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4565257 No.4565257[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Absurdism general

>not being completely at peace with yourself and your place in the universe thanks to scoffing in the face of the absurd

>> No.4565272

>The Myth of Sisyphus (abridged)
>Kill yourself, faggot

>> No.4566123


f u

>> No.4566158

>implying you can be completely at peace when faced with the absurd
>[thought repression intensifies]

>> No.4566167

Why are idiots so obsessed with "finding God" in a world that clearly wasn't made by one?

>> No.4566182
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>implying the absurd isn't more peaceful than meaningless obsessions with false ideas of reality

>> No.4566227 [DELETED] 

>implying absurdism isn't based around what you dismiss as false ideas
>implying I obsess over this, and don't just repress it like everyone else
>le existentialist face.jpg

>> No.4566243

I like potatoes.

That is all.

>> No.4566280
File: 610 KB, 1163x574, THAT FUCKING BASTARD DOG.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP Did you like The Fall?

>> No.4566298

simply, epic post

>> No.4566325
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You go girl!

>> No.4566326

>false ideas

Good thing you're such a smart kid!

>> No.4566374

Remember children: Christian shitposting is the lowest low brow shitposting.

>> No.4566401

>Life has no meaning unless you want it to have a meaning
Existential nihilism for pussies. No thanks.

>> No.4566404

absurdism is anti-science

nihilism is the one true path

>> No.4566453

Are you a mental retardation?

>> No.4566481


but that's wrong

>> No.4566531


> in a world that clearly wasn't made by one?

[citation needed]

inb4 cosmological argument is faulty :^)

>> No.4566535

do you even know what a non sequitur is?

>> No.4566539

Or, I'm sorry, the cosmological is the "we don't know where the universe came from, therefore GODDIDIT" non sequitur

>> No.4566549


>> No.4566557

I don't beleive in God either, but this guy is right.


god fucking dammit, go be edgy and 14 somewhere else.

>> No.4566563

Bro, the point isn't whether or not god exists.

IT'S EASY TO DISPROVE ANY SENSE OF GOD THAT INFLUENCES HOW YOU ACT. There's absolutely no logical position for a god that intervenes, cares about what you do, etc., making any position based on god's existence indefensible

Nihilism isn't even bad

>> No.4566566

Right, but any position based on his existence is indefensible for this reason. You don't practice beliefs based on unproven assumptions, no one does, and god should be no different.

>> No.4566583

Yeah, true, it's unprovable and doesn't provide any rational basis for beliefs. But the original anon said the world clearly wasn't made by God, which just as unprovable. There's no more logical basis for nihilism than there is for faith in God.

>> No.4566590

Naturally, that position is just as indefensible as the cosmological argument, but maybe said poster was being ironic?

I don't know, in either case, nihilism is essentially the most probably stance given what we can say we know about the physical world. Yes I know, if you go the Platonic route and epistomologically deny physical evidence then whatever, but I think the physical world is about the only place we have any approximation to any sort of knowledge at all

>> No.4566613

Also, religion has the problem now of dealing with the fact that a naturalistic view of reality IS starting to be able to explain morality. This threatens the basic utilitarian concept for religion and threatens it's existence, so naturally people who believe now question any and all physical evidence.

>> No.4566632
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>mfw nobody reads l'homme revolte

>> No.4566649
File: 100 KB, 471x410, cheeky absurdist motherfucker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw reading it right now

>> No.4566669

>at peace
Lmfao someone hasnt read The Rebel

>> No.4566724

Y'all niggas need"Pincher Martin."

>> No.4566812

>scoffing in the face of the absurd

you idiot.

you don't scoff at the absurd.
you embrace the absurd. you accept it.

>> No.4567516

This. He totally missed the point. You are supposed to feel at one with the absurd being that you are a product of it. Get rid of useless rationalization.

>> No.4567522

>black and white picture of author smoking cigarette

>> No.4567558

What? How did you get this from Camus?
You don't come to peace with the absurd, nor do you scoff in its face. You toil perpetually against it, and lose yourself in said toil.

Seriously, read more than just Wikipedia. Myth of Sisyphus is really a pretty clear explanation of what Absurdism is.

It's not like any of these solutions is really fulfilling. Once you start contemplating the infinite, there's no real way to avoid feeling inadequate when you can't fully grasp it. We're trapped in flesh capsules, what can we do? Let's just try our best not to fall into horrible depression. Life is easier that way.

But let's be honest, we'd all be better off if we offed ourselves.

>> No.4567561

The Sisyphus theory of coping with existential crises is so entry-level it hurts.

It's the sign of a poorly read individual who didn't really struggle with existence to begin with if they start and stop at Sartre

>> No.4567565


Kill yourself.

>> No.4567569

It's true.
What do you do to cope that's much better, though? I don't think there's much success to be found in any avenue.

>> No.4567579

I'm completely okay with life being absurd. I don't care. I am not okay with the fact that I can not commit to suicide; therefore I don't know if I really am okay with life being absurd. I have a couple mental disorders I've been fighting since early adolescence. Wish I would kill myself before I kill someone else. At this point it's almost as if I think I need to put myself in a very compromising condition by doing something really terrible just so I can have the motive to kill myself because during my manic periods I actually think life is worth it and then my depressive periods I just want to die die die die die and no I can't because I get manic again. Then the voices and the impulses and god.
But...none of that matters right?

>> No.4567608

I shitpost on /lit/

Western culture, obsessed with science and objectivity, sees every problem as having a cure.

Existential angst has no cure, only various coping strategies. There is no 120page cure for realizing that life is ultimately meaningless.

>> No.4567619

>black and white photo of author looking wistfully into the distance off-camera

>> No.4567632

>tfw plebs on /lit/ think they've embraced the Absurd
>tfw they're still bitter repressed virgins

>> No.4567633

How do you even have an existential crisis?
I understand life is meaningless and yet i don't find myself in a crisis.
What even is an existential crisis? Do you guys lie awake at night crying or some shit?

>> No.4567637

I think the idea of a crisis in relation to existential revelations (i.e. about life's objective meaningless) have more to do with periods of panic or nullity whereby you attempt to construct or identify new meaning in your life, while contemplating the void that has opened up before you. But yeah I cry at night anyway, but I'm a fag.

>> No.4567714

I tried to embrace the absurd with a lot of sex, but I ended up feeling emotionally drained and tired.

>> No.4567718

And sticky i presume.

>> No.4567843

Possibly the most plebeian way out of existential anxiety

>> No.4567877

Nigga, Camus mastered that shit.

Just look at this handsome motherfucker, with either a vain look thinking about the fucking void of everything or either a smug as fuck grim showing he IS alpha, but won't fuck you and your little sissy bitches because in the end, it makes no sense at all.

That nigga cray

>> No.4567881

Not sure if it counts as an ~existential~ crisis, but for me it always was the perception of how wide and broad my options are, and how by choosing one I would inevitably kill every other one.

>> No.4567886

Never experienced an existential crisis myself, but I'm just wondering if it has something to do with my upbringing?
I was raised in a religiously neutral environment by two atheists, and I've kinda just accepted for quite a long time that life has no inherent meaning.

>> No.4567888

Which option did you choose in the end Hamlet?

>> No.4567897

You obviously don't take life seriously enough faggot

>> No.4567908

What should I being doing to take it seriously then, o great intelligent anon?

>> No.4567917
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>not being an eliminative materialist epicurean
>not being completely at peace with yourself and your place in the universe thanks to scoffing in the face of superstition and folk psychology

>> No.4567921

>not being a religious pessimist
>not being completely at peace with yourself and your place in the universe thanks to scoffing in the face of materialism

>> No.4567927

Hating yourself, and allowing your self-loathing to destroy your life and ruin any prospects in life that you might have.

>> No.4567975

Edgy teen general

>> No.4568110
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>> No.4568563

>objective meaningless

Since when does angsty teenagers realizing they're going to die fall into the relm of real philosophy?