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/lit/ - Literature

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4601437 No.4601437 [Reply] [Original]

How do you call it when you take two words that don't normally rhyme and pronounce them a bit different so that they rhyme?

>> No.4601439

Fuck off

>> No.4601441

Something like artistic license? I'm not sure.

You should be the one fucking off.

>> No.4601443

I think there is some Greek word for that.

>> No.4601442


nah, those two don't even sound similar, try a bit harder.

>> No.4601451
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>guessing random nonsense when the OP is asking for a specific technical term

>> No.4601460

>implying you aren't the OP getting annoyed that /lit/ won't complete the metalanguage worksheet his teacher gave him

>> No.4601466

Contextually induced artificial homophony's how I'd call it

>> No.4601471


Example: Orange, door hinge

>> No.4601475

ha, i thought that that was legit until i pronounced it out loud.

>> No.4601481

How do you spell it in Greek.

>> No.4601509


>> No.4601691

Stuff like this in poetry can be called near rhyme, slant rhyme, or half rhyme.

>> No.4601698

i prouncing so they rhyme

>> No.4602041
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>> No.4602075

>How do you call it
very carefully

>> No.4602077

That girl is the epitome of hipster, and yet, yet, my loins ache at the very sight of her stupid forced pose.

>> No.4602087
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Same here

>> No.4602091
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>> No.4602115
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hipstergirls are quite exquisite actually imho

>> No.4602179

I call it awesome.
The French sometimes do what they call a "rime pour l'oeil" (rhyme for the eye), because the most important thing in French rhymes is that they have to be written in the same way, even if it's not the same pronunciation.
This can lead to associate two words pronounced differently, like in Baudelaire:
"Oreiller de chair fraîche où l'on ne peut aimer,
Mais où la vie afflue et s'agite sans cesse,
Comme l'air dans le ciel et la mer dans la mer..."
("Aimer" is pronounced "aim-ay", while "la mer" is pronounced "la merr" - but both are ending with -er so it's valid!)
Or they can use a wrong spelling to match the word with another word, this is even seen from the very authoritarian Racine :
"Mes yeux sont éblouis du jour que je revoi,
Et mes genoux tremblants se dérobent sous moi."
(You should write "revois", but it would be impossible to use "moi" then - so Racine willingly makes a spelling mistake that even a child wouldn't do).
Do what you want to do, and just say: "I'm doing it like the French."

>> No.4602536

OP i take it you mean like this
"They have things like the atom bomb
So I think I'll stay where I ahm".

>> No.4602549
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>> No.4602555

I lol'ed

>> No.4602565

That's been used in English, too.

>> No.4602588

Eminem's career

>> No.4602603
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whatever i hate these things

mathers actually read the dictionary multiple times as a kid and tried to rhyme every word with a few others, kept it all in a notebook and tried to memorize them. in school he excelled in English class. he had the motivation and skill to be a great poet

>> No.4602611

pulling a kendrick

>> No.4602664


>> No.4602700

I've found it, it's called assonance. Thanks, lit.

>> No.4602705

Ant buttcrush content is really rare

>> No.4602704


>> No.4602787
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People interested in the girl

>> No.4602791

I-is she legal?

>> No.4602795

... that's not what assonance is.

Assonance (sometimes known as internal rhyme) is when the vowel sounds in the middle of words is the same, but the consonants at the end of the words don't match so its not a full rhyme.

It doesn't sound like that's what you were looking for.

>> No.4602803

I don't think so, but I would do her nonetheless

>> No.4602816 [DELETED] 

And the one's who want the whole fappity album:


>> No.4602825
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whereas in women at some time past the elegancy was in a correct, erect, sharp posture, that girl thinks that she attains 'cuteness' by doing the entire opposite

>> No.4602829

Are you saying you disagree?

>> No.4602831


>> No.4602834

slant rhyme?

>> No.4602864

Thank you for observing that physical attraction is, in fact, a function of cultural subjectivity.

>> No.4602953

The colloquial term for that is rap-rhyming, but I wouldn't know the technical term (if, indeed, there even is such a term).

>> No.4602957


What exactly are you getting at? I think she's cute. Therefore cuteness has been attained. Fuck off, you Continental overanalyzer.

>> No.4603300

doesn't look mexican

>> No.4603307
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>> No.4603995
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God damn it. I hate this feeling. I live in a college town and I see chicks like this everyday. I'll never know them, but my dick becomes diamonds anyway.

I sometimes wish I were attracted to ugly people just so I could be happy.

>> No.4604245

It's okay, bro. I think a lot of us know this feel.

>> No.4604263


>> No.4604281

fucking hipster chicks is pretty tite

>> No.4604334
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Write something half decent and you'll have to buy a snorkel to keep from drowning in all the hipster pussy thrown your way.

>> No.4604336

Just go full tilt and convince yourself that you are happy and that everything you think you could have done has actually happened. After a while it really becomes quite an uplifting thing. As long as you keep it reasonable, it's like it really happened.

Then when you remember that it didn't happen you can just either kill yourself or forget again.

It's been working pretty well for me so far.

>> No.4604340

I'd marry that girl

>> No.4605417

Just because you like fancy literature doesn't mean you have to like assless children, /lit/.

>> No.4605437

nice one

>> No.4605456


>Someone disagrees with you
>React with vehement opposition.

Fuck off with your pleb taste in women. Pasty bitch is all hunched over like she has fucking osteoporosis.

>> No.4605498

you dont even have to write anything, just say you did.

>> No.4605936
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>That type of hipster never seem to do porn
>I can't watch quirky and trendy girls doing beastly things