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File: 28 KB, 701x511, a-clockwork-orange-alex.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
455286 No.455286 [Reply] [Original]

The Ludovico technique in A Clockwork Orange destroys the right of free thought in a person, yet, if it were introduced into today's society, it would actually promote free speech. Confused? Let me break it down for you. Us 'Murkans believe the right to free speech to be inalienable. Thus, the Ludovico technique appears incredibly amoral and controversial because it goes a step further than eliminating free speech. Once it gets out that the government was using this to treat prison patients, some hippy human rights group would speak out against the situation and make national news. This controversy would outrage all of 'Murka, for the reasons stated previously. People wouldn't believe that something that horrifying could actually exist. After exposing this conspiracy as truth, everyone would be wary of all other possible conspiracies. They would question where our food comes from, how clean our water actually is, etc. And by questioning authority like this, we have come around full circle to using active thinking, and thus has promoted free thought.


>> No.455315

Hi Phil.

>> No.455321

Eh. Mehbeh.

>> No.455324

the american public would probably accept it with open arms at this point of fox news told them too.

>> No.455330
File: 292 KB, 425x638, derp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Especially since free speech is a sign of the progressives winning and must be stopped.

>> No.455362 [DELETED] 

>implying anyone listens to fox news
i dont think you live in america, and if you do, you are one of those propagandized libfags who has mistaken the world inside his head for the world outside his head.

>> No.455373
File: 60 KB, 230x208, NOOOOOOOOOOOO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has to be a troll, right?

>> No.455376


Yeah, no one in America listens to Fox News. Just most people.

>> No.455413


>> No.455419



>> No.455423

/new/ might know. Ratings

>> No.455425

inb4 jews did 9/11

>> No.455446


I live here? Everywhere I go I meet people who love nothing more than to spout some bullshit sound bite they heard on Faux?

That's my source, biznatch.

>> No.455491

I'm going to shit on your sandwich so you'll learn to check for shit every time you eat a sandwich.

>> No.455495


That proves you live in Alabama, not that "most people" in America watch Fox News.

>> No.455523

Your barbaric country still kills prisoners. You would accept and even applaud use of the Ludovico Technique. The precedent would lead to even more horrible treatment of prisoners or even innocents.

>> No.455540

I was actually thinking it may be a more acceptable method than the death penalty. Conservatives would rest assured that it is completely effective, and doesn't waste money, while liberals would comfort in the fact that the act is reversible and would give the opportunity for redeemable action.

Sure, it's inhumane. Well, fuck that.

>> No.455547

The key thing to realize about America is that we want to believe an ideal of morality while we actually practice something entirely different. So if you did this, there would be public outcry, but privately, Americans wouldn't care because they'd believe prisoners deserve it.

>> No.455562

A Clockwork Orange was bad.

>> No.455594

I live in Huntsville, Alabama. Most of the people I know either watch CNN once in a while or don't give a fuck. The only people I've met that religiously follow FOX are bitter 70 year old people.

>> No.455608

Yeah, I figure the biggest flaw is the fact that we live in fucking America. It would probably work in England, or some shit like that.

>> No.455610

unfortunately a disproportionate amount of the electorate is composed of bitter 70 year olds

>> No.456927

I'm confused could you explain that as if I were a retarded 10 year old?

>> No.456928

Well, I'm convinced. Excellent argument, by the way.

>> No.456932

P2+ Total Day
FNC – 1,440,000 viewers
CNN – 422,000 viewers
MSNBC –385,000 viewers
CNBC – 174,000 viewers
HLN – 312,000 viewers
P2+ Prime Time
FNC – 3,040,000 viewers
CNN – 773,000 viewers
MSNBC –846,000 viewers
CNBC – 229,000 viewers
HLN –687,000 viewers

>> No.457334

pretty much this. any sort of "conspiracy theory comes true" scenario could theoretically raise awareness and free speech.