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/lit/ - Literature

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457239 No.457239 [Reply] [Original]

Strange days here in Santa Fe. One night we get a blizzard that dumps six inches of snow on us, the next day is so bright and warm that the snow is gone by noon. Many grey days, damp, overcast, chilly without being freezing. Winter is holding on.

I cannot seem to shake this crud. Taking vitamin D and C, taking various cold remedies and allergy meds, and all of them help, but I'm still congested and coughing. It's more annoying than anything else. The worst part is how tired it makes me feel. Just when I most need to be shifting into high gear, I have no bloody energy. Not much good work getting done.

Ty is on vacation too, visiting Minnesota with his lovely wife. So stuff is piling up here, and I seem further behind with every passing day.

Plus bad news on various fronts that I cannot talk about.

Ah, don't mind me. I'm just in a fool mood.

I'm going back to the DANCE. I need to kill someone.

>> No.457248

Eddard Stark dies at the end of Game of Thrones.

>> No.457267

khal drogo

>> No.457270

Hopefully Arya and then Jon Snow. Fuck the Starks.

>> No.457303
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This bitch.

>> No.457318

Keeping her alive and powerless would be more of a punishment.

>> No.457315

>>I cannot seem to shake this crud. Taking vitamin D and C, taking various cold remedies and allergy meds, and all of them help, but I'm still congested and coughing.


>> No.457321 [DELETED] 

>implying Jon Snow isn't a Targaryen

>> No.457331 [DELETED] 

>implying you weren't trolled

>> No.457337 [DELETED] 

>implying anyone in this thread has been trolled

>> No.457343 [DELETED] 

Implying Eddard Stark doesn't die in the end of the first book.

>> No.457350

He doesn't. His headless body returns in AFfC.

>> No.457367


The sex scene with headless Ned and zombie Catelynn was a little weird.

>> No.457374

Sansha doesn't believe the head is Ned's
Cat thinks the bones are not Ned's
The thing he says before he dies doesn't sound like something Ned would say.
His death isn't actually witnessed by any POV character.

>> No.457380
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>> No.457392
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>> No.457393


i noticed that too

>> No.457396


>> No.457406

That weather is normal for New Mexico. I wouldn't consider that too strange, honestly. It'll be raining on one side of the street and sunny and dry on the other.

>> No.457428

Benjen, you silly goose.

>> No.457577

Nigger, you are reading a Song of Ice and Fire, and that, would make too much fucking sense.

>> No.457696

Which is why it's so brilliant.

>> No.457759


>> No.457798
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>> No.457845

Starks suck Lannisters suck Targaryens suck

>> No.457858
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>> No.457889
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Fuck your shit.

>> No.457890

I was considering starting to read this series, but I'm worried that once I do, the author will die before he completes his final work. What should I do?

>> No.457901

Stop being a pussy and read it.

>> No.457904

Read the first 3.
Wait to see if Dance ever comes out, when it does, start Feast.

>> No.457911

Dude needs to kill Catelyn off again. Goddamn, why did he bring her back?

>> No.457937

House Bolton is fucking scary

>> No.457946

I want to see more Theon, he was my absolute favorite character in the first couple books.

>> No.457971

Really? I absolutely hated him.

>> No.457974
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I like Stark, but goddamn, I just got to respect Bolton.

>> No.457982


Not really. Just sneaky and underhanded.

>> No.457991


Oh, I hope not.

I am rather fond of her.

>> No.457995


Same! I loved him.

I got confused at the end of Clash of Kings, and thought he had died. Confused the Hell out of me for a while.

>> No.458030

i don't know about favourite character but i really related to him and his dual feelings of grandeur and impotence

i really really wanted to see him get some sort of redemption and that whole part about him almost giving himself up and joining the night's watch before ramsay just came and fucked everything up was horrendously cruel

i still hope man

>> No.458056 [DELETED] 
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>All chapters devoted to Tyrion
>My face

>> No.458089
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Whatever, faggot

>> No.458114

Go back to fucking the sand covered pussy of your people.

>> No.458129
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>> No.458257
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Itll prolly just be Jaime.

cant be dany or jon, coz their storylines would die w/o them.

>> No.458284
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I'd really like a prequel telling about Robert's rise to power.

>> No.458288

Anyone here who wouldn't fuck the shit out of Cersei Lannister? (especially while she is wearing the crown, fuck yeah)

>> No.458317


>> No.458324


A sexy blond slut into wincest who craves power, man it would feel good to rape the shit out of her doggy-style.

>> No.458340

Who jerked it to Dany's first lesbian thing

also to Jaime and Cersei in the Sept

/raises hand

>> No.458358

I didn't really jerk it TO it, but I was so hot and bothered by those scenes that I just had to rub one out.

>> No.458368


More like Cersei and Taena

>> No.458374

I've jerked it to almost every sex seen in the book. Cersei lesbian scene where she was talking about how she ate Robert's sperm was hot as hell.

>> No.458383

Don't forget Theon Greyjoy and his salt wife while traveling to the Iron Islands.

>> No.458390

I just wish Theon and Asha would get it on some more

>> No.458397

Is this lesbian scene in A Feast For Crows? I may just be motivated to finish reading it

>> No.458400


Now you realize that they are all fictional characters created by a man that weighs twice as much as you, with neckbeard and one that will die without finishing asoiaf.

Don't get me wrong, but if he doesn't finish the series I'll go and take a shit on his grave. Fucking loved his books.

>> No.458409

They might be fictional but with GRRM's writing I know them better than any female I know irl, so yeah...

>> No.458416

That is pathetic. but me too

>> No.458434
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>> No.458441

Wow litfags, you got me there oO. I thought I was a geek, but I don't have it that bad.

Anyways, I remember a hot summer day a few years ago, I think it was like 2003 or 2004 and I was reading one of GRRMs books from the A Song of... series, really getting into it. A few months later I got more books, Storm of Swords etc. (books 2-3) and a year or two later I got Feast for the Crows and I thought that I must be living a magical time of my life, since my favorite author is publishing his opus magnum as we speak. It won't be like reading LotR, because Tolkien's all rotted through and through.

One day I went to his website. I saw promises of DwD and... here I am now, it's been 4 years, /lit/, and I'm still waiting for that fucking book.

>> No.458455

rule 34 on Renly and Loras?

>> No.458464

More like rule 34 for Sansa, or at least Catelyn (I want to have sex with her cut throat)

>> No.458479

I'm on page 500 or so of Storm of Swords right now and it is really fucking boring so far. Game of Thrones was awesome and Clash was epic, but I feel like I have to force myself through these goddamn Catelyn, Sansa, Arya, Bran, Jon, and Daenerys chapters. Please tell me it gets better.

>> No.458482

Do you know how many 900+ page books Steven Erikson wrote in the time it took GRRM to do AFFC? Four. Do you know how many other doorstoppers he's done since then? Four again. He'll have his tenth and final novel in the Malazan Book of the Fallen out before ADWD is even proofread. And as much as I'm a massive Erikson fanboy I think that's kind of a shame, as GRRM is pretty sweet and I'd like to read more of ASOIAF. Still, I do actually get new books in my favourite series every year so I'm not exactly torn up about it.

>> No.458494

There sex scenes in the Malazan books?

>> No.458512

The last half is fucking amazing, way better than the other books in my opinion.

>> No.458522

Some explicit ones later in the series, but it's lacking in teenager sex scenes throughout.

>> No.458532

I read Gardens of the Moon, and I was wondering if the books tie into each other or if they are all standalone.

>> No.458560

They do, it just alternates between the three major continents which most of the action happens on between novels. 1, 3 and 8 are on one continent, 2, 4 and 6 on a different continent with some old but mostly new characters, and 5 (set either just before or parallel to 1), 7, 9 and 10 are all on the endgame continent.

There's a shitton of storylines but out of the two I give a shit about, one is ending in 10 and the other in one of the two trilogies being written after the Book of the Fallen is finished.

>> No.458564


dont even bitch, i started in 1999.

i've been waiting a decade for teh completed book 4 (AFFC and DwD are one book if anyone didnt know)

TEN YEARS. but w/e there's a million great fantasy novels around, this aint the best. Recluse FTW~!

>> No.458568

they tie into eachother massively, as in, epic fucking revolutions of the entire world, fuuuuuuuuuuck malazan book of the fallen is so badass.

I saw a neckbeard reading robert jordan at work the other day, i chuckled.

>> No.458588

Is there badass wizardry in all of the books?

>> No.458627

>All chapters devoted to Littlefinger.
>Book of the decade.

>> No.458635

Fuck yes there is. You've got High Mages blowing the fuck out of flying mountains, you've got Elder Goddesses punching dragons to death, you've got high explosives in a fantasy setting and exactly the kind of dragon-exploding smug ancient power-gibbing shenanigans you'd expect from giving C4 to madmen, you've got an Elder God who goes around hitting people with the gate to the realm of the creator of the universe in the face, you've got Tehol and Bugg who are the best characters - right before Kallor the High King, of course, the guy who was such an asshole that some mages decided to summon an alien god and eventual main villain to beat him, fucked up the summoning, ripped the god apart and turned the entire continent they were on into horrible crater-covered Swiss cheese from all the godbits that hit it, three Elder Deities came over to the other continent in his Empire to free it from him only to find he'd killed all twelve million of them to spite them, and later on he cops a feel off the creator of the universe and stabs a dragon in the face.

This is not a low fantasy series, although it really does hate dragons a lot.

>> No.458661

More like Dany and Drogo.

>It seemed as if hours passed before his hands went to her breasts.He stroked the soft skin underneath until it tingled. He circled her nipples with his thumbs, pinched them between thumb and forefinger, then began to pull at her, very lightly at first, then more insistently, until her nipples began to ache. He stopped then, and drew her down onto his lap. Dany was flushed and breathless, her heart fluttering in her chest. He cupped her face in his huge hands and she looked into his eyes. "No?" he asked, and she knew it was a question. She took his hand and moved it down to the wetness between her thighs. "Yes" she whispered as he put his finger inside her.

>> No.458680



>> No.458684


In the Sept got me rather bothered, I'll admit.

>> No.458693
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>> No.458700

but the dragons are also total bastards, lol.

>> No.458712

This is true. It's a good antidote to all those 'ooh dragons are so special and wonderful and magical let's write a kajillion pages about their splendour' series. Looking at you here, McCaffrey.

>> No.458819

I gotta check that out.

Oh, and on the sidenote - Freespace 2 was and is a fucking awesome game. SJ Sathanas beat yo ass though. I gotta check out the opensource one.

>> No.458872
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sweet mullet brah