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/lit/ - Literature

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4548845 No.4548845 [Reply] [Original]

Post your favorite fantasy series

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>> No.4548851
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>> No.4548897
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>> No.4548934

>genre fiction

>> No.4548947

>'literary' fiction

Enjoy your books about crumbling marriages.

>> No.4548952

My wife had me start that series. I'm up to Song of Susannah. It's been a mixed bag for me. I'm loving the world settings, and the lore, but there isn't enough of it. On top of that, some really stupid, rage inducing choices are made by King, and for no reason.

>> No.4548958

>I'm an elitist
>I know better than you do
>This is inferior
>I'm an intellectual
>Why do people insist on posting inferior topics here?
>Can't they see that this is my place of residence and thus that all topics posted should meet my specific level of expectation
>How can I make them go away?
>Shall I try and enlighten them as to why their taste is poor and their opinion is lacking?
>Nay, my time is too valuable, my efforts should be conserved for the appropriate subjects
>Instead I shall fall to my strategy of shitposting
>That is surely the best way to improve the quality of discussion to be had
>For I am the e/lit/ist and this is my playing field

>> No.4548963
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If you're looking for the true birth of 20th century fantasy, look no further.

>> No.4548966


my niga

>> No.4548967
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>> No.4548975

le memay arrows


>> No.4548981
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>that edition

Pro recommend, though.

>> No.4549002

I know, ugly as sin, but a great compilation none the less.

>> No.4549024

Can't decide between Abercrombie's universe or The Chronicles of the Black Company.

>> No.4549028

The Dying Earth. Or Lyonesse.

>> No.4549039

Truer to the human experience than orcs and trolls and whatever.

>> No.4549043


You have to take what you can get when it comes to old weird fiction, I have some truly awful Lovecraft covers in my collection.


Not really. It's all books.

>> No.4549052

I read the Fist Law. Don't usually like fantasy, but did enjoy that, how does it compare to Black Company?

>> No.4549076
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>No fun allowed

>> No.4549080

>"I know, I'll shit post back! That'll show 'em!"

:^) Epic just epic

>> No.4549083

>Truer to the human experience
This is sometimes what I'm after when I read fiction, but I'm not wanting a steady diet of it. If I was, I'd be reading non-fiction.

>> No.4549085
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Like you're helping.

My favorite fantasy series, for what it's worth, is Gormenghast.

>> No.4549105

Lmao faggot

>> No.4549107

Possibly the best thing I've ever read.

>> No.4549117


It has a lot of similarities, namely the huge cast of wonderful characters that are all fairly grounded in a reality they know to be true but soon thrust into a situation that is way over their head. I would definitely recommend it.

>> No.4549127

What do you guys think of "The Belgariad" and it's sequel series?
And what about other works of David Eddings?
Are they good or worse?

And I don't lurk around here so please serious answers.

>> No.4550263

Joe Abercrombie's stuff is my current favourite fantasy series.

>> No.4550269

The Chronicles of Ancient Darkness
His Dark Materials
The Saga of Darren Shan

>> No.4550387
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The one and only

>> No.4550392

>Not Eragon, Fragon, Gragon, Hragon
A missed opportunity.

>> No.4550438
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The writing style but this is damn enjoyable,its quite addicting actually.Also best character development I have seen in a fantasy novel

>> No.4550444


Or alternatively:
>Eragon, Iragon, Oragon, Uragon

>> No.4551081

I got to W&G and found it quite boring. However, I really enjoyed the first books. Should I Keep on reading?

>> No.4551084

>Aragorn, Eragon, Iragon, Oragon, Uragon

>> No.4551092

Strange, Wizard and Glass is my favorite book of the series.

I liked seeing Roland in his early age, and let's be honest. Cuthbert is way better than Eddie.

>> No.4552202

I loved all but the last book. It did copy a lot from the Wheel of Time though. But I read dragon before WoT though so I didn't care at the time.

>> No.4552209

Eragon * not dragon. My bad

>> No.4552226


no. It goes downhill fast after W&G.

>> No.4554645

I really liked the first but the second kinda put me off

>> No.4554869

My favorite book also, but most people hate on it.

>> No.4554895

Tolkien's stuff
The MTG novels

>> No.4555215


David Eddings is very entry level. I loved his books when I was younger, and I can still read the Sparhawk series for nostalgia value, but they are very easy books. Not just easy to read, but the plots are easy. Schemes are easily laid and easily thwarted, battles are easily fought and easily won. Relations between characters are too simple, as are their natures and motivations. And he seems to have had a strange fixation on magical little children ensnaring and redeeming people through the power of "kiss-kiss".

That said, he paints a pretty picture and knew how to swing his words when he wanted to. I remember laughing heartily at the more intentionally laid-back parts of his books.

>> No.4556259

PROTIP: stop reading after W&G

>Dr. Doom with lightsabers
>That spider thing

>> No.4556340

That ending was fuckin bullshit

>> No.4556353

>This nigga knows what's up
Honestly, I'm not exactly sure where the divide is, but old King is typically pretty cool, and new King is shit.

>> No.4556452

For me, the series fell apart in book 2 after the first "drawing". I don't know, it feels like the series is trying to do 30 different things at once and loses its cohesion.

>> No.4556456

I always wanted to read this, but my english sucks and I cant find it on german :(

>> No.4556465

And Book of the New Sun
Also Tolkien
i can never choose between the three
But for real more people on /lit/ really nee to read Gormenghast if they love prose so much, that shit is beautiful if you have the patience for it

>> No.4556525
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