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4556261 No.4556261 [Reply] [Original]

Why does Marx still have relevence in modern philosophy, political and economic thought when he has been entirely debunked by Rothbard and Mises?

Why isn't Praxeology taught as a major philosophical strain like Marxist Dialectics is?

>> No.4556269

>when he has been entirely debunked by Rothbard and Mises?
Incorrect premise.

>> No.4556276

His ideas aren't practical, but they're a great thought experiment.

>> No.4556313

>Why does Marx still have relevance in modern philosophy

Material Dialectics is a great analytic method used to understand events and the world. Marx is one of the fathers of Sociology.

The entire modern political dichotomy are based on Marx's theories.

>economic thought
Most Economic thought finds its basis in Das Kapital. He has some of the most in-depth writings and analysis on society and economics in existence.

>entirely debunked by Rothbard and Mises?

No one except retards take Rothbard or Mises seriously. Austrian economics is a joke and considered a utopian fantasy for capitalist economists who fell asleep during Sociology class.

>Why isn't Praxeology taught as a major philosophical strain like Marxist Dialectics is?

Because it's nonsense.

>> No.4556315

Is Marx relevant? I think Zizek is the only one who still quotes him.

>> No.4556634

>Is Marx relevant? I think Zizek is the only one who still quotes him.
Thesis 11
Critical Theory
All the Postructs
* * *
Negri (fuck him)

I don't give a shit if multiline spoilers don't work

>> No.4556732


>entirely debunked by Rothbard and Mises

Tell me, please: what was the critical blow they struck to Marx? I would love to hear it--in your own words, of course.

>Why isn't Praxeology taught as a major philosophical strain like Marxist Dialectics is?

It's taught by Austrian economists. Who else would teach it?

Why isn't Hegel taught in the philosophy departments of the majority of Anglo-American universities? Because none of the professors there are fucking Hegelians.

I mean, if you're really having trouble getting hard, mises.org is just a few keystrokes away.

Praxe-fuckin-ology. The fuck outta here.

>> No.4556752 [DELETED] 
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>> No.4556761
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Praxeology is nonsense.

Hayek and Böhm-Bawerk are the ones who really dealt the most serious blows to Marx's doctrines.

>> No.4556797

>Why isn't Hegel taught in the philosophy departments of the majority of Anglo-American universities?
Wow, is that true?

>> No.4556798

What's wrong with Negri?

>> No.4556800

This fuckin guy is right on the money. I like you, guy.

>> No.4556802

He's a bit of a cunt about the proletariat but not as entertaining as Castoriadis.

>> No.4556809
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>bakunin quote
>anarcho-capitalist flag

Both hilarious and disgusting.

>> No.4557944

*except in the cases of lands with constitutions, as by legal definition you're entitled to those constitutional rights as an individual if you meet the requirements set out by that land upholding it's constitution and are considered a part of it.

>> No.4558055

Nope, it's not. Hegel is most certainly taught in a variety of disciplines, whether it's literary or critical theory, philosophy, or history. The dude is unavoidable once you get to a certain level of discourse.

>> No.4558097

The real question is why you have an AnCap flag with a Bakunin quote you filthy degenerate.

>> No.4558102
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>> No.4558103

Some people like referencing Hegel. If you dig deep enough you get to him, but that doesn't mean he gets 'taught'. I would be surpised to see a course on Hegel in a literature department.

>> No.4558127

OP where did you get that picture? I need to find the idiot who put a Bakunin quote over an an-cap flag.

>> No.4558155


>> No.4558176

literally an oxymoron

>what is wage slavery

>> No.4558210


Now that's top-shelf cake.

>> No.4558232

Not strictly on topic, but I am tired about all of this "Adam Smith" tripe emanating from the right lately. Adam Smith's thought was incredibly nuances (read "Theory of Moral Sentiments" to see for yourselves ... it's the next thing on my reading list after Weber's PWE). From what I have read, Smith comes out against over-specialization of labor.

>> No.4558241

capitalism is the economical system closest to pure anarchism
anarchism is about the absence of coercion

>> No.4558541
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>anarchism is about the absence of coercion
Anarchism is the abscence of hierarchies. There must be hierarchies for capitalism to exist.

>> No.4560140

>taught in history

>> No.4561358

You should all read "The Myth of Sysiphus"….

>> No.4561364


i bet you go to some shitty state school, topkek.

>> No.4561494

>There must be hierarchies for capitalism to exist.

>> No.4561501

>what is wage slavery
literally an oxymoron

>> No.4561508 [DELETED] 

/lit/ is pro-establishment because they've all been brainwashed by leftist universities. They don't realize the people who are pushing for socialism are the same ones who run everything. That's what you get for going to a 4 year uni and surround yourself in liberal/gay/antiwhite/socialist literature

>> No.4561564

Very argumentative
Much insight
So eloquence

>> No.4561791

Where in Thompson versus Althusser or Carr or the Whig History (help us) or Annales is it suggested that Hegel bears any relevance to historiography?

>> No.4561811 [DELETED] 

>tfw /pol/ is always right.

>> No.4561817 [DELETED] 

Cornelius Castoriadis ran everything?
NEFAC secretly controls Canada?
The IWSM is responsible for bin tax?

>> No.4561820
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>> No.4561824 [DELETED] 
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Take your delusions as far from me as possible.

>> No.4561826

>hurr war is a bear of stories durr
History itself refutes this faggot.
I have no idea how anyone takes this jackass seriously.

>mercantile nigrame

>> No.4561848
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>YFW Americlappers actually believe that removing government regulation right now would be good

>> No.4561851

>entirely debunked by Rothbard and Mises?

obvious troll.

>> No.4561860

>leftist universities

You mean those universities with economics courses dedicated to teaching free market principles, and focus on pumping out as many cheap scientists and laborers to flood the markets and make labor cheap, while discouraging all research that won't be helpful to increase GDP?


>inb4 socialism never has worked, and can't work
>inb4 the word nigger
>inb4 /lit/ mods don't ban /pol/tards for shitposting

>> No.4561871

I only got ITT to say this.

>Negri (fuck him)
Early Negre, especially Marx beyond Marx is really good. But Everything post Empire is pretty much shit.

>> No.4561877


But we're real anarchists, really!

Honestly, I really hope they succeed. I mean, if they can remove the state, a socialist revolution would be a piece of cake.

Of course, when they ever come that far they probably realize the state has been their ally all along and everything they believed in was absolute bollocks.

If they get that far.

>> No.4561883

>>inb4 socialism never has worked, and can't work
It spends more than what it produces.

>> No.4561892

That idea is literally a contradiction.

Think again.

>> No.4561895

>Hayek and Böhm-Bawerk are the ones who really dealt the most serious blows to Marx's doctrines.

Hayek is irrelevant. Böhm-Bawerk has a good critique on Marx' theory of value. The problem is, his critique does not deliver a critical blow and the alternative (good old subjective theory of value) is not a valid alternative since it only explains trade.

>> No.4561908

Thanks mate. I couldn't be bothered saying this days ago. Nice to know someone else out there has actually _read_ Böhm-Bawerk instead of just believing him.

>> No.4561909

>It spends more than what it produces.

Why don't you think first before saying something?

>> No.4561922

That's why it doesn't work.

And why don't you think before taking sides?

>> No.4561933
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Every time.

>> No.4561940


Read up and stop shitposting.

>> No.4561943



>> No.4561945

>And why don't you think before taking sides?

I have.

Come on, did you forget socialist states have existed in the past and do exist today?

>> No.4561952

>implying that just because they aren't impossible, they actually work
a hue a hue a hue

>> No.4561958

Are you implying he's actually educated on the subject? He's probably watched like 5 Stephen Molyneux videos and thinks he knows economics

>> No.4561961


Yes, I do imply that yes.

>> No.4561985


Hayek is pretty far from irrelevant. You can argue that a socialists system could make effective use of price signals but you can't just pretend that the problem of conveying information in a planned economy does not exist considering that it has plagued every planned economy ever attempted.

>> No.4561989

>socialist states


>> No.4562009

Böhm-Bawerk identified the transformation problem in a particularly useful way.

Time chained calculations and the politicisation of Marx's categories both offer trivial ways out of the transformation problem.

>> No.4562020

Except it isn't a critique of Marx's work, its a critique of a strawman. Hayek doesn't refer to actual workers' organisations, but an imaginary of his own production.

The historical-material, ie the empirical, needs to be the basis of a defensible political economy, and Hayek avoids discussing actual proletarian pre-figurative forms.

>> No.4562023


Yes, but you can't say Hayek disproved Marxism. Hayek criticized one thing, a vague idea of a socialist state Marx wrote down in the communist manifesto. Which amounts for probably less than 1% of Marx' work.

This is also still a very inconclusive and hard discussion. One reason being that people disagree how markets work.

>> No.4562041

Bawerk effectively believed that the only difference between a laborer and a capitalist was their moral character. That's what happens when you extend neoclassicism to its logical endpoint.

And people should. Because I believe Mises.org and libertarians, how narrow minded they may be sometimes, do apply the tenets of utilitarianism and neoclassicism correctly and logically.

>> No.4562055

If they apply utilitarianism logically then tell me how they can plumb the difference between my desires and yours: they're internal states.

>> No.4562060

man, fuck anarcho-capitalists

>> No.4562081


Hardly a strawman. It was not a critique aimed at Marx, per se, but it accurately predicted the issues that would arise in a planned economy without a functioning price system. Reality proved him right.

Just look at Venezuela for a clear modern example. The fact that Venezuela is "not real socialism", "state capitalism " or whatever you wish to call it is irrelevant ; it attempts to disrupt market prices and thus leads to people running out of toilet paper and powdered milk.

There is a book called Socialism After Hayek that seems to offer an interesting take on it, but it sure as hell takes a lot more to dismiss Hayek's work than just calling it "irrelevant" or a strawman, considering how accurate it has proven itself to be.

>> No.4562090

>Hardly a strawman. It was not a critique aimed at Marx, per se, but it accurately predicted the issues that would arise in a planned economy without a functioning price system. Reality proved him right.
Which state would that be in? The Soviet Union had a continuous price system with realisation, as did the Eastern European states.

Again: please avoid the empirical, it makes your argument so suasive.

By the way: Hayek's argument was founded on a total absence of price, not a localised one.

You've failed to draw conclusions from empirical data by ignoring it, and you've misread the basis of your argument.

>> No.4562091


Quite a few anarcho capitalists despise utilitarianism.

>> No.4562111


They can't. I never said neoclassical economics make sense.

>> No.4562112


That is true, I guess, but since neoclassical economics is based on utilitarian principles they're in a bit of pickle.

>> No.4562117

Just checking if you're familiar with the debate really.

What do you think about the ranked-order-preference proxy for utility embedded as an assumption inside of marginalism. Does it defeat the project, or does it mean that the model has some use to the extent that reality mimics the model's special case occasionally?

>> No.4562128

How's hayek, mises and ricardo utilitarians?

>> No.4562133

>workers of the world will overthrow their capitalist oppressors and enact a workers paradise

>doesn't happen

>come to the conclusion that it didn't happen because people are spoiled by capitalist products

"it mus be de cultur!!!1!"

marxists are idiots

>> No.4562154


I have not heard of that argument. Who claims it?

>> No.4562162


I thought the first two are, no?

>> No.4562169

Explain your point of view.

>> No.4562173

>I have not heard of that argument. Who claims it?
The marginalists. Their claim is that market preference is a reasonable proxy for utility and that therefore their model can speak to the fulfilment of human desire.

>> No.4562183


They subscribe to an economic theory based on utility of the consumer?

Yeah, but who claims the ranked order assumption undermines it?

>> No.4562188

Undermines marginalism? The critique of 19th century utilitarianism: the proxy can't speak to actual desire.

>> No.4562565

>I only got ITT to say this.
What does that mean?

>> No.4562573


>> No.4562681
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>bakunin quote on an anarcho-capitalist flag

anon, pls

>> No.4563020

>Just look at Venezuela for a clear modern example. The fact that Venezuela is "not real socialism", "state capitalism " or whatever you wish to call it is irrelevant ; it attempts to disrupt market prices and thus leads to people running out of toilet paper and powdered milk.

Venezuela isn't even Socialist in any regard, over 70% of the Economy is private.

The issue with Venezuela is that when they Nationalized their oil, every single right wing country on the planet and right wing ideologue started calling them a socialist dictatorship and capital fled the country, Chavez (and now Maduro) are fucking around with the markets to try deal with the capital fleeing but are just fucking the market more.

A large portion of Venezuelas problems are in my opinion, actual sabotage of the Venezuelan economy on purpose by private interests and the United States along with Columbia to make it fail.

I'm not saying Chavez and Maduro have nothing to do with it, they obviously do as they have panicked and tried to force private interests to do their bidding when capital fled which has backfired, but it's pretty obvious there are outside forces at play here to destabilize the country.

It's also important to note that it's quite interesting that nobody mentions the massive rises in quality of life under Chavez that has taken place amongst Venezuelas poor and the massive increases generally in life indicators like child mortality and life expectancy.

Also Venezuela's governement spending of GDP is far below that of most OECD countries.

>> No.4563042
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>all this damage control
Lefties are so delusional.

>> No.4563048

op is proof that ancaps are fucking retarded.

>> No.4563049

>>Why does Marx still have relevence in modern philosophy, political and economic thought when he has been entirely debunked by Rothbard and Mises

He doesn't.

>> No.4563066

It's a known fact that private business in Venezuela has been hording goods and smuggling them across into Columbia for quite some time.

Again, Venezuela isn't even Socialist, they are Social democrats who nationalized the oil, that's fucking it, almost the entire venezuelan economy outside of oil is private. There is nothing "socialist" about that.

Chavez fucked himself over with the "Socialism" rhetoric and aligning himself with Cuba, this gave right wingers massive amounts of ammo to grab onto and cause faith in Venezuela to collapse, even though they haven't fucking done anything worth note (actually Government spending is LESS now than it was before Chavez)

if anything, Venezuela is proof you can not call yourself Socialist, or build socialism in one country, Venezuela isn't socialist in any single regard, yet has still been fucked in the arse by the market who PERCEIVES them to be Socialist.

Again, almost every first world country has more Government spending and ownership than Venezuela, why in fuck is Venezuela singled out?

>> No.4563069


>> No.4563090
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Jesus christ, you can't be serious.
I'd rather you be a chuuni.

>> No.4563094

The problem with Ancaps is that they are blinded by ideology and refuse to acknowledge anything that doesn't conform to their incredibly narrow views.

They believe that violence from the state is the only form of coercion in existence, they don't believe that say, social coercion exists they don't believe blackmail exists, only violent coercion from a state. (I have never seen it adequately answered how private property exists without violent coercion).
In reality coercion is any leverage someone can use against someone else to work for that coercers means, you know, like wealth inequality.

They pretend that all trade exists in a vacuum and that people only trade what is worth to them thus the free market is just. (ignoring again wealth inequality)

They pretend Capitalism = Free markets. They totally ignore every single thing else to do with Capitalism, including what makes Capitalism, Capitalism, the mode of production. According to Ancaps own logic, Market Socialism is Capitalism.

The coercion nonsense they come up with is complete load of shit anyway that no other anrchists even bother to argue about. No anarchist says that an anarchist society would not be coercive, by the nature of direct democracy, there would have to be coercion, but they argue that there would be no rulers and that everyone would have a say in how society is run through direct democracy in a federation of communities.

Frankly, Anarcho-Capitalism is a bunch of buzzwords and ideological abstraction that right wing think tanks use to trick psuedo-intellectual idiots into spreading corporate propaganda , this is why essentially all Ancaps are climate change denialists and fight regulation and tax rates, it benefits big business that they do this, while at the same time, Big Business also discredit them as a group, so they don't get power (as what was seen during the Government shutdown)

Anarcho-Capitalism is literally manufactured consent the political leaning.

>> No.4563099

Over 70% of Venezuelas economy is private.

Government spending is below 30% of GDP (well below OECD average)

Every mainstream media outlet is private.

Venezuela is not Socialist in any single regard. There is not a single argument that can be made that can call them Socialist.

The reason leftists support Chavez is because of the massive improvements in life indicators amongst Venezuelas poor, no one believes they are "Socialist" apart from right wingers.

>> No.4563103
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>> No.4563105
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>> No.4563112

You start with all the facts and come to all the wrong conclusions. It obviously isnt a Dictatorship as America wants us to believe, but it is socialist alright, and a very good kind of socialism too.

>> No.4563110

Prepared to provide evidence to the contrary?

>Last year the private sector accounted for 70 percent of gross domestic product, including 11 percent in taxes paid on products, according to Central Bank estimates. The public sector was 30 percent, a slightly smaller share than when Chavez was elected in 2008.

Biggest Venezuelan media companies
El Nacional - Private
Ultimas Noticias - Private
El Universal - Private
RCTV - Private
Venevision - Private
Globovision - Private

(State media VDT, TVes, ViVe)

So socialist! Oh wait, it isn't in any regard.

If Venezuela is Socialist, then by all rights, China is 100% Communist.

>> No.4563119
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And the relevance?

>> No.4563128

>Prepared to provide evidence to the contrary?
I would, but then you'll either start saying how much my sources are all biased or just close your ears anLALALALALALALALALALALALAA I DONT HEER U CUBA IS BOSS.

Why bother? Dealing with delusional people is a dead end.

>> No.4563168

>It's a known fact that private business in Venezuela has been hording goods and smuggling them across into Columbia for quite some time.

Yes, because Chavez's fixed prices meant that they couldn't sell their product at a profit.

You're delusional. Chavez was power hungry, but Maduro is just retarded. He speaks to birds and blames american soap operas for the rise in violence.

It's not about government spending. It's about market freedom. Scandinavia has high taxes but you're allowed to open a business and sell your product at the price you see fit. Venezuela has lower taxes but citizens have to resort to the black market due to government willingly destroying the functioning price system.

>> No.4563192

Is Venezuela functioning when half the country lives in abject poverty to the point they can't even afford food?
Is Venezuela functioning when half the population is illiterate, had never been to school or seen a doctor?

Venezuela was a country where the elite lived in luxury where the rest of the country starved to death. If you think that is functioning, then you are full of shit.

Abject poverty in Venezuela was 49.9% before Chavez, now it's been lowered too 7.5%

Malnutrition has been halved.

Enrollment in education has incresed 95.1%

Child Mortality has been decreased from 28:1000 to 8.6:1000

HIV therapy has increased from 1000, to 26,000. Tuburculosis treatment has increased from 68% to 83%

Safe drinking water has increased from 68% to 92%

You people would be entirely happy to see poverty skyrocket again so the "economy can be fixed and prices go back to serving only those that can afford to live"

Fucking disgusting. How about putting the people in the economy before the fucking market itself. If prices are restored back to what they were before subsidies, then you condemn half of Venezuela to abject poverty.

>> No.4563195 [DELETED] 

whoa shit
go make a tulpa fgt

>> No.4563250
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>Maduro, who said that the new system would be known as “Sicad 2,” has blamed inflation and shortages on an “economic war” waged by the “parasitic bourgeoisie.” He gave businesses until Feb. 10 to cut prices to “fair” levels and reduce their profit margins to a maximum of 30 percent.



>The violence was a crescendo to weeks of sporadic demonstrations in the provinces led by opposition hardliners who denounce Maduro for failing to control inflation, crime and product shortages and vow to push him from office.


Whoa look at all those happy proles clawing each other for a pack of powdered milk

also, murders more than doubled doing Chavez's time. Maduro would like us to believe this is due to the harmful effects of american soap operas, but I have a better theory.


I live in South America bro. You're delusional. Venezuela is widely recognized as a shithole and even Argentineans thank God every day that their country hasn't yet collapsed into the leftist singularity that is Venezuela. There are lines for fucking toilet paper. The murder rate is one of the highest in the world. It's just a complete trainwreck of a country and everyone knows Chavez's retarded economic policies are the main culprit.

meanwhile Chile's free market economy means it has the highest HDI, lowest poverty rate and fastest growing GPD in South America. Stay mad, leftist scum.

>> No.4563272

>Not Boss

Propoganda disregarded.

>> No.4563304

As long as you're a tourist, yeah, Cuba is pretty boss.

>> No.4563328

This is just like saying Pinochet "cleaned up" Chile. Yeah, because America was paying truckers to go on strike, etc.

>> No.4563374
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1: Those killed in protests have been Chavistas who were hunted down and murdered by Opposition protesters. One was a Chavista community leader, the other was a state photographer.

2: Maduro praised the peaceful protests, but now they have turned massively violent, with reports protesters looting, holding people in public ransom and smashing offices and murdering people.

3: It's a known fact that businesses in Venezuela have been working to sabotage the economy, pic related.

Businesses have been hoarding their goods and smuggling them out through Columbia.

I agree with the fact that Maduro is a fucking retard, but it's blatantly obvious that there has been a plot for quite some time to destabilize Venezuelas economy by the US and business. Being from South America, you should have a clue about your own history and know that the US sort of does this nonstop down there to regimes that are not sycophantic to it.

>> No.4563393

>fixed prices
Wow. so the United States went socialist under Nixon. Fucking kiddies.

>> No.4563394

What you're doing now is just classical leftist damage control.
Next thing you're going to tell me the URRS didn't had concentration camps and that Cuba is a haven for free speech.

>Being from South America, you should have a clue about your own history and know that the US sort of does this nonstop down there to regimes that are not sycophantic to it.
Why should I listen to some idiot that outright discards the ambivalence of imperialism?

If a country in development can benefit from aligning with a more powerful country, why not do it?
Because of muh deegnity? Because of muh supremeceçacy?
Fuck off retard.

>> No.4563398

I think that this is a sufficient indication that your statements are entirely vacuous.

>> No.4563404

>What you're doing now is just classical leftist damage control.
Classic rightist damage control.

>> No.4563409

Withholding economic goods in in a situation when economic freedoms are curtailed is reasonable. It's perfectly legit protest. Of course you should protest against that. Would you expect workers to not do similar if they were taken advantage of?

Please stop being biased.

>> No.4563412

>Would you expect workers to not do similar if they were taken advantage of?
Striking is illegal in economically "free" Australia. I think this disproves the validity of a number of "sources" you've cited.

>> No.4563415

Yeah, and so are a lot of the actions businesses take in oppressive situations. Seems you're completely blind to your double standards.

>> No.4563429

>Withholding economic goods in in a situation when economic freedoms are curtailed is reasonable. It's perfectly legit protest.
Striking is illegal. Either you're a fantasist with no connection to reality or a lying shite.

I think it is obvious which one is true.

>> No.4563435

>Have no argument

Dude. How do you people not realize that you are objectvely whiney little pissants with no point? You have nothing but sarcasm and ad hominem and outright acting retarded, ever. How do you never realize this?

>> No.4563436

>Most Economic thought finds its basis in Das Kapital

This is what liberal arts majors actually believe.

>> No.4563441


>> No.4563447

>Merely claim someone has no argument, when it's clear they've no argument themselves and are trying to turn the table
>Get called out

Who do you think you're convincing?

>> No.4563453
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>"how dare you mispell and slander the name of the UURS"
>mfw i get reported by commies

>> No.4563458
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>all this damage control


>> No.4563483

You're repeating yourself my dear. Do you understand the concept of civil disobedience, and its history in labour rights?

>> No.4563494

Don't worry. This is a thread of pure, unrelenting damage control.

>> No.4563501

I understand the concept of taking down a teenager who posts authoritative declarations about reality that are at odds with the commonly agreed happenstance of empirical reality.

There is no discussing actual social relations with such a young person, as they are willing to make statements about the nature of reality that are factually and obviously incorrect.

>> No.4563518

>No arguments

You're boring me.

>> No.4563521

I demonstrated a clear internal contradiction in their statements above; one which goes to their ability to speak about reality, and to their category of "force". Do learn to read friend.

>> No.4563552

Appears you've lost track of replies. In any case, economic sabotage in Venezuela is justified. Even if the US is involved, good. They should be.

>> No.4563557


Nixon (at least his economic policies) was a pretty left-wing President by modern standards. Have you even heard of "We are all Keynesians now?"

Glad to see that you're sticking with self-serving political labels kiddo.

>> No.4563561

Its obvious you have no defensible concept of what "capitalism" is if you're claiming Nixon was a socialist for freezing prices.

>> No.4563571


I never said Venezuela was a socialist country.

>> No.4563575

Where did I say Nixon was socialist?

Keynesianism != Socialism.

Keynes wrote the General Theory of Prices as a sort of reaction to the socialist/communist leaning of other economists in the 1930s. Educate yourself. Stop listening to all that Ron Paul crap. It's really just a form of propaganda.

>> No.4563578

*General Theory of Employment ...

>> No.4563579

You know, every Keynsian I've met with an Economics or Political Economy degree has a grounding in actual economic history, and hasn't spouted off about situations they are entirely unfamiliar with reducing them to categories derived from the very Paulites you appear to detest.

Claiming that the difference between market friction in Veneseula and Sweden is about the ability to price output is fucking ridiculous.

>> No.4563586

Anecdotes aren't evidence.

>> No.4563592
File: 228 KB, 500x333, 1391430655667.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this thread

I remember when /lit/ was good for talking reasonably about politics, unlike every board on 4chan. Now we just get GET WREKT SON and DO YOU EVEN KNOW X KIDDO and not to mention my favourite GOD THIS BOARD IS SO LEFTIST.

I miss the early days.

>> No.4563596

It's /pol/ leaking. REPORT, SAGE, and MOVE ON.

>> No.4563600


OP, read this. You don't even have to get to chapter 2, just read chapter 1, it explains why your line of thinking is utterly retarded. Then you can read the section criticizing right wing fallacies if you want even more explanation of why you're a dumbass.

>> No.4563609


>the historical-material, i.e. the empirical

historical materialism is not an empirical, or at least purely empirical, methodology. it is dialectical, so largely speculative. it ironically shares quite a lot with praxeology, which is perhaps a part of what the op was driving at.

>Hayek avoids discussing actual proletarian pre-figurative forms
>pre-figurative forms
read this again. how can a form form itself prior to its formation? or is this historical materialist irony?
this is more dialectical silliness, and completely unrelated to empiricism

>> No.4563633 [DELETED] 

Took thee theory classes for my MA in English Lit, never once read Hegel.
Did have to read Marx though. Twice.

>> No.4563645


I was referring specifically to philosophy departments. Just look up the curriculum for any of the top 10 philosophy programs in the US--Yale, NYU, whatever. Very little Hegel, and where you do find him it's usually only to serve as context for some other thinker, like Marx. No direct or deep treatment, though.

>> No.4563662

>historical materialism is not an empirical, or at least purely empirical, methodology.

This is like suggesting instrumentalist sociology isn't empirical because it draws conclusions.

>it is dialectical,

No, that's diamat. Do bother to learn about what you decide to speak about.

>so largely speculative. it ironically shares quite a lot with praxeology, which is perhaps a part of what the op was driving at.

Maybe you should read E.P. Thompson's Poverty of Theory.

>> No.4563666

Top 4 Australian philosophy departments teach Hegel.

>> No.4563712


>This is like suggesting instrumentalist sociology isn't empirical because it draws conclusions.

what? it's nothing like that, and what a goofy example). you're misrepresenting my point. you equated the "historical material" to the "empirical", which is just flatly wrong. for one, historical materialism is a methodological framework that presupposes fundamental structural relationships that obtain in social formations, which simply cannot be verified.

dialectical materialism is the metaphysical foundation for a historical materialist epistemology. the latter is shot through and through with dialectics. if you don't understand something this basic then you don't understand what historical materialism is about.

you might benefit from reading less and thinking (slightly) deeper.

>> No.4563817

>presupposes fundamental structural relationships that obtain in social formations

My friend. Maybe you had better wait for that fourth year course on social science methodology, or advance your reading.

>dialectical materialism is the metaphysical foundation for a historical materialist epistemology.
Stalinism, stalinism everywhere. If you'd like to strawman Marxism, at least do so on the basis of Kołakowski's main currents. Our mate Kola at least is aware of the division between diamat and historical materialist marxisms.

If you don't understand that the social relations of being precede the formation of ideas about them, then perhaps you couldn't identify an empirical phenomena with two hands and a guide to finding your own arsehole written by Robert Hooke himself.

You might benefit from basic reading comprehension.

>> No.4563824


fuck this shit, pub.

>> No.4563832

Post your face when you realize that Sweden has more equality than Soviet Russia

>> No.4563857

I'm a student at Northwestern taking a philosophy course which, in part, directly deals with Hegel (we're reading Elements of the Philosophy of Right)

Gotta say though his ideas of 'hurr durr if you're a slave it's your own fault you un-self-possessing fuck' are terrible.

>> No.4563858



yes, what about it?

>If you don't understand that the social relations of being precede the formation of ideas about them

This is from the guy accusing Hayek of empirical bad faith because he didn't consider the "pre-figurative forms" of proletarian worker collectives, whatever the fuck those could possibly be.

It doesn't really matter what Marxists, or former Marxists, think about what historical materialism does or does not commit them to. When you actually read the work of self-professed historical materialists, you find them dragging with them a great train of dialectical baggage.

If you think condescending to your interlocutor makes you sound wise or sophisticated or superior, you're quite wrong. You just expose your insecurity, and make yourself out to be a total asshat.

>> No.4563868

>This is from the guy accusing Hayek of empirical bad faith because he didn't consider the "pre-figurative forms" of proletarian worker collectives, whatever the fuck those could possibly be.
Hayek had access to strike committees, UK unions, and workers cooperatives. If you're unaware of common terminology like "pre-figurative forms" it pays to ask, rather than assume and make yourself an arse.

>It doesn't really matter what Marxists, or former Marxists, think about what historical materialism does or does not commit them to. When you actually read the work of self-professed historical materialists, you find them dragging with them a great train of dialectical baggage.

Go read EP fucking Thompson.

>> No.4563880


Why don't you just summarize Thompson's fucking point?

As to "pre-figurative forms": it's a nonsense term for anyone even half-assedly attempting to be a consistent empiricist, which you are failing to see because you have your head aufhebunged so far up your unconsciously dialetical colon.

>> No.4563921

>>presupposes fundamental structural relationships that obtain in social formations
perhaps i should have been slightly more concrete.
historical materialism presupposes structural relations that are of a dialectical nature, meaning structural elements stand in a kind of symbiotic opposition to one another, the resolution of which effects system-wide change. it is a theory of social evolution that allows its a priori assumptions and deductions to do most of the heavy lifting.

>> No.4564070

idiot, it's in the matters of things that /lit/fags are more leftist than /pol things, shit happens with literates

other shit happens with functional analphabets

>> No.4564312

>Bakunin quote on Ancap flag

Fucking hell AnCaps are the biggest fucking shit heads out there. I swear to god their entire movement exists to troll Socialists.

>> No.4564409

So how about that whole private property contract?

>> No.4564448

Because Marxses ideologies don't care for right and wrong. They can be easily tempered with and are quite flexible. Plus they are not followed, I think he just predicted what was going to happen. It's not just one persons philosophical ideologies that lead to acceptance of a system worldwide. It was not just Shakespeare that brought upon romanticism. They just adapted to the changes. In this way, Marx was just a person who saw and predicted the future and it's political economic system. After intellectualism came romanticism and after that came materialism which is now ending to give way to consumerism. It's a result of hundreds of years political and economical decisions. Most Austrian economists and political thinkers aim for utopia, which cannot be achieved just by thinking up philosophical ideologies. The number of humans is growing and so is economy and materialism. This all will collapse on its own and once again like a natural forest , civilisations will rebuild. It's all just a phase.