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4546608 No.4546608[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>that one faggot in your philosophy class who thinks he's a genius because he read Gödel Escher Bach

>> No.4546609

>philosophy class
what did you expect?

>> No.4546610
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>that one faggot who dismisses all philosophy because "Wittgenstein solved it anyway"

>> No.4546621

All from same guy
>Everything is just a footnote of plato's Republic
>Everything is based upon philosophy
>Scientists should consult philosophers to determine whether their experiments and discoveries are ethical

>> No.4546624

jesus, what a pleb

>> No.4546626

>that one guy that cannot stop using the word 'dialetical'

>> No.4546629

>>Everything is based upon philosophy

It took me so friggin' long to get out of this phase.

>> No.4546630

These are also all from the same guy (he also is basically OPs faggot as well)
>That one faggot who says everything equals zero and "it's all nothing guys"
>That one faggot who reads books like "The Tao of Physics" and talks about it at parties
>That one faggot who says "My name is yon yonson..."

>> No.4546632

philosophy is defined as either

the study of the fundamental nature of knowledge, reality, and existence, esp. when considered as an academic discipline.


a theory or attitude held by a person or organization that acts as a guiding principle for behavior.

>> No.4546634

Whats wrong with that guy's head?

It's like someone squished it sideways and moved the flesh into his upper body

>> No.4546636


I'm aware of that. My point is that there is so much contingency in a culture and cultural achievements that to claim "it's all based on philosophy" is incorrect. Philosophy is not the master discourse, even if it has always wanted to be since at least Ion.

>> No.4546638

Well, in the grand scheme of things nothing really matters, so there's that.

>> No.4546640


Only if you don't know what it means for something to "matter".

>> No.4546652

That's just escapism.
Anything you do won't have any significance in a couple years, centuries or millennia.

>> No.4546658


It isn't escapism. Your argument doesn't make sense because you're implying significance has to be independent of a human subject. Which is ridiculous.

>> No.4546663

Let me put it this way:
In a million years it won't have mattered whether you became a heroin addict or the most renowned scientist; it won't matter what lifestyle you chose or what decisions you made.

We live in a fraction of a second of the lifetime of the universe and so do our actions.

>> No.4546666

>that one guy who talks about nietzsche and slave morality
>that one guy who believes in marxism and material history
>that one guy who thinks Christianity is a philosophy

>> No.4546669


And neither you nor I will be around then. I am aware of the consequences of my actions now though.

Your argument is self-defeating. You think nothing is "significant" a priori, so why should anybody give a fuck about your arbitrary sense of what significance is? Actions matter to people while they're alive. Your "muh million years from now" is philosophically irrelevant.

>> No.4546673

It's not self-defeating, because I said in the grand scheme of things (>>4546638)
Now, tomorrow and a century from now aren't part of it

>> No.4546674

I think it's about goals. Some people think we should expand endlessly and capitalisticly in the dreams of some star-dwelling future utopia. Because that would "matter". Others think we should retreat into nomadic tribal existence. Who knows what the comparative lifespan of each future morality entails. But the forms the basic debate between left and right wing.

>> No.4546675


And you, a finite and ignorant human being, have access to the "grand scheme of things" do you?

>> No.4546680


You're both missing my point. Significance is a property of language and cognition, and to speak of "significance" without a human subject, and therefore to care about what the significance in "the grand scheme of things" is, is retarded.

>> No.4546681

>implying there's anything else of equal discourse
>inb4 material science
>inb4 socioloy

>> No.4546686


Still missing the point. How are you measuring which discourses are "equal"?

Oh, right, It's a metaphorical extension that you're taking seriously for some bizarre reason.

>> No.4546687

When did I claim that?

>> No.4546690


If you don't have access to it why are you talking about it?

>> No.4546697

The grand scheme of humanity is the radical subject. That's why you have to be an anti-natalist lest you force one to live who didn't wish it.

>> No.4546698

You only talk about things you have access to?

PS nice job changing the subject, it almost wasn't painfully obvious

>> No.4546700


I didn't change the subject at all. I'm pointing out why your notion of significance is philosophically irrelevant.


>the grand scheme of humanity is the radical subject


>> No.4546704
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of course he does, hes living in it right now.

>> No.4546706

Yours is the only insignificant notion in any case.
The idea that one needs access to something in order to talk about it is plain stupid.
If it were true, talking about the past or 30 seconds into the future would be 'irrelevant'

>> No.4546710


No, because we know what the past, future and God are. We have access to their meanings and we can talk about them. You don't know what the grand scheme of things is, so you don't get to appeal to it in support of your half-baked nihilism.

Things have significance if they matter to a particular person. To talk of significance in a transcendental sense is ridiculous unless you want to bring religion into it.

>> No.4546717

So you know the future and God?
You can't expect people to take you seriously after claiming such nonsense

>> No.4546719

I know those concepts. You don't have access to the grand scheme of things, though (unless you define it arbitrarily to suit your argument, in which case significance leads right back to the human subject, ho ho ho).

Nice shitty debating tactics though.

>> No.4546720


knowing the future is knowing god.

>> No.4546722

Well I was joking about antinatalism. Cause it couldn't matter if nothing mattered. But nothing really matters because all things are dependent upon the subject to matter. And in the grand scheme of things the individual is not even a subject. The subject was the goal of modernity but slowly we retreat from the edge of the limit of that equation and realize we were meant to be animal. So in some senses, it matters more to be a heroin addict than a scientist.

>> No.4546723

>So in some senses, it matters more to be a heroin addict than a scientist.

Yeah nah.

I really hope you aren't a junkie and use this shitty reasoning to defend your lifestyle.

>> No.4546724

Yeah no, claiming to know the concept of god is a great one
Please, enlighten me with a non-arbitrary definition of god

>> No.4546729

Would you rather live thirty years doing blow and fucking strippers or seventy in a frustrated petty bourgeoisie existence?

The candle that burns twice as bright burns half as long.

I smoke weed all day, every day. Come at me, bro.

>> No.4546730


The original creator and/or supreme moral authority, outside of space and time and immortal.

Not religious, but the idea of what god is is pretty universally recognised, dickwad.

>> No.4546732

That fits into one or two religions, not all of them, so it still is arbitrary.
You agreeing with it doesn't make it less so, dickwad

>> No.4546731

How do you know that there aren't tiers of gods and multiplicities thereof as in gnostic systems and hinduism and so forth?

>> No.4546733

>Would you rather live thirty years doing blow and fucking strippers or seventy in a frustrated petty bourgeoisie existence?

False dichotomy, you fucking retard.


There could be, as long as we both understand what the concept itself means we can talk about it.

>> No.4546734


Name a religion where god/s don't fall into any of those criteria?

>> No.4546736

Well deities might exist in different times and spaces as in higher realms and may or may not be immortal and some may create while others don't or even do the opposite and moral decree still seems arbitrary including them. Plato's Euthyphro.

>> No.4546737

My newly made religion (still as valid as every other because of lack of proof) in which god is not the original creator nor a supreme moral authority, inside space and time and mortal.
He is also a peanut butter sandwich that flies and fights crime.

There probably are better examples I don't know about because I never cared about world religions; but trying to define god is only something a pretty dense person would attempt to do.
It takes a much more dense person to try to claim that his definition applies to every god ever created by every human, tho

>> No.4546739


So you think the word god has no meaning?

Alright, fine. It isn't essential to my argument anyway. You still don't have access to the "grand scheme of things", and it's not your place to tell anybody else what absolutely matters and what doesn't.

>> No.4546741

The grand scheme is just as meaningful as far as value is concerned as God or the future or even the radical subject. QED nothing matters because all are contingent.

>> No.4546746


Actually it means whatever you want matters.

>> No.4546747

Do you have access to the future or the past?

>> No.4546748

What if we want to embrace the vacuum? The nothingness of correct form?

>> No.4546749


I know what the future and the past mean, yes.

You don't know what the grand scheme of things means. You are finite and ignorant, faggot. Deal with it.

>> No.4546752

Not in the religious sense it doesn't

>> No.4546753

The grand scheme is nothing. The formless form. The void. Sunyata.

>> No.4546756


And why should we give a fuck about it?

>> No.4546757


If it has no meaning, how are you predicating meaninglessness of it? You're in effect saying nothing.

>> No.4546758

i dunno, maybe if you want a creepy non-reciprocal relationship with something, but that's probably easier to do with some chick on the bus tbh

>> No.4546759

How do you know it's not you that's ignorant?

>> No.4546761

If you do it with a chick on the bus it's creepy. If you do it with reality it's romantic and you're a philosopher. Duh.

>> No.4546763


We're both ignorant. You're the one relying on a fallacious 'grand scheme of things' though.

>> No.4546768

It's just going the extra step. Relativism is nihilism for pussies.

>> No.4546771


If this is your idea of a good argument, I'm not even going to bother you. juvenile. fuck.

>> No.4546782

>that guy whose body language, intonation, and words choice are 1-1 copies of Zizek's
not the ticks though, thank god and so on.

>> No.4546801

>that same guy who, when you call him out on his shit, complains that you "undermine his authority"

>> No.4546808

>that same guy, who complains about capitalism and claims to be an actual Marxists, sits in class using an imac, ipad, and iphone, trying to organize a Baroque chamberconcert

>> No.4546819

um what?
anything that attempts to explain anything is philosophy. I don't give a fuck about what the 'master discourse' is but you have to have a, well plain stupid view of what philosophy is to think all fields of inquiry aren't built on philosophical presuppositions

>> No.4546824

a guy working at mcdonalds claimed that when i picked up the food i just paid for from his desk that is 5cm lower than the main desk

>> No.4546825

>wasting money on a philosophy class instead of an actual useful degree and not just reading it in your spare time

Nice job neetard

>> No.4546831


fields of inquiry =/= everything

>> No.4546832


>> No.4546837


OP here. This is why I switched to neuroscience actually.

>> No.4546844

>not being the best of your class
>not getting a phd position
>not being paid to study
>being this jealous.

>> No.4546845

oh ok

>> No.4546847
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>exerting you intellect
>having no money
you're doing it wrong

>> No.4546857


>exerts his intellect to tell others not to exert their intellect

Dat passive aggressivity.


This guy too.

>> No.4546864

>what is a joke

>> No.4546862

But I do have money. What you mean is:
>not having disgusting amounts of money

>> No.4546867

Apology accepted

>> No.4546868

how is 'oh ok' passive aggressive?

>> No.4546870
File: 80 KB, 626x792, stirn2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the one guy whose answer to anything is 'read Stirner'
>mfw when that is me

>> No.4546871

; )

>> No.4546876


Get real.

>> No.4546877

> friend talking about nietzsche
> he is in a philosophy major
> he says how he loves him and whatnot
> he says how his professor that's teaching nietzsche this semester is great
> he complains that nietzsche is misunderstood, his not in favor of tyranny nor anything bad, he's a good guy
> keep going on and on about that, about how his great professor agrees, how I should go to his classes to see how I don't know nothing about nietzsche

> reaches a point where the only argument that pops my mind it's "dude, you gotta read Stirner"

>> No.4546879

But stirner isn't Nietzsche?

>> No.4546882


Nietzsche is a spook.

>> No.4546884
File: 150 KB, 245x320, spooky.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stirner is love, Stirner is life

>> No.4546886


>> No.4546887

Nietzsche is a Stirner wannabe whose insecurity got in the way of actually writing something good

>> No.4546890

it doesn't matter to me if it is i'm just curious

>> No.4546893


Stirner > fuccboi Nietzsche

>> No.4546898

holy fuck, this makes me want to read Stirner for the sole purpose of having more ways to tell you guys you are cunts

>> No.4546907

>that entire department who hasn't studied the pre-socratics
I don't know why they don't offer this stuff at my uni. but even worse
>has read kant and or wittgenstein
>hasn't read hume
kill it the self

>> No.4546908

This is just hypothetical but if someone knew most of current philosophy from learning it themselves without reading a book would he have potential in philosophy? What if that person knew what qualia is when he was 5?

hypothetically speaking

>> No.4546909

sorry that the critique of your autistic beta male hero is upsetting you, go masturbate while gently assuring yourself that you are ubermensch as your tears drip on the semen stained portrait of Nietzsche, right on top of his hairy twat of a mustache.

>> No.4546910

the fact that you asked this question makes you sound like a retard

>> No.4546911

>with out reading a book
you mean like the Wikipedia article, you fucking pleb?

>> No.4546914

I'm not a fan of Nietzsche. I just really hate the general Stirner omgspooks thing that's been springing around here

>> No.4546918

Your anger has answered my question

you guys always get butthurt when I say you all should have been able figure out most philosophy by your self

>> No.4546919
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>that kid who thinks taking LSD makes them a better philosopher
>mfw that's me

>> No.4546920

There is like millions of books of describing philosophy and its famous representatives. Before I read any book by these representives, authors, I read about five of those general works to get the big frame.

>> No.4546923

Are you planning on becoming a philosopher? I think that might be difficult as an autodidact but praytell. Set out your axioms for us to digest. What do you understand?

>> No.4546925

Probably would not stand a chance. You can explain them all you like, in academic philosophy (of today at least) the rule is: "citation needed"

>> No.4546926

>implying I didn't already figure all this out by myself
>implying reading the book does not give you new point of view on the already known schools of thought
>implying reading Wikipedia articles is the same as reading the book

kiddo, please stop projecting

>> No.4546932

I do not I told you it was a hypothetical question.

there is nothing I can do in philosophy that would not have been done before also since I'm not very educated I have trouble verbalizing what I think I don't know the words needed to say what I want to say. I actually only learned the word for qualia a few days ago

>> No.4546933

Which is to say, you have to be able to find the passages in other people's work that correspond (so to say) to the ideas you express in your own.

You cannot simply say something along the lines of "the scholastics believed all knowledge to be analytic" without being able to back that statement up with some evidence. Even if that evidence is known to most of your readers. Besides that you'd have to realize from where that use of the word "analytic" stems from.

>> No.4546934

nah not even mad. you can definitely do it (become a good philobro) I just think the question you asked is a dumb one to ask

>> No.4546935

>I don't know the words needed
And this would be exactly the problem of your hypothetical philosophical savant. The medium of philosophy is words, semantics or syntax depending on who you ask. If you can't properly handle the medium, you cannot practice philosophy.

>> No.4546937

Make a laypersons guide to philosophy. Explain what you "know" in terms the average person so could understand how you "know" all of current philosophy without reading a book. It would be a hit.

>> No.4546939

>there is nothing I can do in philosophy that would not have been done before
>nothing I can do
I really don't see why people mistake a return to themes, for a reitteration of ideas without novelty.

>> No.4546943

soz for being a dick in the first reply seriously. I'll just say yes. if you want to do phil by yourself i suggsst when you have gone as far as you can on your own pick up some books to get the ball rolling again

>> No.4546948

I thought till very recently everyone that was a normal human being figured all this stuff out just growing up and philosophers where just the people who could articulate it really good.

Can it be learned though? How does one go about learning what is needed to properly express philosophy? Do I open a dictionary to a random page and start memorizing words? Should I go to uni for it?

>Make a laypersons guide to philosophy

I think I can do that. Part of the problem is I don't know what is obvious to people. As I said above I thought everyone just learned it themselves over childhood and their teens and that's what "being and adult" meant.

>> No.4546956

>Should I go to uni for it?
Yes. Either that or get a private tutor who really knows his shit (i.e. who studied philosophy).

You know who thought she could be an autodidact? Nietzsche's sister.

>> No.4546958

Also, opening up that dictionary will be usefull. Get an etymological one though.

>> No.4546962

Actually I'll try and say some of the topics I would talk about I didn't want to because I know I won't be able to defend my points against you guys if you felt like tearing them apart.

Lifes value
Languages effect(affect?) on the way you think and how it influences how you think
human languages limits
Meaning of words I don't really know how to describe what I mean by this I think it's epistemology?
free will

I know there are others but like I said I don't really know the words for it. I actually don't have a solid definition for ethics or morality.

>> No.4546963

> I think I don't know the words needed to say what I want to say
Then just do it Kant style and invent them.

>> No.4546973

good luck, kid.

>> No.4546979

B-but Kant did not invent words out of the blue.

>> No.4546986

how old are you?

my guess is 14.

>> No.4546994

>Meaning of words
That's semantics
>I think it's epistemology?
No, that's about the limits and conditions of knowledge.

Really, if this is the level that you're at, you are far from the level that hypothetical person you put on stage is at.

>> No.4546999

>paying to attend an indoctrination mill
>calling others stupid

You haven't even read GEB:AEGB, have you? I bet you haven't.

>> No.4547003

>indoctrination mill
dat anti intellectualism

>> No.4547009

academy is the dream
>tfw not admitted to école normale supérieure

>> No.4547012


It's the opposite.

>> No.4547014

a default radical distrust of educational institutions is the same as intellectualism? I never realized how anti-intellectual all those intellectuals who went to school and uni actually were.

>> No.4547023

Speaking of Kant I have heard of him around here but I'm curious what is he all about? He made a system or something? Actually if it isn't too much trouble I can just google it after all but can you guys give me a very brief rundown of the big players? All I know is Nietzsche is the life has no meaning guy and the word ubermench, plato is government stuff I think.

you guys have made me happy I didn't think anyone would believe me so I have never talked about it before.

If I write a book can you guys give me something to write in it to tip you off that it's me?

had to cut out the rest of this post too long

>> No.4547029
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>tfw I wasn being a cynic

>> No.4547034

I fucked up in explaining
>meaning of words

is off or maybe what I think semantics is is off but I believe I was referring to a part of epistemology. I know no one will believe this but I will come back in a few years when I'm better educated.
Just keep an open mind about what I'm saying next

oh I remember something I think others haven't touched on before but I'm not sure if counts as philosophy. I have figured out a way in using the mind to shape your personality, likes and dislikes at will. Also how to control your stress and aid mental illness' possibly limited physical change. For physical change as far as I can see I just programmed a machine in my head to trigger the placebo effect to the point where if I say "I wish I wasn't fat" or "I wish I would lose weight" I would experience increased weight loss while having no change in my physical activity or diet. I strongly believe everyone does it to some extent they just don't know it. For the likes and dislikes the process is like making things you don't like an acquired taste by using your mind. I'm not sure how to communicate the exact process but you have to learn how to think in symbols and metaphors till you subconsciously do it. For example I did it just a little bit ago there was an image of a shield that popped into my mind this represented my extreme defensiveness hold the mental image and change it. The shield was bigger than my entire body I shrunk it down to only cover my forearm and my super defensiveness is mostly gone and my self esteem since then has been higher. It's the only reason I could post what I'm posting now. I would have been too afraid.
it doesn't matter if this works only because I think it will work because I can trigger these changes any time I want. Possibly it's harassing placebo effect at will. Or maybe how I think of it is the symbols are linked to your subconcious mind so basically you developed a language in your head to speak with your subconcious mind.

>> No.4547040

Ohhh, you want to write a self-help book. This makes a lot more sense now.

>> No.4547051
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>Speaking of Kant I have heard of him around here but I'm curious what is he all about? He made a system or something? Actually if it isn't too much trouble I can just google it after all but can you guys give me a very brief rundown of the big players? All I know is Nietzsche is the life has no meaning guy and the word ubermench, plato is government stuff I think

>> No.4547055

oh another example. When there where voices in my head I Imagined there was a two way transceiver in my head and the person who was listening to my thoughts and saying things in my head I destroyed the transceivers and the voices are gone and haven't returned.
that may be it

I'm very serious

>> No.4547058
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>I'm very serious

>> No.4547061

>that may be it
Self-help books are rarely - if ever - philosophically sound, though.

>> No.4547064

>When there where voices in my head
Did they tell you you could be a philosopher?

>> No.4547069

oh to add to what there is no point in continuing this I cannot back up what I say in anyway that would be meaningful to you all for if I say just tell me things in philosophy I would say oh yeah I know that but that would prove nothing. It could just be lies and waiting for you to say whatever it is and I would say oh yeah I know that regardless of what you say. There is really nothing I can do right now to back up what I say besides expecting all of you to believe a random person on an imageboard who claims he may be a savant in philosophy and I don't think anyone could really believe that without backing of some form.

I cannot really do anything but ask you to keep it in the back of your head and just go about your business until I return in a few years with a better education

>> No.4547074

If that's what it is than that may be what I should try doing. I know I have ideas in that area that haven't been done yet while in philosophy I don't think I can add anything that hasn't been done.

no they only commit on my social standing with others

>> No.4547088

basic run down of philosophy
pythagoras: made up some magic bean cult about math
heraclitus: was some weeping western buddha
thales: fell down a well
democritus: figured out everything was atoms
parmenides: became an eternal one
empedocles: evolved within a sphere
plato: drank wine, talked about love and had gay fascist buttsex
diogenes: was a hobo
aristotle: scientist god
pyyrho: troll
epicurus: degenerate
zeno: became stoic
plotinus: figured out the monad
augustine: made christianity hip
boethius: talked to lady philosophy
aquinas: laid down the medieval discourse
machiavelli: evil renaissance man
descartes: dualism and rationalism
hobbes: behemoth
pascal: gambler
spinoza: einstein
locke: empirical liberal
berkeley: the matrix
hume: tested the limits
voltaire: questioned the norms
kant: was believed to be a robot by his butler
schelling: had sleepovers with Hegel
hegel: created the greatest joke of all time
schopenhauer: was always bitchy
kierkegaard: wanted to believe
marx: used to worship satan
freud: is a sex guru
jung: invented new age-ism
russel: og atheism
wittgenstein: the word master
heidegger: dat ass is dasein
goedel: completed philosophy
strauss: esoteric philosopher king
lacan: taught us that women don't exist
deleuze: is everything wrong about the sixties
foucault: died of aids
zizek: is the first marxist clown

>> No.4547090

>kant: was believed to be a robot by his butler

Is that serious?

>> No.4547097

confirmed being 100% accurate, put this in your self help book >>4547055 (do not edit it)

>> No.4547103

the thing is, sport, that as long as you CAN [look up etym.] not adequately put things into words, you have not only demonstrated your knowledge [look up etym.] you actually do not know [look up etym.] the subject you claim to have a grasp on.

In the beginning was the deed and all that.

>> No.4547105

>thales: fell down a well
this is the best

>> No.4547106

*not demonstrated

>> No.4547107

>in the grand scheme of things
No such thing, literally nothing exists outside of what we (by which I mean I) observe think and feel in this moment .

>> No.4547109

Take your meds, your sollipsism is acting up.

>> No.4547110

You are right, he created new terms out of the blue using already existing words, my mistake.

>> No.4547111

>Please, enlighten me with a non-arbitrary definition of god
A feeling you edgy faggot.

>> No.4547117

I plan on living to 80 smoking weed and drinking wine in moderation each day and keeping a strong regime of excercice and study while sleeping with beautiful intelectually stimulating women I have feelings for. Maybe even have 8 kids and settle down in a small town and contribute to society.

If you really think doing blow and fucking hookers is better than that I would propose that you are immature and don't actually have the life experience to compare the various options in life. In fact, I'd highly doubt you've ever fucked a stripper or done blow, but simply find the image appealing and offensive.

>> No.4547129

Which he created in response to already existing terms, as such incorporating those terms into his system of thought. Without some understanding of, say, scholastic tradition and empirical idealism, one can't really understand what the fuck Kant's words mean. Especially if this one is Kant himself.

>> No.4547134

>implying im not objectively right when we consider life from a subjective prespective.

and i dont need medication because im god

>> No.4547143

Ok, Fichte.

>> No.4547268

Philosophy is not the career you want. "Bulshittery" is possibly a degree you would be interested in.

>> No.4547486

that one faggot who is OP

>> No.4547672
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Like the Greek philosophers, right?

>> No.4547677

It doesn't have to be sollipism, there really is no grand scheme of things. The universe just is. It came up, we came up, then we'll die, and it will die.

Not trying to be edgy, it's just silly to believe that there is a "scheme of things" or built-in meaning.

>> No.4547742

there's a bit of a leap between stating that there is no purpose to the totality of being and stating that there is "literally nothing that exists outside our observation"

>> No.4547787

Which is exactly why I said that it doesn't have to be solipism

>> No.4547821


>> No.4547846

I hate you

>> No.4547935

you do realize that in the post to which the post you reacted to reacted to it was stated that " literally nothing exists outside of what we [...] observe"

that pretty much constitutes sollipsism.

>> No.4547986


>> No.4548028


people like you are literally retarded

>> No.4548111


>godel escher bach
>philosophy class

i agree with you op thats pathetic

>> No.4549356

>on a serious /lit/ debate
>it couldn't matter if nothing mattered
>tries to sound clever by using syntactical contradictions
>plz leave high school studnt

>> No.4549375

>having money is the way to know if you are exerting your intellect the right way
dat protestant ethic and the spirit of capitalism tough

>> No.4549397

>that faggot that thinks dictionaries settle arguments

>> No.4550020

Nice strawman.
>what is a performative contradiction?
three fucking, interchangeable Apple products, while ranting about evil corporations destroying African wealth.

>> No.4550024

But he did solve everything.

>> No.4550304

>Being poor

>> No.4550332

>that one faggot who actually studies philosophy

>> No.4550379

fucking poor, they've got to be the goddamn worst

>> No.4550428

>that one guy who believes in marxism and material history

The joke's on you though.

>> No.4550446

You do realize that it's pretty fucking bourgious to go to a fucking chamberconcert, let alone a Baroque one? You do realize that Apple is one of the biggest successes of contemporary capitalism? Or are you blinded by their slick product design and marketing campaigns. It's like you don't know ideology when it is staring you in the face.

Also, yes, if you are a true Marxist I should think you ought to refrain, as much as possible, from purchasing capitalist produced goods. Instead of an iPhone, for example, why not buy a FairPhone?

People like you are fucking hypocrites.

>> No.4550814



>> No.4550820

>that one guy who talks about nietzsche and slave morality
Only if he clearly hasn't actually read Nietzsche because he believes Nietzsche advocated some sort of amoral hedonistic attitude.

>> No.4550823

>you have to live your life as a technophobic hippy if you hate capitalism

Name me one electronics company that doesn't abuse poor labor, and I'll show you a company with an amazing PR branch

>> No.4550824

>my principles only last until they are slightly inconvenient to me

>> No.4550834

>you have to live your life as a technophobic hippy if you dislike capitalism


>> No.4550841
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If you want to advance after reading Stirner you should read Evola

>> No.4551034

Wow, is that cruise control? You're cool.It's like you actually need a tablet of any form to live your life

fairphone. Also, you don't have to be a technohippie, I never said that. I just think that if there is a choice between a brandspanking new Apple thing or a second hand fix'er up'er, a Marxist should buy the latter. Else he'd be a bit of a hypocrite.

Educate yourself. Make sure you are as independent as possible.


>> No.4551048

This is correct.

>> No.4551057

So you're a whiney hypocritical bitch who holds opinions for the sake of doing so. You're walking talking cancer you dumb bitch.

>> No.4551062


the entire premise of Evola is believing in random crap some indians wrote 3000 years ago just 'cause it's hip

aka retarded

>> No.4552171

Yeah but who gives a fuck about a million years from now? It matters to me right now what I'm doing so it matters. Even a 14 year old edgelord like you can understand that.

>> No.4552181

more like
>that one faggot in your philosophy class who thinks he's a genius
>for no reason

>> No.4552189

And there it is: validation _on the internet_ for my practice of buying used tech.
None of MY money to evil corps.

>> No.4552195


Well taking hallucinogens introduces to, some people at least, something like

1. The ability of perception to change our relation to our world
2. The idea that there is a "sense" of "correctness"/"validity"/"probability" we assign to propositions and that such a sense can be altered by changing neurological functioning
3. Wider range of emotional and visual metaphorics to wrestle various ideas with

What you don't get are
1. Space elves
2. The meaning of life

Those two are for twats who shouldn't even bother thinking seriously about anything.

>> No.4552207


Well to go along with number 2 in the first set, there is a loosening of the unconscious assumptions which lets you play around with more bizarre ideas.

The danger is thinking that such a state is a gateway to a plane of truth and taking everything as is.

>> No.4552250

>the LSD kiddies still trying to defend their patent delusional mysticism as DEEP SCIENCE

I think the thing that irritates me the most is how philosophy as a whole gets cheapened into a intoxicated parlour game where coherency and conscious effort is considered completely irrelevant. Where psuedomystic trash with no real merit other than the fact it validates the same degeneracy that bore it gets shored up solely on the basis of being "drug culture" by highly impressionable retards like yourself.

You're not deep
You're not producing anything worth more than a cursory glance
You're a goddamn tumor of edgy drug kiddies that mistakenly believes screwing around in altered emotional states necessarily connotates genius level intelligence with deep philosophic repercussions (it doesn't)

I think this is the board you're looking for

>> No.4552254


Where in my posts did I advocate any form of "delusional mysticism"?

You're a retard dude.

>> No.4552255


>> No.4552261


Okay tell me where I said "Yeah man you should totally base the entirety of your thoughts and means off of hallucinogenic states".

As opposed to saying something along the lines of "They can be useful tools. Just don't fall into the mystic bullshit".

>> No.4552269
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Yes, tell me all about how McKenna was right about Timewave zero while you're at it. 'cause ALTERED EXPERIENCE!! isn't the exact psuedomystic shit I was cracking at

pic related: you

>> No.4552271

I wish I looked that good

>> No.4552276


>projecting this hard

I haven't even READ McKenna. I clearly stated out reasonable assertions from my experiences, not broad metaphysical concepts.

Of course I'm probably taking some bait but fuck it, I'm biting.

>> No.4552292

You still haven't proven to us that you're not into quantum mystical garbage.

>> No.4552305


I don't "have" to prove it. I never asserted anything like it in the first place.

Prove you're not an Chinese nationalist social media agent. Prove you're not a devotee of Phrenology. Prove you're not a scientologist.

It's a retarded game. I don't even know how you could get QUANTUM shit from hallucinogenic experience unless you were an actual physicist and could explore certain conceptions more freely. But I wouldn't trust a lay person's totalizing metaphysics of the world of mechanics on the basis of jack shit.

>> No.4552314
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Hey why did my thread get deleted

It was completely on topic and there was nary a hint of shitposting

Does some janitor have it out for psychedelic literature or something

>> No.4552315

let's just see how deep the pseudointellectual drugposter hole goes...

>> No.4552319


Like for example.

During one trip on some synthetic substance, I FELT immersed in some dream-like state where I was an insect drone in an insect civilization working with controls in some pod and looking out beyond a red oval "window" onto the vast expanse of my hive-like civilization for the glory of my queen.

It wasn't like "Oh this is cool", it was like being switched to an entirely different psychology. Then it switched.

Was it because I actually accessed a different dimension or went to some other spacetime coordinate? I'm gambling on not

Is it a testament to the power of neurology to simulate fantastical scenarios and to "boot" up with different psychological orientations? I'm gambling on "yeah"

>> No.4552323

You talked about MKULTRA

>> No.4552329


It's nothing "mystical". The only semi-mystical thing you could draw would be the power of certain imagery to "hit the gut" at a subconscious level. But that's the same shit movies and other arts do as well.

>> No.4552333

Ah so it's a government conspiracy

>> No.4552334

>drawing metaphysical conclusions from acid trips
how stupid can you be
at most you should draw some kind of statement about the nature of truth and its dependence on neurological factors

>> No.4552338

Who are you quoting?

>> No.4552339

To be fair, Godel Escher Bach really helped me think analytically, especially concerning things like systems and formal logic. It's much easier to make sense of things if you can formalize it into a system and then work with it like that.

However, in that respect it's much more of an entry-level book than anything else, and believing that you're a genius because you read it is really stupid.

I read the damn thing freshman year of high school, and it wasn't a huge challenge then, so tell your Philosophy friend to fuck off.

>> No.4552340


Where in the jesus fuck did I draw a metaphysical conclusion?

I even spelled it out.

"Is it a testament to the power of neurology..."

That's not "metaphysical".

>> No.4552342

Or the pedophilic jews


>> No.4552350


>> No.4552345

i was talking in a general sense, not specifically to you

>> No.4552354

lol you're an idiot

>> No.4552357

>not understanding typical English vernacular
what are you some kind of europoor
i mean what are you really going to believe

>> No.4552365

Read it

Also Programmed to Kill is a great book on MKULTRA, should be on scribd

>> No.4552372

DMT demonstrates that consciousness operates on a wavelength and when the vibratory frequency of this is raised, consciousness can travel through time, space and even what some might call somewhat of another dimension.

Of course, I wouldn't except skepdicks and plebs spooked by the war on drugs to recognize this sublime truth of reality.

I recommend reading the works of philosophy written by Drunvalo Melchizedek if one wishes to discover more. Then, when you are ready, smoke 100mg of n,n-dmt from a bong in a dark room by yourself.

>> No.4552379

No one ITT believes this, I don't know who you're mocking

>> No.4552386

dmt: the spirit molecule

>> No.4552397

I dunno why you can't come up with an epistemology of mystical claims. If one repeats the experiments and experiences the same results via DMT or whatever then QED >>4552386 teaches us that spirit reigns supreme over matter.

But I guess edgy ex-christians prefer to be materialists.

>> No.4552425

Why would someone believe that drugs like DMT or LSD (substances that literally just fuck with your brain and your senses) have magical properties? Like, we know that they fuck with your head. Why would them fucking with your head make them magical?

It's like saying a gun is actually a permanent teleporter to the spirit realm.

>> No.4552426

Melchizedek is a New Age hack.

Smoke the DMT
Don't come in with any preconceptions

>> No.4552428

>modern philosophy

Much wisdom. So refined

>Thomist master race

>> No.4552436

The ones I hate are those that basically throw Marx and Engels in the dustbin because "duuur the USSR failed duuur", or even worse, those in my economics course who believed learning anything about sociology (or Marx's contribution to economic theory, you know, the complete definition of what Capitalism is as a system) was a waste of time for the same reason.

>> No.4552443


DMT is not "the spirit molecule".

Jesus you dumb motherfuckers have just put a cretinous shadow over any lay person discussion of hallucinogens and neurology.

Like instead of pointing to neurological research and saying "Hey, isn't it neat how much shit actually goes on?", you jumped on the most retarded simplistic explanation "DMT = consciousness". I mean it probably has regulative effects but it's simply a component of the cybernetic machinery of neurology.

>> No.4552453

The mind is more than the brain. By shocking the system with chemicals or extreme experiences or mystical practices one can see the shape of the mind-at-large no longer fettered by the familiar shape of the everyday embodied brain.
True that. One should really read Aleister Crowley's Liber Aba. But I thought it might be too advanced a text.

>> No.4552458
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>It's like saying a gun is actually a permanent teleporter to the spirit realm

That made me laugh.

>> No.4552462

>takes the term "spirit molecule" literally
>calls other people dumb cretinous motherfuckers
You'd think a literature board would appreciate metaphor.

>> No.4552470


Of course the mind is "more than the brain". We are primate bodies with the unspoken assumptions and cybernetics inherent in having our particular sensory equipment.

But to say that extraordinary experiences are proof of "spirit" is to ignore the power of our neurology to radically shift functioning and to shift back.

Like would you be willing to be lobotomized for the sake of your belief in the relative unimportance of "the brain" as you say?

>> No.4552474


>the mind is more than the brain

No it isn't. The mind is more than the most frequently used neural pathways, which you call "the brain".

It's all in the brain regardless. And if it helps you realize the limits of your brain, then good, I think that has some merit.

But I still don't think it's magic.

>> No.4552477
File: 125 KB, 1099x1035, CYBERNATOR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cybernetic machinery of neurology

it's like all the abstract buzzwords in the kingdom to put humpty-gurudumpty back together again

The Crowley kiddie-cult was the 1930's equivalent of the Manson family. Please clear the room before you refer to a raging tardwad like that one.

>> No.4552480


I appreciate metaphors that make sense. Calling it the "spirit" molecule doesn't make sense.

And I have every right to bad mouth those people as "dumb cretinous motherfuckers". They literally retard understanding and discussion with their uneducated bullshit. It's the same idiotic impulse to dominate a series of very complex, and still relatively unknown, mechanics as a simplistic image so they can lay claim to "knowledge" and "power" over something they have no understanding of.

>> No.4552482


Cybernetics isn't an abstract. It's simply the study of feedback loops and relationship between chemical levels, synaptical messaging, and down/up regulation are perfect examples of "cybernetic" systems.

>> No.4552486


>> No.4552492

Did you even check my image? I know exactly what you're talking about, it just happens to be applied as a largely redundant form of mysticism in most discussions, as you've aptly demonstrated

>> No.4552500



There goes that word again. And yeah cybernetics can be part of nonsense ad copy. As can "scientific", "doctor approved", "most popular", "best", and any number of terms.

But cybernetics is used becau-

oh my god. A lot of people don't really have any conception of what feedback loops are. Holy shit. I can't use cybernetics. Or can I? I don't know man.

>> No.4552508

Many religions have mythologies of spiritual realms. One of the core features of all shamanic religions is the ability to access these higher and lower realms through techniques of ecstasy. One common method of gaining this insight is through entheogens. Insofar as the so-called "spirit molecule" enables you to see past the material and into a "spiritual realm", I think it is an apt metaphor.
I think Wittgenstein's thoughts on private language games and their relationship to religion make sense within the context of understanding "new age hacks" and other "raging tardwards".

>> No.4552511

Ah. You're right, it's weird rediscovering cybernetics when at the time it was made out to be everything but over the years seems to have faded out to almost nothing.

>> No.4552520


Goddammit, that's actually a reasonable point. It's just when I think of majority conceptions of spirituality, it's like "This is how everything works" as opposed to the child who just has fun discovering new realms. You know, like people use such ideas as a club against more complex ideas about reality or have some emotional attachment to the "permanent truth" about such visions. Like it would kill them if they were in error, as if they were afraid to be able to laugh at themselves and move on.

>> No.4552555
File: 32 KB, 240x164, JulesetJim.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

may i derail the conversation by asking what in the hell foucault meant by this:
juridico-philosophical discourse conceals historico-political antagonism.
what is this discourse and what is the antagonism, thank you.
here you go, a picture unrelated of some diehard french people

>> No.4552560


Reading it at face value:

"talking about philosophy of law hides a dislike of certain politics"

so whatever that means in context

>> No.4552562

>oh my god. A lot of people don't really have any conception of what feedback loops are. Holy shit. I can't use cybernetics. Or can I? I don't know man.

i have no idea what this thread is about and just happened to see this post but what the hell are you acting so whiny about. fucking kill yourself little bitch.

>> No.4552567
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>Scientists should consult philosophers to determine whether their experiments and discoveries are ethical

>> No.4552574


Without having read foucault I'll take a stab.

Juridico-philosophical - Discourses based on a standpoint as coming from a "rational" or "transcendent" understanding of law and philosophy, as mixed with conceptions of justice, fairness, and all that.

Now of course such discourses were promulgated by members of certain classes that did not represent the majority of the population of any civilization.

Thus the historico-political antagonism, the imposition of the view of limited forms of production applied as guides for all forms of production involved in civilized societies and against members of "lower" classes and opposing political parties who might utter different discourses.

If it's an apt analogy, think of the morality of the priests who espouse a highly "spiritual" existence. Meanwhile you have peasants who perform backbreaking labor on a consistent basis with the majority of their profit being siphoned off to redistribution by an elite class. Do you think "disinterested" discourses would flourish in such an environment or would the average human tendency to justify one's position as part of a "plan" take over?

>> No.4552585

>"rational" or "transcendent"

these words aren't quite interchangeable. not sure if you were implying that or not.

>> No.4552586


Oh I'm not acting "whiny". Just a conscious realization that the use-value of a term I'm used to using in my private language might be near-useless in public. I don't think realization of an "error" is whiny.

>> No.4552591

>oh my god
>Holy shit

you sound like a little bitch i bet your mom is hot tho

>> No.4552600


I was in the military. Such terms become like ordinary flavorings to the social use of language.

And my mom is literally a former crack addict/alcoholic with AIDs, Not hot at all. When she was 18 but well you can figure the rest.

>> No.4552709

much thanks kind comrade

>> No.4553251


saying that juridico-philosophical discourse is divorced from the reality of certain historico-political relations, almost as if by design.

that is, the exploration of certain ideals of what ought to be (juridico-philosophical discourse) tends to blind itself, and those who consume this discourse, to the nasty nuances (historico-political antagonism) behind the events that brought about a need to have this sort of discourse

just a guess though.

>> No.4553281


that one faggot who reads and bitches about other people on 4chan

>> No.4553290

is that you?

>> No.4553343
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>> No.4553384

Can I still be a vegetarian if I only eat the meat of carnivores?

>> No.4553419

What is the difference between orthology and semantics?

>> No.4553453

correct use vs. use

>> No.4553469

Thank you, Anon.