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4592881 No.4592881[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>mfw there are people right now on /lit/ who never read senpai kierkegaard

>> No.4592900
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>There's people who hasn't read Kierkegaard in Danish

>> No.4592903

I was gonna just gonna make a Kierkegaard thread because I'd like to learn more about him than the White Knight and the Leap of Faith and find a good starting point. I'm tired of /lit/ being so Neetskeet all the time

>> No.4592905

>good starting point
Fear and Trembling

>> No.4595960


>> No.4595986

Why would I need to read about the Knight of Faith when I'm already well on my way to becoming the Ubermensch? Nietzsche built much better ideas off of his "Hero-like" ideal for humanity, not that Kierkegaard wasn't bright though.

Why does /lit/ feel the need to pretend to be Christian? I guarantee 90% don't go to Church.

>> No.4595996

Sounds like you don't understand Kierkegaard.

>> No.4596010

I think I while ago I tried to read Either/Or but I found it too hard. Was that a bad starting point?

>> No.4596016

If I can ask, what would you say is the difference between Nietzsche's Ubermensch and Kierkegaard's Knight of Faith? It's almost the same exact concept.

I'd argue that they're the same thing except one wants to prefect humanity with the help of Christianity, whereas the other finds no need of Christianity to perfect man.

>> No.4596068

Can anyone second this? I've been planning to read some of his stuff.

>> No.4596092

>Needing other people to tell you how to view the world

>> No.4596096

Has there ever been a philosopher who trashed the fuck out of this useless fucking thing called philosophy and everyone who 'believes into' its ridiculous mumbojumbo bullshit?

That guy would be based.

>> No.4596102

Bill Mahr

>> No.4596112


>> No.4596142

You're welcome

>> No.4596210

I think Kierkegaard didn't mean that humanity NEEDS christianity to perfect itself, but if you don't want to stop believing in god, then don't stop believing, but don't limit your life to just morals

to be completely honest i've only read several paragraphs of Kierkegaard since im not big on philosophy, i am going to start with him soon though

>> No.4596230

>I'm already well on my way to becoming the Ubermensch
Sounds like you don't understand Nietzsche.

>> No.4596233

>Needing other people to tell you how to do anything

>> No.4596238

>'m already well on my way to becoming the Ubermensch?
Top lol

>> No.4596245


>> No.4596247

Socrates, Kierkegaard, Derrida

Fear and Trembling is good, Sickness Unto Death if you're more interested in gospel Christianity
earlier works are written to be a little confusing so don't feel bad about that

>> No.4596254

>implying going to church has anything to do with being a good christian

>> No.4596255

Most of zen masters, Buddha

>> No.4596261
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Kierkegaard: I'm going to make my own failed romantic relationships a metaphor for the relation between the existential man and god.
The plebeian masses: Oh yes! Ur such a gr8 filosofer, Kierkekardashian. I would love to emulate the theoretical philosophy of a practical failure. Muh Germanic angst!

>> No.4596259

wasnt that guy who spent his whole live doing philosophy just like >>4596247 these three guys

what sort of faggotry is that

>> No.4596269

I thought i would never see a post like this on /lit/

>> No.4596273

Nietzsche took Philosophy from the bogus otherworldly realm and brought it back down to humanity. God is dead = traditional metaphysics is dead.

>B-b-but muh Kingdom of Ends
>Muh imperatives
>Muh monads

>> No.4596276

Change it up a bit and you get Nietzsche too.

>> No.4596281

You original question was: ''Has there ever been a PHILOSOPHER who trashed the fuck out of this useless fucking thing called philosophy and everyone who 'believes into' its ridiculous mumbojumbo bullshit? ''

Yeah, they were philosophers, that doesn't mean they can't consider philosophy useless in the end. We are just dogs barking. Words can never really describe anything. They are only approximations. Try some eastern philosophy you might like it. But don't take it too serious.

>> No.4596282

Either/Or is probably the only book of his worth reading. Diary of a Seducer is perhaps the best explanation of how to use philosophy to fuck bitches I've ever encountered. Required reading for any true aesthete. Ignore the part about religion and ethics. Kind of ironic that the lifestyle he condemns is the most appealing part of his books.

>> No.4596339

the plebeian masses of Kierkegaard's time could barely read the Bible. he wasn't read for his philosophy

you should read the parts about Don Giovanni
Diary of the Seducer is too sad

>> No.4596401

Does any philosopher lift

>> No.4596414

That's an odd way of spelling Kant bro.

>> No.4596437


plato was a wrestler and pankrationer

>> No.4596444
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I think I need to start reading the guy since wrestlers are based

>> No.4596445

i think all the greeks did physical stuff, it was pretty ingrained in the culture to be powerful and beautiful

>> No.4596479

As some other guy mentioned, Plato was a wrestler.
Plato is his WRESTLING NAME meaning broad because of his broad shoulders.
Now stop for a second reflect on how fucking badass this is, imagine a modern philosopher like Žižek by being a pro wrestler and writing with a name like "the beast from the east".

>> No.4596482

He was wrong about everything though

>> No.4596486

Weren't those the same thing?

>> No.4596489

Sound pretty goddamn based to me. I think I'll check up on the guy.

Any introductory books by others that you'd recommend?

What is his most accessible work?

>> No.4596553
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Pic related.

captcha: rawsecz she

>> No.4596571

Someone please tell me why is always depicted as this faggot anime character

I MUST know

>> No.4596586

Wgat tge fucks that

>> No.4596669


>> No.4596719

I tried to and either I have no idea what he's on about or it's incredibly dull

>> No.4596737

Euthyphro (the Socrates portrayed in it is pretty much very very close to the real Socrates), Apology and Symposium (prepare for homosex :D :D :D :D) are absolutely mandatory imo.

>> No.4596743

no third person analysis of him?

>> No.4596785

There are some letters but it's disputed if it's really Plato.
Just read the dialogues.

>> No.4596821


pankration was basically a mixed martial arts competition with less rules (the term is literally translated as 'all strengths/powers').

>> No.4596894

Christianity's worthwhile promises are easier to fulfil it by letting it go.

>> No.4596895


i would also recommend parmenides and laws

>> No.4596990

Fear and Trembling is a good starting point for Kierkegaard's overall philosophy I think.

Source: my philosophy professor (who has a Ph.D. in philosophy)

>> No.4597056


>> No.4597336

There's been a ton of this shit building up over the past three months.
Not sure what happened, but somewhere along the line a bunch of new people came in with a very different idea of how this board should work.

>> No.4597342

There's nothing to "believe into" in philosophy.
It's simply a downward spiral of uncertainty.

>> No.4597345

>there is people who hasn't read Kierkegaard in Danish

Maybe you should stick to reading Danish, buddy.

>> No.4597350


lol anon, leave

>> No.4597360


>I second this

lol, if it was possible becoming the overman, u wouldnt be here sating your will on 4chan.

>> No.4597370


why are you speaking german?

>> No.4597365

"Plato" was actually a nickname he got in wrestling. It means wide chest.

>> No.4597378


Both parts are essential to his work. And yes, A's part is the more appealing one, which also was Kierkegaard's intention; but that nevertheless doesn't mean that it was the right one.

To get a full view of the whole work and to avoid leaving any gaps to the understanding of it, you'll have to read all of it.

>> No.4597850

What should I read from this guy as starter? I've only read entry-level phylo like Plat,Augistine and Cicero.

>> No.4597859

Can you autograph my copy of thus spoke zurthustra?

>> No.4597872

No-ones putting any of Kierkegaard of Neitzches philosophy into practice if they're posting on 4chan at this time. Stop being a hypocrite. If you have any hope of justifying your wasting time on the internet, it's certainly not with the aforementioned philosophers.

>> No.4597886

>Why does /lit/ feel the need to pretend to be Christian? I guarantee 90% don't go to Church.

>being a Christian
>going to Church

Going to Church is a conservative cultural practice with very little relation to the teachings of Jesus Christ, for the most part. I go to church about three times a year, but I pray a lot.

>> No.4597891

I laughed more than I would've wanted to

>> No.4597941


Jesus didn't go to church, nor ever asked you to.

I pray, I don't go to church.

>> No.4597961

Not him, but church is a nice place to meet people.

>> No.4597968

Churches are beautiful. I visit them to marvel at the art and rituals. I visited an Orthodox church for the first time recently, it was a great experience.

>> No.4598359

Mah Nigga Wittgenstein definitely did it in some way in his later work

>> No.4598376

Yeah, going to sightseeing churches when I visit Europe this year. Shit is beautiful as fuck.

>> No.4598379

Out of curiosity, when /lit/ talks about Christians, are we talking about Catholics or Protestants? Are there a major difference between them besides saints?

>> No.4598395

I promote Orthodoxy. Everything went to shit after 1056. Protestantism was just a reaction against the decadence of the Catholic Church but lacked the traditional basis to become what it sought. Orthodoxy is the theological masterrace. They are the only ones to perform a proper synthesis of philosophy and religion.

>> No.4598907

Is there anything I should read before Fear and Trembling? I know almost nothing about Kirk.

>> No.4598925

I've seen a lot of people here who are Catholic. Yes, there are differences. Protestants have a different view on salvation and consider the Bible the primary source of authority.
Just read the wiki entry on Protestantism.