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4559988 No.4559988[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>walk into coffee shop
>see someone with one of these

>> No.4559992

coffee shops seem similar to bars in that you pay a premium price for a beverage you can get at other places for cheaper

a lot harder to get laid at a coffee shop, though

as an anxious person, i don't understand paying extra for the atmosphere surrounding my caffine intake

>> No.4560107

Good for coffee on the run.
I pity the fools who don't get their coffee to go.
The only time that's acceptable is when you're on vacation and having a lazy morning.

>> No.4560117

Good quality coffee.

>> No.4560145


All my mornings are lazy. NEET master race.

>> No.4560154

Mostly quality of ingredients and preparation. I mean, preparation isn't really that important unless your doing something with espresso.

>> No.4560366

>heart warms
yes indeed.

>> No.4560399

You would if you lived in some coffin of an apartment. Consider it renting a decent lounge. The change of atmosphere from private to public is also refreshing.

I generally get something to eat with my coffee, though, so it's not just sipping, and I have something to read, so I hang around for maybe an hour.

>> No.4560432


I pity the fools who don't take their coffee from home in a travel mug.
But I mainly pity the fools who drink coffee. Tea was here, coffee is a loser.

>> No.4560543

OP, this is a device known as an "instant saving writing utensil", which allows you to save your text with every hit, without any loss of RAM or slowing down.

It's good shit. It also forces you to think twice about what you're going to type.

>> No.4560602

>preparation isn't really that important unless your doing something with espresso.
>preparation doesn't matter with pour over, french press, moka pot and turkish coffee

trap kek

>> No.4561323

Not saying that, just saying that the majority of people use a machine instead of those things so it usually comes down to quality of bean.

>> No.4561818

lol noise, so inconsiderate

10/10 for obnoxious assertiveness

>> No.4561828
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>so not mainstream!

>> No.4561863

Disgusting plebs, not sitting there with a quil pen and a blank book writing your art in caligraphy with each word... Haha, what a shame you mortals will never know the pleasure and exquisite frustration of my writing process.

>> No.4561902

>get on the floor
>everybody do the dinosaur
>then leave, might get infected by pretentious idiots

>> No.4561974

>quality coffee
I've never understood this because to me all coffee tastes the same, like wood dipped in rotten sweat; and I like it that way.

>> No.4561994

coffee fucking sucks.

>> No.4561998

my writing setup:

laptop or notebook
a couple of beers
my roommate's absence

i could never write in a place as noisy as a coffee place. actually, i probably could. but as it stands i have the choice, so i go for quiet and empty rooms for writing.

>> No.4562003

The same people who use these collect vinyls

>> No.4562006

You have a point. However, why you would want to lug a typewriter around out in public is beyond me, they're bulky and weigh enough for it to be easier to leave at home. I'm guessing the only reason one would do this is for looks.

Coincidentally, I have an old Royal manual typewriter. I don't use it that often, because it sometimes jumps two spaces after typing a character. It's really annoying.

>> No.4562022

I mean if you're implying a correlation, who knows. I haven't encountered many of either kind of person to make that judgment.
Those who use typewriters in public though, just want you to be aware of them typing something; like their Andersonesque screenplay that will never be finished.

>> No.4562028

vinyls legitimately sound better than mp3s, though.

>> No.4562047

My friends collect them (Metal ones), but none of them have ever touched a typewriter in their lives.
Not sure about quality, don't collect vinyls myself, but they're better when you're stoned. You don't have to deal with a nasty computer screen to listen to music.

>> No.4562048


oh man

>> No.4562056

lol no

>> No.4562076

>Being THIS much of a tryhard newfag stoner

Kill self

>> No.4562087

Maybe if it's 128kpbs.

And I'd totally have a typewriter, but I wouldn't flaunt it in cofeeshops.

>> No.4562101

>tryhard newfag stoner
Hah. If that's what you think. I've been here a while, my friends have collected vinyl for years, and I stopped smoking pot a long time ago.

But whatever anon, insult is the language of this place.

>Kill self
After you.

>> No.4562113

Using a typewriter is fine. There are fewer distractions with a typewriter than a computer so some prefer it.

Using one in public is just unforgivable. Might as well start writing with a quill pen to show everyone how cultured you are.

>> No.4562118

it depends on what type of stereo you have connected to your vinyl player. some songs legitimately do sound nicer on vinyl. the better the stereo you are using to play them, the better they sound. my computer speakers/headphones are pretty low-tier so the few records I do own sound much nicer than they do on my computer.

>> No.4562119
File: 87 KB, 608x580, 12354353.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn't write with a quill pen

you probably don't write on scrolls either, you uncultured swine

>> No.4562129

*tips fedora

>> No.4562134

>not exclusively using a hammer and chisel on stone tablets

It's like you enjoy being pleb.

>> No.4562151


>not scraping hieroglyphs into rock with another rock

>> No.4562148

>not doing cave paintings with your hands

spoiled my modern technology, i see

>> No.4562155

>not exclusively telling your stories through ape like grunts and feces smeared over banana leaves.

>> No.4562157

I've never seen this back and forth before guyz.

>> No.4562163

>telling stories at all

just eat and sleep only, like we're supposed to do

>> No.4562167


>actually having leisure time from predators

>> No.4562179

its a scientific fact, are you joking? digital recordings literally clip off peaks (positive and negative) of the soundwaves that analogue recordings leave in tact.

>> No.4562191

Either you're le epic trole or you have genuinely never heard of amps or dacs.

>> No.4562203

That's loudness war and has nothing to do with medium and all to do with mixing.

>> No.4562208

I never knew just what it was about this old coffee shop I love so much. All of the while, I never knew-w-w-w.

I'd probably look at the person in contempt and then never think about them again in my life.

>> No.4562209

CDs are good enough now that there isn't typically a difference. In fact, a lot of vinyl prints use the CD as a base rather than the master, so you can't possibly be getting anything more than what the CD has.

For older stuff, that is things printed before CDs were a thing, vinyl will sound better, scientifically. Newer stuff, usually not so much.

I will agree that the experience of hearing a record instead of a CD is, for me, preferable. Maybe it's just the "ritual" of putting a record on that makes it seem better, or maybe record players have better sound systems than most people do on their speakers

>> No.4562218

You take that back...

>> No.4562230

>scientific fact

Yes scientific fact that newer thing sound SHITTIER than OLDER things.

>> No.4562249

>That's loudness war and has nothing to do with medium and all to do with mixing.

lol holy shit this board is retarded. "thats loudness war" jesus some of you need to get off the internet.

>> No.4562257

That's what it's called.
I guess clipping is less offensive or whatever to you?

>> No.4562265

its a totally different issue, dude. you're just confused because i said soundwaves and that's literally all you know involving soundwaves apparently.

>> No.4562281

Apparently so. But I still think, that CD doesn't clip soundwaves by default and that it's always a decision made by the producer.
But you're open to educate me on the matter.

>> No.4562314

Do you have any idea what clipping is? Probably not because nothing you say makes any fucking sense, so here goes: it's when the source doesn't have enough current and/or voltage to handle peak outputs so it "cuts" the soundwave. The dynamic range affects how sustained and big these peaks are (loudness war is related to this).
Clipping has nothing to do with analog or digital (there are DACs to handle this anyway). It has to do with the source i.e. the amp (e.g. in your computer).

>> No.4562319

the way "clip" was used in the original post has nothing to do with the audio issue of "clipping"

>> No.4562333

So "clip off peaks of soundwaves" doesn't mean clipping while being the definition of clipping. Makes perfect sense.

>> No.4562337


coffee here: tea is for fags & chinks

>> No.4562352

you're just kind of a dope. "Clipping is a form of waveform distortion that occurs when an amplifier is overdriven and attempts to deliver an output voltage or current beyond its maximum capability"

again, nothing to do with cutoff frequency, which is a bandwith issue which is related to digi vs analog.

>> No.4562360


Stare, amazed, as if suddenly time had brought an echo, long lost in its eternal flow.

>> No.4562382

Cut-off frequency is something so trivial that it makes no sense to argue for it when talking about vinyl vs digital.

>> No.4562401

cause you dont have access cozy european coffee shops

>> No.4562424

>something people have been arguing about for decades is trivial because some stubborn kid on 4chan says so

>> No.4562443
File: 38 KB, 600x400, maquinaparracnca600_12577.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You know, there's a poet called Nicanor Parra, he used to say typing machines, where in fact time machines.

He said language could bring to the presence of our spirits, what had happened long time ago, or even what was happening in places far away from ourselves.

And I say there is a poet, even if for us he is dead, because if typing machines are what he used to say, he is right now enjoying the worlds he created while using it.


>> No.4562466
File: 110 KB, 1068x684, IMGuytrew345tgfr456bbbjj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Aint that an act of faith?

>> No.4562644

I used to think beer made me a better writer too!

It doesn't

>> No.4562654

>mfw I was given that exact typewriter as a gift last year

>> No.4562667

Throw it away and walk into the ocean. Don't stop.