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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 84 KB, 249x437, OC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4610502 No.4610502 [Reply] [Original]

Indeed there is.

English is not my first language, please bear with me. I have never posted here but I often lurk. The reason for my dip is a matter of loneliness; I am stranded in some knowledge and I must share its burden.

There is someone in my class, someone peculiar. I was lucky to have the funds to study any discipline I wished for. I wished for philosophy. But now I wish for you to give me the benefit of the doubt and believe every word I say.

In my class there is a young man (call him A), likely to be around 21, tall and atypically handsome. I say "atypically" because his features are grotesque when observed individually, but somehow coincide together in some elegance.
Everything before this point was an introduction to the source of my discomfort:
He may be the smartest person I have ever met. This depends on the sample of whom I have met, but I cannot shake this feeling. It causes in me some turmoil; I hope one day to be justified in considering myself a true intellectual. When your measure of worth, however misguided it may be, is dwarfed in the face of another, the ego suffers.
I feel as though I am opening myself up to replies akin to "Idiot discovers smarter person: the novel", "Snowflake melted" or "You fucking pedantic dumbass never post again". They would not be unreasonable, and the cathartic effect of sharing this with you would be cut short by my imagining everyone disregarding everything I have said. Simply put: you will not believe, I will not relieve.

This is where the tripcode comes in. The desire of having you, having suffered my writing up to this point, discuss this crudely with me urges me to create some opportunity for you to judge whether or not there is something of interest here. If you decide on the negative right away, I would not fault you. If the positive, I would find you hasty in your reasoning, as I have not even said what makes him smarter (although I appreciate the leap of faith). Through discussion on this board for the next few months I hope to make a case for myself as a worthy reporter, and for A as being brilliant to the edge of the insane.

Thank you for taking the time to read this.

>> No.4610508

>smartest person I have ever met
>around 21

>call(s) him A
>never mentions "A" thereafter

>>>/r9k/ etc.

>> No.4610509

Go on, OP.

>> No.4610513

My apologies if you find the punctuation choppy.

>> No.4610519

I'm not really sure what you are even asking but it sounds like you want to fuck A. Have you asked him if he would be down?

>> No.4610523

...and? I want to hear about A.

>> No.4610527

my curiosity is piqued dammit tell us about A already

>> No.4610530

He may be smart intellectual, but smart intellectuals also are depressed and lonely people who feel out of place in this world.

You can help alleviate his depression by giving him a few base pleasures - like sheathing his cock with your va-jay-jay. Is that the advice you wanted?

>> No.4610532

>My apologies if you find the punctuation choppy.

>> No.4610533

I really appreciate you putting in the time and effort necessary to write this. I'm genuinely curious to hear your reasoning as to why "A" is so much smarter than you, since to write this well in a second language probably requires an above-average intellect.

>> No.4610538

Why would he apologize if you don't find it choppy? Get off his ass, the OP actually sounds smart for once (which is fucking rare on a 4chan board)

>> No.4610550

sounds like a story...go on.

>> No.4610614

... Go on. I am all expectation, OP.

>> No.4610654

he's probably very lonely and dis-eased
to be this much in love is to be sick (and I love to be sick)

>> No.4611491

You have captivated my attention.

Although i only felt the "turmoil" of being intellectually inferior to someone when i was younger.
As of now, my intellectual insight has surpassed anyone i know.
I always search for people that understand more about the universe so i can grow but as of late that is almost impossible.
So i'd like to hear out what kind of smart and how smart he is.

>> No.4611493

so are you a faggot or a grill?

>> No.4611504

>A cigarette
>Or a barbecue

>> No.4611516

>not a bundle of sticks and a barbecue
They literally fit better together.

>> No.4611530

I will start with my first encounter with A. I find greentext as a medium to be ideal for reading concise stories, so I will try my hand at writing them. For the sake of the information's context I will replicate the chronology in which I perceived it.

>It is the first day of class. I am sitting in the front row because I prefer fast exits.
>Twenty minutes into the lecture, he walks in through the door next to the chalkboard
>He is holding a single sheet of paper in his left hand and gripping a pencil in the right
>I am sitting a few feet away from him, staring at his face while he looks over the classroom
>His eyes slide to mine.
Physiologically, memory tends to be linked with affects, which is why you remember emotionally charged moments better, in art and in life. This stare, which seemed upholstered by college lecture clutter, I remember perfectly. By this, I do not mean to imply that I felt something intense in the way losing your child is, in reality the feeling was quite tame. What made the moment memorable was (as follows from falling in love what they call "butterflies in the stomach" or the inability to eat from great sadness), the physical experience of the emotion: I had no words for it.

Describing the experience of falling in love as butterflies in the stomach is probably not a perfect analogy, but I find it adequate insofar as the lovestruck individual is, I believe, likely to understand the worth of the analogy. In other words, he may recognize "how" the imagined feeling of butterflies in the stomach is similar to the actual feeling of falling in love (the most obvious commonality being a particular feeling in the stomach).
On that first day of class with A, the emotion seemed to me (perhaps naively) categorically different from everything I had ever felt before; it was inexpressible. However, not having an exact word to describe a feeling seems to me the symptom of a meager or at least incomplete vocabulary. But in those cases, one may still resort to constructing the feeling through a string of words. For example, if one does not know the word "schadenfreude", he can still make sense of the emotion by a complete sentence which might also include other feelings (e.g. Experiencing happiness from the suffering of others). Nonetheless, what I had felt seemed to evade description.

>> No.4611537
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Oh yeah. Is that were the term came from.

>> No.4611543
File: 7 KB, 210x365, fuck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit how are you this good in a second language?

>> No.4611545

I didn't know homos could fall in love.
Not even sarcastic, i have heard many times straight people describing those feelings but i have never read, heard or watched in a movie a homo falling in love with anyone.

Go on.

>> No.4611547


>> No.4611550

damned if this isn't the most interesting thing i've read in a few hours

>> No.4611552
File: 63 KB, 640x324, cmon_op.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4611555

Swear to god, if you come at us with some "and that's when I opened the door GET ON FLOOR"

Swear to god...

I'm actually loving the way you're recounting this for us. Have at you.

>> No.4611558

Really, i read about 10 posts in the last several minutes and that is almost one of the somewhat interesting part of the acceptable ones.

>> No.4611563

This thought experiment will be useful if we are to avoid falling in rambling about inscrutability of reference: Imagine "trying to describe emotion X" as "trying to delimit a shape Y" (e.g. a cube, for the sake of simplicity). Words are objects of indefinite dimensions (e.g. "hunger" could be a lumpy cone, "moon" a loose spring etc.) and the cube is the perfect expression of emotion X. The task of describing emotion X perfectly (with words) is akin to the task of delimiting a cube perfectly using a disparate group of objects. Perfection is likely to be unattainable, but a cube may still be crudely defined, enough so for another individual to approximately delimit a cube with his own shapes (words) when asked to describe emotion X, which would be sufficient for subsequent definition.

If we shift from emotion X to the case of the peculiar emotion of A, the cube is replaced by a thread unraveled intricately through the void. No matter the words used, the sensation is too nuanced and their shapes, too clumsy. It evades even loose delimitation, as the words, in their spatial coarseness, slip and sever the thread at every attempt to assemble them.

Yet, to experience this new emotion was thrilling, however gentle it was. I felt as though I had, sitting in a concert hall before a small orchestra, found an air no one else had ever heard before me. It was unspoiled, untrodden, perhaps even unique.
The egoism of the thought made me turn to A in repentance. How had this feeling blossomed in me from a simple gaze into his eyes? Was it the classroom environment adding variables? Had A ever felt this emotion? Was I gay?
My questions had just transpired through a frown, and his eyebrows dipped slightly in empathic investigation.

I understood then. Some of you ahead of me might have intuited the answer from the start.
The concert hall was not empty. The melody, not unique. I was not the first to hear it because I had not heard it. The quietude of the sensation had little to do with the nature of the emotion, rather, an immensely diluted experience made it so. His eyes told of a great work, and my mind acquiesced in feeling its shadow.
I knew then that it was him in the concert hall. He was the first to hear it because only he could hear it. My ears were against the door in a pathetic attempt. The music I had glimpsed for a few seconds was a travesty; the faded echo of a great symphony whose conductor stands before the class. But all they can hear is the clutter.

I sincerely apologize if this is too wordy, I am trying to relay subjective information in a way that is pleasant to the reader. Of course, it obvious that what I hope someone will find pleasant may be irritating to you. Hopefully over the course of the story my English writing will improve.

>> No.4611565

you're a fucking idiot if you're being serious.

gay love is true love, straight love is dead.

>> No.4611566

I am picturing you saying "swear to god" and it's hilarious. I don't think OP would do this, he seems like he doesn't belong in this era of 4chan.

>> No.4611568

well excuse me for giving sensibly moderate and realistic compliments, i think it makes them more meaningful.

>> No.4611571

not op though i just think his second post lacks the mystique of the first one.

>> No.4611572

If this is OC then I'm in love with op. My google-fu is weak but i can't find anything.

>> No.4611574

i cant tell if this is meta- post- or anti- ironic but it sure as hell is avantgarde

>> No.4611578

I think it has to do with him actually trying to tell us something "solid" whereas in the OP he's simply laying down some framework. I like the second one better though, I find the aborted green-text hilarious

>> No.4611579 [DELETED] 

I know. He doesn't here, but I hope he stays.

Where did you come from chopan? Referring to both the internet and the earth.

>> No.4611580

welcome to postgreentext gentlemen

>> No.4611581

isn't falling in love simply.... transcendent, chopan?

loving from afar and, in your case, with autism, is even more beautiful.

>> No.4611583

I know. He doesn't belong here, but I hope he stays.

Where did you come from chopan? Referring to both the internet and the earth.

>> No.4611586

The more he posts the smarter he seems, and since he believes A to dwarf him it makes A that much more enticing to learn about. Op's strategy as it turns out is working much better than I figured it would on first reading.
>This means he's even smarter
>Endless smartness loop

>> No.4611587
File: 13 KB, 385x380, 1393379868890.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What if A stands for Andy?

>> No.4611588

Damn it. I was gonna go to bed, but this thread has captivated my attention.

>> No.4611590

chopan has found true love with another genius woop woop you go girl

>> No.4611592

>those posts
>this suspense
this is why i love 4chan. this is the future of literature. this is performance art.

>> No.4611593
File: 20 KB, 460x345, 1391791121079.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This shit right here.
I don't remember seeing something more creative on /lit/. chopan I have no idea who you are but if you're yanking our chain, don't tell us and keep posting. If you aren't, then keep posting.

>> No.4611596

Jesus Christ, OP.
Take a cue from Hemingway and cut all the bullshit.

>> No.4611597


meta-narrative-homosexual-ode greentexting

>> No.4611599

How about you go to a different thread, big guy?

>> No.4611600

>tfw been numb and stressed this whole week
>tfw OP's post has given me an excitement and anticipation I haven't felt since I was a kid
>tfw im watching and part of something glorious that is happening

>> No.4611602


>> No.4611603

Honestly I doubt it's a girl. Bitches tend to write well (from writing a lot and reading shitty YA fiction), but this has some top notch flair. I don't know what chopan's mother tongue is but he must write insanely well, he could probably afford not to if he's always this creative and not a total fluke.

>> No.4611605


>> No.4611606

i was saying you go girl as like, nvm

i didn't mean girl literally

>> No.4611607
File: 247 KB, 413x288, mind_bogglin_walurs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

s..so s-sincere...

>> No.4611609

Nigga, Hemingway is not the absolute measure of writing. This is entertaining as fuck, and it's fulfilling the goal of making me value OP's opinion.

>> No.4611610

this is like Nabokov meets Tao Lin

>> No.4611619

It feels closer to Descartes on acid. He has a French style, and it feels like he has some really strong grounds in logic but he's trying to make it simple for the reader so he holds back. I like it because it's unique.

>> No.4611620

this thread has taught me

homosexuality + foreignness + autism + intense intelligence = the most arresting literature i've read in the last month

>> No.4611622
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>> No.4611627 [DELETED] 
File: 159 KB, 332x285, winky_walurs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mirin the dubs Franzo

>> No.4611631

OP sure is taking a while, makes me wonder if he is writing these on the spot

>> No.4611634

I believe he is. In which case HOW?

FUCKING HOW? Who writes like that on a whim to tell some bros a story? chopan.

>> No.4611637

These posts made me laugh. I appreciate the humor.
I wish I could write more, but I do not have the time. Hopefully we will interact again. I will try to contribute to this board as a regular member; hopefully some who have seen this thread will not be biased in my favor, otherwise the entire exercise is futile.

>> No.4611644


Godspeed dear pseudonym, godspeed. And don't forget us! We won't forget you!

>> No.4611645
File: 226 KB, 1134x1001, 1385921350490.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hopefully some who have seen this thread will not be biased in my favor, otherwise the entire exercise is futile.

>> No.4611646

I am indeed writing them on the spot, which is why I must stop. My brain is failing from hunger, whatever I produce now will run the risk of being sub-par.

>> No.4611647

and thus a new board-revered attention-whoring tripfag was born

>> No.4611657

Is there any tripfag on /lit/ that is revered? This guy actually seems like the antithesis to a tripfag, he's locked in a tripcode because he's trying to speak to me and you through a long-winded story, which is an superb medium for him as far as I can tell. Blind hate is how you'll scare away posters worth reading.

>> No.4611658
File: 88 KB, 626x741, 1392006755065.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes cynicism already


>> No.4611664

>cares for his art to the point of starvation
>does not mediate his standards
Fuck. Stay.
What would be the point of doing all this if OP acted differently? It would become inconsistent and the bond he's trying to create would never be.

>> No.4611678

>It was unspoiled, untrodden, perhaps even unique.
>The egoism of the thought made me turn to A in repentance

This is brilliant. I'm pretty sure there's a lot of material going over my head in your texts, but that's part of the game.

>> No.4611692
File: 93 KB, 750x421, 750.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...the craziest shit about this thread (for me, at least) is that whatever feelings of inadequacy OP is feeling due to A...I'm feeling due to OP. Wat.

>> No.4611696
File: 449 KB, 245x175, this is bullshit.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


There is no way English is not your first language. What IS your first language then? If you really want intellectual trust then write an original story in your first language and have another same-language native from this board confirm that you are actually native in that language.

What now nigga? You wanted to play it smart? Where's the goddamn story? I give you until tomorrow you fucking liar.

>> No.4611708
File: 5 KB, 365x378, 0359.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Fucking A

>> No.4611713

My only comfort is hoping that A is SEVERELY autistic...and thats why he only walked in with one sheet of paper to what I'm assuming is a class for future super villains.

>> No.4611714

This is what people will be reading in 2040. I'm 'capping the thread for future reference. I'm so proud to have you in my life :')

>> No.4611717

This thread is most likely full of samefag, I've seldom seen /lit/ get all jittery over someones diary, and this isn't something special. Get lost Chopan.

>> No.4611721

>There is no way English is not your first language.

Actually, there are many people here on /lit/ whose ESL performance defecates all over 50% of natives speakers.

>> No.4611727
File: 10 KB, 90x90, 10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly, it feels like it would be part of his plot to have this entire thread be himself samefagging. Maybe you're him and I'm being tricked. Oh god what if I'm chopan, I can't take the pressure

>> No.4611732

yeah i'm gonna call samefag on all of you, also not /lit/ because this is fucking repetitive useless shit

>> No.4611734

OP, I'm going to plagiarize your post.

>> No.4611735

Ok chopan.
Don't you think his level of English deserves at least one test to prove that he's not lying?

>> No.4611736


>geometric analogy

this is a bad analogy, though, because both perfect and 'lumpy' 3d forms exist on the same plane of conceptuality here, whereas emotions and words do not (the amount to which they potentially overlap is disputable, but they each have obvious aspects that exist on levels untouched by the other).

>> No.4611741

Stop it chopan, I know it's you calling yourself out

>> No.4611744


>> No.4611746


>> No.4611750
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>> No.4611759
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>> No.4611767


>> No.4611783

Both of you together can't top my intellectual insight.
Let it be known that if am far above the person you feel so inferior to.

>> No.4611789

>the qt who uploaded that video
i feel the feelings chopan feels about a right now

>> No.4611793

ok, we have a janitor, right? time to delete the thread. not /lit/ retarded samefag. thanks.

>> No.4611802

I would disagree with you.
1. An analogy is for the purpose of explanation of clarification, which seems to be exactly the result here. Although your mileage may vary, it seems unreasonable to call it a bad analogy since it works excellently in clarifying the dilemma. Since this is a matter of perspective and semantics I will drop this point.
2. The perfect and lumpy forms existing on the same plane is a bold claim, but say I agree to it, it still does not seem relevant. He is not trying to build perfect forms out of lumpy ones, he is attempting to delimit an original (like the cube or the emotion) which are grounded in the senses (if you think the cube is arrived at through pure reasoning then you should reconsider the analogy), by positing indefinites (the words and shapes). The cube is actually definite in the same way the emotion is: they are both on another plane of conceptuality, opposed to the indefinite shapes/words. I understand the reaction because intuitively it would feel like 3D forms are 3D forms and there is nothing gray here, but that's simply not what he's positing.

>> No.4611808

I took a screenshot of this, maybe he'll debate you if you can convince him that it would further his goal.

>> No.4611811

You seem eager, have you read any of my posts?
Do you think that i am indeed superior?

>> No.4611816

The fact that your image was also OC is just the cherry on top. Please keep it going, I'm tired of the repetitive bullshit everywhere else. Hell, I'll argue with you over trivial shit if you think that would help you out. Although you have to answer in style.

>> No.4611821

please stop

>> No.4611824

Yes, I am eager because you would be a worthy adversary, although you seem to be fishing way too hard for confirmation. If I had to bet I would put it on you just in case he's actually yanking our chain here, but if he actually wrote all this on the spot and he's not even English then I think there's a chance he's actually brilliant. We'll see.

>> No.4611829

Seriously, I think at this point some guys are meta-trolling everything because they think it's making someone laugh

>> No.4611831


your 21 and your still in school, so you haven't really experienced the real world yet.
I'm not sure EXACTLY what your problem is here, but it seems to me you are over thinking things and setting too high of a standard for yourself.

Stop doing that shit and just enjoy life. You may or may not be brilliant, you are far to young to know either way.

Anyway, you seem a bit out of touch. Recognize you are young and don't really know much, and let that knowledge be a relief, for you are exactly who you are suppose to be right now. You got all the time in the world.

>> No.4611836


>taking advice from a tripfaggot

this is how wars begin

>> No.4611837

>your 21 and your still in school
>far to young to know
I get that you're trying to be nice but come on man... On top of it we don't even know his age

>> No.4611838


>> No.4611847

>your 21 and your still in school

Most people on /lit/ who learned English as a second language would not have made that mistake.

>> No.4611848

ghost chopan'd
Maybe they're both fucking autistic? Ever thought of that? Who the fuck writes all of this on /lit/ of all places? I'm smart enough to know if a guy is making shit up, and I think he's lying about not being a native English speaker on top of everything else going on. If he doesn't take the test the other poster mentioned then I call bullshit too.

>> No.4611852

>I get that you're trying to be nice

No he is trying to patronize someone based purely on the authority of having been born earlier...

>> No.4611856

oh, I miss read his post. 'A' is 21, I thought he said he was 21.

And I'm not just being nice I'm being truthful. I'm not saying its easy being a student, what I am saying is the school life isn't reality. It's a very fake environment, and he seems to have very confused priorities which are probably a bi-product of that environment. I'm just trying to enlighten him to that fact.

>> No.4611861

Don't confuse inspection with confirmation, i am sadly beyond that. I'll never again held against the awe of exaltation by a superior.
His English and prose is way better than mine but i have literally zero formal education in English nor in my country anyone speaks it, only me and the internet.

The curse of virtually every intellectual is that he is contextualized beyond repair.
Doesn't even matter if someone is objectively "smarter" than me, no one can see as far as i can.
Only because i transcend everything.


>> No.4611862

am i missing something or is op confusing being a fag with intelligence

>> No.4611865

he doesn't give A's age for certain.

What if chopan's an academic who only wants to revolutionize everything in philosophy but he just realized there is one person smarter than him in academia who will steal all the spotlight?
Holy shit, this makes sense?

>> No.4611871

I think you're missing everything, but at the same time you might be absolutely right.
>I'll never again held against the awe
Indeed. What do you mean by "no one can see as far as I can"?

>> No.4611874

In for challenge

>> No.4611875

>academic who only wants to revolutionize everything in philosophy
yeah, that's what I'm saying. That's not reality.

>> No.4611877

>Doesn't even matter if someone is objectively "smarter" than me, no one can see as far as i can.

I too have invented ways of convincing myself that I stand above everything.

>> No.4611880

I am talking of postphysics.

Oh sweet person, sometimes i wish that was the case.

>> No.4611888

The more you post, the more I get convinced the op would murder you with his homoautism

>> No.4611935

From the inception (proto-physics)of the universal empirically known patterns, along the genealogy of matter there was a child, a self replicating one.
That child was both the progeny and the spouse, a divorce was the first era of inceptia (referential status quo of the omniverse).
From that semi anti-entropic brat, interpretation was conceived, the interchangeable incest of axiomatic reverence.

The maturity created the race of sapiens, the sentient side of the lineage.
The philosophers were merely reflective and reflexive state of affairs.
That was the second Era, the metaphysics.

This is the brief history of intropretive systems.
I am its succession, the third Era, the post-physics.

>> No.4611937
File: 343 KB, 655x437, 2305_largeview-655.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm in a similar predicament as OP, except my "A" is a sort of pen-pal over the internet, and I'm 18 while he is 22 or so.

My problem though is that I, in my own brand of childish stubbornness, combatively refuse to accept that I am his or anyone else's intellectual inferior.
The necessity of coping with such a situation never presented itself; I lean against the right edge of the bell curve (I hope) and have been content to consider any outwardly intelligent people as equals.

I know I'm far from genius. Hell, right now you're all probably laughing at my contrived prose and hamfisted metaphors. But I have never met one before; I've spent my entire life looking up and seeing nothing but the clouds. I guess everyone in my town is dumb, or more likely I've never bothered to look out of a more subconscious fear of what I'd find.
Regardless, I think I should never place for myself an upper barrier just for my ego's sake.

And yet, there is not a thing that "my A" says that doesn't indicate an almost preternatural understanding of the world around him. A sort of understanding I fear I may never achieve, yet to that standard I must without question adhere to.

What I'm asking is, how do people deal with these patent insecurities in a way that doesn't involve dampening my self-awareness?

...Jesus fuck what is this fagtron writing.
Consider this snowflake vaporized.
I'll start on OP's suggested novel first thing tomorrow.

>> No.4611959

Guess it does sound that way, but I'm actually not much older. Experience wise, I'm probably more well rounded then most people in my age group though. I started taking care of myself at 17, someone who went right from highschool to college couldn't possibly have seen the world the way someone like me has. Well, I don't want to be too presumptuous and start giving my life biography, but the point is I have seen the world from a lot of different angles.
It taught me that whatever type of environment your in has a huge impact on what you feel is important. IF you can take a step back and really look at the big picture you realize that those things really arnt as important as they seem.

I'm asking him to realize this, and just wait until he gets into the real world. Once he gets there, then he can take note on the things he considers important. I'll bet whether or not this 'A' guy is any smarter then him wont be on that list.

>> No.4611985

>how do people deal with these patent insecurities
Ignore them, I guess.

Maybe instead of feeling threatened by that guy, try to learn something from him.

Putting yourself on an intellectual pedestal is like building a wall around yourself. You cant learn from others because your suppose to already be smarter. If you indeed are lacking, then you're burning the bridges that could help you pick up the slack.

I guess it comes down to modesty. A humble man is insecure about very few things.

>> No.4611991

>someone who went right from highschool to college couldn't possibly have seen the world the way someone like me has
You will have difficulty proving this, or rather, you will have difficulty proving that they could not have seen the world from more angles than you have from that inference. I'm going to wait for more context about A, maybe there is a good reason for this.

>> No.4612000

Isn't intelligence is based primarily on cognitive function and that it's only available to those "born with it", like a fucked-up caste system?

I want to believe it's wrong, but nothing seems to evide that it is.

>> No.4612006

Yeah, I cant prove anything.
but... if from age 7 to age 23 their identity was "student" then they probably haven't seen the world in too many different ways.

>> No.4612010

Chopan is Postmetadada

>> No.4612018

Well, I'm no psychologist. I 'think' that's mostly bullshit though. I kind of have this belief that anyone is capable of doing anything (barring some obvious exceptions).

making a different point...
Intelligence isn't some measurable number either. Its too variable of a thing to clearly say this guy is more intelligent than that guy.

Take a doctor and a carpenter who are both very good at their jobs. Can you really say one is any more intelligent then the other? This is a bit of an extreme example, but the doctor would likely be as lost at a work bench as a carpenter would be standing over a burn victim.

>> No.4612038

What exactly is going on here? Someone must've slipped something in /lit/s drink, cause I've never seen them fawn over someone so grotesquely.

OP's writing is above the average trog poster, but many ESL people here are quite adept at English, often more so than their trans-national contemporaries. (I'm an ESL guy, incidentally). I guess the reason I'm unimpressed by OP's writing is that, while I'm assuming many here could write that way if they tried, there seems to be a tacit consensus to try and streamline our writing for quick perusal and for to not seem like a pompous tryhard. In violation of this unspoken agreement, OP's writing seems stilted as fuck and hamhanded, and circumlocutory.

His 'insights', i.e. the imprecision of words, the interconnectedness of memories and emotions, &c. are nothing we haven't heard before, or personally thought about.

I'm not sure I smoak his game here but something's got /lit/ all weird.

>> No.4612048


>> No.4612057

Where are all the negative posts? Where's the spit and hate this board's famous for?

>> No.4612059


I think you're looking for >>>/fa/

>> No.4612061

>I could write like this but tacit consensus
>His 'insights'
Did you even read what he's writing about? He's not writing for the sake of literature, he's trying to communicate something about someone else. I don't know if you disliked it and then tried to come up with good reasons to justifiy the dislike, or if you're incapable of grasping what the text is actually offering (because if you would then you could have easily found better examples of insights in the text).
Basically I don't know if you're creating the strawman deliberately or if it's simply all you see.
Anyhow I guess it's subjective.

>> No.4612063

That doesn't sound right at all.
Should I take this to /adv/ or are they chock-full of people like me?

>> No.4612067

I don't know who's baiting who, but you guys seem to be insecure in the idea of someone else receiving praise from a board that's usually very stringent in that regard. Oh wait.
>When your measure of worth, however misguided it may be, is dwarfed in the face of another, the ego suffers.
It's hilarious how self-referential this thread has become. In reality chopan might be barely above average intellectually, but at least he's proposing to give you data to help the evaluation, which is pretty much the apex of what you can ask for on here.

>> No.4612072

I'm hopping on the "English is his first language" train. The challenge must be done.

>> No.4612086

>writing this well

>> No.4612104

>I understood then
Not a single poster in this thread has mentioned, even indirectly, the understood. Usually people love to tell others when they understand something that was not obvious, but no one is telling. I had to read the text a bunch of times but I think I get what the conclusion is, although I would like to hear what smarter posters distilled from the exegesis.

>> No.4612111

They have simply taken a new form in this thread: It's you. Look no further.

>> No.4612116


The realization that what chopan though to be the glory of A was only a poor reflection of the true glory of A, which is of such a quality that chopan himself is not equipped to even perceive it.

>> No.4612117


>> No.4612130

this isn't even going to hit forced meme level
please, you're wasting your time

>> No.4612139

ITT - cocksucking and
>I'm smarter than you, you're stupid
>No u!

>> No.4612155


You do remember the Pale Flamer? Basically what the OP is doing, actively looking for interest from less intellectual anons, and he's pretty much achieving what he set up for. Hence the comparison

>> No.4612163

>sucking intensifies

His dick can't possibly taste that good

>> No.4612164

is this just a giant samefag or what

>> No.4612167

Are you a homosexual by any chance, OP?

>> No.4612292


You need to subdue your inclinations to use the thesaurus in order for you to portray yourself as intelligent.
You are just needlessly obfuscating your bloviations.
Now, I'm not anti-obscurantist, or anti-"purple prose", but your writing is unequivocally bad.
Conversely, you claiming that English is not your first language is rather dubious.

>> No.4612305

Believe in God and repent.
If you don't serve God and spend your life pleasing Him then your life will inevitably come down to pleasing other people.
Fear of God is the foundation of humility and of wisdom. Everybody in this thread is only going to offer you palliatives that dull your pride but never cure it. The answer is to be scared shitless by Almighty God into conforming your every act and desire to His will.
If you get over wanting to be seen as clever by other people you will replace it with some other vanity, like wanting to be rich or wanting to have lots of friends. You need to be willing to live a life of complete obscurity being loved by and cared for by nobody but God, and then you will be wise.

>> No.4612327

Beloved, if God so loved us, we ought also to love one another. No man hath seen God at any time. If we love one another, God dwelleth in us, and his love is perfected in us. Hereby know we that we dwell in him, and he in us, because he hath given us of his Spirit.

>> No.4612414
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>> No.4612429

but are depressed and lonely people also smart intellectuals?

>> No.4612456

Actually, I think I'd love to meet someone as you described. While I know people who are undoubtedly more intelligent than I am, they put their efforts into STEM degrees rather than develop any philosophical or literary appreciation, and consequentially I don't have a large amount of people who I can discuss difficult concepts with and expect some form of eloquent and well thought-out response in return.
Surrounding yourself in intellectuals is wonderful motivation to sharpen your mind, OP; instead of thinking 'How can I become more intelligent than this person?', think 'how can this person help me develop my intellect?'. See it as an opportunity rather than a distressing contrast.

>> No.4612492

Wtf is happening in this thread, is /lit/ broken?

>> No.4612494

chopan is /lit/'s Proust. chopan is our generation's Proust!

Keep posting, chopan. I hope your influence will rub off on people here, and the tone will shift from Bloomkid-irony to chopan-sincerity. Perhaps one day you'll be /lit/'s poster child.

>> No.4613566

That is fucking retarded or at least cursory. He's ESL, yet no one understands what's being said because they don't like to think.

>> No.4613600

>what is projection
Unless you're set in thinking that Engrishh is his 1st language then I don't see any way for this to be "unequivocally bad". Shit all of lit sucks balls then, but I guess that's a given

>> No.4613605

Fuck you, I could write like this if I wanted to

>> No.4613627
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>not having the worst opinions anyways
Get your shit and get out.

>> No.4613643
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>you will never be A

>> No.4614894

Write in your mother tongue then.

>> No.4614943


The point of his being a foreign speaker is that even trying to detail his feelings of love of inferiority through an advanced handling of the language, he is still, most of all, incapable of relaying to us the true breadth of what he felt, and how he felt it.


>> No.4614957

It's been a day, did OP and A fuck yet?

>> No.4614985

Where are ylilauta and [s4s] located on the post-meta-dada scale of irony? Genuinely interested.

>> No.4615226


am I toasting epic bread?

>> No.4615238

Bullshit, total fucking bullshit

>> No.4615356

Have to admit, I thought this was stupid but man if Im not interested in A
The most fun on /lit/ in awhile

>> No.4615619

>Fabulous/Prince Charming is posting on /lit/ again
>Andre is now "A"

I am kind of excited

>> No.4615772

post-meta-dada will save our world

>> No.4615817

I dont think his writing his "unequivocally bad" but it definitely feels affected.

>> No.4615844

You guys do realize that this is just Tao Lin trolling, right?

>> No.4615849

>fun on /lit/
So it IS broken

>> No.4615852
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>mfw A is Gatsby

>> No.4616794

You must be American.

>> No.4617315

To the people in this thread; use your insecurity as a neurotic push to preform better. If you want me to define "preform better": do not waste as much time, spend your free time learning interesting things to incorporate into your school work, do not be intellectually lazy, do not procrastinate.

>> No.4617322

>implying /lit/ isn't just Tao samefagging

>> No.4617401

So where's the story?

>> No.4617819

Considering the entirety of these posts as part of the work, including the supposedly external introduction. The combination of the author's dubious ESL status with the desperation of trying to communicate a feeling so resistant to description is interesting and seems to suggest something of Nabokov or Borges. The choice of an internet message board as a medium serves to enhance the mystery as it guarantees that the audience will implicitly understand the whole event's trajectory towards oblivion like so many others, despite the rare quality it gains from so thoroughly disregarding the discursive mores of the board. OP's 6 posts haven't generated this much response for no reason. Personally I've been struck by a paranoia that the whole thread will be deleted. Unusual.

>> No.4617825

Reading back what I just wrote only adds to the feeling I had when reading Chopan's posts. The confluence of the content and the form in which it is presented is so powerful, especially in the first reading, that the meaning seems to expand into a previously unrecognized dimension.

>> No.4617841

My theory is this: Chopan's portrayal of "A" is based on the writer's actual self and is writing from a different character's point-of-view.

ITT: Masturbation.

>> No.4617854


>> No.4617856

>yfw this is a reboot of Stoner