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File: 26 KB, 274x300, Nietzsche.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4560516 No.4560516[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Now that the dust has settled, can we agree that he is one of the worst philosophers of the past few centuries?
First year philosophy students need not post.

>> No.4560519

Has it settled, anon? Has it?

>> No.4560523

>First year philosophy students need not post.
I never took a philosophy course so I can fuck you with your own rulebook. Best philosopher ever.

>> No.4560528

what's it like being a 16 year old that enjoys his abrasive writing style but ultimately shallow as fuck philosophies?

>> No.4560530

rockstar as fuck. how are you enjoying your ride?

>> No.4560533


>> No.4560534
File: 65 KB, 413x413, bill hicks relentless.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

life is just a ride experiencing simultaneous through senses and lsd :)

>> No.4560539

>ultimately shallow

Please elaborate. I know that you're probably incapable of offering up more than empty invective, but if you're so inclined, please lay out your quibbles with the man's approach.

You'll have my full attention if you can provide something with more substance than a variation of "he was a sadcunt IRL".

>> No.4560541

everyone nos nietzsche is a rip off of ayn rand

>> No.4560545


I like you. Similarly to Norman Mailer, I consider myself at any given time to be a 7, 16, 23, 35, and 49 year-old (numbers can vary). People who frown upon adolescence are usually scum.

>> No.4560550

I can agree that he's not as awesome as teenage fedora's make him out to be. But the guy contributed significantly to the later philosophical tradition. He also has some good points, i.e. truth does not reveal herself as clear and distinct, and the teststone for truth ought to be life, and Plato was a cunt for relegating art to a subservient role.

>> No.4560557

Alright, I'll try.
>He wasn't a sick cunt
>He never glassed any mad cunts
>He was a wog
>He failed to turn back the boats

>> No.4560559

>abrasive writing style
I don't know what translations you read, but his writing is very easy. Especially compared to faggots like Kant, Schelling and Heidegger.

>> No.4560566


>> No.4560565

He reads like a high flown speech at the end of a novel. That's partly why he's so well liked, no doubt.

>> No.4560569


He was the first metamodern.

>> No.4560574
File: 16 KB, 221x196, hooklinesinker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4560580


first good post I've seen from ou

>> No.4560594

Nietzsche was a modernist pur sang.

>> No.4560607

He was oscillating a lot.

>> No.4560613

between what? a meta- that was still inexistent and a post- that never was?

>> No.4560627

Not really, he is usually considered to be one of the earliest postmodern and post-structuralist philosophers.

>> No.4560630

Yes, and you clearly don't know why.

>> No.4560631

and he is revered by the modernists as well for his views on aesthetics. the post-structuralist side of nietzsche doesn't account for his theory of art.

>> No.4560662

>A notable characteristic of Modernism is self-consciousness, which often led to experiments with form, along with the use of techniques that drew attention to the processes and materials used in creating a painting, poem, building, etc.[4] Modernism explicitly rejected the ideology of realism[5][6][7] and makes use of the works of the past by the employment of reprise, incorporation, rewriting, recapitulation, revision and parody.[8][9][10]

Wow, yeah - Nietzsche totally didn't tick all of those boxes.

I'm not denying that he's been appropriated by postmodernists and poststructuralists. I don't have to. Afterall, those are modernist projects themselves.

>> No.4560665

>Some commentators define Modernism as a socially progressive trend of thought that affirms the power of human beings to create, improve and reshape their environment with the aid of practical experimentation, scientific knowledge, or technology.[11] From this perspective, Modernism encouraged the re-examination of every aspect of existence, from commerce to philosophy, with the goal of finding that which was 'holding back' progress, and replacing it with new ways of reaching the same end
tick, tick, and tick.

>> No.4560676



Pretty interesting read on this subject.

>> No.4560681


>not Heidegger

I genuinely feel sorry for any academic who built their career around Heidegger.

>> No.4560684

>practical experimentation, scientific knowledge, or technology
Nietzsche was pretty critical of people's tendency to take scientific fact as black-and-white truth and their apparent belief that science could determine the truth of anything, even ethics and human behaviour.

>> No.4560721

Are you ignorant or retarded?

>> No.4560729


It maybe is true that he was the first metamodernist since his philosophy seems to transcend the modernist/postmodernist dichotomy.

>> No.4560766

how the fuck can one be a metamodernist if there isn't even postmodernism present.

>> No.4560769

Never denied him to be an influence on postmodernism.

>> No.4560773

also, that guy needs to get his citations in order.

>> No.4560775

Yes. And?

>> No.4560780

A much more interesting read:

>> No.4560788

"postmodernism" is just a term, many of Kierkegaard's and Nietzsche's ideas were already postmodern although the term didn't exist yet.

>> No.4560791

ah right, so there will be thre camps caliming their ideas now?

>> No.4560793

I agree wholeheartedly, OP. He's hyped to the max and appeals to edgy teenage angst even though his aphorisms are riddled with inconsistencies. There are very few logically developed arguments in his writing, he wasn't much of a philosopher - but he was certainly a good writer. Being a good writer and being clever on rare occasions go far in philosophy, think Plato.

>> No.4560799

>riddled with inconsistencies
that's the point. or at least one of his points.

>few logically developed arguments in his writing
you mean in his published writings. chekc the nachlass, you'll find earlier versions of aforisms that are completely lucid.

>> No.4560810

how's that anachronism treating you?

>> No.4560815

in the off chance that you read German:

>> No.4560818


>> No.4560838

agreed, they really are bad though

>> No.4560847

im convinced anyone who associates nietzsche with words like "edgy," "teenage," "fedora," or "angst" hasn't actually read him. i never knew any teenager to read nietzsche, let alone pride themselves on his ideas. do people think his philosophy is equivalent to black metal or something? couldnt be further from the truth if youve actually read him. hell, even a browsing of some aphorisms on wikiquote should be enough to put this association/notion to rest.

i read and everyone ive talked to and know who read nietzsche did so in their early to mid twenties. he is life affirming and empowering, not "dark and edgy." he isn't "kill people burn shit fuck school" teenage rebellion angst, whatever nihilism he can be accused of is grief or mourning. he also isn't anti-theist the way dawkins and hitchens are oft quoted and understood to be.

>> No.4560852

>i never knew any teenager to read nietzsche
I was a teenager who read Nietzsche.

I'm not sure why you referred to my post (second), 'cause in no way did I claim sympathy for the view of Nietzsche as dark and edgy.

Carry on.

>> No.4560899
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Plebs like you shouldn't talk about things they don't know. His writings coherent as any other philosopher. Read his work other than his aphorisms on facebook.

>> No.4560901

your ignorance is painful

>> No.4560924

But you're wrong, op.