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/lit/ - Literature

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4592270 No.4592270[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


>> No.4592308


>> No.4592326

Okay, so he's not an eloquent speaker.

>> No.4592333

I almost feel like he's trying to make himself seem more awkward than he is. just doesn't seem naturally. I laughed hard though.

>> No.4592339
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>> No.4592341

DAVIDO! you b-b-baka~~~~

>> No.4592343

Really funny.

>> No.4592344

He's trying to 'struggle'.

>> No.4592345

>dem meds

>> No.4592360

What you see here are symptoms of a highly compulsive and repressive character.

Poor guy.

>> No.4592377
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>"Am I awkwardly intellectual//intellectually awkward/an intellectual struggler in the 'postexistentialist' sense yet?"


>> No.4592379

It's just something that happens when you try to speak freely, without relying on pre-established patterns.If you actually listened to the interview itself you would notice that he's struggling to express things the way he wants to. That is to say, he's reflecting on his thoughts as he's speaking, instead of saying the first thing that comes to his mind and sticking to it.

>> No.4592392

I feel badly for the poor fella.

>> No.4592394
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>intellectual struggler

>> No.4592400

Trust me, faggot. I know what I'm talking about.

>> No.4592414

>he's reflecting on his thoughts as he's speaking, instead of saying the first thing that comes to his mind and sticking to it

that is the sign of a great intellectual

Another one who does this clearly is Jonathan Franzen


>> No.4592430

>watch video
>haha funny, who made this?
>Megan Boyle

So either OP is subscribed to Megan Boyle's youtube channel, or OP is Megan Boyle

>> No.4592433


there's a way to do that without coming across as eccentrically as that though

>> No.4592437


OP is tao lin, megan's bf

>> No.4592446


>> No.4592445

how cute, he posted a video to get his girl friend more views on youtube :3

>> No.4592483


Rethinking what he's saying just for us uneducated plebs to understand.

>> No.4592488

the first step to being anything is pretending you are it

>> No.4592502

Fake it till you make it.

>> No.4592509
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Shake it till you bake it.

>> No.4592523
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so many talented writers fall by the wayside and fade into obscurity.

this insufferable idiot gets big because he topped himself.


>> No.4592532

I get the feeling DFW could easily kill every person in the room with him in the most horrific way if he snapped. It just feels like there is so much built up pressure and stress

>> No.4592537

>that is the sign of a great intellectual
Not really. Some great intellectuals can speak well. He just obviously can't.

>> No.4592541

this. He's trying to answer in the best way possible.

>> No.4592543

>Jonathan Franzen


>> No.4592552

Just try to imagine yourself in a position where you know that the thing you are trying to explain was difficult for you to understand at some point, and that explaining it in short while still getting the point across, and without leaving out anything vitally important is practically undoable. Tell me how you would manage not to come across as eccentric.

Of course you could just try to talk with them about things they understand, learn to anticipate what they expect of you and adjust your mode of thought to match those expectations, but I don't see how that would be any better. The only true way of overcoming this problem is learning to bridge the gap in understanding through rethoric, but figuring out how to do that, especially fluently and in a way that seems natural is not easy and takes time.

>> No.4592575

Watch his face muscles.
Watch the sweat on his face caused by sympathetic arousal caused by subconscious fear of doing something wrong caused by his dictatorial parents.

Do you even know that DFW was beaten by his parents at table when he didn't behave himself?

>> No.4592579

I'm not a fan of DFW, but I think there is an aspect of this neurosis that can be related to his mathematical prose. That his prose is more given to the extreme of virtuosity rather than poetic flow tells me he treats his writings more like fully-formed thoughts, which the idea of is hardly spontaneous as seen in this excerpt.

>> No.4592585

>his prose is more given to the extreme of virtuosity rather than poetic flow tells me he treats his writings more like fully-formed thoughts

I dont think you thought that one through

>> No.4592590
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he was scolded by his mother when he didn't use the proper word or his sentences weren't grammatically sound.

It all makes sense

>> No.4592597


>> No.4592605


i'm talking more about his facial expressions and tone. I get what you're saying completely, but disregarding the content of what he's saying and merely focusing on the physical straining he's doing I think he could improve his manner.

>> No.4592600
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>People going crazy over Kurt Kobain and Nirvana
>Listen to teen spirit

>> No.4592603

I get the sense that writers of literature have a harder time explaining what their works stand for than other disciplines because they want multiple interpretations to stay open. If the writer says one thing, then critics will read the work with predisposed notions of what the work is supposed to be doing. You rarely see this with anything else though.

>> No.4592609

This is a 3 minute video that parsed out the parts of an almost hour and 30 minute interview where dfw was sort of just stuttering over things, implying that he felt he hadn't sufficiently explained them. He was also obviously very self-critical and self-conscious, so it makes perfect sense that he would stutter and say these things, independent of the content of the interview. In other words, the people in this thread that are judging him by this video aren't very bright, to put it nicely.

>> No.4592613
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Eeeeh... yeah, I see what you mean. Point taken.

>> No.4592617

The narratives are conveyed only with words--mostly. The connections authors make with their own works in relating to their audience--attempting to be conveyed mostly through words, as in this interview although his demeanor says otherwise--allows critics to draw quicker conclusions.

>> No.4592622
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lol wat

>> No.4592628


>> No.4592631


I think he thought it was his mother, and it probably was partially her fault.

Check out http://www.theawl.com/2011/04/inside-david-foster-wallaces-private-self-help-library

The author concludes that it's basically just DFW's brain's fault, not his mother's.

>> No.4592636
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>listening to teen spirit

some of nirvana wasn't that bad.... but teen spirit?

>> No.4592640

That's my point. I think writers of literature are more self-conscious than writers in other disciplines about the associations people will make with print because of something that was spoken in the spur of the moment. There are great philosophers and political commentators who haven't been worried about this because they knew their arguments inside and out. In literature, you don't have to be as coherent with your prose--you don't have to worry about criticism as much in that way.

>> No.4592646


he maintains that a lot of the shit he wants to get across can't be just openly said. it's gotta be put in a big ass book to get the entire vibe across. that explains why he's uncomfortable summarizing his book in a sentence (or why dylan was uncomfortable being labeled as anything)

>> No.4592644

Intelligent sure, but DFW might be the difference between the addictive genius and a passionate one.

>> No.4592651

Is DFW the great intellectual of our time?

>> No.4592652

I don't think that many people really see this video as some sort of proof that DFW has no discernable talent. The video is just damn funny. I like the guy myself and have seen the full interview, and still had quite a chuckle. I can also relate to his troubles with finding the perfect words to verbally express thoughts. Sometimes I end up being even more of stuttering fuck than he is in this.

>> No.4592673

As the media has evolved, as we've seen how the idea of a 'public intellectual' developed, scandal has seen some. But in the end, the ideas which philosophers and political commentators make that last, do so because they are worthy principles (Whether purely or as a result of an agenda). Their words can outlast them, as ideas.

The novelist has an object (As in the novel, poem, etc.) he has claim to as a creator. His relation to its, and his own legacy is diluted even in terms of ideas because they are projected through the narrative, let alone linguistic (prosaic) qualities lasting they stand alone.

>> No.4592674
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It's called lyric and rethoric. You use different phrases because they fit the rythmic structure and melody of a sentance, or to give you an extra bit of time to think about how you're going to continue it.

>> No.4592676

I agree.

>> No.4592677
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“David Foster Wallace was so needy, so conservative, so in need of fans – that I find the halo of sentimentality surrounding him embarrassing.” In several more tweets, he continued, “DFW is the best example of a contemporary male writer lusting for a kind of awful greatness that he simply wasn’t able to achieve. A fraud.”

Was he projecting, /lit/?

>> No.4592692

yes, but i see them as two different extremes

dfw played innocent and victim of himself. BEE acknowledges similar things about himself in an extremely ironic, black humor kind of way. i cant find the right word to describe it but if you listen to him in interviews it usually comes up. he admits to his own desire or need of glamour, narcissism, status and such. its pretty clear since it is a major theme in all his writing too



>> No.4592693

I think DFW did well, considering what tends to happen involving the cult of celebrity. We'll leave his private persona aside.

>> No.4592697

"i'll just be sweating here in my chair"


>> No.4592696

DFW talked shit about BEE's whole literary movement in E Unibus Pluram and I think BEE's been nursing a grudge this whole time.
Which isn't to say his dislike of DFW is illegitimate, it just might have its initial roots there.
also there are two threads on the front page can we merge one of them to avoid irritating people

>> No.4592710

>His relation to its, and his own legacy is diluted even in terms of ideas because they are projected through the narrative, let alone linguistic (prosaic) qualities lasting they stand alone.

That's fine, but some of my favorite philosophers and political commentators (even if I don't agree with them) spoke their minds on recording. They're just people, and they even had pauses and caught themselves throughout numerous interviews. But they knew what they were saying. I've yet to see this entire interview with DFW, and even if it makes him seem less-than-knowledgeable because of it, it won't detract from his work as a writer since that's a separate thing. I'm just bemused that writers of literature aren't as confident as people putting forth what could be considered more controversial opinions about things.

>> No.4592732

And apparently this man fucked all of his best friends wives and girlfriends.

>> No.4592744

I think we've reached the same basic point, I was just writing about how we've reached it differently.

I'm ambiguous around Wallace, but the cult of his celebrity allows me a lens to view the 'contemporary literary legend' as disseminated by the new media, an even an historical (dead) case. Once in awhile I pop in these threads.

>> No.4592746

What the fuck is it with people saying he's trying to present himself as a stuttering intellectual fuck on purpose? He had suffered anxiety for most of his adult life (which is why he took to wearing a bandana, so the sweat wouldn't drip down his face). As someone who also has to deal with anxiety I can say that this is no lie. It's trying to form coherent, interesting, w/e thoughts while simultaneously there's an observer in your own head who's pointing his camera at you and judging and recording everything you do whilst also seeing everyone else and how they might be judging you and also observing them and generating impressions of them. All of this takes up mental resources which would, by normal people, I'm guessing, be used to hold a conversation and think about what they're saying.

He was also on zoloft during this time and he worried that it made his thinking foggy so he was never sure if he was making sense to other people.

>> No.4592759

It's true, but all the same Wallace is a very intelligent, and also a widely-learned author. He must have a vernacular of people as wide as his linguistic one. Even when failing, performance is grace.

We're mostly shitposting and confirming ourselves anyways. The OP is just a shitpost of a video.

>> No.4592784

>Tao Lin

Speaking of awkward interviewees..

>> No.4592792
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Not everyone is a performer though. In fact, writers become writers because it's how they can best express themselves

>> No.4592796

shame turns you into spiderman?

>> No.4592809

if I was an octopus and I would look at myself and everyone would know exactly what I meant but if I say a word you'd all have different ideas in your head.

-tao lin

>> No.4592816

I can't agree with that first statement. Partaking in the act of performance is something even those involved in sincerity or a lack of artifice can incidentally fall into. I was relating Wallace's performance to imitation, which is more reasonable considering Infinite Jest involved constructing an alternative (future) culture, and sensing his imagined shift within individuals.

>> No.4592826
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dfw makes great may may faces if i do so say myself

>> No.4592833

Tao Lin? Are you high again?

>> No.4592842

Was The Vegan Muffin based on The Depressed Person?

>> No.4592844

Can't play the video at the moment, could someone please screencap all the may may faces he pulls?

>> No.4592915

U Wot?

>> No.4592961

>...I think it's DMT...
>...It's a theory of evolution...

This guy could honestly learn to speak from McKenna. It's honestly funny how the meek novelist is inspired in some way by the extraordinary psychonaut because McKenna is one of the best public speakers ever recorded.