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/lit/ - Literature

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4583077 No.4583077[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why do bitches love this guy?

>> No.4583814

I dunno. Why?

>> No.4583815

When he first emerged he was different, unique, a breath of fresh hair. Ten years later Oscar Wao comes out and capitalizes on all that mad talent. But unfortunately he seems to be repeating himself. It's like he's living up more to the expectations of his style rather than really reaching for anything. This Is How You Lose Her was fun, but it felt empty.

He's a cool guy, though. He's honest about his heartaches. He struggles when writing. Drown was supposedly easy as shit to write, but since then everything's been an uphill battle. I hope his next work lives up to what people expect of him. He's in a precarious position, right now.

>> No.4583829

because bitches love pleb books

there is absolutely nothing unique about any of his books

>> No.4583835


Oscar Wao is pretty pimpin, yo. It's like Hemingway, David Foster Wallace, Tupac and Biggie, Dungeons and Dragons-based comic books, and a drunken midget Mexican all got smashed together inside a mortar and ground up into dust, were solidified, and in their final form emerged as Oscar Wao.

It's not great literature, but why hate? You a hater? You ain't no hater, is ya?

>> No.4583836
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>breath of fresh hair

>> No.4583846


I know people hate him--I went through a brief period of really disliking him, too--but who else surrounding wrote in a similar manner? His ideas weren't anything new, and it can't even be said there were any ideas. The guy's purely an entertainer tapping into the erratic emotions of youth. Where else were you finding a style similar to his, before he first emerged?

>> No.4583849

I don't hate it, its not a bad book. I just don't see anything unique about it that's all. All of its merit basically lies in making obscure references every other sentence.

>> No.4583851


Holy fucking Christ that sentence is all over the place. My apologies. But even so, my envious little faggot friend, what's your beef with a dude who doesn't even know you or I exists? Are we just shitting on popular modern authors? Jhumpa Lahiri and Joyce Carol Oates are pretty fucking limp, dull, dumb and dry if you ask me, but people supposedly love their shit. What do you dislike about the bald Dominican?

>> No.4583854

His budding career progressed during the nice cushion in between web 1.0 and web 2.0, where the space for ethnic street-casualism (Especially for immigrants) in literature was still a transgressive idea for its rarity in a high quality. Now, as we look forward to 3.0, we've become saturated and desensitized to all rarefied or mutant social norms; Oscar Wao was both, and already seems outdated from a glance.

>> No.4583861


That's true--it seems common with a lot of the hip writers today to bloat their work with references to all matter of subjects--but in terms of merit I think his style was exciting because of the speed with which it moved. The guy didn't hold long in any one scene but quickly managed to delineate the contours of the space before establishing some new layer. He isn't a Melville or Hemingway or whoever you like, but I think he deserves the success he's had thus far. He at least embodies some technical agility that seems to be lost amongst all the new folk who want to fill DFW's spot now that the dude's dead. And he's one of the few MFA writers who doesn't read like every other MFA writer. That's something.

>> No.4583864
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>> No.4583874

very well said. I think this is true. I can't imagine Diaz being read or remembered in two decades, possibly within even one decade as the gimmick begins to grow tiresome

>> No.4583873


His career stopped dead in its tracks after Drown. His novel didn't show up till nearly a decade later. I think he just had an agent who had faith in him, and 2009 (Oscar Wao's publication date, I believe) wasn't that long ago. This Is How You Lose Her was pretty limp, though. Like I said, I think there's an expectation upon him now that he's nervous to try and live up to. The fact that this very thread exists having OP ask what the fuck's up with this dude is proof of that.

But I wish him luck. The sample of his novel that appeared in New Yorker sucked major fucking dick, but hopefully he turns it around. I always root for earnest folk, and this guy has a big beating heart and a stupidly wide smile. I'm jealous as shit of him, naturally, but I can't loathe him, either.

>> No.4583878
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>> No.4583884
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>> No.4583897
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>My sides when
Still recovering. Thanks.

>> No.4583904
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>> No.4583909
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>> No.4583911
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>> No.4583914
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Why hasn't anyone realized he came out with a new album? Sure, it was shit...

>> No.4583917

junot diaz gets dat white-guilt, bourgeois pussy wet as HELL. he is my perfect real-life strawman for hating the new left.

>> No.4584035


>> No.4584098


I'm a beaner btw.

>> No.4584541

this is pretty correct

>> No.4585589


The Oscar Wao novel was pure garbage.