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4580019 No.4580019[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

So I'm a big Nietzsche fan, I've enjoyed all his work and really appreciate his point of view. Are there any other philosophers or writers who have a similar or related perspective?

>> No.4580029
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>> No.4580038


>> No.4580041

Nietzsche himself cites the pre-Socratics and Spinoza as his primary historical precedents, so try them out.

>> No.4580045

What other philosophy have you read, OP? If it's just existentialism, I'm a sucker for Sartre.

>> No.4580052

schopenhauer was a big influence on him, though in the end their views are quite different. still worth reading though

>> No.4580057

He asked for Philosophers, not writers.

>> No.4580065
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>> No.4580076

Kentarō Miura

>> No.4580089

I've read Plato, Schopenhauer, Camus, Sartre

>> No.4580098

What do you think a philosopher is?

Jesus this better be a damn troll post.

All writers are philosophers and all philosophers are writers, even if they don't know it.

>> No.4580110

Strange claim, pard

>> No.4580113



>> No.4580123


>> No.4580124

Everyone is a philosopher, since philosophizing is simply putting your conception of the world, or an aspect of it you want magnified, on paper. Tolkien is a philosopher since his world is imagined as he sees it, with his interpersonal relationships and his own morality. Even non-fiction writers are philosophers because they create the world through the lens of their perception.

The truly most up front form of philosophy is telling you EXACTLY how it is though. And those are the famous philosophers, the ones who got to the core of the matter without all the fluff.

But sometimes it's nice to have some fluff.

>> No.4580138

Making up your own definitions is fun, anon! I'm afraid, however, that by making philosophy as broad as you have you denude it of any of its meaningful content. That is, you've taken out any kind of love of these "conceptions" and you've eliminated any sort of training as a way to achieve the mark of "philosopher." Philosophy is a discipline, not a fucking knack.

>> No.4580148

You missed the point

>> No.4580190

If incidental cases of a thing are supposed to be included in its definition, then I guess so

>> No.4580221

this guy's got it

and then maybe some foucault

>> No.4580241

na, philosophy is the production of concepts

>> No.4580253

>le marxist visage

>> No.4580421

That's exactly what I just said in so many words, though.

>> No.4583157
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Jacob Burckhardt was Nietzsche's Yoda at Basel.
his main works are:

The Greeks and Greek Civilization
The Civilization of the Renaissance in Italy
Reflections on History
Judgments on History and Historians

>> No.4583172

*the last two are probably different translations for the same original: "weltgeschichtliche betrachtungen" in german

>> No.4584575

Try Bataille. His philosophy books have a lot to do with Nietzsche. His literature is really good too.

>> No.4586606


>> No.4586612


this, heideggers series on neetskeet is excellent. teaching pseuds was his day job after all.

>> No.4587770

The greeks and italian fascists if you want the fun parts of his philosophy, the french if you want to take the boring liberal arts major route

>> No.4587785

Jesus in the Gospel of Thomas.

>> No.4588180


>> No.4588399

Dilthey, if you're into the life thing.

>> No.4588701


Much more so than Foucualt and Heidegger, Deleuze was the philosopher that Nietzsche was waiting for. Foucault is just too negative and descriptive; he lacks the strong positive project that Nietzsche was calling for.

>> No.4589030

Deleuze's way too Hegelian in his description of the nomad-bureaucrat dynamic to be atrue Nietzschean

>> No.4589241

Schopenhauer, Kierkegaard, Heidegger, Julius Evola

>> No.4591057

what are the biggest differences between spinoza and nietzsche?

>> No.4591105

Their respective attitudes towards God and Will. For Spinoza, God was the universe. For Nietzche one's Will decided the universe.