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4544714 No.4544714[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


>But 18 years later, when I divorced my husband, I had a successful writing career and some money in the bank. He got to take half of it. But it isn't even the fact that I had to give him half that I find so egregious. It's the alimony he demanded I pay him on top of it that makes me very, very angry--like scream-really-loud, get-drunk, and eat-gratuitous-carbohydrates angry.

>there is no reason on this earth why you should be penalized for your success by having to continue to support an ex-husband.

So it's basically confirmed that women are worse writers than men when they don't understand "bitter irony."

>> No.4545028
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>MRAs talking shit about a woman advocating prenups

It's almost like they don't actually care about whether or not other men lose their hard-earned income in divorce.

>> No.4545041
File: 61 KB, 700x700, bullshit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw the wiminz who wrote/read this will never realize that they've been doing the exact thing to men forever but believed it to be "fair" when it went in their favor

I want equal rights, but I'm tired of feminism

>> No.4545080
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>> No.4545089

>>tfw the wiminz who wrote/read this will never realize that they've been doing the exact thing to men forever but believed it to be "fair" when it went in their favor
So has the writer of that article gotten prenup from his last husband or are you implying that she cannot be angry about an unfair practise because other people who share her sex have gotten alimonies in past?

>> No.4545094

why would you be mad. women wanting prenups will destigmatize prenups and make more men want prenups maybe stupid alimony and spousal support laws will finally change.

>> No.4545099

but it is ironic.

From your website:
>Dramatic irony is a disparity of expression and awareness: when words and actions possess a significance that the listener or audience understands, but the speaker or character does not.

>using George Carlin as a source
>b-b-back to reddit!!

>> No.4545105

Prenups don't mean much, as far as I've heard. I think they can be lawyered around.

>> No.4545121

Because a lot of people who complain about how men always lose assets in divorce (which is actually a legit concern, mind you) don't actually care about that. That's just bullshit posturing. They're really just mad that there's not a set of steps that makes it so women are obliged to sleep with them.

>> No.4545136
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>post thread about japanese cartoons on /co/
>whoa whoa whoa there why don't you take that over to /a/

>post thread about feminism on /lit/
>not feminist literature, just feminism
>yeah okay we'll talk about that i mean hey why not

How does it feel to be faggier than /co/, /lit/?

>> No.4545145

if you want equal rights you shouldn't care about stupid bullshit like this

dramatic irony involves someone being fooled; it isn't just any dramatic turn of events. The situation is only ironic if you think women purposely set up alimony to harm men (only for it to end up harming them), in which you should probably go to /pol/ or fuck off

nobody is talking about feminism here

>> No.4545149

I've read my Lacan, I understand how the female psyche works. I understand what makes them orgasm.

Even if they don't know it themselves.

>> No.4545153

>are you implying that she cannot be angry about an unfair practise because other people who share her sex have gotten alimonies in past?
I'm saying that it's audacious that she would write such a lengthy, poorly written, so-many-of-these-things-I-don't-know-what-to-do article without even once mentioning that what she is suffering from is what *most* men who get divorces suffer from, *even when the divorce is the wife's fault (ex: cheating)*

Prenups can be lawyered through; they mean almost nothing.

I'm just tired of feminism looking solely at women's issues instead of the disparity issues that exist universally due to gender. I guess that's why it's called "femin"ism, though?

If they wanted true fairness, it would probably be called "equality", right?

>> No.4547264

>I'm just tired of feminism looking solely at women's issues instead of the disparity issues that exist

Protip: There aren't any. Feminism is the conservative equivalent of "gotta git mine", but for women.

>> No.4547271

>implying /co/ doesn't get roped into feminist discussions at the drop of a hat

>> No.4547282 [DELETED] 

>Posting japanese cartoons


>> No.4547285

>Posting japanese cartoons


>> No.4547290

>I can now no longer afford such luxuries as cable TV and haircuts.
Jesus christ, the poor woman! How is this not worldwide news?!

Entitled divorcees, male or female, irritate the shit out of me.
No, they did not take half YOUR (singular) stuff. They took half of YOUR (plural) stuff. That's what marriage is, you moron. You signed a contract that combined your assets and smushed the two of you into a single person, for better or worse, for richer or poor, in sickness and in health. You fucking moron. That's marriage.
Prenups are just a way of getting married without getting married, because you're a shallow moron and want to show off a ring to your friends. But not even that; you can have a ring if you want, go buy one! You don't need to bind your assets with another person to buy a ring!
Why the flying fuck would you get married if you don't actually want to get married?

Prenups? Here's a better fucking idea! If you don't want to lose your shit, just don't sign it away! 100% lawyer proof!

>> No.4547293

It warms my heart that everyone in the comments is calling her an idiot.

>> No.4547297

>If they wanted true fairness, it would probably be called "equality", right?
feminists care more about men's rights than you do, go talk to one about the prison system

divorces still favor men legally even if women are still so marginalized that they have more to win in actuality

>> No.4547299

When divorce is so easy to initiate, it becomes obvious that splitting assets gives juicy incentive for the non-working partner to initiate divorce.

If someone chooses to break the contract, they shouldn't be entitled to keep the benefits of that contract.

The simplest way to fix this would be to make getting a divorce more difficult, and make alimony payments similar to welfare.

>> No.4547301

It clearly states that the woman initiated the divorce in the article in question.

>> No.4547302

>feminists care more about men's rights than you do
Citation needed.

I find this shift of attitude in feminists from
>"HAHA why do men need rights? they have patriarchy!"
>"w-we've supported men's rights the entire time! I swear! your fedora is actually very stylish!"
very revealing.

Yall niggas shaking in your Uggs.

>> No.4547303

(And that she was penniless when he married her, so clearly it wasn't any sort of scheme on his part however you slice it and she's just being a bitch)

>> No.4547306

I was rebutting the idea that prenups are an invalid or unnecessary concept.

>> No.4547308


Like I said: Don't want the risk of being taken to the cleaners? Don't get married.

>> No.4547309

I was going to make more points about prison abolition but it's funnier that you think the MRA movement is some sort of threat to feminism. It reveals something unsavory about your want for "equality"

>> No.4547310

>I was going to
actually that's shitty so you should go read Angela Davis on prisons too

>> No.4547311

Or we can improve the state of marriage to allow it to serve its function as a reproductive and community building incentive.
I don't want equality. Women and men are different. But I'd side with MRAs over feminists any day.

>> No.4547314

>one feminist cares about prison reform (a concern that probably stems from her ethnic loyalties rather than feminist ones)
>therefore feminists care more about mens rights than anyone else

>> No.4547315

>Jesus christ, the poor woman! How is this not worldwide news?!

I know. You should check out this article as well:


Shit keeps me up at night. This poor woman. Can you believe she almost had to live 20 minutes away from class? The stress from that is unfathomable.

>> No.4547319

>white women are oppressed!

I'm as /pol/ as it gets, but white women thinking they're a part of some oppressed class is hilarious. It's even funnier that those websites actually host that trite.

I picture women as the little spoiled brat shouting until his dad (men) sighs and drags his feet to do what the kid wanted.

>> No.4547323


I... what? What is this article even about? Why did someone write this? What is being communicated here?
I feel like I'm reading a longwinded, directionless conversation between my grandparents (and they spent all christmas going on about what a wonderful item of clothing the t-shirt is).

>> No.4547326

The comments are fantastic

>> No.4547334
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Women are catered to and supplicated 24/7. They must think people enjoy listening to their complaints. It's not really their fault, men are happy to play the nice guy roll if it lets them smell her dirty panties when she leaves the room.

That's why they like it so much when a man just tells them to shut the fuck up.

>> No.4547344

>(a concern that probably stems from her ethnic loyalties rather than feminist ones)
that's a little racist, but it also misses the point that Angela Davis explored the intersections between the prison abolition and feminism, whereas MRAs are often taken as a "side" opposed to feminism. We don't need to be ideological about this; I'm just telling you that feminists have been writing about these issues for a long time, even ones MRAs think they've ignored. It doesn't matter how much you "care about" men's rights if you're totally ignorant about what it means to be a man today.

>> No.4547350

It's not a coincidence that a black activist is concerned about prison reform when a huge number of black men are in prison.
>what it means to be a man today.
I would be interested in hearing the feminist perspective on this.

>> No.4547364

The problem with feminism is it is irrational, so irascible, and defends itself with, how would you know, you're a man.

It thrives on strong emotion in the face of reason.

>> No.4547365


It's an informative piece about the housing conditions of New Yorkers. Too many people think it's so easy to just pay for NYU's tuition and an apartment, but for many New Yorkers, after paying for NYU, they'll only be able to fund you living in a $2,100 a month apartment. It's a rough situation, and then what do you even do if the sink clogs?

>> No.4547370

divorces still favor men be statistically more men make more money then most women

it's has nothing to do with gender it has to do with income, tough shit that men make more

the entire debate is retarded, there are more women in the world, and in America atleast women vote more than men, they don't like the system go change it.

>> No.4547374


It's just written in such an inconsequential way. It's seriously like someone just spied on two people having coffee and wrote an article about it. They don't even directly address the topic the article is actually about, it's just all to the tune of "today I woke up and made some toast and tea."

>> No.4547381

but surely being black man is a male experience too. It would be comical if men's rights was really "white men's rights," especially if prison rape is taken as an issue.

I couldn't tell you about feminists writing about male experience other than Judith Butler, which is a bit of a boilerplate response. Third-wave feminists tend to focus on gender instead of femininity, but queer politics fucked things up a little bit.

>> No.4547387

*being a black man
by "queer politics" I mean more radical/"tumblr" feminism. Boring theorists like Butler tend to focus more on male experience, I think.

>> No.4547390

> upper class white woman goes through like 4 apartments because she needs to use public transport to get down the road
> we're meant to feel sorry for her

>> No.4547393

tell me your secrets

>> No.4547405

The irony expert!
He emerged from a generation that more and more shied away from every attempt to be direct or open. He can differ between the various types of irony in the brink of a second and loves to lecture people about his favourite topic.

btw this article is a perfect example for dramatic irony, if you use the definition given here:
http://thatsnotironic.com/ . I don´t even know why you would mention a turn of events, it doesn´t matter.

>> No.4547467

we /r9k/ now

>> No.4547670

I'm using the most ancient definition of irony possible, or at least the oldest I know: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eiron
but it's "wikipedia scholarship" and I haven't seen the word "εἴρων" used in Greek drama. The translation "self-depreciator" seems insufficient, since εἰρωνεία was often used to describe sophism.

The simple fact of a contradiction supposedly inherent in the situation of a woman supporting her ex-husband does not make an ironic situation. When I slit your throat to show how edgy and serious I am, it isn't "ironic" that you would prefer to be alive, even if it is contradictory and coincidental. It's ironic when a police officer dies days from retirement because the situation carries foiled expectations. The author of this article didn't go into her marriage expecting to make money off of it, so there's no dramatic situation to speak of; you can take your assumptions about women and divorce to some other board.

I like to lecture about irony because I'd like to learn more. It's strange that pretense of ignorance has such a storied history above pretense of knowledge.

>> No.4547906
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>someone points out that feminists say one thing sometimes and a different thing other times
>hah i know they're pretty hypocritical i'm all like pick one am i right

>someone points out that faggots on 4chan say one thing sometimes and a different thing other times
>hey whoa whoa whoa back up um we're not a goddamn hivemind we have a shitton of individuals with different opinions so just stuff that in your hat

>> No.4547913
File: 16 KB, 640x480, 1308629418265.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm as /pol/ as it gets, but white women thinking they're a part of some oppressed class is hilarious.
>implying anyone on /pol/ shares the opposing viewpoint