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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 51 KB, 559x375, geek_pride.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4603766 No.4603766 [Reply] [Original]

At what age did you stop reading genre fiction?

>> No.4603772

I read Philip K Dick all the time.

>> No.4603771


>> No.4603778
File: 61 KB, 198x200, consider.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>genre snobbery

>> No.4603776

I never started. I fell out of the womb with Ulysses in one hand and Steppenwolf in the other.

>> No.4603789

Ulysses and Steppenwolf aren't exactly comparable works

>> No.4603798


Are you the Chosen One, destined to free all plebeians from their disgusting habits?

>> No.4604810

Never I like genre fiction.

>> No.4604822

Only a pleb would say this. Are you a pleb?

>> No.4604825

Only the young and callow think they're "too old" for genre fiction.

>> No.4605438

>implying I'm not 23

Stay mad, 18-year-old.

>> No.4605441


>implying some of his stuff isn't pretty much high lit

>> No.4605462

I suppose it was two years ago after I've re-read Lord of the Rings. But does that qualify, really, as genre? I'm not worried. I'm just thinking that if the founding work of a million copies is called as the category, but then I guess, it deserves higher recognition for being the start (and in my opinion, the ultimate expression of the oeuvre).

This will end soon, because I've recently picked up Ursula le Guin and preliminary samples have indicated that she's no cheap writer.

>> No.4605465
File: 64 KB, 319x500, Mabinogion1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The Lord of the Rings was the first Western fantasy story


>> No.4605471


>> No.4605482


I hate this whole Geek fad.

>> No.4605484

I still enjoy it when it is done well, but like with everything there is a lot of it that is shit.

>> No.4605485

>tfw I have that exact edition of the mabinogion and I live in southern patagonia

You can find the strangest things.

>> No.4605504


I mean it's what spun-off the genre of today. The Mabinogion is different from the LoTR in the sense that the LoTR has sculpted modern fantasy genre to an obnixious degree. I'm not saying it's Tolkien's fault, but a lot of people will steer clear of LoTR for precisely this reason. I once had a conversation with a person on lit claiming that Tolkien ruined the genre (to some degree, I agreed) and asked him why, stated his reason, and asked him if he's read him. And said "lol no". Which, quite honestly, summarizes the general behaviour of /lit/.

>> No.4605548


I still do sometimes


Being a geek is extremely easy because there's a lot of geeks out there. Is Pegg a moron or does he think geek-dom is liberating because it has an inherent quality which grants you the ability to feel more comfortable talking about the things you like? It's much more likely that it is because there's so many people out there with the same interests. It's no different than talking about sports or bitches and cocaine at the office.

I speak at length about the things I genuinely like and get accused of being high-brow at times (my taste is not exclusively high-brow!). It's not a case of feeling happy about being honest but being able to relate by virtue of popularity which becomes easier the more likely it is somebody can say, 'Hey Chuck, that comic-book is da-bomb!'.

>> No.4605561

About the same age I stopped playing video games and watching cartoons, i.e. when I was 12.

I simultaneously feel pity and contempt for the manchildren who never grew up. Literally the only thing you guys will ever achieve in life is having pictures of your person being reposted in /b/'s "beta/cringe" threads.

>> No.4605566

you don't know what oeuvre means, do you?

>> No.4605572
File: 84 KB, 848x768, untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying you ever stop

>> No.4605574

I recognize neither of them.

>> No.4605576

that one fat guy who wrote genre fiction and james joyce

>> No.4605577

is that guilmero del toro and james joyce?

>> No.4605589

george rr martin, a terrible writer

>> No.4605591


Do legal thrillers count?


>> No.4605594

right, and the one on the left?

>> No.4605593

pls post original if one exists

>> No.4605598

Simon Pegg is 44. He's likely coming another time in
'geekdom'. After fame, it is somewhat less relevant.

>> No.4605599

Genre fiction.
Genre fiction.

They are fiction and they belong to a genre.


Fucking plebs.

>> No.4605601

At what age did you stop keeping this juvenile debate alive?

>> No.4605604


it's hardly suprising since it's welsh.

>> No.4605608


he's not part of the fad, he is just idolised by people who are. remember he is a middle aged man and also he only even met nick frost because they were both making star wars noises in public for some idiotic reason.

>> No.4606908

haha omg Simon Pegg is such a geek.

>> No.4606946

>implying "genre fiction" isn't being used in the common use sense, which is to refer the genres of fantasy, science fiction, detective, romantic, etc.
> 8====>

>> No.4606968

Simon Pegg is as much a part of the "geek" internet fad as George Carlin is a part of r/atheism.