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/lit/ - Literature

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4563073 No.4563073[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

If one were aspiring to be an author what would be a more helpful tool, an English or History degree?

>> No.4563076


>> No.4563093
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Youre the boss

>> No.4563095

This Anon has it right; Psychology is the way to go.

>> No.4563096

History degree.
That way you won't have to do extreme sports like some faggot because some idiot told "hurr u must liv 2 rite".

>> No.4563097

I hope that car doesn't mind that he's sitting in it with his bear ass

>> No.4563100

Don't get a degree. Just write.

I started an English degree, realized it was bullshit halfway through, and switched to anthropology.

I wish I hadn't gone to university. I'm a published novelist now. All it did was delay my career by four years costing me tens of thousands of dollars with nothing to show for it.

>> No.4563102

>not bullshit

>> No.4563106

why do people say English is a useless degree?

Jobs like copywriting require a degree.

>> No.4563133
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>> No.4563138
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>> No.4563139

I didn't mean to imply that anthropology isn't bullshit, but it's at least more interesting than sitting in a deconstructionist echo chamber that reduces every text to nothing but a crude power calculus of class, gender, and race day after day after day. There's nothing like paying someone who makes $100,000 a year to tell me what a priviledged oppressor I am while I'm washing dishes and starving to death to pay tuition. That shit almost killed my desire to be a writer. At least anthopologists talk about cool stuff every once in a while.

Yeah, awesome jobs like copywriting.

>> No.4563170

Not OP, but I've been considering a Literature major lately.

Should I?
What are the benefits?

>> No.4563201

You read, you write, you go to class, you discuss. It's a good time, but there are plenty of Lit. majors who are in there because they couldn't think of fuck else to do.
If you enjoy reading and writing then yeah go for it. Granted, you're not going to be making $100k right out of school. But who cares, do you really want to spend your life as a mechanical engineer?

>> No.4563208

If you want to immerse yourself in the major periods of writing, I'd say it's worth it. You basically learn history and writing all in one, and you get the oppurtunity to see the major trends during each period and how the form has changed over the past thousand years.

>> No.4563212

I mean, no one can even use their bachelor degree to earn a living anyways these days. You can use the lit stuff to get into grad school. I know a guy who got into fucking med school after having taken English (albeit he took MCAT courses, too, but still)

>> No.4563222

I don't know how anyone could stand taking English courses. The people there have no respect for the language; they are deconstructionist twits who use new fiction and abstract poetry as mutual masturbatory aids.

>> No.4563225

>tfw want to be a high school teacher
>tfw no clue what major to pick
>tfw Philosophy major
It's pretty fun but if you're planning on going to grad school or if your degree doesn't matter too much I'd recommend it. I've only just started but I'm really enjoying it, I feel like you can make it as hard as you want

>> No.4563227

maybe if you go to a school with a shitty English department.

>> No.4563231
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>Acquire LSD
>Have ready your favorite tools of creation; pen and paper, sketch pad, type writer, guitar
>Do said LSD in a safe, loving environment
>Realize that you have everything you need inside you to create beautiful works of art, and that an inflated ego holds you back (we all have visions of what we SHOULD be. This can get you to what you ARE.
>feel the sun on your face like it's the first day of your life (it is)
>notices the changes in your perception, insight and wisdom come through in your writing.

I studied journalism in school and found it helpful, though not geared towards what I really wanted. I have a friend who got a History degree, as well as college for print journalism, and he's a contributing editor to a pretty big magazine in Toronto now. He was a good writer to begin with, and probably would have made it regardless, but he told me he wouldn't have got the job if not for his education.

>> No.4563235

Show me a university that hasn't been overtaken by postmodernist drones, please.

I'm not being sarcastic, I legitimately wish to have my faith in academia restored.

>> No.4563244

I'd tell you the one I went to but it's a small school and I'd risk having my identity known.

>> No.4563255

Is that a personal anecdote about LSD? I was hoping shrooms would have that affect after reading the reports about people having permanent perspective shifts, but I haven't noticed anything since taking them.

>> No.4563256


Can it be shrooms?

>> No.4563264


shroom mind

Have you tried a really heavy dose?

>> No.4563271


>not teaching English to young Korean schoolgirls

>> No.4563274

You want something permanent then take DMT, ahyuasca (so I hear), or ketamine.
The afterglow from shrooms always seems to fade, and LSD is just variable in my opinion.
My perspective hasn't been the same since my full on DMT trip though.

>> No.4563278

>dude literally just mentions the possibility of creativity and inspiration without the need of substances

>yall literally clamouring for the substance instead of the more practical option

for what purpose

>> No.4563281

I'm thinking about doing that in Russia or Tibet. Think its worth it, in any country really?

>> No.4563282

I got my degree in Great Texts of the Western Tradition.

It's exactly what it sounds like, and it was awesome. Some of the best times of my life, all that reading and discussing and writing. And it's made me extraordinary well-read.

Try to get a degree involved in the great works of the Western Canon, OP. Great Books, Liberal Arts, Literature, the Classics. it's a great foundation for a writer.

>> No.4563283

Howdy Friend! How do you get some of that stuff? I am a NEET with ZERO connections.

>> No.4563284

*extraordinarily well-read. Damn spelling.

>> No.4563295

Drug dealers, connections, buddies etc. I have a lot of friends who share in my enthusiasm for hallucinogenics, but I'm no dealer if that's what you're hoping for. Shit like that has always just landed in my lap.

You can make DMT or Ahyuasca if you really want to, but I've heard of people getting busted for doing it. You're pretty much tagged if you order the ingredients.

Your best bet is to get a kitchen job in a shit restaurant. Cooks can get you pretty much anything. They're all either stoners, addicts, or know those kinds of people.

>> No.4563299


Well, yes and no. Shrooms are great and I have had many triumphant days full of epiphany and wonder. But it is markedly different than LSD in creative pursuits. Mushrooms are more disassociative than acid. On a good mushroom trip, you are enjoying the rippling scenery, attaining deep insights in to your psyche, enraptured by overwhelming feelings and emotions. I often end up laying on my back in the grass with my eyes closed, just breathing and feeling.

LSD is more acute. It's like taking a cosmic microscope and going innnnwards, reconciling the grandness of the universe with your individual cells and neurons, your interconnectivity to everything. I am often very "alert", cogniscent, and most important (for me, anyway), I can focus with daemonic strength and vision on a particular thing, like writing, art or music. Once at my friends cabin, I took 1 tab (a relatively small dose) and went for a walk with my notebook. I ended up sitting and writing for 3 hours straight, writing with fervor, with poignancy, "first draft" kinds of sentences and vision. That's not to say it was perfect, or "genius", but I still look back on that writing and wonder where it came from, and have used manyt concept and themes from it that were buried deep within my subconscious.

Theres a reason John Lennon did LSD over a thousand time. Lots of hip authors have used it to expand their mind and creative potential. Kesey, Burroughs, Philip K Dick, Roald Dahl, Huxley, E.B White, Hunter S Thompson, etc. I am sure there are even more out there who wouldn't admit it for their image, though you can tell when someone is "psychedelic" quite easily. (you don't need to trip on acid to be psychedelic, either.)

Anyway, I know this was about school, but I wanted to share with you that I learned more from my LSD and psychedelic experiences (DMT, mushrooms, ayahuasca, peyote, DOB, 2cc, mdma) than I ever did in school. Of all of those though, LSD is the one that I could actually FOCUS with the insight of the gods and be productive. The others are more of a shamanic, spiritual experience rather than an applied tool for creativity.

Not trying to push drugs on anyone, but I always recommend to my friends who are writers, musicians, painters or basically any creative, curious and adventerous types to experiment with psychedelics. It will change your life in ways you cannot imagine, and things begin to "click".


>> No.4563314


The highest on shrooms I have gone is about 5 or grams of some potent caps. It was more intense than I could have imagined. I was lost in the abyss for awhile, but sometimes you gotta be able to let go. It was the strongest trip I have had besides breaking through the "threshold" with DMT. That is otherworldly.

I would say the most spiritually cleansing medicine I have tried is ayahuasca. I did it in a ceremony with 10 other people. Its by no means a party drug and "purging" is a big, symbolic part of it. It took me awhile to throw up, but when I did, I felt like I was transported to a higher dimension. I had an afterglow on that for 2 months. Shit, I'm still glowing from it. That stuff never leaves you, and I say that in the best way possible.

>> No.4563318

How do I get LSD?
Would it be good to take it if both of my marijuana trips were absolutely horrible?

>> No.4563320

St. John's College?

>> No.4563321


How were they terrible? They are different things but if your mindset goes to paranoia and depression while high it probably isn't for you

>> No.4563333


That you are referring to smoke pot as a marijuana trip suggest you might be a little inexperienced to jump right in to a heavy psychedelic. Though if you did 1-2 tabs of high quality LSD with some good, loving and *experienced* friends (this is key), then I think it would be wonderful.

If you get anxiety on pot, chances are you have underlying issues that make you uneasy when thought of. Cannabis is known to bridge the subconscious with the conscious, which is why many people report having a "bad" trip where they get paranoid, nervous or otherwise unsettled. I have had them myself, and I've been smoking for about 6-7 years now (I'm 25). I find its important to realize A) those feelings are coming from somewhere that it benefits you to explore B) there is nothing to be afraid of C) in about 5-10 minutes those feelings will pass, and in 30-60 minutes you will be fairly sober.

As to your first question, it is definitely hard to come by. Unless you know someone well, I wouldn't buy tabs off them. I have done DOB by accident before thinking they were acid. It is still a fun trip and I actually really enjoy it, but DOB lasts faaaar longer than acid. 3 tabs of those puppies and youll be soaring for a good 20 hours or more. LSD is typically 6-8 hours then gradual, velvety come down.

Silk road used to be good but they've got heat with the feds now. If you go to music festivals or raves you could probably find it. I actually came in to a good contact just by searching "LSD" on facebook haha... turned out the guy lived in TO and is really cool.

>> No.4563336

The first time I was with a daily weed smoker, so I probably smoked way to much. Was having auditory hallucinations and what not. Second time was better, but left me paranoid for several weeks after.

Then again, I've really improved my life since then. And I mean this sincerely: exercising, sticking to a good routine, eating healthily, etc. So I don't know.

>> No.4563341


My bad for referring to it as a trip. What would be a good (a preferably easily obtained at a college campus) psychedelic to start with?

I don't want to try salvia either, that type of trip perfectly describes what my first marijuana experience was like.

>> No.4563342


Psychedelic translates to "mind manifesting", so if you have some issues with your parents, or deep seeded neuroses, feeling of guilt, shame, low self esteem, they will likely be brought to the light of day. But trust me when I say this, you will be INFINITELY better in facing whatever issues you have head on, even if it is scary at first. The monster under the bed is only scary if the light is off.

Some of my best, most rewarding trips have gone to the lowest depths of despair and hell, but they have also allowed me to soar that much higher. It's Blakes Marriage of Heaven and Hell.

"To see a World in a Grain of Sand
And a Heaven in a Wild Flower
Hold Infinity in the palm of your hand
And Eternity in an hour"

>> No.4563350

/lit/ - Drugs

>> No.4563353


Well, MDMA, if its pure, can be a tremendously valuable experience. M.A.P.S has been doing trials for PTSD with it for a few years now with astonishing results. It is low risk (if it is pure, you do not do it more than 1-3 times a month and you take precaution) and it can be very "psychedelic". It is markedly different than a traditional psychedelic though, as the visual distortions and deep, intellectual insights are not as strong. Amazing for opening up your heart and feelings though. I don't think I have ever dont MDMA before where at least one person didn't break down crying tears of joy and love.

Also if you ask around, mushrooms are pretty easy to get. You can grow them fairly easily in a closet, and get the spores quite easily online. LSD requires lab equipment and chemistry knowledge, so it's not as common.

Just go to a drumming circle or a yoga meetup at your school and look for the people with dreads, facial hair, really chill demeanors and a sparkle in their eye.

>> No.4563361
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>mfw you can do all that without drugs
>mfw people thinking drugs are some catchall fix for personal growth

right fucking shame when people dont beleive in their own power

>> No.4563362

If that's your thing. But you don't need a degree in English to do it.

>> No.4563365


I do think more writers and artists on here should trip. There's a reason all of the best music from the 60's and 70's came from bands that did a loooooot of acid.

If someone is striving to learn more, to come up with novel ideas, to think outside the box, to create original and good work, psychedelics and mind expansion are a great way to start. Obviously you gotta put in the work. It's not like Ken Kesey would be a shit writer if he didn't drop acid in the sixties. Though it is a guarantee that One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest would not exist right now, as it is almost entirely based on his volunteering to try LSD with government sanctioned research.

>> No.4563369


Not even the best psych came out of the 60s and 70s

>> No.4563373

I smoke pot daily, but that's because I live in a small town in rural Alabama and everyone I know smokes, and everyone loves to share it as well. I have been trying to find LSD and a buddy came through the other day but he only managed to get one hit; we split it thinking, since it's our first time half a blot should be enough but not too much, in case we couldn't handle it. So we take it around 4:50 and as I look at the clock turn 5:30 I feel a sensation in my brain, like a very small point in the middle of my head splitting, and then it goes away and I feel a weird euphoria in the background; it makes me feel very content with where I am and who I am with.

That's all that happened though, I slept very well that night.

>> No.4563375


Spoken like someone who hasn't really explored altered states.I don't think it's a catchall fix at all. I think they are tools, nothing more, and can be used to give us insight in to ourselves, our psyche and our place in the cosmos. If it is there, why not explore it? It is undeniable that LSD and psychedelics influence creativity in ways we cannot even comprehend. Some of the best music ever recorded was made as a result of LSD.

People pacify themselves with boose, reality t.v, shopping, pills, nicotine and whatever else they can "legally" get their hands on. Psychedelics are a way of looking deeply in to your mind, discovery, novel thinking and unity.

And you will never, ever understand a peak experience on LSD by reading a textbook or without it's use. If you don't want to do it, I really don't care. I don't convince people who aren't interested. I just try and educate people who are, so that if they do do it, they can maximize the potential for a good, insightful and safe experience.

>> No.4563380


The Beatles, Led Zeppelin, Hendrix, Joplin, The Doors, The Who, Jefferson Airplane, The Rolling Stones, Cream, CSNY, Santana... what is better psych rock than that? Radiohead are amazing and Tool are stellar, but it's a very different feel and style.

>> No.4563382

Pink Floyd.

>> No.4563384


Don;t know if it was acid, but im glad you had a good time. It is definitely euphoric. .5 is a low dose to start, as it is not strong enough to induce an ego seperation typical with LSD. That's where the real gold is, when you seperate from your "self" and observe yourself truly objectively for the first time in your existence.

>> No.4563388

one thing I will say about LSD/shrooms is that if you've never done it you just don't understand what it's like

I studied shrooms for months before I tried them. Read erowid and all that jazz, but as soon as they really started to kick in all that went out the window completely. I thought I would be somewhat prepared, as if I wouldn't be as surprised at certain effects because I would know when to anticipate them and how to react but I was so wrong, lol.

But yeah I'm skeptical of their use as a "life-changer". It could be done but I think you would need to have multiple experiences so that you can calmly navigate a trip without freaking out or just getting distracted.

>> No.4563389


Bardo Pond, Spacemen 3, White Hills, Sylvester Anfang II and Master Musicians of Bukkake to me are essential psych

If you haven't check out Bardo Pond - Amanita to me it is the the height of the genre

>> No.4563390


Thought I listed them, how could I forget..

My biggest issue I have with people who are against exploring their consciousness with psychedelics is that it's not their business what I do with my own body. Well, yeah, its not a "quick fix", but no one says it is. Everyone is always trying to be better, to learn more, to strive for improvement, and these substances can drastically cut down the time it takes to do so in the right mind with the right mindset. Not everyone that takes LSD will become "enlightened" and wise. I know plenty of guys who just like it because it gives them energy to dance all knight at psy trance races, and thats fine. But I like to take it and meditate, contemplate, write, explore ideas within my mind and play guitar. The only reason there is a stigma attached to them is the massive counter culture movement in the late sixties. It was being used to help treat autism, alcoholism, depression, bi polar, and even as a learning aid in the 50s before Leary came along and changed everything.

>> No.4563391

Either way, I am glad it went how it did. I was a little wary of taking acid beforehand, but I had wanted to so terribly. Although I was a bit disappointed that nothing else had happened, I am more eager to try it again.

>> No.4563397

Why not both? I'm doing a double major in English and History

>> No.4563401


Also came out of the 60s and 70s. And just so we're not leaving anyone out, H. P. Lovecraft, Can, Beefheart, Funkadelic.

Though there's still plenty of great psych rock more recent than that. Steven R Smith, Jenks Miller, Spacemen 3, early Skullflower...

>> No.4563408


Spot on. I had that same experience actually. Read tonnes of stuff on Erowid, read all of Huxleys essays, doors of perception, heaven and hell, read Shulgin and Leary and Alpert/Dass and Lily and every fuckin guy I could get my hands on. I also watched a lot of Bill Hicks, which is fucking great.

As it started to kick in, I remember closing my eyes and having the sensation that I was falling through a nebula and being sucked in to a black hole. No books can truly prepare you for the first hand "experience".

As for their potential in "life changing", check out the NYU psilocybin studies, as well as M.A.P.S and some universities in london. Its hard to get funding and clearance because they are so unjustly illegal, but there have been truly revolutionary breakthroughs in the treatment of depression, end of life anxiety, bi-polar, alcoholism, reducing the risks of repeat offenders, even smoking cessation. They were used in either high/low dose trials and combined with CBD and various other methods of therapy over an 8-12 week period. It's not a magic cure for anything, as I said. It is a fascinating tool with massive potential.

>> No.4563416

How do I pursue my dreams, /lit/?

>> No.4563423


If one is aspiring to be an author, one should write. Not obtain a degree.

However, if you are going to obtain a degree, don't get one to learn to write. Just write.

>> No.4563425


I guess the point is, a lot of really good fuckin music came from really great musicians tripping out of their minds.

It's like all these people who are afraid of psychedelics and see them as a "cop out" like to act high and mighty, but they also love listening to the music and reading the books of people who were using psychedelics on a regular basis with their art.

The only reason people are afraid of them is because they have been purposefully stigmatized and criminalized in the interest of control. They pose a serious threat to the status quo.

>> No.4563430

Why are you going to school to be a waiter?

>> No.4563431

Like I said, you can do all of that without drugs. I gurantee you guys like Socrates and Shakespeare didnt get their knowledge from drugs, it was all them studying life as they saw it and putting that knowledge to work.

I'll mever have another boring day in my life and its not from any substance, if i have a problem I look at what Im doing , how i think and feel and make the needed changes. All that really comes from is a desire to actually look at oyourself, you dont need to go far wide for that. The most beautiful moments and insight of my life have come from sobre perspectiv. And the fact it'll last forever makes it far more worth it than any 'peaks'.

kek, maybe i should just live and let live. But I feel like my perspective is worth sharing, i see so many people ready to run off and do drugs but you honestly just dont need them.

>kek at guy citing PkD when the man himself pretty much said dont fuck with that shit

>> No.4563433


Because I love to serve

>> No.4563439


>don't need

That is a really weak argument. You have a lot in your life that you don't need but you use use those tools anyways.

>> No.4563446

I actually make a point to filter my surroundings and behaviours down to what I need and don't need, thanks.

Oh, lets not forget the hordes of people whove become damaged from drug use. If you're doing a little self-examining ntohing can be better than some pen and paper and looking at what you are DOING.

>> No.4563451


Lol dude look up the eleucinian mysteries. All the greek philosophers, including plato and socrates, participated in psychedelic rituals to obtain "knowledge" of the gods.

I've never had a boring day in my life either. Nor am I "unhappy".

I am curious though, have you ever tried any mind expanding substances? I appreciate your perspective.

And the thing with Dick is that he had latent neuroses his whole life. But he did write or directly come up with some of his best work under the influence of LSD.

>> No.4563456


Can you name any of these hordes? You seem to lump all drugs in to one category, which is typical of someone who is unexperienced in that realm.

LSD is actually the least toxic subtance there is. You literally cannot overdose on it, from a physical standpoint. More people have harmed themselves from nicotine, alcohol and prescription medications than anyone EVER could from psychedelics.

>> No.4563459

>LSD is actually the least toxic subtance there is. You literally cannot overdose on it, from a physical standpoint.

Except it can cause psychotic breaks in susceptible individuals. That's a pretty serious downside. And I know it's "only" in susceptible individuals but the only way to find out you have a susceptibility to psychosis is to actually go psychotic, take it from someone who had a break from reality for months from using lots of mushrooms for a while.

>> No.4563461


You're about to get this thread derailed by about a hundred thousand 430 braize it retards shouting you down for not opening your mind with drugs. thanks a lot.
Just kidding this shit was already derailed.

>> No.4563465

I'll tell you about the time where i felt immense euphoria and oneness with my surroundings from MDMA.

I concluded it didnt mean much if the perspective in question was imposed on me by a substance, rather than me working to obtain the real knowledge that'd come from such a perspective.

Its jsut that for me, the only real knowledge i'm working at here is about myself - and how far would you need to go to get that?

>> No.4563466

Can we just make another fucking thread about useful college degrees for writers? Clearly this one has been infested with hippies.

>> No.4563469


Psychedelics aren't a joke. It is not something to do casually and there are definitely risks. For example, if you are prone to suicidal depression, I wouldn't recommend a mega dose of LSD in a forest by yourself. There are precautions and right use, the same way you wouldn't operate a crane without learning the basic controls and safety hazards. But the reason people approach them irresponsibly is because they are stigmatized and there is so much obfuscation around them. That, combined with a dull individual who wants to eat a bag of mushrooms and go to an amusement park because "hurr durr im so rad", gives them a bad name.

To each their own. When it comes down to it I don't give a shit if other people do them or not. I am more interested in the therapeutic and creative benefits, and I am interested in making them available for those who wish to explore their minds.

>> No.4563471
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I've permanently altered my emotions and behavior from heavy use of LSD.

>> No.4563472

>mind expanding

These are the worst sort of weasel words.
Getting blitzed as fuck and hallucinating is not "expanding" anything.

I know where this goes. You're just going to tell me that I "just don't get it, man" and that you learned all these deep objective truths about the universe from swallowing a bunch of shit and tripping balls on it.

There's a reason that scientists don't just get super high to discover the properties of the universe.

You're just masking your intellectual laziness behind a veneer of mysticism.

>> No.4563481


Wow, what's wrong faggot, afraid to expand your mind and become the next great writer by smoking mescaline until you think you're flying a spaceship with Bugs Bunny?

>> No.4563486

>I concluded it didnt mean much if the perspective in question was imposed on me by a substance, rather than me working to obtain the real knowledge that'd come from such a perspective.
>rather than me working to obtain the real knowledge

Define "real".

>> No.4563492

>getting high is the same thing as driving a car


>> No.4563496


So if you take Tylenol to relieve a headache, or antibiotics to rid yourself of a harmful virus, would you feel like it was "cheating" because you didn't do it on your own? That argument really doesn't hold water.

What matters are the results, and the consciousness change during and after your experience. It is a fact that in conjunction with various forms of therapy, that extraordinary and enduring results can be produced using psilocybin and LSD. If you are actually interested, look at the work Stanislov Grov has been doing for 40 years. Look at the PTSD and end of life anxiety studies done with M.A.P.S. Something like 70% of the cancer patients said that their experience with psilocybin was "1 of the 3 most important events of their life", and 40-50 % said it was the single most important event.

You seem to have a good handle on your life and reality, that's great. You aren't interested in exploring your creativity with mind altering drugs, sure thing. But don't impose your morals and values on others, especially when it is based on a limited understanding.

>> No.4563498


Francis Crick?

>> No.4563505


You said that not me.

>> No.4563507


study something you can make a living off that leaves you enough time to pursue your hobby

>> No.4563508

I'm getting a history degree right now, and I feel like I'm learning fuck all honestly. That being said, I feel like I've become a better writer and researcher. The only real problem I have with my writing right now is that it feels too structured and blocky .

>> No.4563519


You said that drugs are tools which are unnecessary but useful. I picked a specific one to fill in the blank with. You may suggest another.

>> No.4563520


He probably doesn't know who that is and has no interest in researching it.

Scientists in the 50's and 60's were experimenting with low dose (0.25-0.50) acid as a research enhancement. The thing about LSD in particular is that your experience is contingent on your own personal knowledge and experience. An individual who has studied extensively, and has a wide variety of knowledge and understanding, will reach far broader conclusions and understanding then someone who just watches t.v all day. A lot of those scientists were some of the pioneers in consciousness research.

>> No.4563523

>You said they are useful but not necessary so I picked cars because they're basically necessary but I can be a pedantic bitch about how you don't need one

I don't really care about this argument, but come on dude.

>> No.4563526

>I feel like I've become a better writer
do you think you would have developed/matured as a writer if you weren't involved in academia

>> No.4563530

Probably, but it would've taken far longer. It helps a lot to have multiple people constantly critiquing your technique, and at the same time teaching you to write better.

>> No.4563535

I see where you're going with that. It's true enough I wouldnt be where I am now without trying drugs once upon a time, as it was a little taste of altered states. I only share my perspective because i beleive others can do their self exploration without much of anything outside themselves, but maybe they need it for where they are, who knows.

In the end I'll agree with Alan Watts "Once you get the message, hang up the phone."

>> No.4563536


The intense philosophical revelations that you have while sky-high on psychedelics feel very authentic while your cognition is scrambled and your brain is being pumped full of dopamine, I'm sure. I invite you to record them on paper after the fact and see how much sense we may make of them then.
They could be super entertaining, sure, you could maybe sell a million copies. But what of value will you have actually learned?

Taking drugs to learn something about the world is like running the pages of a textbook through a shredder and taping them back together to learn about maths. Actually, since you're attached to comparisons involving a disorder or a disease, let me say it this way - Taking drugs to amend a deficit in your knowledge is like curing your cataracts by gouging your eyes out. To carry on afterward portraying the spoon you did it with as a mystic healer is just offensive, not to the morals - sorry, you don't get to wring your hands about the oppressive moralizer with me - but to the sense.

>> No.4563541


You are attempting to deflect by objecting to the specifics.
Cars are not "basically necessary", namefaggot.
Are you American or something?

>> No.4563546

I don't take nearly as much stock in the whole "drugs are the portal to the spirit universe" or whatever mindset as some people. It's something I entertain and sometimes have fantasized about. But I have to say anon:

I get the feeling you have never ingested a psychedelic compound. Also you should probably know that LSD and psilocybin work on the serotonin receptors, the 5-hta2 ones. They don't interact with dopamine, and I don't believe mescaline or DMT does either.

>> No.4563549
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This is sort of like a "You're next line will be 'I was just pretending to be retarded'" moment, and you said it anyway.

>> No.4563563

>I get the feeling you have never ingested a psychedelic compound.

More mystery religion bullshit. We can't explain the value of our secrets - you have to participate, you'll just know. Give it a rest.

>Also you should probably know that LSD and psilocybin work on the serotonin receptors

Which is indifferent to the point, dear pedantic namefaggot, unless you're suggesting that flooding your brain with one sort of signal as opposed to another somehow makes your experience reveal some truth more closely.

>> No.4563564


More deflection from the deflecting namefaggot attention whore, and invoking a meme too. Anything to avoid returning to the losing debate.

>> No.4563567


You obviously lack any first hand experience. I could cite studies and research, but to a closed off mind, it might as well be jibberish as nothing would be absorbed.

You have a narrow scope of reality and an immature mind, and that will likely never change. Good luck though.

And what value would there be if I sold a million copies of say, an album I wrote while on LSD? Are you retarded to not see the obvious value of selling a million of anything?

You sound like an annoying, naive highschool kid.

>> No.4563568

>Not the guy who started talking with you
>Tell you I don't care but you're obviously just being a dick
>Go ahead and try to bait me anyway

I hope you're having fun. I'm not one to holler UMAD but I sincerely hope this is just you trying to get a rise.

>> No.4563572


Lol you are either a troll or genuinely stupid.

Dogmatic materialism is just as bad as any other dogma. Stop being such a fuck tard and open your mind to alternate ideas.

>> No.4563573
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Wow you sure are proud of not knowing very much about stuff! Can you teach me, senpai? Please go ahead and continue to ignore the part where I said I don't really believe in the nonsense bit! ~ uguu

>> No.4563576

>I could cite studies and research, but to a closed off mind

Yeah, sure, I'm not in the mystery cult. You could totally use logic to explain it. It's not bullshit, it just seems like bullshit to me because I'm not receptive. Ok.

You fags are really laid back until somebody calls you on your bullshit, and then you start trying to condescend. Boo hoo.

>And what value would there be if I sold a million copies of say, an album I wrote while on LSD? Are you retarded to not see the obvious value of selling a million of anything?

Sorry, I thought this discussion was about how to derive knowledge and understanding of oneself, not how to make money.

>> No.4563583


>I can't prove this thing or back it up with facts. >You just have to believe it!
>Logic is subjective!
>Facts are subjective!

You faggots are awful.
I feel bad for OP who wanted to have a discussion about education and writing before you showed up.

Burn this fucking thread to the ground.

>> No.4563588

>Implying it was us who began to "try to condescend"

Are you literally autistic? You seem to not understand dialogue fluidly and like your are used to getting away with being a complete prick.

>> No.4563594


>Dogmatic materialism is just as bad as any other dogma. Stop being such a fuck tard and open your mind to alternate ideas.

a-are you about to sell me some homeopathic remedies anon

>> No.4563601



Not everything is tangible. What good would it be if I were to tell you that I felt more at peace with my mortality, more connected to nature and my loved ones, more emotionally expressive and more comfortable.

"Oh but you see that's just the synapse responding to stimuli from an increase in serotonin, blah blah, you are a mystery cult blah blah"

>Sorry I thought this was a discussion about how to derive knowledge and understanding of oneself, not how to make money
>discussion about knowledge

Discussions involve reasonable people trying to understand the others point of view and reaching a common understanding. When you act like a dismissive child, it makes that hard.

But like I said, you genuinely will never know. I guarantee 100% that if you were to try it, you would change your perspective. Just a fact bud. I know plenty of people who used it before and now are not interested, but not a single person who could deny the insights and relations that go far beyond just "serotonin and dopamine".

>> No.4563605


That's a pretty retarded attempt to smear him, considering homeopathy is a real thing. If you weren't so dogmatic, you'd know that.

>> No.4563610
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>considering homeopathy is a real thing.
anon pls

>> No.4563614


Dude, I am so happy you asked, I actually just got in some himalayan salt crystal lamps. They really decompress the energy and vibes around your space, and also provide a cool, orangey glow.

I got them in bulk so I can sell it to you cheap. I have a special on Rose Quartz though that has been reiki charged by a Hopi elder.

You can have them both for $599 plus s&h

>> No.4563618


So you're going to ignore the whole part about where you suddenly moved the goalposts to being about making a lot of money, and instead deflect into a pedantic talk about the definition of "discussion" that segues into more condescension?

Thank you for admitting that you lost.
Since it's clear you're not interested in intellectual honesty, that's about all I can give you.

>> No.4563622


What? Maybe you're the one that needs to open your mind.
>It's wrong because it's different!
This is the kind of pigeonholed, closed-minded thinking that causes problems.

>> No.4563627


That sounds like just the kind of open-minded, non-judgmental purchase that an awakened human soul like me needs.

Will it also vibrate my chakra?

>> No.4563629
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I can't give you a 'hard' enough 0/10 without opening up paint.net and making something that I don't want to spend time one, so what I'm going to do is write this long and painful sentence about how shitty and angry every response you have given, and how little you have done to garner fervor for your argument or ruse me (and I would hope also the guy who is still bothering to give you true responses.
Can you provide anything other than blogs and wishes? In theory, this should be far easier for you to present than the theory that DMT shows you gods dick or whatever.

>> No.4563632


You dismiss any personal gains on psychedelics as nonsense. Intangible things like well being and peace and clarity are seemingly useless to you.

If someone does something good on LSD that over a million people want to buy, that is a valuable benefit. It is not THE highest value, I just wanted to show you how idiotic your argument was.

There is literally nothing that can be said on either side that will reach any sort of headway. You have never tried it, and I highly doubt researched it, and have already formed conclusions on their efficacy.

I have first hand experience and know that what you say is not true, and you think that my subjective experience is irrelevant. (Even though it is a universal experience).

So I guess we're at an impasse, fuck you, and let's call it a night.

I know an English major who runs an editing and proofreading website, she does okay.

Bottom line, if you want to write, write. Capote thought college was a cop out and just wrote.

>> No.4563634

>subjective experience is irrelevant.

Now you're getting it.

>(Even though it is a universal experience).

The capstone comment on a thread which stands as a monument to the futility of someone who literally believes, "my opinions = facts."

>> No.4563638

*of arguing with

>> No.4563641

>Can you provide anything other than blogs and wishes?

Yes, I've used it myself. It works.

Why are you being so close-minded?

>> No.4563647


Where did I say that you human paraquat? Are you that dense that you are not able to comprehend a very basic paragraph? I said it is a universal experience, nothing about facts.

Are individual experiences irrelevant then, you fuck? Are gains made in traditional psychotherapy "useless" because it is only the patient and doctors "opinion" that they feel better emotionally? Can you quantify emotion and feeling? There are more to life than "facts", you braindead rotten shwarma. And despite that, there are tangible facts that support the notion that psychedelics, when treated respectfully and with an open mind, can yeild tangible, enduring benfits! I dont give nearly enough fucks to actually post sources!

You seem to confuse the mind with the brain. Even Sam Harris, an athiest neurologist who is vastly more intelligent and success than you will ever be, relates his own personal experiences with psychedelics and how they benefited him and changed his life. Google "Sam Harris DMT/LSD" and read. Though you seem like the kind of ass hat who only reads things that agree with your myopic point of view.

Go subscribe to the Skeptical Inquirer and jerk off to pictures of Richard Dawkins, you seem like you are low on dopamine and brain.

>> No.4563649

>I said it is a universal experience

Based on your subjective experience and anecdotal evidence. So, yeah, there was that.

>> No.4563650
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Okay, I believe you. So this is a shot in the dark but I think you are one of the guys who lost his shit about drugs, and is now making a point. But homeopathy has been proven false and Dr. Rick Strassman did some very interesting things with his DMT tests. They were inconclusive because people were unable to continue, but he had some solid work. He showed it's produced by the pineal in rodents last year, as well.

Anyway, do you have anything like that for taking minute doses of things that already didn't work and calling it 'homeopathy', or...?

>> No.4563651

>Even Sam Harris, an athiest neurologist who is vastly more intelligent and success than you will ever be

What the fuck does atheism have to do with this?

Holy shit are you capable of making even one single post without a personal attack in it?

Learn argumentation, kid.

>> No.4563654

>They were inconclusive because people were unable to continue, but

Call the FBI, my sides just exploded.

>> No.4563655


My aunt actually cured her breast cancer with homeopathic remedies. This was her second round and she just could not go through chemo again, so she decided to go an alternate route. It was expensive, but the woman she was working with was truly amazing and helped her as best she could and as cheapest she could.

Now she juices every day, has totally changed her life and diet, and looks better than I have seen in years.

The ideas behind quantum theory are slowly eroding the classical newtonian world view of matter as separate. I don't see what is so unbelievable that we don't have all the answers yet, and that things are almost definitely not as they seem.

>> No.4563664


I hope all of you look at this post and read it and think really hard about it, and I want you to look in the mirror and realize that this is the kind of logic you have summoned into this thread. You prefigured it, you danced its ritual dance and now it has arrived.

>> No.4563670

Yes, the people in the studies were unable to continue taking the drugs because the things they were seeing in the trials made it difficult for them to function in society like a normal human being. So you see, they opted out of the study and thus it didn't reach anything conclusive. However, as I said he's now working towards proving his original hypothesis about the pineal gland and the production of the chemical.

I'm glad we can agree your knowledge here is absolutely hilarious. You can feel free to look into his name, and you won't. But at least you'll still be damned full of yourself.

>> No.4563683

Ooo, can we talk about faith healing next? Through praying and such, I mean.

>> No.4563690


You seem to be under the impression that the production of a chemical in a body gland has any bearing whatsoever on its recreational use.
I cannot begin to imagine why.

>> No.4563704

Creative Writing

>> No.4563738

No, you'll actually see that I mentioned this in reference to homeopathy after saying it should be much easier for that guy to show evidence for it working physically than whatever strassman showed. Have you been following the thread anon, or are you just trying to be a dick? :^)

>> No.4563800


I cannot think of a single thing that his shitty post about homeopathy has to do with your shitty posts about drugs, other than both of them being shitty posts based on aborted logic.

>> No.4563814
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>> No.4563820

speaking of ritual dances..

>> No.4563829
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The major difference would be the doctor carrying out studies who you're going to willingly remain ignorant of for, likely, the remainder of your life. I am also not convinced that you aren't the now-absent homeopathy anon, who was clearly retarded and seemingly appeared to for the sole purpose of being a deus ex machina that stated "hey guys muh anecdote" when the zero-tolerance, no-questions on drugs guys were getting mad.

Anyway this whole thing has been pretty fucking retarded, and a bunch of people have been proud of not knowing anything about the topics they apparently feel very strongly about for no real reason. You guys are awesome.

And to think, all this because I pointed out cars are somewhat necessary to that one butthurt guy.