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/lit/ - Literature

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4573871 No.4573871 [Reply] [Original]

>I just LOOOOVE writing but I hate reading

Have you ever encountered this type of men-children? I've actually heard this shit 3 times over the last 2 weeks, I'm not even joking

>> No.4573876

Not really. That would be like someone who loves writing music but hates listening to music.

>> No.4573877

I don't think you can read and write at the same time.

>> No.4573886

>this type of men-children

>> No.4573912

I love writing and reading, but I have found that I read less and less lately. I'm not sure why.

>> No.4573921
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>Formulating opinions without cultivating wisdom.

Welcome to the Land of Opportunity.

>> No.4573982

Being a reader comes with being a good writer. But most of these guys and gals are just losers with an inflated ego.

>> No.4574000

I used to feel the same way, OP, but as time has passed I've started to get it. Writing holds my attention because it's an active process. But reading is so passive in comparison. It takes a lot of patience for me to sit down and stare at page after page when every bone in my body wants to get up and do.

But you absolutely cannot write for shit if you don't read. That's as reliable a rule as you'll ever find.

>> No.4574006

The trick is to make reading an active process. Me personally, I like to settle in and take careful count of every word, and introspect as i relate to the characters and situations, learning about myself and the author as i read. Makes it something special.

>> No.4574010

I do that to an extent, but the problem for me is that with that introspection and relation, one thought leads to another leads to another, and before I know it I'm thinking about something totally unrelated and haven't read a word in a minute or two.

>> No.4574014

Lol just do it one at a time, once you finish a chapter or something and then write down the impressions you got and the details you liked. Then carry on from there.

>> No.4574040

Books must take forever for you?

>> No.4574050

Not really, but when was it ever about speed?

>> No.4574051

They do. Well, compared to other /lit/izens, they do, but the average reader isn't exactly quick to begin with.

>> No.4574064

Oh, believe me I do. He has this facade of a victim and is a twat who wants to constantly label himself (Myer Briggs, Music Genre subculture etc.). It only took me to realize that he wanted to pursue writing without wanting to read that he was a self-centered insufferable cunt.

My god. Wow. Do I hate that guy, or what.

>> No.4574075

I was like that when I was 15.

Once I started reading more I realized how shit my writing actually was.

>> No.4574087


I know this guy who thinks dirty realism is the freshest shit in literature because he only read a novel by Bukowski, he's confessed to not reading because he's afraid "his writing would turn unoriginal". He's written like 3 novels and people actually buy them.

>> No.4574166


You can do so many with that realization though.

>> No.4574252

I'll admit, I go on /lit/ and write more than I read, but I never claim to be a literary genius and I understand the importance and enjoyment of reading. I've seen enough terrible fan fiction to understand the importance of exploring authors, reading both simple and complicated works, and practising.

A lot of the time I don't feel comfortable with reading because my room doesn't have chairs, and the other places in my house are eerie and uncomfortable to read in. Also, I find it hard to start reading but when I start I have trouble putting the book down.

I'm not a great writer and that's why I'm trying to read more.

>> No.4574255

The fact that you regularly find yourself in social situations with such people says a lot about you

>having friends IRL

stay pleb

>> No.4574295

>A lot of the time I don't feel comfortable with reading because my room doesn't have chairs, and the other places in my house are eerie and uncomfortable to read in. Also, I find it hard to start reading but when I start I have trouble putting the book down.

Try going to a cafe or finding a park or something. I love reading out in the fresh air, my reading frequency has increased immensely since I started reading outside (just don't forget your sun protection).

>> No.4575770

I would love to read outside, but it's February and I live in Canada. I have to wait until late march before I have that luxury.

>> No.4575777

i love reading but i hate writing

>> No.4575783

It's the same thing as

>I love acting but I hate watching plays

It's really just "I love it when people pay attention to me, but I hate paying attention to other people. It's just people trying to pass off narcissism as legitimate passion

>> No.4575797

Thats how I read. It takes me a while to get through a book but I think I get more out of it. Isnt that the point?

>> No.4575800


That's obviously stupid but it's also stupid to spend way more time on reading than writing if you want to be a writer. Then you'll end up like the sad cunts who read so much that they're afraid to write anything because they have to consider all the things they've read about before they write.

>> No.4575802

doesn't reading outside make you feel like a douche though?

>> No.4575804

No, but that would explain a lot about fan fiction.

>> No.4575813

How is it any less douchy than playing iphone games, listening to loud music or jabbering away on a phone?

I'd much rather sit next to someone on a park bench or bus if they were reading rather than doing more intrusive activities.

>> No.4575817

I'm exactly like that. Any time I write I compare it to Hemingway or Joyce, or, Dostoyevsky.

>> No.4575829
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>on the train
>carriage to myself
>reading in the warmth
>unearthly looking couple and their mutt come and sit near me
>dog climbs up on the chair next to me
>man sits adjacent and opposite me, kicking his feet up on the seat to displace the dog
>well, that's something I think
>continue reading in relative silence
>the man keeps making odd movements that catches my eye
>trying not to get distracted
>can't resist any longer
>stare him down
>he's sitting there with his tongue out, derange mutt on his lap, taking, what I believe they are calling a 'selfie'

>> No.4575834


Then you've let the giants of the past anchor you to the ground instead of climbing, scratching, tearing and stomping on their wide and roomy shoulders.

No matter how much you read, your first material is always gonna be shit. So you might as well start producing shit now to give yourself more time to salvage it later on.

>> No.4575835

You wouldn't go to the park and sit down on a bench just to play candy crush though.
But yeah, you got a point. I'll shut up now.

>> No.4575991

Nick Cave claims to not enjoy listening to music but he has made a dozen amazing albums.

>> No.4576002


It's not so much that you compare yourself to the other writers, its that you are worried about unintentionally stealing plot points and characters.

>> No.4576036

You have to read in order to write. There's no getting around that.

>> No.4576323

i have heard
" i dont read"
when people tell me that i automatically assume they are stupid

>> No.4576443

I know a chick at school that looooves to write poetry, but doesn't read any.
Needless to say her poetry is awful.

>> No.4576444

That's different, because once you've learned to play an instrument and understand the basics of music theory you can make your own music based on the rhythms, patterns and stuff that you had to learn to practice the instrument(s).

>> No.4576463

The same could be for writing

>> No.4576515

Not really. Reading is an essential skill, and easier to learn than playing music, so someone could have a grasp of grammar and structure without having ever read a book since Superfudge in 4th grade. Obviously this isn't common, but someone could (and many do) go through the entirety of the school system without absorbing any literary technique.

Learning music is a far more rigorous process and requires conscious effort, so much that you can't become proficient with an instrument without absorbing some of the techniques required to make music.

Does that make any sense?

>> No.4577021


Why would it? Reading is just about the most passive, unobtrusive outdoor activity there is.

>> No.4577627

nigga have you ever read outside on a fall day
cool wind blowing through your hair, the leaves rustling around shits straight up cash

>> No.4577673

yes but how about
>well i guess i'm a creative and artistic type but i don't read much since i have ADHD

>> No.4577869

>I love playing basketball but I hate watching it
Wot a fukin pleb amirite m7?

>> No.4577906

The worst is when people assume that you write BECAUSE you read.

You don't have to. I know, it's amazing, I might have even blown a couple of minds here with this shit.

>> No.4578034


I do this. I'm sorry OP, but I actually like writing and it shouldn't be that much of a problem. (disclaimer: I do not necessarily hate Reading, and I read the hot opinions of guys like you for hours on end, but I seldom pick up the classics).

>> No.4578051

I have something similar. It's not that I hate reading, if the story isn't interesting enough to caught me at the very beginning, I just can't see myself finishing it.

Hence why I only read short stories.

>> No.4578083

Many of the "classics" were just the "big brother" of their day, cheap enternainment or intellectual masturbation.

You can write without reading, it's no problem.

>> No.4578125
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God, shut the fuck up. I have no doubt in my mind this is either coming from a college freshman, a sociopath upperclassman, or a neet. Nice job using "intellectual masturbation" too, never heard that phrase used before to describe something someone doesn't understand. You don't have to suck the classics' dick, but christ almighty at least give them the benefit of the doubt that they're something you don't understand. Brilliant people spend their lives studying these materials but I'm supposed to trust an anonymous autist on the internet who read hamlet in high school and got halfway through the iliad before getting too bored. Jesus christ. It's like you feel threatened by the fact that you don't understand or like these works so you have to undercut them, but its laughable. Please, please, shut the fuck up and read more.


>> No.4578128

the iliad is boring shit tho

>> No.4578196

>Brilliant people spend their lives studying these materials

Yes, that's whats meant by intellectual masturbation. You have to actually have one to stroke it. What, you think being smart gives you immunity to criticism? Fuck right off. Smart people are a fucking dime a dozen, and the well known ones are mostly pricks. I'll reserve my respect for the ones that managed to channel their behaviour into things that aren't frivolous activities.

>> No.4578234

>brilliant people
>spend their lives studying these materials

pick one

>> No.4578282

>describe something someone doesn't understand
>they're something you don't understand
>the fact that you don't understand

Not even that guy, but this is a silly assumption only made worse by the fact you repeat it over and over.

>> No.4578305

That's an interesting idea. Care to elaborate?

>> No.4578325

That feel when I'm the opposite way around. Every time I try to write anything, I end up hating it three pages in. How do you people manage to not hate everything you write?

>> No.4578395

I do exactly the same thing. Occasionally I might write something I like and keep it but usually I think it's pretentious and delete it.

>> No.4578465

Why you neets think that writing once in ever "when you are in the mood" will produce a literary masterpiece? Lower your fucking standards and learn to cope with the fact that good writing is a feat that only comes with time and excruciating daily practices.

>> No.4578514

I don't know what you are saying.

>> No.4578518

I was like that too. Now I've read so much that I find it hard to write since now I'm comparing everything I read to all the greats and get frustrated when I can't match what they did.

>> No.4578527

They allow dogs on trains where you live? Also they have seats that face each other? Are you European?