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4590477 No.4590477[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Top ten of your favourite sci-fi novels. I checked the 4chanlit wiki page and didn't find anything interesting that I haven't already written down.

>> No.4590518

Andromeda Strain

>> No.4590537

Memoirs Found in a Bathtub - Stanislaw Lem
Solaris - Lem
One Human Minute - Lem

Lemmy Lem Lem, and everything else ever published in Poland. Best country for sci-fi not even close.

>> No.4590546
File: 1.91 MB, 1894x5000, Sci-fi lit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's there.

So OP has either read these, will get around to reading or just isn't interested.

>> No.4590564

Anyone know of sci-fi similar to the movie Gattaca? This movie has opened me up to the science fiction genre entirely. It never appealed to me before really, but now that a not so unrealistic concept has been thrown infront of my preconceptions I'm very much interested in all media of the sort. It's mainly eugenics that appeal, though the highly structured nature of the society in the movie is another concept that I like. I'd really love some book suggestions. Preferably easy flowing works if possible, I've never been a heavy reader.

>> No.4590631


>> No.4590774

my curated collection:

>> No.4590905

>Early & Proto SF
>No Histoire comique des États et Empires de la Lune

I am dissapoint

>> No.4591625
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>Lem, and everything else ever published in Poland

Lem is GOAT.
What else is good from Poland? Genuinely interested.

>> No.4591628

Use of Weapons
Dune (obviously)
The moon is a harsh mistress (heinlein's best imo)

>> No.4592988

* Solaris by Lem
* The Cyberiad by Lem
* Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea by Verne
* We by Zamyatin
* VALIS by Philip K. Dick
* The Left Hand of Darkness by LeGuin
* Flatland by Abbott

>> No.4593237
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H. G. Wells. - The Time Machine
Orson Scott Card - Enders Game, Speaker for the Dead, Xenocide, and Children of the Mind.
William Gibson - Neuromancer

that's all I got.

>> No.4593251

Alfred Bester - The Stars My Destination
Isaac Asimov - The Caves of Steel
Arthur C. Clarke - Rendezvous with Rama
Philip K. Dick - Ubik
Walter Tevis - The Man Who Fell to Earth
Daniel F. Galouye - Counterfeit World
Ursula LeGuin - The Lathe of Heaven
Stanislaw Lem - Solaris
Arkady and Boris Strugatsky - Roadside Picnic
Bob Shaw - The Ceres Solution

>> No.4593263

Roadside Picnic

>> No.4593269
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Not on the list(s)?
The End of Eternity by Asimov

Bigos is god-tier, but sadly it's just food.
There's actually a wiki article on the matter though


>Despite their popularity in Poland, virtually none of these books have been translated into English.

That makes me sad.

>> No.4593613

there's been a real lack of powerful sci-fi in the last 10 or so years
looking at the award circuit this last year is depressing as hell
2312 and redshirts are the best sff has to offer?

I think blindsight is probably the last sff offering to really move me in any way

>> No.4596394

The Caves of Steel, 2001: a space odyssey, I, Robot, foundation trilogy, childhood's end.

In no particular order.

>> No.4596419

Pattern Recognition by William Gibson is actually good and not too embarrassingly cyberpunk. Maybe it will be in 20 years.

Time Out Of Joint by Philip K. Dick is way better than Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?

I wanna read Octavia Butler.

>> No.4596793

>Time Out Of Joint by Philip K. Dick is way better than Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?

Androids is middling PKD, so about half his books are better than it. It really only remains so prominent because of Blade Runner.