Engineering, medicine.

POSSIBLE JOB TIER: Physics, Maths, Economy, Accounting, Chemistry, Business, Education, Law, Design

MCDONALD'S TIER: Everything not listed above.

>> No.461114

Economics, Accounting down 1.

Math up 1.

Business down 2.

International Relations up 2 (diplomatic corps rocks).

>> No.461118

You don't get to promote yourself to high tier till you actually make it through law school. See you in 5 years, faggit.

>no jerbs
>Student loans for the next 25 years

>> No.461121

Parents/ Grandparents paying my entire tuition faggot. Also Clinical Psychologists make a shit ton of fat cash.

>> No.461125

General psychology is low.

Specific psychology is at LEAST high tier. I'm talking, child psychology, or criminal psychology, or anything else that isn't general psychology.

Psychologists make serious money.

Also, computer information systems is like, data analysis + networking + a ton of business classes.

Majoring there, minoring in economics. I think that averages to about high tier.

>> No.461131

Currently doing philosophy and have choice next year to switch to international relations or politics with philosophy

So I should choose politics out of the two?

>> No.461141

why do you guys feel the need to measure your dicks by your potential earnings?
First of all, material riches don't necessarily make you more happy.
Second of all and more importantly, you are all lurking 4chan. So all of you are unhappy failures. To stick with the penis metaphor: you will never give a woman pleasure the old-fashioned way.

>> No.461149
File: 25 KB, 296x446, Obi Wan Kenobi 02 Large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>material riches don't make you happy

Only a sith deals in absolutes!

>> No.461151

asking 4chan for advise on decisions that will determine a not so little part of your future is not really a good idea, bro

politics tho, especially political theory, because international relations has no method to speak of, has a strong value-bias and is the laughing stock of the academic world.
Disregard what I said if the greatest fullfillment of your dreams is wearing a cheap new suit and a internship identity card that gives you access to a government building cantina.

>> No.461154
File: 17 KB, 240x252, obi wan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I sense a lot of fear and anger in this thread.

Be carefull young padawans, those lead to the dark side!

>> No.461157

>implying Major=/=Earnings

Forbes magazine top 100 estimated that in 2008 Stephenie Meyer grossed $41.8 million dollars

>> No.461158


i don't know really...I'm excelling in both politics and international relations though I wouldn't mind a government job.

>> No.461162

> Disregard what I said if the greatest fullfillment of your dreams is wearing a cheap new suit and a internship identity card that gives you access to a government building cantina.

I wish someone had told me this 3 years ago. Because thats the reality if you mastered international relations. Glad I got work in the consulting firm of a family friend.

>> No.461165

Writing shit literature makes you successful!

>> No.461167

Man, fuck your philosophical BS. I dunno about you unpleasable shits, but riches make -me- happy.

>> No.461168

Law should be God Tier if you rate by importance, difficulty and salary possibilities

>> No.461172
File: 19 KB, 413x310, 1243135845655.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>God Tier: Engineering, Physics, Medicine, Economics

>>God Tier: Physics, Medicine, Economics

>>God Tier: Medicine, Economics

>>God Tier: Economics

>>God Tier: Economics...

>>God Tier: Economics............

ahahahhahahahhahahah Go troll some other forum op. They may pass the Noble out each year for the stuff but those ass holes don't know SHIT.

>> No.461181
File: 18 KB, 387x322, trollface waltz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mathematics not god tier
>political science not shit tier
>linguistics shit tier
>french shit tier


>> No.461187

how would you know, you haven't aquired any riches yet!

>> No.461191

hurrdurr math superior race blabla

>> No.461192

Meta Tier: Philosophy

>> No.461194

that actually made me laugh. Alone for this I will abstain from condemning this thread and its creator.

>> No.461193 [DELETED] 

>High Tier: Computer Science
>Low Tier: Linguistics


>> No.461196

>High Tier: Computer Science
>Shit Tier: Linguistics


>> No.461195 [DELETED] 

>High Tier: Computer Science
>Shit Tier: Linguistics


>> No.461199

and yet another troll-thread that will probably stay on the front page for days.

>> No.461209

What history?

Is Roman and Latin studies high tier?

>> No.461214
File: 139 KB, 139x254, 1262280986244.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This list is done by importance, difficulty and salary possibilities

Clearly, we have nothing in common. Move along.

>> No.461220

you are not seriously asking a troll for further elaboration on a machination that was purely designed for provocation, are you?

man, a lot of -ations in that one

>> No.461228
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>> No.461241

econ major minoring in philosophy. have your cake and eat it too

>> No.461255


I hang out at IIT in Chicago. They have teachers in 400 classes that grade on a curve where a 50% is an A.

That wouldn't happen in my lit theory course.

>> No.461260

because even lining up a series of incoherent babbling would get you 80%?
just kidding, but this kind of reaction is grade A trollbait.

>> No.461266

>political science
>high tier
Dude I'm taking that and it's all bullshit.

>> No.461267

Sorry, but IIT is a top-tier engineering school.
I don't want my engineers thinking bridges can be built at a 50% A.

>> No.461287
File: 594 KB, 220x227, belair wtc.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don't want my engineers thinking bridges can be built at a 50% A

The engineers did WTC. It wasn't the Jews after all.

>> No.461294

god: math
high: physics, cs
mid: biology, chemistry, engineering
low: everything else
kill yourself: economics, business

>> No.461295

I don't get it. Isn't telecommunications engineering? Or is is just so shitty it's been separated into another category?

>> No.461302
File: 198 KB, 1093x1536, Gustav_Mahler_1909.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>music on shit-tier


>> No.461313

>engineering higher than mathematics

lol good one op

>> No.461322 [DELETED] 

...though he's right in terms of salary possibilities, much as I hate to admit it.

>> No.461326

...though he's right in terms of salary possibilities, much as I hate to admit it.

>> No.461337

anthroplogy in mid tier. I'm ok with this, but since I'm going into cultural anthropology I guess that bumps me down?

>> No.461343

I was talking about the second part of your post, tho.

And everybody knows engineers are the most plebeian students, no wonder here.

Karohemd und samenstau,
Ich studier' maschinenbau!

>> No.461700

>implying anon leaves the house

>> No.461706

This thread obviously isn't going away; I propose a /lit/ quote/poetry/gay marxist critical theory bullshit dump!

Be not the slave of your own past. Plunge into the sublime seas, dive deep and swim far, so you shall come back with self-respect, with new power, with an advanced experience that shall explain and overlook the old.
Ralph Waldo Emerson

>> No.461714

>God Tier: Engineering
Chemical engineering?

>> No.461720

"A thing is not necessarily true because a man dies for it."
Oscar Wilde

>> No.461731
File: 65 KB, 486x599, thoreau.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Most men are engaged in business the greater part of their lives, because the soul abhors a vacuum, and they have not discovered any continuous employment for man's nobler faculties."

- H.D. Thoreau

>> No.461732

Computer engineering here.
Fuck year

>> No.461734

Petroleum engineering (or whatever it is... oil drill smart guys) make an average of 80k with a bachelor's. That's pretty god tier.

>> No.461742

The only real god tier is Mathematics, everything else is ultimately just an application of Mathematics or an application of something that is itself an application of Mathematics. Physics is just applied Mathematics, for example.

>> No.461744

"I won't eat any cereal that doesn't turn the milk purple."
Bill Watterson

>> No.461752

"I don't call you handsome, sir, though I love you most dearly: far too dearly to flatter you. Don't flatter me."
Charlotte Bronte

>> No.461765

How the hell can you think accountancy ranks higher than chemistry or law? Is that a joke?

>> No.461766

poli sci major and english minor here. graduated two years ago.

your list is shit, op. only a few majors aren't top tier.

english- human interaction is the backbone of understanding ourselves

sciences- understanding the world is the backbone of understanding ourselves

poli sci- understanding how groups are controlled is the backbone of understanding ourselves

arts/music- understanding the emotive/intuitive part of who we are us the backbone of understanding ourselves.

people can justify all sorts of majors this way. most are equally important. you're some dumb kid who is busy trying to say this is better than that. your ass belongs on /b/, faggot.

>> No.461761

I think what these threads tend to demonstrate is just how insecure a lot of the people interested in the "hard sciences" are.

It's sad that it has to be this way but it's very rare to see someone who can write beautiful poetry mocking those who have mastered the, er, art of differential equations.

Of course, the whole notion of 'tiers' is absurd -- anybody who is completely lacking in any area has severe deficiencies. The key to happiness is to live a flourishing life in which one thinks philosophically (i.e. thoughtfully, reflectively) about whatever we choose to pursue.

>> No.461772

This is probably the most enlightened response we'll get out of this thread

>> No.461773

ITT People who can't think beyond their Capitalist brainawash.
Really, education wouldn't make any difference at this point.

>> No.461770


Good luck explaining in what sense Foucault studies is derived essentially from mathematics. Of course, if you want to take that reductivist attitude, it makes more sense to say that all disciplines are ultimately derived from philosophy. This is both historically and conceptually true. Historically because philosophical writings are the first coherent academic accounts we have; conceptually because thinking philosophically about things (including the foundations of mathematics; the methods and applications of all the sciences, and so on) is the basis for all further knowledge.

>> No.461785

The tier that upholds Civilization:

Plumber, electrician, carpenter, garbageman, roofer, sewer worker, water worker, policeman, fireman, nurse, soldier, mortician...

See how long your "God tier" lasts without these people.

>> No.461788

All sciences derive from Astronomy. There is historical documentation showing that the Neolithic man recorded the movements of the stars. And probably, they related those changes in the sky to earthly events, like the Babylonians did. Observing the environment and recording those observations is the first known sign of human consciousness, aka knowledge, aka science.

>> No.461793

You have an excellent point, sir.

>> No.461802

Do you people go to school because you want to know things or because you want to acquire a marketable skill?

>> No.461805

Hey guys, International Relation/African Studies and Economics double major here.
Both my Swahili and Korean minors are funded by the U.S. Government, and I'm getting the Eagle Scout scholarship.

But... Im an english major at heart *cry* :c

Also, Thomas Jefferson is God Tier.

>> No.461811

Enjoy using your high tier technology to conduct research in the high tear, faggot.

>> No.461815


"in the god tier", is what I meant.

>> No.461823


All knowledge derives from philosophy. Philosophy is not only narrowly defined as a 'subject', but also as a process. You can state the two fundamental concerns of philosophy quite simply: What exists? and What matters in what there exists?

The enterprise can then become more specific: questions about knowledge of particular things, the nature of truth, reason, the value of things and efforts to gain understanding of all of the above through the philosophical process of questioning, thinking critically, probing and so, endlessly, on.

Astronomy certainly required all of the above.

>> No.461826

Don't label me faggots!