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4579717 No.4579717 [Reply] [Original]

We are all sensitive weaklings in a world meant for the strong.

>> No.4579748


>> No.4579746

I can't speak for everyone here, but that's certainly true for myself.

>> No.4579759
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>> No.4579775


you are a pedophile

let's meet up

>> No.4579786

>Implying I'm not a desensitized strongling on a board meant for the weak.

kek good one

>> No.4579787

If I ever meet you, I'm gonna fuck you, kill you, then fuck you again

>> No.4579792

>to write is to fail, more or less continuously

>> No.4579807

How poignant

How deep

>> No.4579826

good luck getting past the cartels, bitchboi

>> No.4579871

Weak? My deadlift is 5 plate, nigga.

>> No.4579875

Read the Stoics, OP. You can be strong. You are invincible.

>> No.4579883

say bye to your back

>> No.4579897


>exercise meant to strengthen your back
>"say bye to your back"

>this logic

So i suppose joging is gonna wreck my legs then.

>> No.4579901

If you don't jog barefoot like you should, yes.

>> No.4579905

>not deadlifting
it's like you don't even want gains

>> No.4579931

>So i suppose joging is gonna wreck my legs then
Of course it is. Do you even educate yourself?

>> No.4579951


>not knowing how the spine works

Say goodbye to your back

>> No.4579954


Wonderful one-liner, care to explain?

>> No.4579958

The human body is extremely fragile and if you try to make it do things, you'll fuck it up. It's much better to sit inside all day on /lit/.

>> No.4579969
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Whats'a matter Chuck?

>> No.4579991

it fucks up your joints

it is better to walk

>> No.4580084

We're animals. We were made to run. Persistence hunting seems to have been how we hunted for a long, long time.

That said, >>4579901 is right and barefoot running is the best choice.

>> No.4580104

Just avoid running on concrete or asphalt, that's what fucks up your knees. If you have good running shoes and you run on a dirt path you're fine.

>> No.4580370

If you have good bare feet and you run on a dirt path, you're fine.

Shoes are bad for you.

>> No.4580391

Sitting is bad for your health too. Basically everything besides light walking is bad.

>> No.4580412

The inventor of jogging died from jogging as did Douglas Adams. Read The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy and perhaps The Deeper Meaning of Liff for further explanation, though the Encyclopaedia Galactica is still a perfectly reasonable resource if you want that sort of thing.

>> No.4580440

Well that's it then.

From this day forth we must lightly walk to preserve ourselves as best we can. That way we can continue our light walking for the longest time possible without fear of injuries years into the future. Whoever takes risks by doing more strenuos excercise is a fool! And whoever does none at all is a fool, indeed! Join me!

>> No.4580504

Sensitivity is a kind of strength, so this makes no sense.

>> No.4580514

Simple yet profound. Did you think that up yourself, OP?

>> No.4582677



>> No.4582708

can you elaborate?

>> No.4582730

not him, but:

being able to sense = ability, capability, capacity, ultimately a strength
not being able to sense = a deficiency, an inability, ultimately a weakness

then we'll have the people who'll say emotion is weakness, being an unfeeling being ruled by logic is superior etc etc

>> No.4582764

Indeed. The problem is being affected by ones sensibility in a prejudicial way.

>> No.4582946

>made to run
You just made a fool out of yourself, friend.

>> No.4583059

reminds me of the story "how to be a perfect person" from my childhood where the key to being a perfect person was to sit around a drink weak tea

>> No.4584007

get outta my face bitch

>> No.4584044
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İ agree, though higher sensivity mean lower pain threshold; thats the handicap of sensivity. Becoming more conscious can be a good thing or a bad thing, depends on your the degree of being little bitch.

>> No.4584150

We are not all wimps like you, don't lump me together with the likes of you just because I read.

>> No.4584153
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Sense what?
Interesting to see how people who have power in the world are all a bunch of pussies that cry about everything... Ooooh wait...

Emotion not a weakness?
People who can't handle stress/chaotic situation/rejection and just sits and cries, yes that's who I want on my team.

Stop trying to glorify emotions just because you are a wimp.

>> No.4584158

Go back to disney faggot.

Not to say that emotions are bad, but there are such things as bad emotions. I wouldn't call Proust a strong person, despite what your mommy no doubt told you about being sensative.

>being an unfeeling being ruled by logic is superior etc etc
These dont imply eachother though, and being ruled by logic is superior by any measurable rational sense of the word "superior".

>> No.4584169


>belevng strength and senstivity are mutuallly exclusve

you will never be a Top Lad

>> No.4584216

>babbys first pseudo-intellectual thought