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4593720 No.4593720[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How old were you when you realized true love wasn't real?

>> No.4593730

Au contraire, love is the only thing that is real.

>> No.4593736

*tips fedora*

>> No.4593739

You mean how old was I when i realized it was real?

in my teens

but she never loved me back with the same intensity

>> No.4593742


>> No.4593755

what is up with all the /r9k/ shit today?

>> No.4593756

I don't love women. Love has to be reinvented, we know that. The only thing women can ultimately imagine is security. Once they get that, love, beauty, everything else goes out the window: all they have left is cold disdain, that's what marriages live on nowadays. Sometimes I see women who ought to be happy, with whom I could have found companionship, already swallowed up by brutes with as much feeling as an old log...

>> No.4593758


>> No.4593761


Them greek statues were pretty fucking hot man

>> No.4593765

Like fucking 12

>> No.4593764

Define 'true' love, or atleast offer a description.

>> No.4593767

Tell me about your romantic relationships with women, anon. What happened.

>> No.4593771
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>> No.4593776


never, i realised around age 20 that everyone was mixing up 'true love' with romantic love (protip,, romantic love was viewed as tragic in the ancient world, because it is based merely on passion, and cannot last).

>> No.4593779

My love for a girl has lasted since the moment she first spoke to me up until now, 5 years later.

It still has the exact same heart breaking intensity

I can't look at her pictures on Facebook. They ruin my day and I end up considering suicide. She is perfect, for me

The only way to move on is by forgetting

>> No.4593786


>> No.4593793

True love is a strange thing that is both maternal/paternal and also romantic.

There needs to be some parental instincts there. I know that sounds weird, but I think this is true.

It is rare to find. When you find it you will know.

>> No.4593804

>Incest is true love
>My Chinese woodblock prints were right all along
You gonna get loved truly.

>> No.4593805

Sometimes I think straight people just weren't made for love.

>> No.4593813

not really incest.

You need to take the soul of the mother/father, of the same essence but diametrically opposite, and put it into a healthy mate who has similar sympathetic features and voila. There is your recipe for a true lover

>> No.4593815

What made you think of true love this way? A book? Your own introspection?

>> No.4593817

Ancient misogynistic pedophiles would agree with you.

>> No.4593822
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It's all very well to idealize gay love until you are fucking on that side of the fence. Don't delude yourself, the warm body you stick your dick in is not going to feel some pseudo-mystical connection with you any better just because your dongles match. Nobody's made for "love" in real life, that is all bull shit that comes from whiny poets and Disney movies. More precisely the kind of absolute romantic sentiment that is idealized in art only works in art. Take this to its logical conclusion and you get weirdies who truly feel that an anime character is their soul mate, the man equivalent of girls who strongly identify with Disney princesses and often just as depressing and despicable. Befriend the people you fuck (in the sense of actually getting to know and respect them & yourself not the sense of being an obsequious white knight faget towards them all the time) and you will do fine.

>> No.4593824

My own experience. I guess I can't speak for anyone else

>> No.4593836

god damn you guys are nerds

>> No.4593839

wow I guess no one on here has felt true love, I'm sorry for you guys

you will just know when you feel it and you will never again be critical of the idea of true love

>> No.4593844

I don't know, I never really believed in the concept of "true love." I believe in compassion and caring and things like that, or on the other hand lust and longing, but I never really understood the idea of "true love" as a matter of destiny or perfect fulfillment.

I think I'm somewhat of an anti-romantic (in the interpersonal sense of the word). It isn't that I don't believe in the existence of fulfilling relationships or things like that. I just don't believe in perfect, pre-destined soul-mate romance and I never really did.

I don't connect very well with the importance that pop culture places on romance in order to be happy. I just don't understand that kind of thinking. Perhaps that's why none of my favorite songs, books, or movies deal with romance as a primary theme.

>> No.4593845

Oh but I am gay. From my point of view it just seems like straight people are always complaining about the opposite sex.

>> No.4593846

true love isn't perfect fulfillment in of itself

who told you that?

>> No.4593849

Define "true love" then. What I'm telling you is that I don't understand the concept anyway. Whenever anyone talks about it, it appears as though they are regarding it as the culmination of their lives, the spiritual fulfillment of their beings, and the purpose they were born on this planet.

If you feel it is something else, I wouldn't mind hearing your explanation, because like I said I clearly don't understand "true love" and don't really believe in it.

>> No.4593851

Just like how gays complain about twinks and bears, or whatever.

>> No.4593852

not the guy. But I believe you just have to experience it.

You're going to go crazy over them, and it will be painful and amazing all at once

and the only way to move on is to forget

You'll look back and you'll think to yourself "yes, that was true love."

>> No.4593854

People who believe in love will eventually wind up with other people who believe and together they will construct an elaborate fantasy only ending in heartbreak, madness, and/or death.

>> No.4593855

If it was really true love, shouldn't it have been lasting and not ephemeral? What you're referring to is just infatuation.

>> No.4593857

I think it's possible for people to find a partner who feels like the culmination of their life, and spiritually fulfilling. Not for everyone of course.

>> No.4593858

it's not infatuation if it lasts

>> No.4593862

Exactly. But what he was talking about is non-lasting. "yes that WAS true love"

If it was true love, it shouldn't have passed, and it should still be true love, right? If it can be eroded then that pretty much undermines the idea of true love in the first place.

>> No.4593863

I never even spoke to the girl I loved so much. I was sure it was true love, absolutely certain. But i never had the courage to speak to her. She spoke to me. god dammit whats wrong with me

>> No.4593864


youre mixing up romantic passion again anon.

true love is a work in progress, not a bolt from the blue. - t. giergegaarde.

>> No.4593866

define romantic passion
define true love

>> No.4593867
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is that you anon...

>> No.4593875

it can be callused over and forgotten

>> No.4593879


sorry anon, you cant be having a foundationalist exegesis of first philosophy everytime you want to say something, language is innitiatory.

>> No.4593885

But words like "True love" AREN'T initiatory. They don't have a clear definition at all, even among people talking about the same thing.

>> No.4593893

language, eros, and being are intimately connected, anon

they are part of the initiatic circle which surrounds all of life

it's the cosmic joke, but it's an inside joke

>> No.4593917

Your meaning eludes me, perhaps I'm stupid.
Are you implying that since its a word exists it necessarily defines at least part an intrinsic concept? Or are you simply saying that our words exist due to intrinsic concepts even when we don't necessarily understand the intrinsic concept they (attempt to) define? Again, sorry for being dumb.

>> No.4593922

True love will find you in the end.

>> No.4593925

Somehow an extra "it's" worked its way in between "since" and "a word".

>> No.4593980

I still think about her coming up to me from behind and hugging me as i'm making dinner. I still remember her sleeping next to me as I drifted off to sleep. I remember just laying next to one another, reading, on the internet and looking out to her and just saying

hey i love you

and that being entirely relevatory.

But i know I couldn't bear to see her again, at least not for a while. To see her again, to hold her again would make me collapse. We hold each other with fiery hands and burn each other to ash. So I keep away from fear of making her into ash. I don't want to see her again, but I know that one day i'll run across her somehow and i know that at that moment we'll both run up to each other and embrace one another forgetting everything but that we love each other. For those few minutes before we disintegrate we're in true love.

>> No.4593985
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*sigh* most people don't know what love is, like OP.

Lust is a desire for temporary sexual intimacy.
Love is a desire for prolonged sexual intimacy.
Devotion is a desire for life-long companionship.

All of it is chemical.

Good night.

>> No.4594018

I'm far too pragmatic and rational to find myself in "true" love again


>> No.4594030

based frenchie

>> No.4594034


the signs are all there anon, you have context, and a negation, you canfigure it out, or atleast a better mode of enquery. definition to infinity is a fools game.

>> No.4594037

>the signs are all there anon, you have context, and a negation, you canfigure it out

this sentence without any context made me very emotional for some reason

>> No.4594041
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Just found out from you OP.

Fuck you, OP.

>> No.4594054

I had turned 23 a month before.
I am a lot smarter now, and feel like I understand things much better, though threads like this always get under my skin because some people just have no clue, and most likely never will.

>> No.4594055 [DELETED] 

It's real.

Source: I'm in it.

>> No.4594056

You can not begin to understand what love is or is not until you've lost it.

>> No.4594059 [DELETED] 

I've lost it.

Source: I'm old.

>> No.4594064

Tell me how it's different.

>> No.4594075

O, but she would have been best loved by me,
Aye, she cut my heart most clean,
And now my mind doomed to contemplate what might have been,
If my I and her I were forged into we.

O Fate, why drove you her into another man's arm?
I do not curse that man, for by fate was he chosen,
To cleave to his breast her whose hair is golden,
And who am I to curse the life who great Fate does charm?

O Lord, keep her blessed, never desert that would-be saint,
As her body grows old, keep her lovely soul pure,
And as I grow old, O Lord, I Thou must ensure,
That her soul hath flourished and her heart kept from taint.

My childhood days are over, days of easy cheer are at an end.
I have drank the the cup of pleasure to the bottom.
Sweet Spring will not satisfy, nor wise and eternal Autumn;
Virtue now is all my care, Truth and Goodness is my friend.

Yes, O Lord, keep her beautiful.
Make that man who hath taken her strong and true.
O God, I have but one prayer to make my withered heart renew.
Make me a Man.

>> No.4594101

I realized that all truths are subjective and subjectively decided to suspend judgement and accept true love as a moral imperative

>> No.4594109

fap to her and it will all be over
good thing is that if she dies now when you are 50 you will have dante-like levels of inspiration

>> No.4594114

three pounds of flax

>> No.4594119

I languished my days all alone,
When her sweet vision shook me through;
My life took on a different tone,
When only her could I pursue.
An awful insight troubled me:
What if over many seasons,
Her angelic beauty flees me?
And my angels turn to demons?
Then God Almighty gave me rest,
A glorious sight was I shown!
All souls to God belong so blest.
I settled my love in God's Throne.

Take heart, when all love deserts love,
The cure for love is just more love.

>> No.4594123

The metaphysical consideration behind this poem is that if you try and possess another person's soul in love you will become distraught in your love, because all souls belong to God and God can wipe away a soul in a moment and take your beloved from you. That being the case, you should yield all your love to God. Love a woman not to have her, but to increase her in God. If, for example, you want to HAVE a woman and she ends up with somebody else you will become jealous and sad, and your reaction will be to grow steadily bitter towards her, but this is a mistake! You should still bless her, she was never yours to have: God decides these things. Then you can love her while not having her, being happy for her love and hoping that her love flourishes. When your love grows sad and seems to be a sickness, the cure for love is more love.

>> No.4594126

You stop loving truly once you start puberty.

>> No.4594128

hi humbert

>> No.4594136

Also, atheists can't into poetry :^)

>> No.4594144

>The metaphysical consideration
correction: the theological consideration

>> No.4594170

Easy there Arthur

>> No.4594171

It is a quote from "Season in Hell" by Rimbaud if you havent realised it yet pleb

>> No.4594186

Love is a work in progress, but it springs from the eternal where it is always perfect. Love is a bolt from the eternal.

Love has to be grounded in self-love; no one likes hearing this, but love comes from the soul. If it doesn't move through the soul, love is empty infatuation. Something like this: >>4593756
>Sometimes I see women who ought to be happy, with whom I could have found companionship
he imagines that these women could have been happy, but he really thinks of himself. Love of this sort is really self-identification with the happiness of the beloved.
or maybe Rimbaud is doing something else

>> No.4594205
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>> No.4594208

>calling people pleb while reciting translations of poetry

can't fool me, friend

>> No.4594209

>I'm a robot, and you're a robot, but that doesn't make us any less dignified or wonderful

Yes it does.

>> No.4594212

it wasn't me who was quoting it you bitch

>> No.4594224

Go on.

>> No.4594238


We are scientifically inexplicable because Science can only explain one aspect (the bodily aspect) of our Logos: our Pathos (our passions) and our Ethos (our ideals) and our Telos (our purpose), it cannot even begin to explain (though poor fools like Sam Harris try to). Science is also extremely skeptical of all Mythos (mythology, history of human origins), though with The Big Bang and Darwinian Evolution the scientific community has tried to start a mythos of its own (and who would have guessed it would be a barren mythos devoid of all humanity, purpose and divinity?).
If we are "robots" then we are not any more dignified than a computer; our machinery is just more advanced. If we are "robots" then we are no more lovable than machines; our emotional circuits are just better wired. If we are "robots" then we are no more wonderful than a jet plane; at least jet planes can fly. If we are "robots" then we are no more responsible for our actions than a clock is for striking the hours it has been tuned to strike; our advanced minds just give us the illusion of free will.

>> No.4594240

why does dennet use the degrading term "robot" instead of the more neutral "machine"?
I don't disagree with the point but there are people who seriously argue for theories of justice in 2014 and they probably rely on some scientifically inexplicable "human nature," so it's not just a religious thing.

>> No.4594244

but machines are lovable you cold hearted cunt

animism is a way of life
bring that spice
crunk all day

>> No.4594265

> our Pathos (our passions)

Science cannot explain this. When scientists try to explain passion they always reduce things to chemicals in the brain. Nobody has ever been satisfied by this empty and devoid-of-all-humanity explanation of human passions. The poets are better at explaining passions than scientists are: that's a fact.

>our Ethos (our ideals)

Science cannot explain this. When scientists try to explain our ideals you get a Marxist/Sociological "explanation" which pretty much says, "people have the ideals they do because their material surroundings demand them." But this does not explain the ideals IN THEMSELVES, their content. See: Wittgenstein's response to Fraser's "Golden Bough". A scientist can spend all of his life studying world religions but if he never enters into a Church and prays, he will never understand Christianity; if he never enters into a Mosque and prays, he will never understood Islam, etc.

>our Telos (our purpose)

Science cannot explain this. When scientists try to explain our purpose in life what you get is something like, "to reproduce"; but that is unsatisfactory, because if the only purpose in life is to beget more life, then why even bother with life? Are hammers built ONLY for building more hammers?


Science cannot explain mythos. It doesn't (well, the modern scientists don't) understand metaphysics. Both the pagan mythos and the christian mythos are far more compatible with Science than they admit.

>> No.4594279

Science explains all those things you mentioned, and very precisely too.

What it doesn't do is relate them in a humane way. Those experience are beautiful and pure and will mean more to us than a scientific equation ever could

>> No.4594281

define love

>> No.4594287

>What it doesn't do is relate them in a humane way.

How can you explain human things in an inhumane way? It's impossible. You can't use the scientific inhuman form to explain human content. For human content you need a human form (poetry for human passion, for example.)

>> No.4594307

Why would you describe a human like you describe a rock?

>> No.4594315

You can, scinetifically. And it actually benefits us, especially in the medicine field. There is always a use for science.

But if you want to be human and feel human you have experience something that just isnt science

>> No.4594319

there's nothing pure about them, they're just based on a flawed and dated theory (folk psychology) that we have become very attached to. it will be hard to leave behind, but we'll make it, just like we've learned to live without god.

>> No.4594329

What I mean by pure is the usage of art, like poetry, to describe a feeling. Science won't ever describe a feeling in that very humane relatable way

>> No.4594338

>take your pills and be happy.

>> No.4594342

the philosophical content of modern neurology is based on dated and flawed theories; they're basically phenomenologists.

>> No.4594350

Are you against medicine?

>> No.4594353

genesis is also 'pure' and relatable, but clinging to such descriptions ultimately does more harm than good. the reason science isn't relatable is because it's relatively new. we merely have to get used to it. which will only take longer if we keep clinging to superstitious views.

>> No.4594363

I met someone recently for the first time in over a decade and it's just so complicated having to communicate directly with another human being like this.

Intimacy, and accepting the idea that someone else wants to be around you is just so weird. I find the whole thing totally weird.

>> No.4594375

I'm not talking about religion, though.

Religion tries to be science in my opinion. There are some places where there is potential for pure feelings, like the literature, but mostly religion is about making you believe in something that isn't true, not within reason.

The 'pure' things I'm talking about don't really work against reason at all. My example was art, that is the sort of thing, in my opinion, that science can't touch. It can explain it, sure, but there will be no better measure of art or analysis of it than from a humans raw feelings, no reasoning required.

>> No.4594385

>Are you against medicine?
>you either accept everything that even looks Scientific, or you hate everything related to science.

Are you a Black/White basic moron?

>> No.4594388

I don't know what you're trying to say anymore. What was the subtext of the comment about pills?

>> No.4594390

folk psychology, on which a lot of art relies, is incredibly religious. anything that involves personhood, agency, choice and free will is religious, for example.

>> No.4594403

You stated that describing humans as you describe rocks yields medicine (which is evidently false as i have participated in experiments and know how hard and vague a concept like "pain" is and you are reliant on human subjective experiences) can tell us anything about what it's like to be human.

>> No.4594406

>there's nothing pure about them, they're just based on a flawed and dated theory (folk psychology) that we have become very attached to. it will be hard to leave behind, but we'll make it, just like we've learned to live without god.

Indeed. Freud's psychology has done awful damage to society. I can't watch a modern TV show that isn't steeped in the Freudian perspective (they are always talking about "sexual repression", "big ego", "subconscious", etc.)
Superego, Ego, id, is just a neurotic reformulation of God, soul, flesh; or Spirit, Soul, Flesh (pneuma, psyche, soma). Damned Freud, what a villain.

>> No.4594408

I don't know if love would ever work for me. I have one friend that I can think of that is truly my best friend. We only see each other once every two or three weeks and we never discuss anything serious. But I feel like I love him, because we get along so incredibly well.

If I were to love anyone romantically, I can't see it being in any other way than that. Separation for most of the time, slow burning, and always having fun and never being serious. Anyone I've ever been serious with I've grown to dislike.

So, I don't know if I don't really feel love or if I am hard to deal with or what. I don't know.

>> No.4594419

I didn't say describing a human like a rock tells us what it means to be human.

What I meant was that describing humans, as in studying them, in a concrete factual way, as you would do to a rock, yields more knowledge about how the human body functions, and that leads to medicinal advances like new treatment options or new kinds if immunizations. I wasn't really talking about describing what it's like tone human there

>> No.4594424

Studying humans like a rock will never instruct us in what is the Good Life. Science can help us reach goals, but it can never set our goals for us or motivate us to reach them. Science is a TOOL (a very useful one, admittedly); it is held in FAR too high esteem.

>> No.4594431

It's the most awesome toy we have.

>> No.4594436

I agree, but let's remember than it's a toy or a tool at best.

>> No.4594442

There is a fandom of science that exists now. I think there's nothing wrong wih that. It seems like the wonder of science to these fans of science is the science itself, and that provides plebty of motivation, which I see nothig wrong with

But I agree with you mostly. Science, art, literature, passion... It all has it's plCe.

It just really, really depends on what you value.

>> No.4594448


Freudian slip m8.

>> No.4594456

Yeah, but let's remember keep that healthy scientific skepticism going. Not talking about global warming denial or anything retarded here, just let us remember not to worship science like an idol we put before humans.

>> No.4594459

Yes, I agree

>> No.4594460

Science doesn't instruct us on what is the 'Good Life' in the same way that astronomy doesn't tell us if we'll meet the love of our life next week.

If anything, the tension comes from science not being regarded highly enough. It's the reason why people continue the habit of asking nonsensical questions and still expecting answers to come up as if existence is tailor made for us.

>> No.4594462

>just let us remember not to worship science like an idol we put before humans.
Why the unwarranted anthropocentrism?

>> No.4594464

baby don't hurt me

>> No.4594468

Anthropocentrism is warranted, because we are humans.

>> No.4594470

Last I checked, man was the measure for all things? I know it's cold and calculating, but or rooted home and it's other inhabitants, does have value to us.

What other measure accessible outside ourselves would you suggest? Aliums? Language?

>> No.4594472


>> No.4594483

We'll still be human without deluding ourselves.

To be human and to have a human perspective doesn't have to imply worshipping humans like an idol we put before science.

>> No.4594490

>worshipping humans like an idol we put before science

Makes more sense than worshipping something outside ourselves. Something has to be the end-goal, why not make it ourselves?

>> No.4594492

Our experience is all we have, and our experience we should worship. The logic and the reasoning of it all involves thought, and that is a secondary thing, not the purest form of existence

>> No.4594524

I agree with you guys that science serves and should serve us, but ultimately you're doing yourselves a disfavour by being overly anthropocentric. This bias is already so inherent in us that it shouldn't be encouraged but rather actively opposed. Even the most scientific nihilist still can't help practising more than enough anthropocentrism. When we start allowing or even encouraging anthropocentrism we'll end up with all kinds of silly views that limit our potential and even harm us. Its our anthropocentric tendencies that has previously allowed prayer to be viewed as an apt cancer treatment, for example. We should place science before us consciously and ruthlessly, because even our best attempt to do so will always come up short. We don't need to continue actively allowing superstition just because it comes natural to us.

>> No.4594572

Good point, but I'm not talking anthropocentrism in the positive psychology sense. It's more is that everything else than us are utility, and should be respected as such (a tree is valuable to us in more senses than its timber potential timber).

>> No.4594669

Scientists study whatever they like.

Science is also fucking weird. For most it's an acquired taste and adds an new, and odd lens to view the world.

Some people who argue it destroys taste in arts simply don't have passion in it. Knowing you don't and arguing it destroys taste is as absurd as saying old works ruin taste because dead people wrote obtusely and it confuses you, so why read it? Others feel disgust towards science. Disgust is not the same as apathy, and is an important facet of art. They destroy their premise.

It would very naive to assume scientific knowledge leaves tastes unchanged. Scientifically informed aesthetics may not be understandable to those who identify only with the scientifically ignorant tastes of the past.

>> No.4594699

Fantastic: another thread segued into Philosophy vs Science. Hiding this thread. There were some good points herein, but now it's turning to shit. Abandon thread.

>> No.4594709

Science vs Philosophy ruins everything.

>> No.4594852
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Due to my time on /r/adviceanimals, I noticed the best comments actually get a low ratio of responses to upvotes, as no one has anything to add, and no way of rebutting. Without the feedback of upvotes though, this wisdom seems lost here. I just enjoy not getting responses to my obviously superior posting skills. Sorry.

>> No.4594910
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Not the anon you replied to, but even post-fap I want to be with her. This has been my state of mind for the last 3 or 4 years. It never escalated beyond kissing a couple of times and a couple years of friendship which came before that. It's not merely an obsession or pedestal. We last saw each other two years ago and I have gone on with my life. She was of course not perfect. There were evident aspects about her which I did not like. But she's still the one I think about. There's always some level of wanting and craving.

Even when I imagine her taking the most rancid Taco Bell induced poops imaginable, I still reminisce about her laughing at my stupid jokes or the smell of her perfume when we cuddled. Maybe it was shallow and I am making an ocean out of a puddle, but I do feel like that was some form of true (unrequited) love.

At least I have books, videogames, and dumbbells, I suppose. And pizza. Pizza is good too.

>> No.4594913

wisdom is never lost as long as you search hard enough for it

>> No.4594926
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theoretically speaking what if you were to cut out all the parts of the brain associated with love and compassion (somehow making it still able to function effectively)
would that person just be an empty shell of a man, a robot?

>> No.4594941

I just take 'love' to mean very strong emotional and sexual attachment, since that's how everyone seems to use it anyway. I have experienced that a couple of times. If love is actually something more than that then I don't think I've felt it yet. That's not to denigrate my current and past relationships, they have been great and I've never been happier than I am with my current gf, but I don't feel any metaphysical fulfilment or anything.

>> No.4594964

19, 19.5 years old

>> No.4595001

No, the brain would reassign parts and make a new place for love and compassion.

>> No.4595027

OP got friend zoned today

>> No.4595025

try being a bit more analytical and imagine if the brain couldnt do that

>> No.4595034

The brain doesn't have components I don't think so I bet they would be messed up as hell in ways we couldn't predict if we cut out the general area that lights up when I feel love

>> No.4595077

Well, considering I never thought it was real, from the moment I was born, I suppose.

>> No.4595088

I've been in a seven years relationship. Why do you say it isn't real?

>> No.4595098

Love is for certain people, that was my discovery, it isn't for the likes of me. I myself have been in love with love since I was about 6 years old. Twenty years later I am hardened and weary, I am no longer naive like I once was, I realized that I am what one would call unloveable. There is something different about me, and when I wonder what that thing is I know that is I am unloveable. The main difference between me and most other people is that they have experienced romantic love in some form or another. I have not. Hence I am unloveable.
You get used to it after a while, you have to learn to accept yourself and I accept that I will die alone, without experiencing true love.

>> No.4595125

the brain isn't a starfish, it doesn't just regrow or reassign whatever areas are damaged. there's stuff like blindsight but it isn't a universal phenomenon. if it happened with love, anyway, i don't know where it would be reassigned

at the very least you would have to cut some part of the amygdala out, right? the effects on social interactions are obvious but i wonder what would happen to the sense of disgust

>> No.4595129

When I found out she was fucking my best friend the whole time after 2 years of relationship.

>> No.4595146

most kawaii post i've read today

>> No.4595147

Do you have limerence

>> No.4595175


you know you want it

>> No.4595180

love is a whole body thing you fucking nit wit

>> No.4595182


that's implying that the body and the brain is separate.

1700s called. they want their ideas and philosophy back.

>> No.4595184

It was a slow and gradual realization, a continuum if you will that lasted a few years, however around 19 and a couple of multi-year relationships it was pretty much sealed.

>> No.4595206

ok so we'll cut out the heart because it feels funny when i'm in love

>> No.4595213

I think I actually know what you mean.

If that is true, it doesn't have to be incest >>4593804 or have Oedipal implications, it could just mean the terms maternal and paternal aren't accurate because those impulses aren't exclusive to a parent/child relationship.

>> No.4595214

I haven't actually read this thread because I think it's probably:

>ITT: Fedora, loser neckbeards speak of their immeasurable love for someone they've never known intimately -- neither physically *nor* emotionally
>ITT: Autists, 2deep4u "I read philosophy once" fags, and/or normal, jaded-fags speak of how love is neither real nor quantifiable, despite them having never intimately known a woman --again, physically or emotionally-- and have, indeed, actively avoided "love"

I don't know your definition of "true love", OP, but it exists nonetheless. I was with a girl for 6 years. We still message each other occasionally, but I haven't seen her in at least a year. If she needed anything --a kidney, my liver, bone marrow-- I wouldn't even hesistate to give it. We broke up because we just weren't meant for each other, but I still love her very much and I'm 99% sure she feels the same

>> No.4595248

I was 12. That was 2 or 3 months ago.

>> No.4595584
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How old were you when you realized love was real?

>> No.4595667

apology for poor english
when were you when love dies?
i was sat at home watching torrent film 'her'
'love is imagine'

>> No.4597037

Jesus was my first boyfriend

>> No.4597049


>> No.4597064
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>> No.4597076

Jesus is my current boyfriend, you jealous?

>> No.4597083


At such a young age! Wauw, but oh my! You've reckoned the meaninglessness of something, that philosophers, statesmen and lawyers have pondered over for centuries, millenias, eternities on top of eternities!

You must be a great fencer of feelings! Mind you're not foiling yourself, anon.

>> No.4597529

>but secretly I'm still hoping to be proven wrong :(

>> No.4599925
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The closest i have ever come to love was when i was dressed as Willy Wonka for Halloween and a qt said she loved my Oscar Wilde costume.
Never has one dick stood so rigid in velvet pants.

>> No.4599930
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b-but... true love IS real... i'll meet him someday...

>> No.4599957
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you wont, you'll settle and regret it like everyone else, and you will probably be fat at some point and feel like you deserve a gross guy.
You dont, you just settled and that is the only sin.

>> No.4599963
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Someday, anon.

>> No.4600030

Love is from within. Finding a mate who loves you back is all there is to it.
1. Your love. (In a separation state)
2. Their love. (In a separation state)
3. United loves. (For any number of hours/months/years etc)
But like genitalia, they'll never merge their actual substance.

It's most ephemeral, but its the most real of all ephemerals.

>> No.4600056

I truly love nutella.

>> No.4600071

The relationships between people and their spouses and people and their animals have progressed into futility alongside of each other. We miss the necessity for meaningful relationships. Welcome to Nihil Reich.

>> No.4600083

It's me.

>> No.4600109

Love is surely more than chemical, come on now. It is possible to appreciate beauty, and if you personally can't you're failing yourself, and squandering the only real reason to exist.

>> No.4600129

I'll always remember the day she first darkened my doorway. She looked
exactly as I imagined she would; every minute detail of her anatomy was
perfect, it was as though she had been sculpted. Though she was reserved
and relied on me for everything, I grew to love this about her. I had been a
cynic my whole life, I'd always presumed that because people were
deluded or lonely or simple and couldn't see reality as clearly as I could,
but that was until I met her. All the cliches turned out to be true, including
the cliche that all cliches turn out to be true. It began simply, she just
listened to me, really listened. She wasn't just waiting for her turn to talk
or thinking of what she was about to say. Though we're "taking things
slow" I'm happy to wait for her, she's inexperienced in these things, and
I am not a particularly attractive, impressive or acceptable individual so
I understand her reservations, she does deserve better. People may say
that our love isn't real, but they just don't understand. Who says a man
cannot love a realdoll?

>> No.4600156

>Intimacy, and accepting the idea that someone else wants to be around you is just so weird. I find the whole thing totally weird.
I agree with this, in a sense. Its always a question of sincerity with me. To be completely and empirically comfortable with a sort of interpersonal intimacy relies on 100% complete, empirical sincerity. Which is. Ya know. Hard.

>> No.4600158

Love is real if you want it to be. Children aren't real.

>> No.4600167
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holy shit, why did you have to make me feel so hard anon?
that hit too close to home.

>> No.4600231

How Can Love Be Real If Our Eyes Aren't Real?

>> No.4600240

Okay objectively love isn't real. It is a delusion. Still it's something, and I do love nutella

>> No.4600258

>befriend the people you fuck
>good advice
choose 1

>> No.4600263

It's a kwote from kierkegard

>> No.4600270

>all of it is chemical
le reductionism face

>> No.4600273

>It is a delusion. Still it's something
Pretty much this. Placebo is reality

>> No.4600275

so nutella isn't real either?

>> No.4600286

>nihil reich
>not anomerica

>> No.4600316

Nice poems , pretty good actually. That's a fantastic way to look at things you have a healthy spirit spirit obviously.
Also I'm an atheist and i can into poetry tyvm

>> No.4600319

David Tibet > Santo

>> No.4600422

I have seen it within at least five families, two of which I have attended the weddings to. Love shall always exist for me.

>> No.4600599

Did I experience true love when I can't let her go even after 6 years? I feel hollow as fuck without her in my life.

>> No.4600726

More likely that you're experiencing true shit right now that involves a whole lot of things that are not her absence, but she's a convenient and romantic target to pinpoint your problems on. It's easy and comforting in a way to consider yourself a hopeless romantic and dwell in that role of resignation. It's harder to have a stern look at your life and maybe conclude that you suck at living and need to change things up.

>> No.4600972
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>grief is symptomatic of inherent emotional weakness

He could just miss a woman in a way you have yet to experience. Don't be a cunt.

>> No.4600999

Wasn't even trying to be a cunt, rather to maybe help shed some light. The chance that his unhappiness has other causes than missing is one true love is more probable since this isn't a movie.

>> No.4601032

No, what you're saying makes a lot of sense. Not this guy >>4600599 but I can definitely relate and I think you're right.

>> No.4601781

>'Love is not an end but a process through which one person attempts to know another.'

>> No.4601799
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deal with it.

>> No.4601801
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>Love is surely more than chemical
It isn't.

>> No.4601842
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>Love is a desire for prolonged sexual intimacy.
>All of it is chemical.

Lust is chemical. Love isn't.

Love is gratitude.

Take art for example: There is gratitude evinced in great works of art the world over.

The sacrifice an artist makes to forgo immediate hope and toil within frustrations so that their art may engender hope within others is itself a testament to love.

>> No.4601846

>yfw I felt true love
>it was better than any other feeling by a fucking mile
>its absence since then has destroyed me

you're better off never finding love, because it never lasts, and what's left is worse than a loveless life

>> No.4601853

You speak as though an authority on these things, when it is clear you haven't got an authority's intelligence.

>> No.4601864
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I showed senpai Kierkegaard your post and he told me to tell you that "love binds the temporal with the infinite ya dingus lol it is benevolence in motion so just go back to your STEM board and cry about it lol idk if you are STEM but you probably are all you lolbait STEMs are all the same lol I could totally beat any of you guys in an arm wrestle just try me".

His words, not mine.

>> No.4601879

Gratitude is chemical.

>> No.4601882


you're mom is chemical

>> No.4601895

“There will always be people who say it does not exist because they cannot have it. But I tell you it is true and that you have it and that you are lucky even if you die tomorrow.”

I believe it.

>> No.4601995

You seem to have a lowly opinion of chemicals and are therefore unable to reconcile them with your high opinion of folk psychology. Learn to love chemicals more, friend.

>> No.4602002
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>>I don't know your definition of "true love", OP, but it exists nonetheless.
>We broke up because we just weren't meant for each other.
Has anyone made it to the 40 year mark yet?

>> No.4602008

>Lust is chemical. Love isn't.

>> No.4602013

First time I took MDMA I realized love was real.

>> No.4602084

you sound like a fag, she left because she assumed you wanted dick

>> No.4602103

only one percent of love is physical intimacy

>> No.4602119

>tfw i have never been in love

>> No.4602120

MDMA is much more than physical intimacy.

>> No.4602121

So love to you is the effects of serotonin. Nice.

>> No.4602124

MDMA isn't physical intimacy.

>> No.4602127

Are you some sort of dualist m8? Immaterial human souls with a hotline to the pineal gland floating beyond the earthly plane like metaphysical balloons?

>> No.4602135

I hate to be a living cliché, but my rational side says all that alpha shit doesn't matter once you find the right person, who likes you for who you are and doesn't care about your flaws.

My emotional side hates women for not wanting me or worse, rejecting me after I said I liked them and seeing the type of guys they go for.

I thought I was mature at 24 only to fall for a sweet and shy girl. Turns out they can be as cruel as the most tough men, and I don't mean just rejecting me, but the stuff she said about me to her friend.

>> No.4602156
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A young man contemplating marriage sought advice from Diogenes. "Should I marry?"

"Marriage is too soon for a young man"

"Would you have me wait then until I am old."

"Oh no, Marriage is far too late for an old man."

"What am I to do then? I love the girl."

"Love is a luxury no one can afford. It is for those who have nothing better to do."

"What should we be doing then?"

"To seek freedom. But it is not possible to be free if you have a wife and children."

"But having a wife and family is so agreeable."

"Then you see the problem, young man. Freedom would not be so difficult to attain were prison not so sweet."

"You mean to be free is to be alone?"

"We come into the world alone and we die alone. Why, in life, should we be any less alone?"

"To live, then, is terrible."

"No, not to live, but to live in chains."

>> No.4602173

mah nigga

>> No.4602186

lol, diogenes was such a fucking pleb. everyone lives in chains, it's just that most are not aware of it

>> No.4602189
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le Diogenes lean

>> No.4602192

>everyone lives in chains
Just because you need oxygen doesn't mean you should get a mortgage as well.

>> No.4602194

>implying you have any say in whether or not you get a mortgage, or anything else

>> No.4602200

Why wouldn't I?

>> No.4602202

Please continue

>> No.4602209

Because your decisions are a product of your nature and nurture, and you didn't decide on either of those

>> No.4602225

>My emotional side hates women for not wanting me or worse, rejecting me after I said I liked them and seeing the type of guys they go for.

This seems to be at root for a lot of hate for women. Why do you dislike the whole group as opposed to the one that wronged you? And don't you think it's unfair to hate someone for merely rejecting you? Not a girl, but it's strange.

>> No.4602230

>free will debate between two people who know nothing on the subject
Common as people not picking up their dogs crap.

>> No.4602232

>he thinks he's contributing

fuck off back to /b/, you giant pleb

>> No.4602235

love is real. We've just all become so selfish. love is feeling pain for someone one else and helping them.

>> No.4602244

nah that's empathy bro

sociopathy is on the rise, too. we're fucked.

>> No.4602261

>My emotional side hates women for not wanting me or worse, rejecting me after I said I liked them and seeing the type of guys they go for.
could be worse
you could hate yourself, and consequently hate anybody who genuinely likes you. but on to you:

Be aware of how little you know about anybody. Realize that the sweet shy girl can be cruel and thoughtless, and the girl in leggings and uggs probably goes through more than you could comprehend. In other words, keep an open mind and realize that you (like most everybody else) are a shitty judge of character, but that's OK as long as you aren't investing so much of yourself emotionally in your judgments.

>and I don't mean just rejecting me, but the stuff she said about me to her friend.
If you've ever experienced something like this, you know how shitty this feels.

that hatred is the result of disappointment and embarrassment, not strange at all

>> No.4602279

>muh selfless love

All you retarded faggots know nothing of love. You probably think that means treating her special 24/7 and making her feel good all the time and all that shit.

If you truly love someone, as a male, your attention and niceties have to be conditional. If your solution to someone acting badly is to give them attention, I.e. if a woman cheats on you so you try harder by taking her out, you are reinforcing her shitty behavior and training her to be shitty

True love requires what you idiots would cause sadism, but hey, what can you expect

>> No.4602287

Not sadism, altruism.

If you truly love someone, you are not looking at your interactions as positive or negative reinforcement. You aren't thinking about changing or manipulating their behavior, you appreciate them.
but I agree, "true love" would have to be conditional upon the person acting like the personality you are in love with and according to the characteristics that made you love them.

>> No.4602304

Which seems counterintuitive to most dudes which is why they have shitty relationships. They're too afraid of tears, too afraid of loss. They make it harder, too, to interact with women when they have gone through years of terrible conditioning

>> No.4602315

>They're too afraid of tears, too afraid of loss.
Hm. I think this boils down to a fear (or denial, or rejection) of change - of changing their life circumstances, or recognizing the changes in themselves or in their partners.

or a reluctance to admit they were wrong about someone, or an attachment to their idealized conception of their partner

>> No.4602342

Doesn't mean that I don't have a say in it, just means that I don't decide what I say.

"It's my fate to steal," pleaded the man who had been caught red-handed by Diogenes.

"Then it is also your fate to be beaten," said Diogenes, hitting him across the head with his staff.

>> No.4602350

Yeah, and from the loads of romance literature and movies written by NEET virgins or by women stuck in a fantasy world. Somehow men have been led to think that sacrifice is a virtue, and take it to a moronic extreme.

The only person I'd make extreme sacrifices for is my children. That's it, I might make sacrifices for others but only conditionally and only in proportion to how good they are to me

But this sense of "love" where you have to suppress your emotions, make large sacrifices, and change yourself to make a relationship work? Please, I don't have time to please a woman I hardly know. If the relationship doesn't work, it doesn't work.

>> No.4602365

>Not sadism, altruism.

Love doesn't co-exist with altruism; love, intrinsically, is emotionally-tied, which causes it to be an egoistical relationship [note: not negative egoism].

Altruism only exists in a state of apathy; and love cannot exist in an apathetic state, just by virtue.

>> No.4602372

Yes I suppose you're right

>> No.4602377

The day I read Stirner and realised the essentialism inherent to using words like "true X" is nonsensical and unwarranted.

>> No.4603313

>the reason science isn't relatable is because it's relatively new

I doubt you understand either science or the human condition on any meaningful level.

Science isn't relatable because it lacks a personal narrative for people to empathize with.

>> No.4603378

Yes, and we'll have to learn to deal with the lack of such a narrative. Not an insurmountable obstacle.

>> No.4603382

did you experience the last throb of the longest ecstasy neet or newfag has ever known?

>> No.4603384
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when people describe things as true, authentic, or real, it is essentially identical to saying such a thing is good, virtuous, or righteous.

which is to say, they are attempting to sneak in value judgments through the back door under a guise of formalism by pretending they arnt making such judgments (see, im not saying youre *wrong* or anything, but what youre doing is impossible under my system [so pls stop doing it]). obviously things would be much better if we were honest about and embraced the ultimately theological nature of our thinking.

>> No.4603398

love is a delayed emotion

so it either takes time to sink in, or it takes time for you to create the feelings in your memories, however you want to look at it

love at first sight only exists in the past, you know?

>> No.4603437

>we'll have to learn to deal with the lack of such a narrative.

That probably won't happen. It's more likely that we'll continue on with the same easily relatable methods we always have, in some form or another.

>> No.4603595

Most of these posts read like the desperate intellectual resignations of young men who are afraid to grow up and take real emotional risks toward genuine intimacy.

Love is as real as you want it to be.

It's that simple.

>> No.4603656

Platitudes always are.

>> No.4603764
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that cheating liar -.-
told me i was his one and only

>> No.4603784


>> No.4603795


and thank goodness for that, because narrative is precisely how we comprehend and interrelate with reality.

>> No.4603921

got em