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/lit/ - Literature

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4574277 No.4574277 [Reply] [Original]

What subject if any are you knowledgeable enough about that you could have and defend a position in in a legit patritian-intellectual debate?

>> No.4574282

World of Warcraft.

>> No.4574284

Go home OP. You're drunk

>> No.4574294

Was my wording confusing? I'm pretty sure it makes syntactic sense. Then again it is 5am and I'm high as fuck off sleep starvation.

>> No.4574297


>> No.4574306

westberlin rap from 1997 - 2006

>> No.4574324

Give us a taste of your knowledge?

>> No.4574330

Southern gothic literature and a decent amount of music that I have mostly arbitrarily placed in that genre, like Sixteen Horsepower and certain Nick Cave albums.

It was probably 60% natural love for the atmosphere and style of SG lit and 40% a conscious decision to specialise in one area.

>> No.4574334

anything art and theatre related

and I do mean anything

>> No.4574336

sure, what do you want to know?

>> No.4574338

Not to derail, but can you give me a bit of brief info on what you consider important about Southern gothic literature? I've been working on a short story that uses it as a motif and I've read a bunch of articles but it'd be nice to hear about it from someone first hand

>> No.4574339


>> No.4574346

Idk give me a sample of something you might say if you met someone else with the same expertise.

>> No.4574347

Chinese literature
Chinese linguistics and origin of putonghua
Motifs/themes/origins of Norse and Greek mythology, possibly Celtic as well.

I've never really studied anything worthwhile apart from those subjects.

>> No.4574348

This isn't coming from the point of view of someone who has studied it in a scholarly way, but the most important thing I have found is that the protagonist is usually detached from everyone and is subject to a rotating cast of mostly freaks and sad people. But they are also never a conduit for the reader, they'll never just start spouting exposition to make it easier on people. You get the feeling that the main character is not special and just another one of the freaks, and the story just happens to be from their perspective.

Flannery O'Connor's short stories are a quick place to see what i'm getting at I think.

>> No.4574349

OP here. The reason I ask is because I was watching this debate between William Buckley and Christopher Hitchens (say what you will about him, but the man had mad rhetorical skillz) and was wondering if /lit/ or anyone on /lit/ could hold a debate on that level.


>> No.4574350
File: 210 KB, 725x483, fksyrkdtu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i cringe every time i see that fucking word - patrician - on this godforsaken website

don't use it. a real "patrician" wouldnt

>> No.4574354

But those aren't insights or anything,, you're just reciting a list of tropes you've noticed

>> No.4574356

I'll remember to put it in quotes next time

>> No.4574358

although M.O.R.s first album NLP is considered to be the Straigt Outta Compton of german (Battle-)Rap, personally I think that Kool Savas ruined by bringing in Azad and his friends from Frankfurt as feature guests. They didn't really fit into the whole thing. Instead, guys like Rhymin Simon, Gris or the Beatfabrik would've made 10 times better. Still a good album though. You could just tell already that Savas was already going into a totally different direction.

>> No.4574363

>>4574354 is correct but for my purposes, that was exactly what I was looking for, tropes to play with. Definitely gave me some stuff to think about, thanks

>> No.4574364


Do you have more of these pictures? They are hiLARIOUS

>> No.4574366

i'm pretty decent on classical music

>> No.4574368
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>> No.4574369

How does NLP compare to Straight Outta Compton?

>> No.4574370

There's a whole tumblr of them out there waiting for you.

>> No.4574374

Anime post 90s.

>> No.4574379
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my fave

>> No.4574380

Good god lol

>> No.4574381


>> No.4574382

Some areas of eSports:
The mid-to-late Korean Brood War scene (by God was BW a pinnacle of eSports never to be returned to)

and how awful League of Legends is as an eSport and how ironically toxic it is for global eSports.

i am truly pathetic

>> No.4574392

Why is she wearing two watches?

>> No.4574395

just as Straight Outta Compton was a milestone for Gangsta-Rap, NLP made german Rap turn more aggressive and hardcore. Until then everything was very soft and kind of boring.

>> No.4574396

The superiority of science over philosophy.

>> No.4574401

So it hurts more when she tells you she doesn't have time for you.

>> No.4574408

Did you forget your fedora?

>> No.4574410

All of them. But mostly Stirner.

>> No.4574417

>dat projection

It takes quite a lot of fedoras to believe that philosophy is still a valid field of inquiry in the 21st century. I bet you are the same kind of pseudo-intellectual who prefers to buy Darwin's or Newton's historical books instead of modern textbooks because he's not interested in actual contents but only in name dropping and pretentiousness.

>> No.4574430

Jesus Christ, cant you just go back to /sci/ and leave the adults alone?
I bet you are one of those that take Dawkins seriously

>> No.4574433
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>not taking Dawkins seriously

He is a brilliant evolutionary biologist and his refutation of theology is flawless. He is a profound thinker and far ahead of his time. Don't be mad because you don't understand him. Have fun believing in fairy tales, kid, while the grown-ups accept science and reality.

>> No.4574435
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Let me post you a comic.

>> No.4574438
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>> No.4574440
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>> No.4574443
File: 257 KB, 670x888, Johnny Ryan - The Miracle - 04.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4574444
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Psychology, Programming(Developing true AI for the danish military, baby. More lines of code than Mac OS X Tiger, but don't tell anyone), Neurology

>> No.4574447

>true AI

What a meaningless buzzword. Nobody in AI research talks about "true" AI. Don't be an anti-intellectual sci fi kid.

>> No.4574451

>he thinks AI is a prolem of programming
my sides are in orbit

>> No.4574461

>his refutation of theology is flawless
See? If you actually knew about philosophy and sociology you'd see its mostly recycled, bad-written arguments from true thinkers, like Feuerbach and Freud. Also, you'd see he is wildly unscientific while at it, using decontextualized internet quotes as debate material and outdated sociological models.

>> No.4574466
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>true thinkers

Are you fucking serious?

>> No.4574468

scott joplin
js bach
your mom

>> No.4574470

Yeah, he is so bad Dawkins is regurgitating his arguments on monotheism.

>> No.4574484
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what is Neruda's finest poem?

>> No.4574485

Also its interesting to see. From all points I made you chose the most harmless, unrelated even, to question.
Makes me question if you are really that good to debate

>> No.4574492

Literally every argument, no matter how weak, is sufficient to destroy religious fairy tales. That's how absurd and inconsistent they are.

>all points I made
You didn't make any points. When I told you how sciene made philosophy obsolete, you immediately jumped to a straw man attack against Dawkins. Afraid of having to admit I'm right?

>> No.4574494

It's not. but are you saying it's not a proponent?
We are basically trying to emulate the new progress in mapping the brain and basing an AI around it. I can't tell you how it works entirely.
Boy are you gonna feel like a cunt in a few years

>> No.4574496

Nothing. I was fairly competent at writing, but I've built up so much anxiety around it that I simply can't work with it anymore

>> No.4574498

What's your background in AI?

>> No.4574505

My background isn't in AI at all, it's not like I'm leading the project or something, I've made databases for the state hospitals and police.

>> No.4574508

I just returned your straw man, bby (i bet you are the kind that...)
the problem is you got so butthurt you had to do damage control to defend your lord and savior, so the center of the debate changed, naturally. If you are secure with it again we can go back to the initial subject :)

>> No.4574510

>What subject if any are you knowledgeable enough about that you could have and defend a position in in a legit patritian-intellectual debate?

I am experienced in explaining why 0.999... cannot be equal to 1.

>> No.4574516

It is, though

>> No.4574519

>I've made databases for the state hospitals and police.

Whoa dude, are you telling me you actually used the SQL command "create table"? Sure is advanced computer science in here.

>> No.4574527


>> No.4574525

>ad hominem

I'm still waiting for an argument from your side. I know you have none.

>> No.4574529

Prove it and I'll tell you why your proof is wrong.

>> No.4574531

No lol you faggot it's written right there 0.9999 isn't 1 because it is missing 0.1111111111, lol stupid kid

>> No.4574536

what is your answer to the infinite geometrical sequence sum argument?
(remodelate 0.999... as 9/10 + 9/100 + ...
apply infinite geometrical sum formula
equals 1)

>> No.4574538

Well, our "SQL Create Table" got us paid 200 million dollars just for the hospital work, so someone must appreciate it

>> No.4574540

From calculus we know [math]\lim_{x\to\infty}\left(1-\frac{1}{x}\right)^x=\frac{1}{e}[/math].

Consider the sequence [math]a_n = 10^n[/math].

Clearly [math]\lim_{n\to\infty}a_n=\infty[/math].

Therefore [math]\lim_{n\to\infty}\left(1-\frac{1}{a_n}\right)^{a_n}=\frac{1}{e}[/math].

But [math]\lim_{n\to\infty}\left(1-\frac{1}{10^n}\right)=0.999\ldots[/math].

So [math](0.999\ldots)^\infty=\frac{1}{e}\neq 1=1^\infty[/math].

[math]\Rightarrow~0.999\ldots\neq 1[/math]


>> No.4574541


>> No.4574543

It's not. It's missing 0.000000...

>> No.4574547


Is there anything by Prinz Pi as good as Keine Liebe?

>> No.4574550

Geometric series uses limits. It only shows that 1 is a limit point of 0.999... Limits are hypothetical points at infinity. 0.999.... will come infinitely close to 1 but never reach it.

>> No.4574556

Okay, but you're missing the bigger picture. The one where you're wrong.

>> No.4574558

Can you do this in MS paint?

>> No.4574559

Code monkey work is still a low tier service. There's also millions of moneys being spent on waste collection every year. That doesn't make it intellectually demanding.

>> No.4574565

x = 0.9999... *10
10x= 9.9999... - 0.999999...
9x=9.0 /10


>> No.4574566
File: 16 KB, 485x352, proof.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw no jsmath on /lit/

>> No.4574567

what are you trying to prove?

>> No.4574568

anything up to Donnerwetter is great. Neopunk was misunderstood. You might want to try Geschriebene Geschichte, it's a Best Of of his old stuff. But yes, Keine Liebe is by far his best song. Personally I also like Cyborg and Herren der Welt.

>> No.4574573

Whatever dude, I'm not saying I'm a genius, I'm saying I could defend a position in a position in a patrician intellectual debate. Because my record demands respect, not because I deserve it. I never said I'd defend my position well.

>> No.4574576

Not an equivalence and therefore not a proof. You cannot do it backwards. Like when you start with
x = 1
10x = 10
9x = 9.999... - 0.999...

How would you get to x = 0.999...?
Hint: You can't without circularly assuming it.

>> No.4574581

You said you were qualified to talk about AI. Obviously you aren't, if your only "argument" boils down to "I got paid money for code monkey work". Go back to your cave.

>> No.4574585

There's a difference between being "knowledgeable enough to defend a position" and being competent

>> No.4574586

It is different to say: you are idiot therefore you are wrong and you are wrong therefore you are an idiot.(if you read philosophy you probably wouldn't make such basic logic mistakes). I just showed that it was you that deviated the center of the debate and that was you that started with the straw man, so you cant complain when I answer in the same tone.
But lets get to it, shall we?
Show me how the scientific method will bring to us a new ethical code and answers to the unprecedented questions about biotechnology and bio-engineering such as, is it ethical to change or choose the genetic code of your offspring? How to deal, then, with the growing social difference it it would bring? Couldn't it create some new kind of social apartheid? (rich people only can afford it, so the social differences grow so much that become genetic differences and then we would have that the "haves" and "have-nots" become different species)

>> No.4574589

>this is what incompetent people actually believe

>> No.4574591

Yeah. Are you saying everyone who's been in a high profile debate has DESERVED to be there? Then you're incompetent too

>> No.4574594

OP was talking about "legit patritian-intellectual debates" and not talk show debates for the general public.

>> No.4574595

who's the best contemporary artist?

>> No.4574597

yeah no that's bullshit, by that same reasoning (1-1/x)^x -> 1^infty = 1
you can't just treat the x in 1/x and ^x as separate variables

also if 0.999... were different from 1 it'd be lower than 1 so necessarily 0.999...^infinity = 0

>> No.4574602

What's the most underrated Bach piece?

>> No.4574604
File: 36 KB, 281x423, moral-landscape1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It is different to say: you are idiot therefore you are wrong and you are wrong therefore you are an idiot.
Then why do you use the former while I use the latter?

>such basic logic mistakes
Obviously logic is another weakness of yours. Please take a course on formal logic.

>Show me how the scientific method will bring to us a new ethical code
Pic related. The neuroscientist Sam Harris proved that objective morality can and should be subject of science.

>> No.4574605

I assume you haven't been to many legit, scholarly debates then? they don't have a perfect track record either. Often inviting high ranking government official, people with "ethical" authority, and finally people like me.

>> No.4574606

>also if 0.999... were different from 1 it'd be lower than 1 so necessarily 0.999...^infinity = 0
This is true. 0.999...^infinity = 0.

>> No.4574612

How is that an argument in favor of philosophy? How are philosophers more qualified to talk about ethics and morality? Has philosophy ever objectively solved an ethical problem? No, it fucking hasn't and philosophers talking about ethics are simply talking out of their ass, using the typical "appeal to emotion" fallacies they always use. After all ethics is still solved by common sense and without needing to consult the pseudo-intellectualism of someone who studied philosophy.

>> No.4574615

I hate to break it to you, but if you ever got invited to a debate, then it wasn't because you are a good debater but only because they needed a clown, a laughingstock.

>> No.4574624

So we agree I could get invited to one.
I win

>> No.4574626

Well, I showed that you were the cause of the debate deviation, not me, then called you a butthurt idiot who was doing damage control (repeating myself: you opened with a straw man, I responded with one. You, unlike me, took it seriously and turned it into the centre of the debate).
Also, the idea of the thread is to show you can hold a discussion, not that you can namedrop books and outsource the debate to other people

>> No.4574635

Fucking what

>> No.4574643

I'm still waiting for you to post an argument that isn't ad hominem.

>> No.4574646

that's not what the pic says

>> No.4574655

>no academic jargon

you aint ready to play intellectual round these parts boy

>> No.4574656

It is an argument in favor of the limitations of the scientific method. I'd love to hear how it deals with ethics if namedrop guy over there would actually debate for a change.
The implicit idea is that, when the scientific method fails, philosophy enters. You are just showing off your ignorance on philosophy and ethics, really. Ethical problems can't be objectively answered,(is what i propose) just discussed endlessly. Thus, various philosophers and civilizations produced new ethical codes, correcting the mistakes of the past. Hopefully, this discussion is an ever-ascending spiral to a definitive truth. What philosophy can do is to show the limitations and contradictions of the actual model, thus inciting the discussion. Its not always about wrong and right answers, sometimes its about right questions

>> No.4574658

what the fuck
why would someone make something like this

>> No.4574662

>he thinks philosophy is about finding definitive truth

>> No.4574668

there were not ad-hominems in my last post.
Im still for a decent counter-argument that is not "hey read this book". Seriously, would you do that in an actual debate?

>> No.4574670
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>> No.4574683

>the limitations of the scientific method.
There are no limitations to the scientific method.

>Ethical problems can't be objectively answered,
Thanks for confirming that philosophy is bullshit and not helpful at solving problems. If anyone is gonna solve ethical questions, then it will be scientists applying rationality instead philosophical "muh feelings" bullshittery.

>> No.4574689
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But this one is the best

>> No.4574690

there's no objective way to discuss ethics. the minute you try to measure/quantify "ethics" is the minute you disregard other peoples notions of what ethics are. it's too ambiguous for science.

>> No.4574694

No I don't.
I hope that Hegel was right and the dialectic between ethical models will lead to ever-greater ethics. Its the same difference between saying that it is infinity and it goes to infinity

>> No.4574695

There is no debate going on here. I stated the fact that philosophy was made obsolete by science. Your immediate reaction was to cry and throw a tantrum. Not a single counterargument was to be seen from your side. I'm sorry to hear that you are too immature to participate in intellectual discourse among adults.

>> No.4574699
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Or this one

>> No.4574701

Then please tell me how philosophers are more qualified to talk about ethics. If all of ethics is just "muh feelings" and talking out of their ass, then how is someone with a degree in philosophy more qualified to do it than a random imbecile from the street?

>> No.4574702

So you think science can decide whether it's objectively better to do A or B? Really?

Do you know the trolley problem?

Three people tied to track A. One person tied to track B. Train is headed for track A. You can flip the switch and it will be diverted to track B. If you don't touch it, three people will die. If you flip the switch one person will die, but you will have killed them.

What do you do?

>> No.4574704

Who said about rationality and 'muh feelings'?
We can discuss ethics rationally, but based on our internal judge of what is right and wrong rather than with falsifiable hypothesis and experimentation

>> No.4574706

Link for moar?

>> No.4574711

>So you think science can decide whether it's objectively better to do A or B? Really?
Science can provide objective arguments while philosophy can only bring up subjective nonsense.

>Do you know the trolley problem?
Literally every problem in philosophy is "trolley" because philosophy is nothing but applied trolling.

>What do you do?
I'm doing science.

>> No.4574712

Yeah the thing is not that philosophers can tell more accurately what is right or wrong, but they can ask the questions that make the everyday imbecile think about it. Such ad the trolley problem someone posted

>> No.4574714

not all philosophers argue from feelings. some of them attempt to create axioms and develop principles grounded in those axioms.

personally i dont think philosophers are especially qualified to talk about ethics, but it so happens that philosophers/philosophy majors are more likely to have thought about and studied ethics.

>> No.4574720

Weight training, steroids, muscle growth and related factors.

>> No.4574723

I made the arguments, you chose to ignore and cherry-pick them.
Im going to continue to debate with the more intelligent and qualified people here, thanks a lot

>> No.4574724

>Science can provide objective arguments

>> No.4574725

>We can discuss ethics rationally
Obviously not. If we could, it would be science and not philosophy.

Every toddler can ask stupid questions. Again no philosophy needed.

>> No.4574728


>> No.4574730

>some of them attempt to create axioms
And what's the basis for their axioms? Irrational belief, not justified by scientific evidence.

Show me one argument you made. I don't see them ITT.

Do you even science?

>> No.4574732

>I'm doing science.
Please go to the philosophy department at you Uni -- which you probably go to a shit tier school --, gather up all the professors in the conference room, and say everything you said on here to them. See what happens.

>muh objectivity
>muh scientific method

>> No.4574735

Romans. Palatine hill is a speciality. I could probably hold a literal patrician debate. Not past the republic though

>> No.4574738

Me too. History at me. What tenets did the Ottoman empire establish as the basis of their 'A Great People' plan, and we're they, in your opinion, defensible in the time they were propounded?

>> No.4574741

Why would you try to speak with retards who just appeal to ridicule and circlejerk?

Philosophy is a fucking joke.

>> No.4574747

Post an argument or GTFO. Your faux ridicule doesn't hide the fact that you can't refute my point rationally.

And btw: I go to an elite university.

>> No.4574755

>Why would you try to speak with retards who just appeal to ridicule and circlejerk?
>Philosophy is a fucking joke.
Then you should have no difficulty refuting those "retards". Just wait until you see some professors walk into the department office and just tell them they're retards and science can prove ethics with "objectivity"

>> No.4574762

Hah, refuting? Refuting a retard who thinks fucking fossil is just a thought?

There is no reason to lend credibility to their shenanigans by arguing with them.

>> No.4574763

I have no problem refuting them. It's only them having an emotional problem with my superior arguments. When they flail their arms and start crying, there is not much to refute anymore.

>> No.4574764

stupid questions? Look at the trolley problem. It is precisely designed to undermine the idea that ethics are measurable. Makes us question the value of life, how much the consequence of our acts can determine the ethicalness of them a posteriori (if you do nothing and the guy later kills someone or cures cancer, was it more right or wrong?). There are a lot of non-trivial questions here a toddler couldn't formulate, or condense in a single problem.
Also, again. Its not about questions simply, but the right questions. The ones that turn explicit everything we believe blindly without being aware of it, and question the validity of these beliefs

>> No.4574772

>b-b-but its not le perfect information xDDD
>le how can you tell !

Philosophers are like failed fucking scientist. Got best grades out of my university philosophy classes and I didn't even open up a fucking course book let alone bought one.

just fucking ridiculed the teacher with whatever inane rambling i could gather from my mind and he was awed.

what a joke of a fucking 'science'

>> No.4574773

>Post an argument or GTFO.
Your disposition is puerile, and you are easily angered. Do you scream at your microscope when the scientific method fails you while that chinese biologist --TA-- sodomizes you? Are your friends just as big of man-childs as you are?

>> No.4574778

There is nothing deep in the trolley problem. It's an exercise in futile sophistry for children who want to waste their time with "hurr durr I can hold the edgy position if I try hard enough". How about you grow up and pay attention to the really important questions, i.e. science?

>> No.4574785

You never actually answered how science would solve the problem, and whether the scientific answer is to pull the lever or not to pull it.

>> No.4574786

>you are easily angered

I am rightfully annoyed by your infantile antics. This is an 18+ forum. Please be more mature.

>> No.4574791

>infantile antics
Stop projecting, m8.

>> No.4574793

Wait, which position is the edgy one?

I can see someone holding either position earnestly.

"I don't want to be a murderer" vs. "I want to save lives."

>> No.4574795

What is exactly the problem here.





>> No.4574799

Why don't you tell me how philosophy answers the question? What is the objective philosophical answer? If you use the trolley problem as an argument in favor of philosophy, then please demonstrate how philosophy can solve it. Show me where philosophy is needed in answering it. If the trolley problem literally just means every idiot can talk out of his ass about ethics and morality, then all you proved is how useless philosophy is.

>> No.4574803

They're tied to it.

Unless you're not that anon, but someone parodying him, in which case, try harder because it's hard to tell.

>> No.4574808


> i don't understand thought experiments
> and get a little colon chagrined about it

>> No.4574809

then I just fucking call the fucking train driver and tell him to stop the fuck up with my phone.

Fucking retards

>> No.4574810

I just showed it was. You just said it wasn't. This is not how a debate works.
I got that nagging feeling Im being trolled again, or you are all really stupid teens who get angry for nothing and cant hold a real discussion without resorting to infantile name-calling and lazy namedroping

>> No.4574814

>Call the state rail road company
>Ask them to stop the train


>hurr i cant make phone call too deep
Science solved it, make a fucking phone call retard.

>> No.4574812

You're dodging the question. You said science could solve problems like that. I asked you to support your claim. Now you're asking me to show proof of what philosophy can do. That's irrelevant. If neither science nor philosophy can do it, neither one can.

Can science? You said it could. So why aren't you solving it with the power of science?

>> No.4574818

Trains can't stop on a dime. Wait, where'd you get the train driver's phone number?

Oh, God... It was you all along! You put them there in the first place, didn't you? YOU MONSTER!

>> No.4574819

Is Russell correct in rejecting Frege's sense/reference distinction, on the grounds that, if reference is mediated by sense, we lose the idea of direct acquaintance and succumb to Descriptivism?

>hur hur Philosophy is stoopid

>> No.4574820

>infantile name-calling
>you are all really stupid teens who get angry for nothing and cant hold a real discussion

oh the irony

>> No.4574821

>Pick up a phone.
>Call the railroad network and tell them to shut the train from remote.

Not hard.

Science solved your shitty ass fucking dilemma but I guess you are too fucking stupid and will continue to ridicule people even more.

If you cant LE TELLL NO CANT TELL then fucking kill yourself and see if you die.

>> No.4574825

There's the matter of the time it takes to do that, and whether or not it's possible in the time you have.

Or did science make a time machine for you too?

>> No.4574826

bird law

>> No.4574827

>Where do you get the phone number
By fuckign calling the railroad company.

>> No.4574828

For the third time.
The philosophical work is not on the answer, but in the question

>> No.4574829

>You said science could solve problems like that.

No, I didn't. Are you reading impaired? I said philosophy is obsolete and your post is confirming it. Science answers all questions which can be answered. Everything left to philosophy is meaningless masturbatory pseudo-intellecutalism without basis in reality and without effects on our life.

>> No.4574834

postwar western literature

>> No.4574832

wow I was right, he is continuing his case of just ridiculing without any arguments when he has completely lost the argument to a fucking cellphone.

Another fucking coffin to the dead fucking shitty branch of literature named philospjhy

>> No.4574833


How do we distinguish negative from irrelevant evidence, if both match the hypothesis?

>muh scientific method

>> No.4574835

There is no merit in making up stupid questions. It requires no qualifications. I already told you any toddler can do it and does it.

>> No.4574837

>Everything left to philosophy is meaningless masturbatory pseudo-intellecutalism without basis in reality and without effects on our life.

This right here.

>> No.4574838

how is it ironic? Your side was the one who started screaming and shouting.

>> No.4574842

Nope. Read the thread and then go see a doctor. Eviently your short term memory is defective.

>> No.4574844

How can you investigate without some preconception of your object?

>muh objective reasoning

>> No.4574845

>implying it takes work to ridicule people with stupid situations.
gj lol m8

>> No.4574846

by investigating it with common sense.

I dont need to ridicule like a retard.

>> No.4574847

Mathematically expressed propositions are true of the world, but how to interpret them?

>muh science can explain the world

>> No.4574849
File: 34 KB, 500x467, 1392568719241.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How has it not explained the world?

Time to stop posting when you have no arguments.

>> No.4574852

The inference to observables and unobservables is almost the same, so why distinguish them?

>muh common sense

>> No.4574853

Mathematically modelling reality in order to gain testable predictions is the quintessence of science. You shot yourself in the foot, dimwit.

>> No.4574854

No, you tried to cheat an answer that would allow you to avoid making an ethical choice which is the purpose of the thought experiment. The train is right there, it takes about a mile for the train to come to a stop and it is less than a mile away. How does science solve this problem?

>> No.4574859
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>Cheat an answer
>how owuld science solve it: by phone.

Oh, I was right again, ignoring every answer and just more appeal to ridicule fallacies.

Yes, that works there too. Common sense of scientist. No retarded shitfling like you are doing. No need to get upset.

>> No.4574860


>Idk how to use my brain
>Idk what the word Interpret means

>> No.4574861

If you are all too dense to understand a simple problem and its ethical implications its not my fault.
Its A or B, you cant invent a new alternative ad hoc. By doing so you are just avoiding the question

>> No.4574865
File: 43 KB, 437x304, tom-cruisecomedy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Tom Cruise laughs at your shitty baits.

Continue to ridicule and do nothing else. Because thats what philosophy is.


>> No.4574866

lol yeah you could just use a phone to call schrodingers cat too "hello are u alive"

>> No.4574867

It is you who is incapable of using his/her brain. You are mentally stuck in the 19th century and you mindlessly recite your pseudo-intellectual philosphical thought experiments you memorized as a child. You can't think for yourself. That's why you can't into science.

>> No.4574868

You've confused science with technology. An easy mistake to make.

>> No.4574869

>common sense
wow, very scientific of you.

>> No.4574874


Does it just make people feel smart to transliterate this? Just call it mandarin for fuck's sake, it's needlessly confusing.

>> No.4574875


Dont even respond anymore if you cant do nothing but make up retarded rules and situations.

Yeah because science did not invent the little parts phone is made of retad.

>> No.4574877
File: 44 KB, 576x713, philosofaggotry.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>can't think outside the box
Why am I not surprised?

>too autistic for common sense
Why am I not surprised?

>> No.4574879

Scientists didn't invent those. Engineers did.

>> No.4574880

Should axiomatic truth be 'conservative' - not proving anything apart from implications of the axioms?

>> No.4574882


>lit version
>b--b-bbut you cant call in my retard scenario!!! please dont use anythign science can do to solve this problem with sceince

>> No.4574883

That's true, but don't give his shitty answer anymore validation. A train, even after the brake is applied, can take a mile (or more) to stop. If the train were any further away, obviously you could just untie everybody. The point is that it's RIGHT THERE and you have to make a choice. The train stopping isn't an option.

>> No.4574884

im asking how science can solve an ethical problem, not a technological one
also this

>> No.4574887

Ever heard of soundness and completeness? Please take a class on formal logic. You're embarrassing yourself.

>> No.4574889

Yeah because engineers surely did not use any sort of science :,)

There is no ethical problem when you save both.

>Stopping train isnt an option
Oh lord these goal posts keep on moving and moving on

>> No.4574890

Most people seem to forget that the cat can observe itself.

>> No.4574891

yeah because common sense was always right throughout history, right?

>> No.4574893

>train is barreling down the tracks straight ahead
>take out phone and call railroad company
>essentially made the choice to kill the four people straight ahead

yeah you didnt accomplish shit

>> No.4574894

>also this
>its more ridiculing

This is why nobody with self-esteem respects philosophers

>> No.4574895

>Ever heard of soundness and completeness? Please take a class on formal logic. You're embarrassing yourself.
You're an idiot. However, I am curious why you said this. Explain this in relation to axiomatic truth?

>> No.4574898

Show me when it wasn't right.

>> No.4574900

Wow if the train was already on them why do you keep nagging about your situation

because your appeal to ridicule is right? TOP KEK

>> No.4574902

>Oh lord these goal posts keep on moving and moving on

It's part of the original thought experiment that the train is right there. If you knew anything about trains (or science, funnily enough), you would know how fucking long they take to stop.

>> No.4574904

>There is no ethical problem when you save both
You said science can solve ethical problems, but didn't prove that. Instead, you showed how science would eliminate it
What are you going to do when science cant simply eliminate the problem and you have to deal with it?

>> No.4574905

itt: how to defeat philosophists


Now stop posting if you cant do nothing more but throwaway retarded scenarios.

if its right there they are dead, so why do you keep ridiculing with useless scenario which you set up for yourself to win?

see: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Appeal_to_ridicule

And learn to argue.

see: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Appeal_to_ridicule

>> No.4574906

We can use truth instead of ontologically loaded second-order comprehension assumptions about properties

>> No.4574914

well im just going to sit there in the center of the universe watching heavier objects fall faster than lighter ones

>> No.4574915

>if I concatenate many meaningless buzzwords in one sentence, they will believe I'm smart

>> No.4574916

>if its right there they are dead

did you already forget the experiment? you can pull a switch and change the track that the train is on to kill one person instead of four. if you were the man, would you pull the lever to kill one and save four or would you let four die?

>> No.4574919

Which are prior - thin concepts like right, good, ought; or thick concepts like kindness, equity etc.?

>> No.4574921

Because that is what scientist have come up with?


You lost.

and fuck off with your loaded questions which are rigged for your own good with train already on top of the dead people.

>> No.4574923

>being this vapid

>> No.4574924

>Which are prior

The scientific laws of nature.

>> No.4574928

>The scientific laws of nature.
>2014 avoiding questions like retards.

>> No.4574929

>and fuck off with your loaded questions which are rigged for your own good with train already on top of the dead people.

stop ridiculing me. check your privilege.

but also, how does science answer the question: is it right to kill one person in order to save more than one person's life? that's the whole point, sweetheart.

>> No.4574931

Fallacy fallacy
Also I didn't make an appeal to ridicule there.
Can we agree that science cant give an objective answer to what is more ethical, only, if we are lucky, eliminate the problem of what is more ethical?

>> No.4574935

It is not clear how the emotivist can accommodate the amoralist - one who recognizes moral requirements but is indifferent to them. Thus, How can emotivists explain someone who recognises morality but is indifferent to it?

>> No.4574940

Can we agree that philosophy cannot answer ethical questions and is therefore useless?

>> No.4574941

Is it true that to say an act is wrong makes no further statement about it, but merely expresses disapproval?

>> No.4574943

No, you lost.
scientists shouldn't use common sense as a tool to understanding the world, because scientists themselves proved it to be wrong repeatedly

>> No.4574948

"The whole of science is nothing more than the refinement of everyday thinking."
-- Albert Einstein

>> No.4574950

The mistake is to think we can prove what can only be seen directly in moral thinking

>> No.4574954

Almost there.
Philosophy can't answer them, but can make you think about it. Isn't this what we have been doing in this thread? ;)

>> No.4574956

Every toddler can make up pointless questions and frequently does so. No philosophy is needed to do that.

>> No.4574957

None, and I'm not even close in any to my knowledge.

I read to be better prepared, but it's taking a long time.

>> No.4574959

Common sense of scientist differs from retards.

It's like making up a mathetmical equation with too little information and cant be solved. It's retarded.

>I didnt make up.
You practically shit up a board and asked someone to clean after you. See above.

Not even philfags cant answer it because they gave up too little knowledge of it.

>> No.4574960

The effects of jerking off, smoking weed, and sitting around the house all day browsing the internet.

>> No.4574961

You forget these are manchilden ITT who needs people to tell them that smoking cigarettes dont make you gay.

>> No.4574962

Yeah, but to refine it you have to step away from it. Deny it. Contradict it.
That's what philosophy and science do. Show to us that our everyday thinking is not perfect, but fails in some places, and therefore can be improved.

>> No.4574966

Philosophy does nothing but >>4574956

>> No.4574968

i'd debate you on that as it is my specialist subject too.

>> No.4574973

But its not because a toddler can that you can do it too.
He can do it because he is not yet fully inserted in the symbolic reality. But you are too deep in it, so some ideas sound obvious and natural when they aren't.

>> No.4574976

Yes, I'm a mature adult. I don't need to engage in infantilism anymore.

>> No.4574984

to question common-sense is infantilism?
I thought we agreed that this was one of science's job

>> No.4574986

No, the toddler can do it because he is retarded.
Same with philosopher.

>> No.4574988

Video games, video games as art, philosophy of video games, etc.

>> No.4574989

Of course, ideology (read as common-sense) makes it so that everyone that question it is considered a retard.
People called Galileo retarded too.

>> No.4574990


Wittgensteinian aesthetics/ethics

>> No.4574992

If you really think that's what philosophy consists of then you're a fucking idiot.

>> No.4574997

>if u disagree, I'll call u stoooooopid

Thanks for confirming the infantile mentality of they typical philosopher.

>> No.4574998

You are so correct, I don't understand why everyone is getting so worked up about it.

>> No.4575010

It's easier to see this way:
x = 1/9 = 0.111...
9x = 9 * 0.111... = 0.999...
but 9x = 9/9 = 1
so 0.999... = 1

>> No.4575016

>circular reasoning

The first line cannot be proven to be true without already assuming 0.999... = 1.

>> No.4575019

divide 1 by 9 by long division. You will see 0.11111111111111............

>> No.4575025

Give samples of your expertise, guys.

Who are the best lolis? Thoughts on 3d lolis?

>> No.4575028

We are talking math here, not elementary school level "do what your teacher told you without questioning it". In math we PROVE things. The fact that long division works needs to be proven and the proof requires 0.999... = 1 as an assumption.

>> No.4575032

>long division

How old are you? 6?

>> No.4575033

Please share with us your secret techniques and how long each session should take.

>> No.4575034

That's a feature, not a bug.

To put your statement in another way: to deny that 0.999... = 1, you have to deny that 1/9=.111... which is something that's ridiculous to deny (what other representation does 1/9 have? what else does it equal?).

>> No.4575038

Long division does not require 0.999... = 1 as an assumption.
I was drawing attention to how simple it is to see 1/9 = 0.111...

>> No.4575041

This thread has shown no othe rpurpose for philosophy

>> No.4575043

>which is something that's ridiculous to deny
Math doesn't care about your fallacies. Either you can prove your statement or you can't.

>what other representation does 1/9 have?
1/9 is a good representation and absolutely nothing in the axioms of the real numbers necessitates decimal representations. Decimals are an additional feature and their validity requires proof.

If your math education stopped in 4th grade, then please don't have the audacity to shit up the thread by spreading anti-intellectualism.

>> No.4575047

Listen here, nigger: philosophy is the art of the individual and the declaration of war between individual minds. The greatest philosophy of a civilization is the indication of its greatest individuals. A civilization without philosophy is like the United States, it has no self-awareness, no means of properly understanding its future (because it doesn't understand the past or the present), no truly great individuals, and is liable to grow too fast, become unmanageable, and collapse, like the States probably will.

Philosophy is NOT simply the questioning of ethical problems. That is philosophy of the third-rate brain. Only morons remain concerned about good and evil/right and wrong like this is a problem, like it hasn't been understood and "solved" already centuries ago. If you're still confused about morality and are looking for some kind of guidance like a religious tool then you're already tiers below the greatest philosophers.

>> No.4575048

Can you prove why decimal representations work? Do it right now, asshole! Don't deflect by saying "google it". If you don't know how to prove it, then don't talk out of your ass. You are lacking the math education to talk about the subject.

>> No.4575049

How to gain similar expertise as yours in psychology and neurology? Can you rec some insightful papers/books to read in these fields?

>> No.4575053

He doesn't know shit about psychology or neurology. Just look at his picture. He's clearly a role playing underageb&.

>> No.4575056

>getting mad at Hitler references

Go waste your crocodile tears to jews

>> No.4575057

Holocaust denial. I wreck believers on a daily basis

>> No.4575060

The progenitors of the OuLiPo literary movement, mainly Raymond Queneau and Georges Perec and specifically the works of the latter.

$30,000 education and my area of interest doesn't apply to jack shit.

>> No.4575076
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>Getting mad a hitler pics

>> No.4575077

The merits of using decimal doesn't matter here. In decimals, we get 1/9 = 0.111..., and in this leads us to say 0.999... = 1 with decimals. This is just a quirk of how the system works. What more do you want? Why are you so hostile?

>> No.4575080

>In decimals, we get 1/9 = 0.111...

Prove it. Prove it rigorously.

>> No.4575085


Present to us your chops then, enlightened one.

>> No.4575087

>this leads us to say 0.999... = 1 with decimals.
And this is why decimals are flawed.

>> No.4575096

I would love to hear this, not because I don't believe you, but because I'd really like to see some concrete reasoning/evidence that denies it.

>> No.4575098

0.111... is not exactly = 1/9

only in approximation

>> No.4575100

Go on. Explain. I'd love to see you burn these lies into your puny little brain, until some day you accidentally talk that bullshit offline IRL and you'll never ever get a job again.

>> No.4575115

>Getting mad at Hitler pic on 4chan
>Such generalization from a single reaction picture
I'd rather just wait to find out if he knows his shit by looking at the recs he posts. It'd be more informative than your post too.

>> No.4575118

It wouldn't be that surprising if at least some of the Holocaust turned out bullshit.

>> No.4575127

Probably is considering the Holocaust laws at Europe.

Really fishy.

>> No.4575129

I know it sounds childish, but you can do the long division. 0.111 is an approximation, not 0.111.... Literally all 1/9 = 0.111... is saying is that the 1s will repeatedly come out in decimal representation.
... it is clear this goes on.

>> No.4575136

I forgot leading spaces are removed. Anyway I'm done with this shit.

>> No.4575138

I'm not that guy (this is my first post here), but it can be proven, given the definition of repeating decimals. Which none of you even mentioned.
Mathematicians do not use repeating decimals because they are childish. But if one should define them, the definition would be obvious, a repeating decimal number would be understood as a limit of infinite sequence. I mean,
1.232323... = 1.(23) = limit of sum 1 + 0.2 + 0.03 + 0.002 + 0.0003 + 0.00002 + 0.000003 + ...

This, of course, is not a rigorous definition, but the idea is obvious.

So in case of 0.1111... that would be
0.1111... = limit of sum (0.1/i) where i = 1 to infinity

The limit of this sum is 1/9.

Stop being stupid. Do you at least know how things in mathematics work? Do you know a definition of real numbers? Limit? Limit of infinite sum?

>> No.4575152

>I forgot leading spaces are removed.
>not being able to triforce


>> No.4575154
File: 42 KB, 485x637, one zeno.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>4575129 et al
>this math discussion.

People. The answer lies in using binary.
In binary, 1/1 = 0.111111... = 1
Pic most definitely related

>> No.4575164

      as in I wasn't even thinking about it.
Thank you, jesus fucking christ.

Actually out now.

>> No.4575167

Are you brain damaged or something? It has already been said ITT that long division doesn't mean shit unless you know why it works. If you don't understand where the validity of decimal representations comes from, then your argument is nothing other than "hurr durr I believe it because I was told to believe it". That's not how math works.

>> No.4575170
File: 239 KB, 511x428, feel mickey.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the knowledge of >tfwngf

>> No.4575171

The continuum hypothesis being untrue would make that assumption impossible.

>> No.4575172

>implying the number is equal to its limit

0.999... will be 1 in the limit but never in reality. It comes close but it never actually touches 1. Just like 1/n will get small but never 0.

>> No.4575174

>This, of course, is not a rigorous definition

Then why even post it? You contributed nothing but another shitpost.

>> No.4575177

>0.1111... = limit of sum (0.1/i) where i = 1 to infinity
Ooops, a mistake. Should be:
>0.1111... = limit of sum (1/(10^i)) where i = 1 to infinity

Just remember, the real numbers themselves are defined as equivalence classes of Cauchy sequences. Just look at repeating decimals as a way of representing as infinite sequence. And it will be obvious that 1 and 0.9999 is the same number.

I mean, c'mon. This is Mathematics 101. Are any of you even students in STEM?

>> No.4575185

Unfortunately video games, though my interest in vidya has faded. I am decent with Computer, programming, and movies. Hopefully in a few years I will feel comfortable discussing literature

>> No.4575187


You guys are worse than /sci/

for anyone who's taken beyond high school math, I just have to believe that people in these threads don't take anything seriously

Nobody's that stupid

But in case you were serious that's not what the continuum hypothesis says at all holy shit non-cantorian set theory has no bearing over any of this are you brain damaged or something

>> No.4575194

Look at babby being proud of having taken his first semester analysis course.

>> No.4575215

I did not give you a rigorous definition because anyone with half a brain and Mathematics 101 course from university would be able to recreate the rigorous definition from the example. It was just a more convenient way to state it.

I could continue this discussion, but I am not sure that I am speaking to a person who can understand me right now (and to explain all the mathematics involved here would take me too much time). So I will ask you:
>Do you know the definition of real numbers (preferably the definition of real numbers as Cauchy sequence equivalence classes, not the other equivalent definitions)?
>Do you know a definition of a limit and limit of an infinite sequence?

If you do, please tell me so and I will continue the discussion. If you do not, please also tell me, so that I wouldn't have to wait and expect your answer.
I'm sorry, but if the latter is the case, it would take me too much time to explain all the stuff needed to understand what is a number and why 0.9999... and 1 are two ways of representing the same number.

>> No.4575227

What's your level of math education?

>> No.4575231
File: 45 KB, 350x349, 1392575271789.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying they were a babby once

>> No.4575234

Not this guy bur I'm Ph.D student in pure math at University of Torronto and this guy is basically right.

>> No.4575238

If you are one of those people who understand the idiocity of this discussion and remain silent just because it would be pointless to get involved, kudos for you.

I know I should do the same, but this is my itchy spot. People who have no understanding of the fundaments of mathematics and try to prove these kind of things annoy me with no end for some reason.
I feel incredibly stupid for involving in the discussion. I'm sorry, I should know better.

>> No.4575241

What's your PhD thesis about?

>> No.4575244

New school and golden age hip-hop
Most forms/eras techno (not that big of an expert on proto-techno/Detroit electro or the hardcore techno spin-offs, that is including the early Berlin scene and new beat)

>> No.4575250

Up to PhD I was really mad about spectral graph theory now I'm rather working on knot theory.

>> No.4575278

A second year student of Mathematics.

>> No.4575285

Sup UofT buddy

You're one of those fuckers who gets to check books out for 200 years

>> No.4575288
File: 185 KB, 356x355, 1378421591629.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If it really happened, then why can't they speak anything against the 6 bazillion narrative? The truth shouldn't fear scruitiny

>> No.4575289

What book would you recommend on these topics?

>> No.4575296

Ya know, generally I hate pol shit, but this is a valid point

>> No.4575297

Go back to undergrad pleb land and stay there.

>> No.4575299


>tfw I struggle with undergrad math

Why am I so stupid ;_;

>> No.4575304

Ok, I'll do just that.
But to be sure, you are not one of those guys who claim that 0.999... is not equal to 1, are you?

>> No.4575312

>But to be sure, you are not one of those guys who claim that 0.999... is not equal to 1, are you?

No, I'm not a guy.

>> No.4575319

Idk whether you are really interested or just checking me but I'll answer
Firstly good to have a solid basis of algebraic topology. it is really fun to do all the basic surgery of manifolds like cutting, gluing and so on (if you are not really into math type topology or manifold youtube). I'd recommend classic Hatcher's "Algebraic Topology" for that. Now a good reference for the classical knot theory is Rolfsen's "Knot theory", there is also an introductory book by Kawauchi "Surveys in knot theory". A more difficult book is "Algebraic methods in knot theory" by J. Hillman. There is also an excellent book by N. Savieliev "Introduction to Casson invariants", which can be used as an introduction to knot theory from 3-dimensional point of view. Check at least last one/

>> No.4575324

>studying useless shit about knots
enjoy unemployment

>> No.4575331

Well, biopolitics, philosophy of history, law, feminism, post-colonial studies and race studies

I can argue on masters-level about existencialism and phenomenology but meh

>> No.4575334

Thanks. I read Hatcher's book two years ago and I didn't really like it. Fortunately I found a more rigorous algebraic topology intro somewhere else. Will definitely check out the knot theory books.

Anything you can recommend on spectral graph theory?

>> No.4575336

Oh, up till now I thought that the word 'guy' can be used to refer to people of either gender (though used more rarely for females)
I apologize.

>> No.4575341

He could work at scout camps.

>> No.4575342

(I've thought the same. You're not crazy)

>> No.4575346

>I read Hatcher's book two years ago and I didn't really like it.

>> No.4575352

What did I do there??

>> No.4575365

Stop oppressing me!

>> No.4575371


Sorry, I'm currently finishing up my thesis and I guess I've grown used to writing the former.

>> No.4575412

Man, I need to watch Gattaca again.

>> No.4575437

word. Starcraft (I and II) are probably the only things I could discuss knowledgeably.

Not LoL though, don't know shit about that babby game.

>> No.4575448

Human culture to disprove the paranormal.

>> No.4575451

Public adulteration via film from the 1940s to present
Theatre and its purpose in today's societies
Cannabis and its chemical physiological affects on brain function modern day misconception abuse and use and application to medicine
Symbolism in literature all literature as applicable to reflections of culture in which it was conceived
Electric universe theory string theory, quantum physics and sacred geometry
Culinary arts
Systems of delegation and management with supposed affluence based on implied contexts in which they are utilized

>> No.4575803

.9999... can only symbolically be made into 1, which can be practically analogized to the way computation requires 0! = 1 for the gamma function and its ilk. this is an exercise in reconciling the mathematical framework, however, and is best suited for use with software engineers to remove susceptibility to breakdown for non-fuzzy-logic fluent machines, i.e. those who subscribe blindly to scientism.

also, the idea that .9999... = 1 is a perfect example of why math and science need philosophy.

this is because dogmatic (read: those who don't aspire to actually significantly contributing to their field rather than just using it as a means of self-validation and the propping up of existential certainty) mathers and sciencers have a hard time thinking outside their frameworks but philosophy is ipso facto sans framework because the refutation of its framework is the crux of its framework.

this lack of certainty in a materially-coercive time-constraint-laden world makes people uncomfortable, leading to attacks of philosophy in lieu of doing actual science.

also, dat tarski dat godel dat kripke dat feyerabend dat pragmatism masterrace

also, dat dis discussion is dumb in the first place and i hate myself for involving myself in it.

finally >>4575319

kek. nice copypasta.

this caustically condescending and passive aggressive message was made possible by contributions to your resident actuality synthesizer (read: bullshit detector) by posters like you. thank you.

>> No.4575825


>inb4 adhom
the inclusion of "ur a fuckhead" next to my ps and qs isnt inherent to my ps and qs

>> No.4575830

>inb4 adhom was in my ps and qs
yes, actually, some of it was as i appealed to psychology in a sense. i'll concede to your point inb4!

i'm still right

>> No.4576072

Star Wars and comics history. Did anyone else waste the earliest years of their youth studying a subject that wouldn't help them in the slightest once they came of age?

>> No.4576094

>he really is a man of the people
every damn time.