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4597274 No.4597274 [Reply] [Original]

>Work for a publishing company
>Reviewing a manuscript from a new author
>High-fantasy stuff
>Really like the characterization
>Avoids most mistakes of the genre
>Plot is good and marketable
>Really want to get the process in motion to publish it

There's just one, slight issue:
There are several scenes involved in the book where the main character has sex with a dragon. They're all mildly detailed, too - Not pornographic shit, but it's still kind of explicit.

It makes sense in the story (a major part of the main character's arc is how he learns to work with other races, and his romantic interest with the dragon is sort of believable if you consider both of their characters), but I think it would put off a lot of readers.

I've only been working here for a few months, and I'm sort of scared to say that I want to publish a novel in which a dude fucks a dragon. But the entire story is really well-written and I genuinely enjoyed the plot, even with the dragon-fucking.

What should I do, /lit/?

>> No.4597275

talk to the author and tell him to tone it down a little.

>> No.4597285

That most definitely needs to happen. I don't want him to make it a children's book, obviously, but things do toe the line of the "weird porn" territory.

However, I'm still unsure if the dragon-sex is going to be acceptable, even if his descriptions are less graphic. I could ask him to remove the scenes, I suppose, but I highly doubt he'll want to get rid of such a major part of the story...

God, why did I have to get this manuscript instead of a shitty one. Rejection letters are so much easier than this crap.

>> No.4597293

I would try to find a book that has a similar situation in it and see how it was dealt with. you may come up with some weird search results though. Is it like a dragon or a Dragon-like peerson?

>> No.4597298

Dragon. It is (or, really, she is) sentient and can speak, so it's definitely not bestiality. However, the dragon is still established to be a reptilian quadruped that can fly and breathes fire, along with the rest of the standard dragon stuff.

I Googled it a bit and got mostly furry porn.

>> No.4597299


>> No.4597300
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>> No.4597306

coerce him into changing the man-dragon bonding into a non sexual form of bonding (training, enlightenment, story telling, games), possibly more meaningful than sex

>> No.4597307

don't you have someone at work to ask about this instead of anonymous posters on 4chan?

>> No.4597322

Does your boss prefer people who take big risks, or people who play it safe?

>> No.4597324

How'd you rope that gig? I worked in a magazine publishing house for a while and hated it, but that sounds like an interesting job.

Is sex with a dragon really that bad? Seems like it would be a good selling point for the book.

>> No.4597334
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>Asking your co-workers about whether or not you should clear gratuitous levels of dragon ass fucking.

I bet this happens semi-frequently in the publishing biz doesn't it?

>> No.4597338

In the context of the story, this would be basically impossible to do. A lot of it involves him being ashamed of the act, which is obviously extremely taboo in society, as well as being surprised at how much he enjoyed it.

I'm kind of scared to say that I liked the novel, since I cannot tell if most of my coworkers will have dismissed it as, well, a fucking creepy book where a guy bangs a dragon.

I haven't worked here long enough to really know for sure.

I took some interviews and somehow got in. The person who hired me asked me to try for employment after reading some of my own works, which included several short stories and a few essays about how to write quality work. Ironically, my degree is in computer science. Never thought I'd work here.

For me, sex with a Dragon isn't bad at all, but I'm a weirdo who browses 4chan. I bet the average American would freak out about bestiality and the declining moral fabric of our country, or something.

Then again, controversy sells...

>> No.4597339

Hey dol merry dol ring a dong dillo?

>> No.4597344

You cant tone down a man fucking a dragon. Go all in. ask the guy to make it more overtly disturbing, more descriptive, make it borderline Lovecraftian. If it could be construed as unironically erotic the books sales are shot, but if it's "unsettling" it might actually draw in more people.

>> No.4597347

Fuck off retard.

>> No.4597352

Can the dragon-fucking be marketed as a multi-cultural angle?

>> No.4597361

I'd read it.

>> No.4597362

>the entirety of /pol/ will never be doxxed
life is suffering

>> No.4597364

Ring a dong! hop along! fal lal the willow!

>> No.4597368

It's not intended to be disturbing, though. It would take a bit more knowledge of the background of the book to fully explain it, but going for the horror angle definitely won't work.

The way they're currently written, while perhaps a bit too descriptive, is very effective at showing the emotions of both characters. Obviously, they're both enjoying it, but one gets the sense some part of them is completely confused and even a little disgusted at what they're doing.

>> No.4597371

As someone who works in the industry, you have to ask yourself this: "am I willing to risk my career for this story?"

Personally, I wouldn't.

>> No.4597379

This mostly, though I think you should leave it as it is. It would come to be known as "that dragon fucking book" among the fantasy community and lots of people would buy it just out of curiosity. Lots of buzz, lots of money, readers get to gawk at some pervert's dragon porn. Everybody wins.

>> No.4597382

He could change sex into something under the radar that "humans" don't understand. Maybe the dragon could swallow the character whole and then vomit him up again, and in dragon culture that means something like sex—because of trust issues and shit.

>> No.4597389

I don't want to risk my career, but I also kind of want to take the risk on this.

If the worst happens, I have a shiny comp sci degree that I could use. Hell, I already make like $30k a year from adds in an app I helped make during college, I could live off that.

Then again, this has been my dream job since forever, so I would kind of like to continue it...

This actually might work.

I don't know if changing sex into vorephillia is really going to help matters...

>> No.4597390


>> No.4597395

>This actually might work.
But then it couldn't be appreciated as a work of epic fantasy. It would just be dragon fucking.

>> No.4597396

>I don't know if changing sex into vorephillia is really going to help matters...

Holy shit, I didn't know that was a thing.

>> No.4597402


The rest of the story does deserve recognition as it is. It's not exactly Tolkien, but it's some damn good fantasy.


>> No.4597407

Don't look into it. I did, and actually had a few nightmares.

>> No.4597413

I'm not /pol/, I'm just throwing shit on the wall at this point.

>> No.4597427

GRRM has entire pages of characters squeezing out shit and he sells millions of copies. A little disgusting content doesn't necessarily ruin a book, sometimes it spices things up enough to make things interesting. This is what I imagine happening:

>dum la dee da enjoying this well written epic fantasy
>wait a sex what's he doing with the dragon

And that's what brings readers in for book 2. They come because of the dragon porn buzz, they stay for the story.

>> No.4597437

Do it man. Yolo.

>> No.4597441

If you can't make him slash it out, why not just convince him that the dragon can transform into a "human-like" figure. Furry is better than beast anyway. Taking the lesser of two evils.

>> No.4597443
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I'd say go for it, let it through.

If it doesn't work out, direct him towards a furry publisher.

>> No.4597456

I feel like this would kinda ruin the atmosphere of it.

It's not really a furry book, though.

...Well I mean a dude fucks a dragon in it but the rest of it is just a fantasy novel.

Hmmm... Maybe you're right...

I'm just worried that, if it does get popular, I'll turn on the news one night and see an old guy yelling about a "disgusting, bestiality-filled work of filth"

>> No.4597464

Followed immediately by a spike in sales.

>> No.4597468


I write erotica for a living and I'm shocked you even think this is the least bit taboo anymore. Get over it, or get out of publishing.

>> No.4597469


Now, if I do publish it, it's going to be a bit hard to market. Obviously we can't just say "HOLY SHIT A DUDE BANGS A DRAGON THAT'S METAL AS FUCK READ IT," but I do think that readers might get angry if they aren't at least sort of warned that it contains that kind of content...

It's not an erotic novel, though. If it was, fuck it, I'd have published it already.

>> No.4597489

>forget damsels in distress, i have a dragon!

>> No.4597495

I'd buy it, sure. It's a novelty that has actual quality, allegedly. It's also marketable to furries, who not only will buy their fandom items at any price, they have utter brand loyalty. Dragon Dildos are really just subpar sextoys that caters to furries and are ridiculously overpriced, furry art commissions from "popular artists" on furaffinity will fetch hundreds of dollars. I think Boystown had people bid off the few printed copies it had.

I mean, at the very least it can have that, more than that, if it sells through controversy, quality or advertising. I mean, people did read Eragon, this isn't that much of a stretch (and is actually well-written, you say). You can tell your boss that niche fandoms are actually very stable and that the furry one is larger than most people think. I also think you should just be open and honest to him about it. Maybe he likes risk takers.

>> No.4597500

I really don't want to directly market to the furries, though. The sex (and his relationship with the dragon) are a major part of the story, but it's a piece of a larger puzzle.

Then again, the furries will probably pick it up regardless of if I market to them or not...

>> No.4597504

They sure as sunshine will.

But what I meant is that, if all else fails, at the very least, the bottom of the barrel, things will actually be quite alright, it has a very secure minimum market, that will have loyalty, be price-insensitive, and indulge in their fandom shopping compulsively

>> No.4597513


So, should I tell the boss that I like it, and that the controversial content within will probably just result in guaranteed sales?

>> No.4597514

That's a tough one. But if it has at least somewhat of a buildup then I'd think people would just be shocked that the book actually went through with an actual sex scene between them than enraged at the scene ruining the story.

>> No.4597516

Lots of buildup. He doesn't actually have sex until the book (which is like 600 pages long) is at least 6/10ths of the way through.

>> No.4597522


>> No.4597519

How big is the company OP?

>> No.4597523


Better sidestep that, at least until he asks you "yeah, but did you like it?". I'd stick at first with more objective arguments as to distance myself from the controversy, to treat it coldly, as it were. I'd say: "It's well-written, the plot evolves well, avoids major pitfalls" and all the other arguments I'm sure you know better than I. If he does pose the question you can either go man mode and say something like "yeah, it's a good book, in spite of dragon fucking" or try "well, it's well-done, just not my personal cup of tea" and then proceed to highlight the easy maketability and sales possibilities, as to minimize the impact of the whole personal aversion to the theme, which might make our boss shut it down or question your judgement

>> No.4597526

your boss*, oops, I'm not your co-worker, I swear

>> No.4597527

I say go for it then. I'd only be wary if it were a small publisher. Plus, look at the schlock that gets published already. One of the twilight books has a werewolf that wants to fuck a baby in it

>> No.4597530

>sex with dragons
seems like some well written D&D fan fiction

>> No.4597531

I'll shoot him an email now. He probably won't read it until Monday, but whatever.

Hopefully I don't get fired.
True that.

>> No.4597544

It might be interesting to read if it's not too silly. Romantic involvement with a dragon? Really?

All those myths of people being born from creatures sound pretty cool but there's no detail nor logistics laid out.

The suggestion of turning the scenes into some nightmarish gothic tale (>>4597344) would depend on the rest of the books style and tone. Is it some heroic everybody is good type of shit or gritty realism?.
It could end up like one of those things fantasy authors throw in to sound more interesting that feel out of place. Also, if there's a romantic involvement, I don't know how it could work out being haunting. I mean, no matter how much I could love a dragon, I would be a different man the day after I tried to fuck it.

>> No.4597550

Your nightmares are somebody else's fap material

>> No.4597551

It's semi-realistic. Not edgy bullshit, but not for kids, either.

It makes sense in the story. Both of them act... well, I hesitate to use the word "realistically," but they definitely have believable reactions to the whole romance thing.

>> No.4597555

Does he cum inside? Who was on top?

>> No.4597558

Well, in that case, I say fuck it, go Lovecraftian. I'd hate to read some 'The world became his (dragon) pussy/tail' cringe-worthy crap.

>> No.4597559

I want to know this too. any spice sneak peeks?

>> No.4597560

i'm gonna laught like a maniac if a few years from now i hear about a new book/movie/game about dragon fucking that becomes an even larger fad than Twillight..

>> No.4597564

This. So much

>> No.4597567

It's not really supposed to be nightmarish. As much as I love sexual horror, it wouldn't work in the story.

Wondered why this took so long to get posted.

He was on top, and I'm pretty certain he did finish inside. It wasn't that explicit - No "I kept thrusting my giant man-sausage into her delicious, wet dragon pussy as I pumped my seed deep in her womb" - But there was enough to make me slightly uncomfortable.

I probably shouldn't post excerpts, though. Sorry guys.

>> No.4597571


>> No.4597572

I would say go for it, I'm more into sci-fi than fantasy but I can tell you the last three books I've read had sex sceans that could have been completly left out of the plot without changing it. I would love to see some actual meaningful content in with the sex shit, and various sexual rights groups will cling onto it like a mother-fucker.

Also post the juicy parts

>> No.4597573

>The award winning HBO series based on best-selling the works of Chronicles of a Cloaca

>> No.4597574

I'm curious, does the MC have a verbal way of communicating with the dragon?

>> No.4597576

This could be the marketing stunt of the century. The next 50shades, buy this book, get a free dragon dildo! Chicks will love this shit! Vampires are so last year, dragons is where it's at!

>> No.4597577

I mentioned earlier that the dragon can speak.

She has a vagina

Can't post juicy bits due to copyright. Sorry brah.

>> No.4597580

Anybody know of a novel with an animal tamer/researcher that has sex with wild animals?

>> No.4597581

Its not like its going to be the worst thing out there. Besides the way the sex is written may minimize the impact. Detailing the emotions, rather than the actions can help, however you also don't want it to be to fanciful. Basically if he is too descriptive you may want him to reword it to describe the emotions of the act rather than the act.

>> No.4597582

Women want to be dominated, what can be more dominating than a dragon? fuck bro, you've got gold here? Where can I buy stocks in this shit?

>> No.4597583
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>Chronicles of a Cloaca

>> No.4597585

yeah, but does the title have sexy alliteration? I think not!

>> No.4597587

Yeah, I'll definitely tell him to edit it like that.

The dragon's female.

>> No.4597592
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Well that just ruins it. Interest lost. YA BLEW IT
srsly tho, I think an erotic novel dragon dildo combo deal could be something worth considering, but then again, I do cocaine,

>> No.4597597

yeah, make the dragon a dude and the MC a girl and she fucks him in the ass, or dickpocket with a strap on

>> No.4597603

Could it be that OP is the author? I think he might be.

>> No.4597605

No way for me to prove this, but I promise I'm not

>> No.4597608


If he is we have a much lower chance of a book featuring dragon fucking coming out. An author featuring dragon fucking in a book is lucky to be considered at all.

>> No.4597615


I really haven't a clue why, but this post made me bust a fucking gut. I guess it's time for me to go to bed.

>> No.4597617

I'm not the author, and I think the chances of this getting published are actualyl pretty good.

>> No.4597624


Well, depending on the amount of stigma against dragons in the story, you could have the bonding simply be a conversation - hell, you could even have it be a brief encounter, without prolonged interaction (though once again I have no idea about the environment of the story as a whole). If dragons are considered "untouchable" or something, you could just have the man realize that they're not so bad. If, however, the sex is taboo simply because it's between two different, but equal, species, then I've got no suggestions other than ask him not to make it too graphic. I don't think it'll be too big a deal though. If it's a good story, the intrigue of the sex should improve things rather than be a burden.

>> No.4597632

It's mostly the second thing. Dragons are kind of looked down upon as being greedy and selfish by humans in general, and the MC has personal biases against them.

He spends a good portion of the book leading up to sex, and conversation won't be enough of a payoff. Hopefully, the weirdness of it isn't enough to deter readers.

I'll see how my boss responds on Monday

>> No.4597635


Ooh, or better yet (if the author is skilled enough to make this work), you could have the descriptions shift from, as you said, Lovecraftian horror, over time, to description of sublime beauty or something. That'd be good shit.

>> No.4597642

You'd better deliver OP, if this thing gets the green light I need to know.

>> No.4597644

I think the story will encounter a lot of instinctive disgust connected to furrys and bestophilia. If the dragon can be turned into a more ethereal godly character and the sexscenes can be turned into agodly euphoric encounter sort of thing ( assuming the dragon sexscene is the apotheosis of the whole story) this might be publishable.

>> No.4597646

It kind of does that already. The language used to describe dragons definitely seems rougher in the beginning.

Your post actually had me re-look up the initial description of the first dragon the MC sees, and yeah, the language is way rougher than during the sex scene.

I'll keep you guys updated as this develops.

>> No.4597649


But what do you mean by "rougher"? I'm talking about how, initially. the MC could be downright disgusted by the dragon's body. I think it'd be more interesting if he goes from one extreme to another.

>> No.4597659
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>She has a vagina.


>> No.4597658

Well, posting a very small excerpt (note: this is not edited by a professional yet, since we haven't decided if we want to go through that process or not, so there might be errors in the manuscript -- Also, I've replaced some of the names with make-style variables):

She smirked at $(MCNAME), reptilian lips curling upwards towards her beady eyes. "I'm sure you'll manage."

$(MCNAME)'s glare remained set in his face.
It's a tiny example but I'm afraid to post more.

>> No.4597665


Yeah I guess that's pretty good. If I wrote it, though, I'd add something about the vicious teeth.

>> No.4597669

It mentions that later on.

>> No.4597683

Oh shit nigger STOP. Don't get bulled into posting anything else.

>> No.4597688

It's one excerpt. I won't post anything else.

Hell, for all I know, the author uses this website. He mentioned that he named one of the major locations of the book after a Neutral Milk Hotel song, and he fits the site's demographic...

>> No.4597732

Goddammit. A dracophilic book written by a 4channer is being vetted by a 4channer. I bet your boss is a channer too.
Hell, FireFox even recognizes 4channer as a word.

>> No.4597742

Maybe he just kisses the dragon and rubs her belly

>> No.4597758

>shit this book is weird
>I know! I'll ask 4chan, they know how to not be weird and are generally regarded for having a conservative filter and good sense of the sensibility of the reading public.

You might as well go ask BadDragon if you should publish this.

>> No.4597761

No idea if he's a 4channer. That NMH hotel reference could have been from elsewhere, they're a popular hipster band.

My boss is a 40-year-old balding man who can barely use a computer. Doubt he uses this website. He's a cool guy, though.

Eh, honestly, that might be even creepier.

Yeeeaahhh... Hey, /lit/ is typically better than the rest.

Also, sleeping now. Will answer any more questions or whatever in the morning.

>> No.4597790

Publish it. Just look at twilight, 50shades, etc. It's the same demographic, it will sell.

>> No.4597805

brb. buying BadDragon stocks. if this dragon fucking thing takes off i'll make a fortune!

>> No.4597814

Jokes on you, BadDragon isn't publicly traded.

>> No.4597817

did you google that too?

>> No.4597820

Yeah, because I was seriously thinking about investing in a company based on a post about dragon fucking on an anonymous image board known for being unreliable.

>> No.4597824

I did a while ago. Figured a niche niche market is safe to invest in.

>> No.4597830

I hope that there will be a bundle: book + dragon dildo

>> No.4597847


Talk to your boss.

Explain your opinions: what you like, what you don't. And ask his opinion, then make a choice.

>> No.4597862

does he describe the genitals of the dragon?

>> No.4597865

What would you consider the 'mistakes of the genre'?

>> No.4597868

Well, if it was with a regular animal, I would find it disgusting.
But I'm assuming that in the work a Dragon is a highly intelligent being, so she's able to consent properly and her life is none of my business.

It really depends on how it's written. If it's just a short description, I'd say go for it (assuming that the rest of the book is good as you've said), though I know nothing about the publishing business.

Just make sure the tone is more like two intelligent beings having sex and it doesn't seem like is a person fucking an animal. (Maybe tell him to focus less on the body of the dragon if that is what is happening, dunno).

Anyway, I don't see it as something wrong from an animal rights perspective, lol. It may be from a religious one, but isn't ASOIAF full of incest and whatnot and selling like water?

>> No.4597871

Ohhhh look, Mr. all grown up with his good advice

>> No.4597875

Also, OP, why not just publish it and market it as a fantasy book and not even mention the dragon sex?
You said people could be mad cause they were not aware, but I don't think movies/books usually include "warning: there's sex in this book" in their marketing strategies.
After all, is just two consenting grown ups having sex, it just happens that one of them is a dragon.

>> No.4598383

This is exactly what I did earlier in the thread.

Well, I shot him an email.

Sort of, yeah.

"Ye Olde English," blindly following the monomyth, and shoehorning in a prophecy for no reason, to name a few.

They are definitely both sentient, and the reason for sex is 85% the mental bond they share - Although a bit of it is physical attraction as well, although that attraction can be handwaved as a result of the mental connection.

I'm just worried it's going to cause a shitload of controversy. Still, I emailed my boss about it, so we'll see what he says.

>> No.4598402
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This thread.

You should have asked /tg/, but that's 10000000 sales right there before it even comes out.

>> No.4598409

Someone probably already suggested this but can't you get the author to tone it down? Essentially remove everything explicit, keep the relationship platonic on the surface, and maybe subtly imply sexual happenings.

>> No.4599173

Read the thread.

>> No.4599198

i think Stars in My Pocket Like Grains of Sand by sam r delany has dragon/human sex, and that's one of my favorite books. it could work. good luck, op.

>> No.4599201

I can't speak for our dear editor, but you don't just tone down a critical critical aspect of the story that's apparently been done well enough to leave our editor in a dilemma just to appease the masses. True, it divides an already small base of people that would be divided, but it also draws in others who are beyond knee-jerk reactions. Not to say that sensationalism is the key to sales, but that if something is sensational, it possesses a quality, a question, of which the response divides people in the way that a watered down universality can't. It's the difference between "it was good, I guess" and jihad.

If the author is doing this beyond the level of some basal >>4598402 fetish, then all it would take is some editorial urging to shape it into a thing, having a quality to it that both alien and familiar and powerful nonetheless, that elicits the responses that you expect from good fantasy. That is, it should force the reader to, at the least, consider and hopefully meditate on issues that are relevant to our own floating world.

This may be an example of the editing process where something better comes from something already good enough to get published. If OP as an editor fights for dragon lovin, as any other issue of contention, as means to a higher literary end, then the results will be well worth the stuggle.

>> No.4599205

Fantastic book but it does not have a wide readership and I think would be extremely hard to market it today.

I'm like 90% sure that, from a purely commercial perspective, you either need to take the dragon fucking out or you need to make it all about dragon fucking. Trying to make the dragon fucking better and more artistic might be best from a literary perspective but the argument that it's best for the commercial prospects seems incredibly unlikely, frankly. And I'm sure for OP/his employers it's all about gettin' that paper.

>> No.4599233

Getting that paper it may be, but this also a genre wherein the best selling series right now, the main character is killed in the first book. I'm honestly surprised there hasn't been gratuitous dragon fucking before, considering the other things I've been allowed to read about. It's par for the course, and if given a proper editorly hand, could be the thing other books are compared to. I'm not expressing that it should or shouldn't be removed, but that if properly edited and rewritten, it will carry it's own themes in a way that is valuable.

That beowulf doesn't contain verse after verse the subject is a testament to the puritanical aims of those that transcribed it over the years.

>> No.4599237

>Getting that paper it may be, but this also a genre wherein the best selling series right now, the main character is killed in the first book.

Those two things are really very different.

I'm probably exaggerating a book & I think it's possible that a series with dragonfucking could still be popular; fantasy is a weird genre sometimes. But I think getting rid of it would certainly make its prospects better, and think that even if it used dragon sex in an important thematic way that doing so would be valuable from a sales perspective.

>That beowulf doesn't contain verse after verse the subject is a testament to the puritanical aims of those that transcribed it over the years.

Do you have any source for this? like, the claim that Beowulf was originally totally about having sex with monsters? Any source at all?

>> No.4599242 [SPOILER] 
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Do it OP. Get it published. I really want to read this book now.

What is the Title of the book?

(pic related)

>> No.4599246

Who would blurb this shit?

You could get in touch with the guys over at Dragon Dildos Ltd. and try and get some sort of combo package going

>> No.4599248

>A lot of it involves him being ashamed of the act, which is obviously extremely taboo in society, as well as being surprised at how much he enjoyed it.
Report the author to the police because he is very obviously fucking his pet iguana.

>> No.4599249

>Read the thread.
This is why I lead with, 'someone had probably already mentioned it'.

Like you, I greatly believe that literature shouldn't be censured, nor any art for that matter, if it detracts from the authors vision. However, in reality, and in the case of publication houses specifically, I feel that something that focuses heavily on the taboo necessitates a certain level of censorship for it to be accepted by the masses, no matter how relevant or mind-altering it may be. The end goal is money after all, and if the subject matter can be considered off-putting to the average consumer then it seems unlikely that it will sell enough to advocate its publication.

>> No.4599262

The one thing I don't want to do is ruin art. Things need to be marketable, yes, but I try to walk the tightrope between arthouse and commercial stuff. Or, at least, I try to do so. We've had a few other stories with plenty of weird shit within, but mostly in the horror genre - I'm just nervous about including something like this in a fantasy story.

I could ask the author to remove it, I suppose, but it's a large enough part of the book that I would feel bad for doing so.

>> No.4599266

>I greatly believe...
>However, in reality
You are a faggot.

>> No.4599268

This may sound elitist, but frankly, if it's a high-fantasy book, I don't think you need to worry about ruining art. And I say that as someone who loves fantasy, including high fantasy stories!

>> No.4599269

Have you ever read the Legend of the Seeker novels? In Wizard's First Rule, there are some hardcore dominatrix scenes, torture-sex, and Stockholm-Syndrome-sex, and in the fantasy fanbase it is regarded as a beautiful work. I say go ahead with it as is. The controversial parts will remain controversial but fiction lovers will either enjoy the weirdness or overlook it for the sake of the story.

>> No.4599273

I don't think you can really say that Sword Of Truth is universally well-regarded by the fantasy fanbase anymore, and the prevalence of poorly-written sex scenes and rape is a large part of why (along with the Objectivist political propaganda and generally shitty quality esp in later books of series). I certainly don't think that getting rid of the sex scenes would harm those books commercially.

>> No.4599277
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>Not giving it the go ahead to publish to show that love conquers all

>> No.4599283

I don't really subscribe to that definition of art. To me, art is simply self-expression in a communicable way.

Now, it might not be High Art, but honestly, after a certain point those distinctions really do just become elitist. To use a musical example, "Trout Mask Replica" is certainly closer to high art than something like "Quadrophenia," but I'd say the latter is actually of a marginally better quality.

If it was poorly written I would have just chucked it, but it's unfortunately quite good.

>> No.4599285

Yeah, that series is so underregarded by the fantasy community that they aired a major television series based on them.

I seriously doubt that removing any part of any story will HELP it commercially.

>> No.4599291

Agreed, although if it is done right, the sensationalism only feeds the sales of something already worthy. Maybe it's why I'm not published, but if you write genre lit, people reading a book for the occasional dragon love wouldn't bother me because it means they read the rest.

Just ask the author. If it's a fetish, he'll probably admit to it in a way that is obvious whether or not he intends it to be. If not, he'll either want to change it into something that better achieves his artistic goals in a way that can't be challenged by those in the know, or give up on it entirely and allude to it tastefully.

I like good and tasteful, but those tastes that are strong and divisional are sublime and beyond the norm when done well. It may not be palatable to some, but neither is good beer to the tongue of a bud light drinker.

You have a difficult job balancing your own tastes and the the consensus of knowledgable others with the opines of the masses. I'd either have it edited into something beyond criticism or drop it entirely, but that's what you're doing anyway.

>> No.4599292

I'm just going to tell you right now OP that mainstream audiences won't read it.

>> No.4599296

A story that is pretty well known for being a massive deviation from the book series and that ran for a whole two seasons.

And if you think that there's no case where removing part of a story will help it commercially, I have no idea what to say. That's ridiculous.

>> No.4599300

Hey OP, you ARE going to make a followup thread tomorrow or on Tue. about what your boss said about the book right?

I'll be seriously disappointed if you don't do this.

>> No.4599301

if this is real, and you honestly have a problem with an author creating a piece of art that you're uncomfortable with to the extent of being SCARED to potentially publish it due to subject matter or potentially "put off readers", then you're a terrible fucking manuscript reader and you work for a terrible fucking company.

people like you are what's ruining literature and art, afraid to take chances with people trying something new. I dont give a fuck about the dragon fucking, im just pissed that you're so afraid and stupified by it. christ.

>> No.4599304

Did you even read the thread?

>> No.4599308

oh? and you are an expert on the matter because...?

You haven't even READ the book dude.

>> No.4599309

You're really amazed that publishing houses make decisions based on the commercial prospects of what they're publishing?

Are you for real?

>> No.4599311

he's not amazed by it he's angered by it

>> No.4599313

But it's not like it's a new thing. Like, he should be directing his anger at publishing industry in general, not acting like OP is some kind of exception.

>> No.4599321

You're a true hero, Anon. Tom Bombadillo is Illuvatar. You're Tom. You're the One. You're the maker.

>> No.4599322

From talking to the author, I'm reasonably certain that he didn't do it as a fetish thing but intentionally add it for controversy. To use a cliche that I hate, he had mischief in his voice.

I think that editing this book into oblivion is the absolute wrong way to go. Either I decide that we don't do it, or we keep the dragon sex (maybe make it slightly less explicit) and just go with it.

The email I sent to my boss indicated that it would be the latter, so I'll see how he responds.

I'll probably just use this one.

To be fair, I have only worked in this industry for a little while, and never actually studied to be involved in it. This was my dream job, and I'm deeply afraid of losing it.

Personally, I don't give a fuck about dragon boning, and if I owned the publishing company I would totally fucking print it. I just don't want to lose my current job.

I'm not a hack. I could probably make a shitload more doing what I got a degree in. I love literature and I definitely don't want to censor this guy's art - If you read the thread, I already said that there was no way in hell I was going to ask him to fully sanitize the story. I'm just kind of scared to lose a job I've dreamed about since I was a kid.

Yeah I kinda got angry, sue me. I'm stressed at the moment.

>> No.4599324

Just remember that you're going to be stuck with whatever the author truly wants in the way of the Kirk/Ulhura kiss. He either understands and respects you as an editor, or will give you what he wants, bad, or worse.

The nepotist clusterfuck that fantasy publishing is is either for or against you, but as long as as long as you phrase your argument right and have a manuscript that supports it, at least he'll be published elsewhere.

>> No.4599325

but here I am actually talking to someone in the the publishing industry, I AM directing my anger towards the correct person who has the potential to make a change towards something different.

>> No.4599331

I don't see what potential getting fired has to make a positive change?

>> No.4599334

>if I owned the publishing company I would totally fucking print it

then dude, think about the author, think about the potential, and fucking give it the go ahead. its a bit harder when your own job is on the line isnt it? because the authors job as a writer is on the line too, he's taken a chance why cant you follow as well?

>> No.4599348

he got hired for a reason, apparently. he's made a good case for the material in this thread, im sure he can make a good case at his workplace. if not, he can always back it up with "well it's my first time, now I know the boundaries, etc etc etc". I really dont think he would get fired over something like this, he's using that reason as a scapegoat.

>> No.4599353

I'm just going to be real, you can't discuss and debate but mainstream audiences won't read something that has a scene where someone fucks a dragon.

If anything, that'll become the only reason to read it, from people who fetishize the shit or people who want to laugh at it.

Harsh realities, sorry. If you don't understand this, you're not too experienced in the publishing world.

>> No.4599358

>high fantasy

>> No.4599361

>The email I sent to my boss indicated that it would be the latter
Like I said before, it's not that you edit it in or out, it's that you edit it better and in a way that carries whatever author-sensei is trying to say in a way that can't be done without, so it either stays or changes as needed to do that. If the author is a mischievous fuck like myself, he can turn it into something which meets that or submit to the almighty dollar and leave the vestiges for the inquiring to write fanfiction about.

>> No.4599370

The thing is, the author can just re-write another manuscript and submit it. I get fired and probably won't be able to get into the industry again.

I already sent my boss an email suggesting we publish it, even with the dragon-bangin'. Hopefully I don't get murdered.

I think you might be wrong. The story itself is really quite good, and I think a lot of audiences will be able to overlook the weirdness. I was a bit, for lack of a better word, squicked by the scenes, but it did make sense in the context of the story.

>> No.4599371

I know you can't say who you work for, but who owns them or what could I google to get results when this thing hits the market. I need something to look forward to these next two years as nothing else to my interst is coming in that time.

>> No.4599375

I don't even read fantasy and I would fucking by the book just to lul at a guy fucking a dragon.

I have a few friends who are into fantasy though...Is this really the worst thing that has appeared in a mainstream fantasy novel?

>> No.4599381

If they go ahead and decide to publish it he could just give us the final version of the title.

>> No.4599382

quick publish it i want to read it.

>> No.4599385

I will post the title of the novel here when (and if) it is published.

I honestly have no idea. I don't read that much in the genre.

I doubt it, though. I can think of dozens of more fucked-up things right off the top of my head, and I'm sure one of them has probably appeared.

>> No.4599386

It really isn't. But then we don't know the circumstances of this. Usually when it happens, the editor is also the owner and president of the company, like with DAW and others.

>> No.4599404

Is it Avery Island? I need to know.

>> No.4599405


Well, how marketable are the other aspects of the story? Good cast of attractive characters people can make fanart/fan fiction about? Does the core story touch upon significant themes? Is it honestly that well written?

If it's marketable in all other aspects then I fail to see why dragon fucking would kill the sales.

If I were the company, I would play up all the other aspects of the book and let the dragon bit be a nice little salty surprise. I would pay for that sort of controversy/publicity.

Is there any way the author could move the dragon scenes to a later book in the series? It might be better to rope a fanbase before you drop that on them.

>> No.4599406


haha fuck no

piers anthony writes as a legit pedophile and pedophile apologist in about half his books and he's been at the top of the game for decades

>> No.4599421

Core story is honestly well written, great characters, and nice themes.

It's a fairly self-contained story - There's definitely room for sequels, but I don't think the dragon-boning could get moved.

If it were already established, I'd be much less nervous. I just don't want to lose readers when they have 60% of the book done.

>> No.4599423

This sounds like MY book I am writing, except there is a platonic relationship between a male dragon, and a male human. That being said Dragons are a race that are stripped of magic, and the human is the first one to wield magic, in ages.

High fantasy isn't my thing, I am more of a sci-fi and cosmic fantasy writer; as well as historian.

But my suggestion, OP, if you ever come back to view this today, is, well, several things. One; Tone it down. Two; Tell him you enjoyed it. Three; It may need to be less blunt. A fade to black even, would suffice.

>> No.4599425

Angela's Ashes had a few scenes where the protag masturbated to sheep fucking if I remember correctly. Equus was about a dude fucking a horse.

Do it, faggot.

>> No.4599426


Does the dragon talk?

>> No.4599434


Oh shit, a GAY bestiality relationship?

I raise you a gay, INTERRACIAL bestiality relationship.

>> No.4599439
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>interracial interspecies

>> No.4599440

Doesn't 'bestiality' supersede 'interracial'?

>> No.4599445


what if the dragon is also black and says "aight" and "homey" all the time

>> No.4599443

OP tell the author to change it from fantasy to a social commentary and make the dragon a metaphor for how society views at a large multiculturalism a bad thing.

>> No.4599447

Sort of a bit change.

I hate myself for laughing at this.

>> No.4599448

This entire thread has made up for months of reading arguments about Stirner and people complaining about Tolkien.

>> No.4599452


>Yo, yo--son, what are you doing with my dragshaft?
>Just..just be quiet for a second...let me...
The boy pulled back the dragon's black foreskin to reveal the soft, throbbing purple tip. The imagine of his white little hands gripping the dragon's member was unsettling, unnatural but beautiful, like a blood red rose rising from the snow. Before the dragon could utter another word, the boy touched his lips to his head

>> No.4599453

I'm going to need that manuscript for critique and...reasons.

>> No.4599454


I like Tolkien complaint threads, there are several spergs on this board who can come up with snappy chapter-and-verse responses to pretty much any Tolkien complaint. I learned a few things.

>> No.4599461
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>> No.4599473

The dragon's a sentient being with a human or higher-than-human level of intelligence, right? Then sure, who cares? I'm only squicked out by human-on-nonhuman when the nonhuman in question is an animal that can't actually give consent. Can't say I personally find the idea of human-on-dragon even vaguely erotic, but I fail to see the inherent controversy in this. It's no different than the myriad human-on-alien relationships that sci-fi is drowning in, really.

>> No.4599476
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>> No.4599477

>Check email
>Boss emailed back

This is going to be hard as fuck to open holy shit

4chan give me strength

>> No.4599482

let us read it first, then we can give you encouragement

>> No.4599479

I wonder what Jeremy Irons would be like if he was even half as talented as some people think he is.

>> No.4599483

And so the moment of truth arrives. Keep us posted.

>> No.4599485

This. This is your job. Have them imply romance. ROMANCE, not sex. Leave it ambiguous. Is it a very close, flirting friendship, or, etc. People aren't ready to anything with even the faintest family resemblance to bestiality.

>> No.4599486

We're all waiting with baited breath.

>> No.4599487


This is a good idea, quick, make the rest of the book. You are going to need a lesbian obsessed Jamaican dwarf, Lesbian Arabian Elf, who fucks her Lesbian Chinese Unicorn, and an English Gentleman Orc who is constantly making sexual innuendo as only an English Gentleman can.

>> No.4599488

Well, that was anticlimactic. He said he was finishing reading it, and that we would talk about it tomorrow.

I replied by telling him that would be fine with me

>> No.4599492


Well, I hope you don't sweat too much waiting for what his actual response will be.

>> No.4599493

See, anon, probably not as big a deal as you think.

>> No.4599497


>> No.4599501

I'm just hoping I don't get fired.

>> No.4599502

>baited thread

>> No.4599505
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>tfw too much time on 4chan

>> No.4599513

I can't really envision a situation where someone gets fired for being unsure about a well-written book with a potentially controversial scene in it.

>> No.4599518

If your boss reacts positively to the book, you can sell it as being titalating and controversial like 50 shades of gray or something.
If he doesn't, just say you though that part was weird and you want the writer to tone it down.

>> No.4599522

I would REALLY like to emphasize that I said PLATONIC love. They are like brothers. Imagine a human tier intelligent dog, and a human owner. The dog is still a dog, but it is also intelligent, and thus the friendship can be deeper.
Of my book? I am currently writing two books, and one tabletop RPG setting, but, if you're legitimately interested...

>> No.4599530

Should my mailbox light up, you are assured the critique of one person, however valuable that may be. This is how I now read books on recommendation; I bitch until I'd pay money for shit and there's the possibility that it would happen. Even if it doesn't work out, there's always other methods and other avenues of having your work seen.

>> No.4599551

does it have a title we can look for in a couple months (or years)?
Maybe 4chan could virally market the dragon fucking book and get you proclaimed as a genius

>> No.4599666

I'll post the title here when we have one. Our boss encourages us to "seek creative marketing opportunities," so I might as well try 4chan if we do go through and publish it

>> No.4599702
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Literally the first time I dare enter /lit/, this thread.
This fucking thread.

>> No.4599706

nice satan get

>> No.4599716

Most of it isn't like this, I assure you

>> No.4599733

So /lit/, in honor of OP...

Would you fuck a dragon?

>> No.4599740 [SPOILER] 
File: 52 KB, 247x248, 1307927432776.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hang on, I don't think that image pictured my reaction appropriately.
Let me try again.

>> No.4599742


>> No.4599752

why wouldn't you?

>> No.4599856

The question is: would a dragon fuck me?

>> No.4599951
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>> No.4599954
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E.E. Knight's Age of Fire series is probably the best go-to for how to deal with Dragon Sex, as well as Human/Dragon relationships. Mind you, he does take the high road and pretty much avoids mention of them boning entirely, but there's a lot of implications in the book that mention it, but he does it with a lot of tact to avoid alienating the readers.

>> No.4599967


Frankly I think the only way this could conceivably be published is if the sex is as vanilla as the bean itself - otherwise it'll be obvious the author's injecting his own bizarre fetishes.

>> No.4600092


Man I have a pet iguana and she nasty. She's cute and all, but she fat as shit and she never wipes her bum. Why would anyone ever have sexual thoughts about a fucking iguana? I mean, dogs I can kind of see, but iguanas just nasty as fug.

>> No.4600097


There's nothing wrong with either of those. The problem is with "relevant" and "mind-altering". How pretentious.

>> No.4600103

Reptiles in general are kinda gross

I'd totally bone a dragon if I could (dat shit metal as fuck) but normal reptiles are all... reptilian and shit

>> No.4600113

The problem is the contradiction between his beliefs and what his think is "reality"

>> No.4600147

>What should I do, /lit/


I would read the shit out of a story about a dude fucking a dragon :D

>> No.4600172


>Jeremy Irons

There's a reason he ended up in that piece of shit Eragon movie, let me tell you

>> No.4600276

OP I think that book could be justified in a message. A message of the power of love perhaps and how it is blind? Or about racism in society. Because if the dragon is a character with human emotions it is effectively humanised.
Also weird people may even enjoy the sex scene. It's something new to the fantasy genre aswell do it.

>> No.4600288

Re-read his post, you tool. His beliefs aren't about what is, but what should be.

>> No.4600298

since your in publishing let me ask you a question. Do not mind my 4chan writing lol, I am writing a book at the moment and all my friends seem to really dig it, not in a friendly way like o this is cool man, more surprised like what the fuck this is too good for you lol. curious i have 0 credentials in schooling for writing, and i was told since i do not have these credentials, i will most like never be published. Is this true? again ignore my 4chan writing skills, its Sunday im drunk, educate me.

>> No.4600442
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>dogs I can kind of see

>> No.4600450

what a multifaceted racist joke you made

>> No.4600480

I'm not that guy, but whoever told you that is lying or misinformed. You don't need any formal training at all to get published. You just need to have written something that publishers think people will read.

>> No.4600532

Sure, if I'm completely sure that the dragón was consenting and that doing so wouldn't make my dick combust or something like that, why not?

>> No.4600552

Kinda, yeah. Again, I'll keep you guys posted

>> No.4600560
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>> No.4600583

Today marks the beginning of a long and brightly lit road to success, my friend. Dragon fucking, dragon fucking for everyone. I can only imagine the movie trailers when they are inevitably made.

>> No.4600613
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>Mmmm, I'm conflicted towards this author... hey, there's /lit/, I'll ask...
>This thread
Oh, man, I should hang around /lit/ more often

>> No.4600624

Asking /tg/ would just get an emphatic yes on all counts.

>> No.4600630

Should I make a thread in /tg/ linking this?

I don't browse the board very often, but more input would be nice

>> No.4600677

You'll get input, but it's mostly going to be the stats and skills you need to go cloacal spelunking, from Charisma to Escape Artist, and the ramifications it will have on your campaign. It's one of their favorite subjects, actually.

>> No.4600700

You should, whatever happens I'm sure that at the very least it will be entertaining.

>> No.4600704

Linked here:


>> No.4600725


Fuck just let it happen. Give it a chance.

Push it through. Hell I'd want to read it just because.

Does that make me fucked up? maybe. But hey it sounds interesting.

>> No.4600769

Sounds like you'd be castrating the most interesting part of the novel.

Seriously, I doubt this guy is treading new ground anywhere else.

>> No.4600773
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OP I understand your concern.
But I also understand the fact that if you give me the details you are guaranteed at least one sale through me.
I'll fucking pre-order it- I'm dead fucking serious.

This is just-
Hilarious. I gotta read this book uncensored, as is, in honor of glorious /tg/ standards.

>> No.4600781

/tg/ has this weird thing with dragons. You'll probably just get spammed with 'Do it faggot'.

Yep. Pretty much exactly that.

>> No.4600788

this....sounds interesting as all fuck.

Concerns are noted and being the world is what it is justified.

Would it hurt the work if you just give dragons bullshit shapeshifting powers to become human?

>> No.4600796

mods killed it

OP is probably b& now

>> No.4600803

that's pretty much how it went down.

>There are some very serious reptile anatomy derisions that must be made with an informed mind.

>i.e. NO LIZARD TITS. No exceptions, that shit is for retards with no knowledge of anatomy and why real world anatomy works the way it does.

>> No.4600804
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>> No.4600805

Thread is kill. Goodnight sweet prince, and flights of dragons fuck thee to thy rest.

>> No.4600807

fa/tguy part of that thread
remember theres a reason why /tg/ fucking hates mods so damn much.
still though, OP, do it damn it, and stop being a wimp.

>> No.4600810

Not banned, apparently.

>> No.4600818

>Perfectly fine thread about dragonfucking is kicked off /tg/
Its like I'm re-living the days of the nazi-mod all over again.

>> No.4600820

>OP isn't kill
thats awesome
seriously though, just do it provided the details haven't gone full porno.

>> No.4600825

i know, i'm going into PTSD mode right now.
literally i finally started going back to /tg/ cause it was starting to get acceptable again and then this shit happens.

>> No.4600826

>tfw /tg/ has better mods than the non-existent ones on /lit/
>inb4 replies about muh 'censorship' screencaps and feminazi unicorn ones

>> No.4600831

Meanwhile, the thread about werewolf/sapient direwolf fucking is still up and thriving.

All hope is not lost.

>> No.4600833

Speaking as a /tg/ regular, that wouldn't be entirely bad. It would suck, but god damn at least it would kill the near-constant ERP hookup threads. "We'll restrict it to the weekends" my ass.

Clearly the mod is furry, not scaly.

>> No.4600835

but thats furries, fuck furries, dragon on people sex is where its at.
i bet the mods are furry fucks.

>> No.4600842

Well, /co/ dropped by earlier as well, and we had a very successful kobold/dragon thread. It's still up, actually.

>> No.4600844

>>sentient and can speak, so it's definitely not bestiality

For those of you who haven't picked up on this OP has been discussing his own book and gathering feedback.

>> No.4600845

I just bought an ereader, I need this book in .epub format on the now. Publish that shit.

>> No.4600847
File: 3 KB, 184x172, reaching anon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP I want you to tell me-
on average how much werewolf fucking is there in media today?
You think people recoil in horror from that?
No. They do not. They EMBRACE it. Look at the smash hit of a shit heap that is 50 Shades of Grey.
That's fucking MAINSTREAM PORNOGRAPHY there. Just look into your heart of hearts and let this book happen.

>> No.4600850

Its funny that the mod chose to kill the dragonfucking thread that /lit/ started, but not the one that /co/ started this morning.

>> No.4600864

I'm already trying to do some shit. I'll tell you what my boss thinks tomorrow.

Again. I can't.

>> No.4600869

Rules of the internet:
#8 There are no real rules about posting.
#9 There are no real rules about moderation either. Enjoy your ban.

>> No.4600873

>The book gets published.
>It's a besteller.
>Bad Dragon sales quintuple over couple weeks.

>> No.4600877

Oh please do, I'm dying to see how this plays out.

>> No.4600884
File: 74 KB, 640x480, dragon_dildos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dragon fucking has always been a thing.

It's like you guys never heard of dragon dildos.

>> No.4600897
File: 72 KB, 1000x650, 1393215673126.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking wrong picture

>> No.4600901

I don't get it Anne McCaffrey has been successfully writing about dragonfucking for years on a professional level. How is this a novelty?

>> No.4600905

Does the Magma Drake glow in the dark or is that just a trick of the lighting?

>> No.4600915

Hey guys, this thread is close to the bump limit, if we keep posting at this rate OP will have to make a new thread.

>> No.4600924

I fucking hope it glows in the dark.

>> No.4600925

I could make a new one for my bosses response tomorrow

>> No.4600927

If need be I'll make a new thread for when this hits the limit.

Or I'll just post my Bosses' reaction in a new thread

>> No.4600929

I have one. It plugs in and looks a lot like a lava lamp.

>> No.4600930

Of course the post I make shows up right as I post another

I hit refresh like 5 times too

>> No.4600936

Is there an opposite version of this?
Like, of things not made for shoving up your ass?

>> No.4600941

Its called a hefty bag you unsophisticated pleb.

>> No.4600942


>> No.4600947

Yes, but not as many as I wish there were.

>> No.4600948


Onaholes, fleshlights, artificial dragon pussy? Yes.

>> No.4600952
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You mean a vagina sleeve?

They have those too.

>> No.4601065


Thanks, you reminded me janitor applications were today and I just submitted it at 11:59. I wish I had had more time to polish it but it'll have to do.

>> No.4601238

How sentient is the dragon?

How explicit is the sex?

Can the author whip up some partial transformation magic to make the dragon semi-anthropomorphic?

>> No.4601245
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Don't think anyone has posted this yet, but Mistress of Dragons and its sequels have dragon on human porn in them. In Mistress of Dragons a dragon rapes and chick on the river bank and impregnantes her. Its been a while since I've read the series, but I'm pretty sure its all about an evil dragon impregnating a bunch of women to create half-breed humans to take over the world.

>> No.4601254

that's different from a sympathetic portrayal of a dragonfucker

>> No.4601257

Here's the passage:
A man's face, twisted into a bestial expression of lechery, peered at her.
She shrank farther back into the darkness, as though it could save her. A hand—huge and wet and covered in thick black hair—reached into the darkness and seized hold of her by the foot, dragged her, kicking and struggling, out from beneath the tree.
She fought and kicked and bent and twisted her body, trying to escape. The man pinned her to the ground, laughed at her. He dropped down on top of her, seemed to enjoy feeling her squirm beneath him.
The dragon who ruled the human body of Grald knew no lust. This was business and he wanted it done. But the human body he had taken over enjoyed his victim's futile struggles. They were necessary to him, aroused him, and so the dragon permitted the man to take his pleasure.
The man shoved Melisande's legs apart with his knees, thrashed around until he positioned himself, then drove inside her.
She cried out in pain. Tears burned in her eyes and spilled down her cheeks. He put one hand over her mouth, stopping her screams. Her tears splashed on his flesh.
At the moment of climax, his thrust nearly tore her apart. Opening her eyes, writhing in agony, she saw black wings spread over her. A dragon's head leered down at her. Saliva dripped from its jaws, as its clawed feet dug into her flesh and its hot seed shot into her body.

>> No.4601304
File: 85 KB, 617x1000, Welcome to tg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Out of curiosity, how many people in this thread also browse /tg/?

>> No.4601311

Occasionally but not often. It's a good board but I just don't give a shit about miniature games and I don't care about quest games and that's a huge proportion of threads out right away.

>> No.4601339

the only werewolf fucking I can ever remember was The Howling.

>two werewolf in people form start having sex
>they start turning during the sex
>they continue fucking as werewolves

...at least that's how remember it.

>> No.4601389

They're still open if you want to edit it.

>> No.4601417

Or, you know, the entirety of the premise of the Twilight "novels", revolving around vampire and werewolf dick.

>> No.4601420

You forgot how the wolf dude wants to give the knot to the baby.

>> No.4601423
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Trust me anon.
NOBODY forgot.

>> No.4601426

Change it to a half dragon.

>> No.4601434

Just popped into this thread to explain that as a scalie myself I would pick this book up immediately. As far as scalie erotica goes there's all too few out there with interesting stories to go with all the thrusting and egg laying.

>> No.4601447

there just needs to be more male humanX female monster/xeno/anthro/etc. No one bats an eye when you have stories with woman falling for monstermen(Beauty & The Beast etc), but fuck forbid you have a human guy fall for a female monster that actually looks like a monster.

>> No.4601453


I know right? That's exactly the kind of stuff I enjoy after monsterxmonster stuff.

>> No.4601461


Also reminds me that I should really get around to writing some more. My first foray into erotica was pretty much just porn with nothing going for it, but I think I'm doing a disservice both to myself and to the community by not putting some effort behind the coupling.

>> No.4601554

>Tom Bombadillo is Illuvatar.
Confirmed for having never read any Tolkien outside of the internet.

>> No.4602219
File: 43 KB, 320x475, Perdido-01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This book has a guy screwing a bug-girl. It's still very highly regarded and has won many awards. I don't really see what the problem is.

>> No.4602238

Seriously, I agree. I've never really heard of book companies wanting to censor anything, OP's client could just move to a non-shitty one.

>> No.4602357

the half dragon comes 9 months later

>> No.4602363


>> No.4602370

Supernaturally adorbs, since the half-dragon template gives +2 CHA.

>> No.4602925

Just got back from a meeting.

Can't post full details for a while, but I will soon.

Is this still bumping or should I make another?

>> No.4602935

293 posts so still bumping

I forget when lit stops bumping

>> No.4603010

you can make a new thread now and link it here while this one lasts

>> No.4603017


I think it stops bumping at 300 posts, so it might be a good idea to make a new one. Looking forward to it also.

>> No.4603028

This thread only dropped down to page 4 overnight with no posting. There's no rush.

>> No.4603031

maybe, but it isn't bumping as we post this, so new people can't find out

>> No.4603110
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Thier offspring could be an argonian. Make it an Elder Scrolls Tie-In

>> No.4603134

Argonians aren't dragonspawn, they're uplifted swamp lizards created by sentient alien trees.

>> No.4603701


>> No.4603710

I can post about it now, but I think I should probably use a new thread if this is saging

>> No.4603726

agreed. Link to the new thread when you make it

>> No.4603749

here ya go:

>> No.4603761
