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/lit/ - Literature

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4554591 No.4554591[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Any literature on fascism?

>> No.4554601

Nope, nothing has ever been written on the subject, I'm sorry OP.

>> No.4554604
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Mein Kampf.

>> No.4554612

That book is a myth, actually.

>> No.4554755

almost as big a one as fascism

>> No.4554976

Darkness at noon - Arthur Koestler

>> No.4554987

The Wretched of the Earth

>> No.4554991
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I can recommend you some books, I used to be a Fascist (moved on to Traditionalism).

Anything in particular you are looking for?

What fascist books have you read?

>> No.4554994

Starship troopers by Robert Heinlein.

>> No.4554997

Not op here.

What made you change position?

>> No.4554998
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>> No.4555011
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Mostly a change in perception.

I started reading esoteric political documents and I kept leaning Far-Right until I ended up becoming a radical Traditionalist.

I still highly respect New Right, Conservative Revolutionary, Fascist and Third Positionist groups.

>> No.4555023

Please, share your reading list.

>> No.4555025

> esoteric political documents
Specifically name it.

Why should one will traditionalism if he's poor?
A field for emancipation of men isn't a standard that you fight for, and as history says, traditionalists keep back the underprivileged where they are to maintain power, influence and dominance.
It's good to be high-midclass and fight for high-culture, but tradicionalism is outdated.

>> No.4555033


I second this request.

>> No.4555038

I oppose this request.

Fuck off, you bleeding cunt. Nothing validates the far-right except for intense xenophobia and ignorance. Don't try to justify your innately retarded positions.

>> No.4555042

Go to /pol/ transsexual militant.

>> No.4555047

>I started reading esoteric political documents and I kept leaning Far-Right until I ended up becoming a radical Traditionalist.
This is interesting.

Which country are you from and which exact tradition? What was your stance on fascist economics, and has it changed? For instance, do you think policy should be judged by how many jobs it generates, a common argument used in the American and even European conservative political discourse?

>> No.4555044

I hope the neoreactionaries win just so I can taste more of your delicious leftard tears.

>> No.4555050

Man, I'm glad I'm a liberal. Feels good being on the winning team again and again. Looking forward to the possibility of that one world government too, not even trolling. Haters gonna hate.

>> No.4555056
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>not even trolling

>> No.4555058

Is there any fascist literature that isn't all edge and fantasies of weak manchildren who wants to be fucked by a strong man? Does moderate reasonable fascism exist without occultism and dubious "epic" appeals to non existent Utopias?

>> No.4555059

Wir alle helfen dem Führer

>> No.4555060

No, only marxism can do that.

>> No.4555061
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>> No.4555065

I'm seriously not. I had to preface that because of the edgy teenagers on 4chins who cry like babies about our great Western tradition. I look forward to more tears from fascists, Communists and the like years from now.

>> No.4555062

Haha, I remember those threads. I was drunk on liberal tears for days,

>> No.4555067

I don't think you can separate literature by its political undertones... I think that is an extreme oversimplification of the craft.

>> No.4555068

I appreciate this post.

>> No.4555071
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I've been reading Julius Evola, Thomas Carlyle, and Joseph de Maistre lately.


>A field for emancipation of men isn't a standard that you fight for, and as history says, traditionalists keep back the underprivileged where they are to maintain power, influence and dominance.

You just defined Communism.

>It's good to be high-midclass and fight for high-culture, but tradicionalism is outdated.

We are fighting for beauty.

Also you spelled Traditionalism wrong if you have not noticed.


Debate 101: as soon as you get mad, you have lost the debate.


I am American from Celtic-Germanic origins.

>What was your stance on fascist economics, and has it changed?

I have honestly not given enough of my study time lately to the subject of economics, I have been very busy and something as complex as that will have to wait for now for me.


Have fun getting lined up against a wall and shot for population control.

t. Dr. Ignotum Per Ignotius


>France Gall

I love her music!
Why does she have to be so attractive?


>Is there any fascist literature that isn't all edge and fantasies of weak manchildren who wants to be fucked by a strong man?

Check out literature from the Roman Empire?

>> No.4555073
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>about our great Western tradition.

A lot of Fascists appreciate Eastern traditions more than Western.

I personally appreciate both.

>> No.4555078

>>Have fun getting lined up against a wall and shot for population control.
>Fascist fantasies of violence because they can't tolerate people not agreeing with them
I love those impotent power fantasies. Indulge me some more.

>> No.4555080

>Have fun getting lined up against a wall and shot for population control.

Historically that's the business of fascists and eugenicists. Please spare us your tu quoque about communism since we are for democracy here. You have no precedent for this claim, it's actually what fascists openly state they want to do.

>> No.4555083

Okay? I like the West's better.

>> No.4555086

>Check out literature from the Roman Empire?

What literature, and what's fascist in the 19-20C sense about it?

>> No.4555097


Unless this is a troll...

>right wing fiction
>Brave New World is not listed

>> No.4555098
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I don't think the image or the threads that spawned it were attempting to do that, to force literature and philosophy simplistically into modern (mostly post hoc) categories. And the image is imperfect besides, for reasons which get pointed out piecemeal every time it's posted.

The real purpose is just to put together a big list of lit that might interest people who are into right/far right ideas. There's a convenient catchall term for this sort of thing that is used a lot with fascism (and fascism itself is a convenient catchall, notoriously impossible to define). It's called "fellow traveller". Fellow travellers will benefit from that image.

>> No.4555107

>Check out literature from the Roman Empire?
>Calls self fascist
>Doesn't know what fascism is

>> No.4555113


He was asking for something non-masculine, how am I supposed to answer a troll question?

>> No.4555121

So masculinity is destructive and not creative? How does it feel to be mentally impaired, grunt?

>> No.4555146

lol wtf

>> No.4555157

Are you unable to comprehend?

>> No.4555158

Jenny Erpenbeck - The Book of Word
Bernofsky's the translator (very good)

>> No.4555174

>I used to be a Fascist (moved on to Traditionalism)
Same here. Noticed it with a few other people on the internet as well. It seems fascism is the last step before you turn into either a white supremitard or traditionalist.

>> No.4555176

This is me also but I skipped the libertarian phase because I'm not a retard

>> No.4555197


It's just a overly feely romantic conservative. Do you also dress up in European 15C pantaloons? It's really unbelievable how stupid people can be, trying to be "epic".

>> No.4555219


>> No.4555225

Georges Sorel is one of the political theorists of the right whose work is not fan fiction of conservatism/tradition. You should read his work thoroughly, he was a major influence on Mussolini.
Carl Schmitt would be one of those guys as well. Plus he didn't drivel on and on like Hitler and managed to avoid pouring his anti-semitism into his work (too much).

>> No.4555227

>Self-congratulation: The Post

>> No.4555249

Oh, let the the boys play dress-up. They'll grow up some day and realize nobody gives a fuck about their weird fetishes for control over a stranger's life.

I love these threads though. "Traditionalists" are a never-ending source of amusement. I guess this is all a part of being a young guy full of hormones, thinking your view is the best view and nothing else. The World is against me, bro! Those liberals though! Yep, sure it is. Sure they are.

>> No.4555268

Reads like a parody which the poster has taken sincerely