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4545367 No.4545367[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Who is the best Sci Fi author and why is it Stephen Baxter

>> No.4545385

bumping cause I'm interested in why this is so acclaimed.

I need something new and there's far too much out there. help a brutha out

>> No.4545406

who ever said it was that queer whom I've never heard of

>> No.4545420
File: 48 KB, 288x314, wolfe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wolfe? Wolfe.

>> No.4545422

No other sci-fi author has an imagination on his level as far as I'm concerned.

When Baxter does alien, these are aliens you never even thought possible. Because he has a PhD in Math and a degree in Physics, all his writing is consistent with current knowledge, General Relativity and quantum mechanics.

His central tenant in his Xeelee universe is that life, and thus intelligence, can and does emerge in any sufficiently complex physical system. In that book alone you get intelligences emerging from flaws in spacetime, infinitely intelligent beings in regions of space where planck's constant is taken to zero (which would make it look reflective, as photon energy is E=hf and energy conservation still applies) and extinct aliens who made a massive space storing construct out of iron that does nothing but record data, because Godel's theorem means you can only record facts, not find a consistent underlying proof.

>> No.4545431

Did you forget to drop your trip, Isley? :)

>> No.4545433

It's not Stephen Baxter. Hard sci-fi is not the only form of science fiction, and worth does not emerge directly from the hardness of your scientific physics speculation. And the problem with him is he's not a very good writer.

>> No.4545434


Nah that was intentional. I wanted to look like there were more fans of his than just me (._. )

>> No.4545437

Have you read Gene Wolfe? Book of the New Sun is amazing read.

>> No.4545438

Once you've gone hard, soft becomes ridiculous.

But yeah his characterisation is weak, the protagonists are the science spec.

But then he teamed up with Pratchett for the long earth trilogy and it's an invincible combo, imho.

>> No.4545439

It's pretty telling that you didn't mention anything about his quality as a writer.

From everything you've written here, it seems he would be equally as satisfactory a writer if all he did was write non-fiction articles talking about cool shit that could potentially exist, because that's all you're looking for from him.

>> No.4545449
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Military oriented science fiction recs, please.
I only got few recs so far

>> No.4545549

Roger Zelazny