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/lit/ - Literature

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4587498 No.4587498[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


Where is India? Is there an India?

.. There is no India.. Lit forgot India...

>> No.4587520
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>tfw spengler's classification of india's historical self-conception as non-existent and eternal is perspicacious
>tfw nothing but kalhana and some arab ethnologists for millennia
>tfw the vedic age was a flowering and death as great as classical or chinese civilisation's and we have no trace of it
>tfw india is the ghostly afterglow of a long-exploded star in the great constellation of human geists

>> No.4587531


>> No.4587551
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<- This is you.

Pretty bold of you to cut down a culture of a billion people and 1,652 languages.

>> No.4587556

>implying hipsters read Spengler

>> No.4587562

no idea who that is, and I don't care.

>> No.4587636

>implying any good literature ever came from India

99% of Africa isn't listed either. I wonder why.

>> No.4587649

>99% of Africa isn't listed either. I wonder why.

Certainly not because /lit/ doesn't know shit about literature that isn't Western or chink...

>> No.4587651

Didn't Penguin India pulp all the copies of some book about Hinduism because some religious pressure group fussed about it?

>> No.4587658

There's plenty of stuff in Sanskrit, but I don't know anyone hardcore enough to actually learn that language.

>> No.4587662

> Aravind Adiga: The White Tiger
> Vikus Swarup: Q&A
> Arundathi Roy: The God of small things

.... and yes I did just do a Indian Lit Varsity class.

>> No.4587747

Daily reminder that the only worthwhile writing ever created by the Indians was 12th-18th century Navya-Nyaya philosophy.

>> No.4587778

Rohinton Mistry is a good author.
he's indian-canadian i guess but he writes about india.
A Fine Balance and Family Matters are both enjoyable.

>> No.4587795
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>I'm ignorant about it therefore it's shit

>> No.4587814

What an astonishing no examples

>>>/gb2gaia faggot/

>> No.4587815

>no examples
Confirmed for genuine retard. Thank goodness you're going to die before they figure out how to stitch chromosomes back together.

>> No.4587816


>no examples

>> No.4587821

>I dont know shit about indian literature
>im going to trash it to feel secure about myself

this board is going all the way down the shit drain

>> No.4587832

>Post a picture of every famous indian you took four hours to compile
>Look at these recommended books from India and Africa you guys can check put


>> No.4587833
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considering the huge populations of people in china and india it would seem strange that they both have comparatively huge swaths of incredibly bright and focused youth yet so few producing literature

is it a cultural thing?

or maybe it has something to do with how demanding chinese and indian parents are when it comes to pushing their kids to be entrepreneurial. they most likely aren't even afforded to option of considering something like writing as a possible life's work

>tfw poor chinese and indian bros are missing out on trying the literary lifestyle

>> No.4587852
File: 22 KB, 460x276, Mo Yan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not producing literature

Are you literally retarded?

>> No.4587860


>1.3 billion people in a country with some of the longest lasting culture on the planet and their literary output is nothing compared to countries with one tenth the size

fukken hot post m8 good work

>> No.4587864


Have you lost it?
Another cringy babby crying 'liberals' to hide his embarrassing shortcomings

And just to name a few

Bankim Chandra Chattopadhyay
Rabindranath Tagore
Satyajit Ray
Michael Madhusudan Dutt
& The Bhagavad Gita

>> No.4587869
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>every famous Indian
>literally a handful of Bengali-speaking people from Northeast India
Always good to see /pol/ in good form. Do you think Google's going to steal your dick pics if you use it?

>> No.4587871

only 2% of the books published in America each year are translations, so China would still be doing pretty well
if you're from australia or something go away no one care

>> No.4587877

On what kind of statistic do you base your claims? Or are you just assuming that because your Western bookstore mostly carries Western authors, the Chinese output in books per (literate) capita must be lower?

>> No.4587878
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That sure was embarrassing, wasn't it?

I won't judge you if you're too ashamed to respond, by the way.

>> No.4587894

this thread is full of shame

>> No.4587896

>Less than the UK which has like 10 people
Why is Britain the most creative nation on earth?

>> No.4587901

Because people in Britain have leisure time to write, whereas the majority of people in India are too busy trying to make enough money to buy food for the day.

You cannot compare a comfortable western country with a welfare system to a third world country where the average person makes 3$ per day.

(I mentioned welfare because JK Rowling was on welfare while she was writing Harry Potter)

>> No.4587902

Established institutions. You don't think all those writers are British, do you?

>> No.4587906
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chinese cultural campaign using state cash to buy falsified statistics to sway anglo readers

gg you impressionable round eye

>> No.4587907
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Are you going to blame the Jews next?

>> No.4587912


>quick to defend them for no reason

how suspect of you

>> No.4587914

Most influential Indian philosophers:

Siddhartha Gautama
Kumarila Bhatta
Jayarasi Bhatta
Vacaspati Mishra
Jiva Gosvamin
Madhusudana Sarasvati
Dharmaraja Adhvarin
Rabrindranath Tagore
Mohandas Karamchand Ghandi
K.C. Bhattacharyya
Sarvepali Radhakrishnan
Jawaharlal Nehru

All of the above have written doctrines, articles and books. You just need to find English translations or learn Sanskrit, Hindi or Bengali

>> No.4587918


>Most influential

Krishnamurti should at least be getting a mention here.

>> No.4588185

Wealth corrupts. Be you Jewish, Chinese, Mormon etc. Blame to the pursuit of wealth.

>> No.4588748

Agreed. There's no way they publish that many titles.

>> No.4588771

I can't even be that proud of this /pol/ is way worse at non-detection and would have posted four angry paragraphs with citations to similar bait.

>> No.4588805
File: 86 KB, 600x586, AREIZOO II.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Wealth corrupts.



>> No.4588827

this faggot is still shitting up the place?

>> No.4588833

I'm afraid so. Why do we get the worst tripfags?

>> No.4588838

Because you're a dramatic faggot and don't use other boards

>> No.4588849
File: 55 KB, 454x341, oxpoct es.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Pose legitimate questions

Typical anonymous

>> No.4589209

>implying it IS not the shitdrain itself

sorry, too late

>> No.4589213

a fine balance is toptier

>> No.4589220


Because this board has a very small userbase and it takes an incredibly confrontational attitude to trip here, even more so than most other boards on 4chan. Small population means it's much harder to "blend in" while being an annoying tripfag, so the only tripfags are those who don't give a fuck about who thinks they are annoying. That is, REI and stan, or whatever he's calling himself these days. Did I miss anyone?

>> No.4589221


D&E pls go

>> No.4589225


Oh yeah, D&E. Well he's pretty missable.

>> No.4589239

Rani Mukarjhee is top literature

>> No.4589243

Jiddu or UGK?

>> No.4589261

you little shit

>> No.4589274


This is what I am referring to, you are aggressive enough that you won't just roll over and run crying from the board after the 1000th post of >shut the f*ck up tripf*g. But at the same time most of your posts are just aggressive and not terribly interesting so that they whoosh through my brains like so much white noise and I frequently forget you exist.

>> No.4589536

If you want a section for India, make one.

The wiki is a community effort. I don't know everything about literature from every single country. I can only do what I personally know or learn about.