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4551207 No.4551207[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I'm on the process of reading it... anyone has any opinions on this?

pic very fucking related

>> No.4551214

you're the one who's reading it
post yours

>> No.4551241

don't find the reason why but here goes. Not mine, gf said it's a great book and kept insisting on me to read it for WEEKS.

Read the intro and got me hooked. But /lit/ might've already read it and may have an opinion.

>> No.4551247
File: 977 KB, 1944x2592, IMG_20140209_143006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck, forgot attachment

>> No.4551257

Good cult classic book. It'll make you think, that's for sure. There was talk a couple of years ago to do a movie adaptation but funding never came through.

>> No.4551269

>movie adaption

How would that even work?

>> No.4551288

Not that anon, but I think it would be rather easy. You intercut the already documentray/movie style scenes with Johnny's stuff. You'd kinda have to leave Zampano's bits out, or maybe have Johnny's voice read them over a montage of the more boring parts of Johnny's stuff.

Anyway, I really liked it. Certainly something that I think I'll always remember. Very neat book. I've seen people on here dismiss it very quickly as bullshit that has no value and is just gimmicky. It's gimmicky, but the gimmick is well done, and it's pretentious, but there is also something behind it. I'd recommend this book to people, and have, but no one has ever taken me up on the rec.

PS, Is that a harcover? This book comes in hardcover? I think I'd prefer the softcover that I have, which is odd

>> No.4551291

The same gritty handheld camera style similar to the blair witch project I assume. Or with a shit tone of cgi for the constantly changing rooms. Its doable, I just think there isn't enough popularity attributed to the book or the author to warrent a large film company to persue production. In my opinion though if a independent company can pull it off around halloween it could potentionally rocket them to super stardom.

>> No.4551310

Cult classic, huh? and /lit/ seems to like it. Sounds like a nice book then..
yup it's hardcover. There's both paperback and hardcover editions. My gf got hardcover because she always has her way on destroying paperbacks. Also, she's a pretentious hipster and prefers hardcovers because they're "less popular".. thanks for the info, anons. Much appreciated

>> No.4553613

This issn't something you can read on an ebook, due to the changing layout and the like, is it?

>> No.4554386

Some of the typographical stuff was a bit much, but overall I really enjoyed this book.

Really I liked the description of the documentary video best, and kind of think the book would have been better if it stuck to that instead of "lol story within story within story"

But then again, Johnny's story added an extra layer of creepiness to the whole thing.

Anyway, enjoyable book, might read again some day.