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/lit/ - Literature

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4546481 No.4546481[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How fast does /lit/ read? About how long does it take you guys to get through a 500 or so page book? How much time do you spend reading a day?

I spend about an hour a day and it takes me about a week to get through a good book, less if I really like it.

>> No.4546485

I read at a snail's pace. I don't even know why. I'm also terrible at reading out-loud. I haven't been reading as much as I should lately because of writing. But in my beat periods, I go through about 1200 pages a month.

>> No.4546820

I read slow, but it doesn't bother me most of the time because most of the time when I'm reading I'm doing it because I enjoy it, so I don't want it to end quickly.

>> No.4546822

I usually read like 20 pages/hour.
And right now I'm trying to read at least 1 hour a day.

>> No.4546823

It depends on the book and how much free time I have. On a free day with a book I'm enjoying I can knock out 400-500 pages. At busier times with harder or less enjoyed books It can be like 10 pages a day.

>> No.4546891
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4-500wpm, probably six to seven hours for an average 500 page novel.

I usually read around six hours per day.

>> No.4546900
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Completely unrelated.
A while back me and a couple of my friends sent a letter to George telling him to ignore all the fans trying to rush him, telling him to take his time, etc.
we actually got a letter back, one word "Thanks.".


>> No.4546949

What the fuck?
I think you meant to post this here.

I read around 150 WPM when I'm reading leisurely and 350 WPM if I'm reading normally, It depends how much I like the book, really.

>> No.4547102
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How long have you been reading at that pace?

>> No.4547104

I haven't been able to concentrate on anything for ages, as a result, I'm probably one of the slowest readers on here. 30 pages per hour is about the usual tempo.

>> No.4547112

1000wpm if I'm deliberately concentrating and the book isn't particularly complex; 500wpm or so if I'm not focused or I'm reading Gravity's Rainbow or something.

>> No.4547132

I can read a novel in a day, if I have nowhere to go and nothing to do. Ill literally wake up and read front to cover.

If I have a busy week, I usually don't put out time to read novels. With four classes and work, I haven't been reading in leisure time. Maybe when I catch up with my work ill probably do an hr a day like you. But I might not be able to until I get a break again

>> No.4547138

But ugh that said... I read textbooks everyday for at least an hr, and I'm reading some plays and literature things in one class.

>> No.4547140

Before I thought of reading as a hobby, and just thought of it as something I have to do now and then so my parents wont hate me, I could read a book in maybe a month, and only actually read like 5 every year.
Since reading for enjoyment, I get through a ~400 page book in about a week.

The time I spend reading varies too much to account for, I just keep a book on me and get into it whenever opportunity presents itself.
According to that reading wpm test, my rate is about 350wpm, and if my math is right that averages to just under an hour a day, roughly.

>> No.4547145

Also I read like 20 Pgs an hr too. I can read faster, but at this pace, what I'm reading sinks in and it's not just plot stuff. I can sort of think about what I'm reading instead of just hearing it

>> No.4547245

200 pages a week at a pretty fast pace.
That's schoolwork though.
Maybe 100 a week for fun next to the shit for uni.