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/lit/ - Literature

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4543612 No.4543612[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How many existential crises have you face in your life?

What age did you face them at? To what did they pertain?

>> No.4543616

My life is just one endless existential crisis. I've learned to live with it.

>> No.4543624

Earlier today, when going through drug withdrawal. The drugs didn't create a need, they just satisfied one that always existed. My life was bad before them, tolerable on them, and is a hell of pain and anxiety without them. It never gets better or goes away, I just get more used to the pain. It's like when you get something stuck in your teeth so deep that it hurts. You can't get it out at the moment and forget its even there. When it falls out on its own or you floss hours or days later there is an immense sensation of relief. That is what my life is like.

So, should I live my life as a psychochemical cripple whose best hope is managing a drug addiction? I nearly drowned myself in the tub after asking that question.

>> No.4543646

I have already experienced three existential crises, the latter of which was described as having the depth and profundity of a man twice my age.

>> No.4543649 [DELETED] 

lol at idiots trying to be edgy itt

>> No.4543651

Or just people talking. Better throw in your favorite buzzword if people have any confidence in their intelligence or so much as try to form a though.

>> No.4543653
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>So, should I live my life as a psychochemical cripple whose best hope is managing a drug addiction?

>> No.4543667

smoked salvia and forgot who i was. but then i remembered my name so we good

>> No.4543670

to see another too happy or too much elevated, as we call it, with any little piece of good fortune. We are disobliged even with his joy; and, because we cannot go along with it, call it levity and folly. We are even put out of humour if our companion laughs louder or longer at a joke than we think it deserves; that is, than we feel that we ourselves could laugh at it
It's like a 8 year old girl talking about her day

>> No.4543674
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One, 17 (or newly 18), I had a near death experience

I experienced something that felt more real than life itself, and --with literally no thought process-- decided to leave and come back here. It's something I still think about regularly. I feel I am here for *some* reason ("I have to be, right?") but god dammit I have no idea what it could be. I'm here posting on 4chan lel. I read and listen to others attempt to make sense of theirs, but it doesn't help and so remains a mystery. A puzzle I will never solve, I fear -- one I can't know how to solve, even. Or else, if solved, I wont realize it until well after it's done.

Then there's always the possibility that it means nothing or that somehow the experince itself was not real. I just don't know, man

>> No.4543679



>> No.4543682

Who cares about your existential crises when they sadly never made another video game like the one in that pic

>> No.4543715

Just one. Unfortunately it was at 10 and has kinda screwed me over for most of my life (it was just basic "the world is going to end and so am I" type stuff but it's left me really thanataphobic which isn't so great)

>> No.4543723

When my last birthday passed, I started seeing this getting old thing in a new light. I don't want to get any older without working on something worthwhile but I can't seem to keep an interest or haven't found what that interest is. And since I'm not exactly young anymore I feel that I should suck it up and just do something even if I don't have a heart in it. I think about it daily.

>> No.4543730

I have been in one long existential crisis since I turned 21. It got really bad when I turned 25.

>> No.4543733

How old are you? I'm in that exact situation.

>> No.4543738




I've always been good at everything I attempt. I just can't find anything that interests me. I think I'm going to just randomly pick something and spend the rest of my life doing it.

>> No.4543743


>> No.4543745
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>And since I'm not exactly young anymore
But... You are still young. You're nowhere near "middle age" at any rate. These are normal feelings

>> No.4543754

Literally every night and some days. I haven't found a coping mechanism besides time, sunlight, and my girlfriend. The thought of being dead in a way that my consciousness is completely wiped out and unable to comprehend that its unable to comprehend that is fucking horrifying. I think around age 7 I had one too minorly but I was fucking 7, I thought the United Kingdom was some faggy castle.

>> No.4543782
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I had one a few days ago. Just realized that everyone alive and soon to be alive will die. I think I'm still getting over it.

>> No.4543806

When I was five or six, my parents told me that when we die, we become angels in hevean and lose all our past experiences. This scared the living shit out of me, because I thought that what we called our souls really was just the summary of genetics and experience, both of which were apparently gone with death. The thought of being recycled terrified me and I wasn't able to sleep for weeks afterwards.

>> No.4543812

I guess I've been having an existential crisis for the past month.

It doesn't feel too urgent though which I feel is implied in the word crisis.

I don't know I'm pretty depressed and don't know what the hell I'm doing any more

>> No.4543828

I feel you.

>> No.4544019

Probably when I thought demons were literally going to drag everyone to hell because my parents told me that and I was 5.

>> No.4544024

does existential crisis = feeling of the void creeping up in my belly at night along with realization of failed dreams? b/c if not, then i dont think i've ever had an existential crisis.

>> No.4544029

The 'crisis' part faded away when I embraced nihilism. I'm suspended in the void. I quite like it here. And anything else is just a temporary band-aid anyway.

>> No.4544030

Are you saying that he should kill himself or that Sherlock Holmes is a cool dude who lives like that as well or both do you want Sherlock to die son?

>> No.4544038
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Just one. It was about three years ago.

It hasn't ended yet.

>> No.4544048

i was around 7 or 8, then it never really left.

>> No.4544062
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Pretty recently, was reading Waiting For Godot quite fittingly.
But it's weird, it's not like anything I read was all that profound to me - they were concepts I had heard, discussed, processed and accepted in the past. I've read lengths on existential philiopshy, and while it naturally dampened my spirt a bit, I never felt really emotionally, or physically debilitated.

It was something in Pozzo's closing monologue.

>Have you not done tormenting me with your accursed time! It's abominable!
>When! When! One day, is that not enough for you, one day he went dumb, one day I went blind, one day we'll go deaf, one day we were born, one day we shall die, the same day, the same second, is that not enough for you?
>They give birth astride of a grave, the light gleams an instant, then it's night once more.

Again, nothing I had not thought about before, but for some reason reading it this way really hit me hard. The illusory nature of 'time' as simply a man made construct really effected me, more than I expected - and while I wouldn't call it a crisis, the thought has certainly been weighing me down for days now.

>> No.4544063
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>tfw hugging the void close enough it stares through your eyes back at itself in comfortable nothingness like the warm blanket of decomposition
I never had an existential crisis. I read pessimism and nihilism too early I think.

>> No.4544128
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That's well put, friend. I've grown to love it too.

>> No.4544142

What was that like?

>> No.4544325
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>They give birth astride of a grave, the light gleams an instant, then it's night once more

>> No.4544347

My entire life is one existential crisis

When I told something this they said that was pretty dark and deep

>> No.4544349

Okay here's a really weird story.

Once I drank three bottles of coffee in one night to see how it would feel like, and for some reason the results were trippytastic. I suddenly started thinking that the things I was experiencing was not real, and that I was actually dreaming. It terrified me that there was a possibility that the reality I knew was just an illusion. I read about this before, of course, but never more keenly had I felt so afraid in my coffee-induced state. I remember opening my window and looking down at the ground and thinking very seriously of jumping down and dying so I wouldn't have to contemplate this shit.

Thankfully I went to sleep instead. When I woke up I was fine again. I never touched coffee after that. That night was, to date, the most terrified I remember feeling in my entire life.

>> No.4544350
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>tfw Zadie Smith wrote White Teeth while she was revising for her university finals
>tfw I haven't so much as written a complete short story

>> No.4544356

around when I was 17 I began to get intense bouts of derealization, later that summer I found a cure in psychedelics and an embrace of the subjective but I still sometimes revert back under high-stress situations

I'm actually not sure if what I experience could be called existential angst or a more medicalized dissociative disorder, but whatev

>> No.4544358

ah, existential crisis's monsieur? three, i can remember, i name them after the three Sages: la-di and-do~~ see, the first crisis i was born wholly unprepared for Being with or Being within, naked, folly-clothed--- a baby, as your average yank would say >>no offense intended, monsieur, not at all! my crisis's nay?<<

the second one, monsieur, was the first time i witnessed my father naked--- what a sight, monsieur! large, proud; grande! and me? ahaha.. let's not go there, eh?

the third time, monsieur, is happening as you read this--- not as i write this, mind you, as you read this and i have posted this my third crisis occurs as the words become time-markers, intervals of time, a persona stuck in text--- being put in and out of exist(a)nce like she was some common whore to be ploughed, what dread! --- can you imagine, monsieur? i bet you cannot, you cannot phantom to Be and to Not Be at every corner, to feel more alive than the dead yet never fully be realized, wholly, fullsome--- what's that? tfw no babbys first existential crisis? what trite boorish sentiments! imagine never Being, monsieur, then to Be, then cease to Be--- now that, monsieur, that's a mother'ucking crisis!

>> No.4544363
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>> No.4544376

ITT: "why don't people look at me? I iz so so deep!"

>> No.4544414

>My existential crisis, was like 8-inches of profundity bro. Girls laugh at the depth of your dilemma.

>> No.4544423

This has nothing to do with literature.

>> No.4544430

Ah monsieur is here. Time to break out the baguettes and rollicking prose and monsieurs.

>> No.4544433

>on /lit/ we call feelings of depression, inadequacy or drug use an existential crisis

>> No.4544439

23 and 30

meditation worked fine last time
I still meditate each day, it's useful to reconcile oneself with the universe

>> No.4544672

>He saw very clearly how all his life led only to this moment and all after led to nowhere at all. He felt something cold and soulless enter him like another being and he imagined that it smiled malignly and he had no reason to believe that it would ever leave.

>> No.4544681

What do you believe?
I believe that the last and the first suffer equally. Pari passu.
It is not alone in the dark of death that all souls are one soul.
Of what would you repent?
One thing. I spoke with bitterness about my life and I said that I would take my own part against the slander of oblivion and against the monstrous facelessness of it and that I would stand a stone in the very void where all would read my name. Of that vanity I recant all.

>> No.4544691

So many 2deep, 2edgy, babby's first "real thoughts" about life. So very few "crises"

>> No.4544701
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What do you qualify as a crisis then
come on smartass let's hear it

>> No.4544715


My previous one was when I was sad as fuck about tfw no friends, everythingless with girls etc. I solved it by starting to lift weights (let me eat lots of food without getting fat), paying for prostitutes and discovering 4chan.

My current one is now. I have no motivation for anything. I no longer see any merit in jumping through the university hoops. I currently have no ideas how to solve it.

>> No.4544785
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Oh, I dunno... maybe something that changes one's very fundamental method of living, moreso than just thinking "dang, I'm gonna die someday"

Yeah know, something (pic related)

Something that gnaws at one's soul so much so that they've difficulty doing anything else. A "crisis".

90% of this thread is just juvenille notions which my friends and I discussed at length back when we used to get stoned in highschool. Nothing with substance beyond their truth; certainly not anything I believe sleep, sanity, and health should be lost over -- which is how I would define a "crisis"

>> No.4544816

I quite frequently have existential somethings, but I wouldn't call them crises. They're not that deep. During the episodes I feel sort of empty, vaguely (and non-seriously) contemplate suicide, and consider whether there's any goal noble enough that I would want to achieve it. It's mostly inner conflict about how people expect me to be successful because I'm pursuing a CS degree and I've been programming for a while and in school I was apparently good at creative writing, but I don't have any desire to "succeed". I just want some degree of financial stability with enough spare time that I can read, write, program, play video games, maybe take drugs a few times per year, and spend maybe one or two nights with friends out per week.

In any case, I stumbled upon this - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Positive_Disintegration, - which is relevant, today and found it very interesting and valuable.

>> No.4544820

Everyone's lives are existential crises, they just don't realize or acknowledge it.

>> No.4544934


right now I am experience on. Two years ago my elder brother died. I just started my bsc thesis (Biophysics).
I just wanted to push through, the biggest mistake I have erver made. This Monday was obit. I now realize that everything startet falling apart from then, and now I can't think straight nor do anything requiring inner peace, silence and concentration.

Decided to seek help this time, but can't do it... it's to hard

>> No.4544942

there's one every winter

>> No.4544944

I get one every once in a while but I've learned to suppress them, usually by forcing myself to do something, like take a walk.

I first started having them probably at around 17 years old?
I then did mushrooms and that changed my goddamn life. Badtripped hard, thought I was god, whole bunch of shit. I became so interested in philosophy after that. I don't know if it was for the better or the worse, but here I am.

>> No.4544945

Everyone goes through an Existential crisis. But most humans learn to suppress it while trying to satisfy the emptiness, the hollow created by the curiosity with materialistic and spiritual means. Some take up religion, to answer every question with one answer so they don't have to face the exhausting crisis and think. Most humans are afraid to think. Because most can't control their thoughts. Our education system, society, media influences teach us to 'let go' and not think. It doesn't need to be a 'crisis'. It's just a human being true to their basic characteristic. Curiosity. To find a vector to compare our position with in this seemingly infinite universe and our own cognition.

>> No.4544955

I like this post. It was pretty and thought provoking.

>> No.4544956

life is an existential crisis.

>> No.4544959

Crises are relative, just like what makes up an existential crisis.

Most of them, I believe, can be solved with a couple of ideas bunched together, and then your brain decides to connect a couple ideas it never quite thought to connect before. Then again, that's how most (all?) things are solved and most things are thought up, however there's no one single thing that can really fix any of that, just things that can spur on a solution (or another crisis).

People, especially those with certain personalities, will usually panic more about most anything and everything.

It's not really anything to be proud of, I guess you shouldn't be ashamed for having a crisis, but it does require a certain penchant/flair for the dramatic to really think each of your crises as existential. Not that there's anything wrong with that so long as you figure out the solution and don't act like a little whiny bitch about it.

>> No.4544964
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I'm 19 years old.

I am handsome, smart, athletic and virile.

I have a novel that is in it's final editing stage, and a creative writing professor at my college has read the first draft and thinks it's saleable.

I have a girlfriend who is confident, articulate, playful and spontaneous.

I have a small group of interesting friends from different social and academic backgrounds, and I also have many other acquaintances who see me as a reliable source of humour and good company.

Both my parents are alive and in good health.

I have no regrets.

I have already experienced three existential crises, the latter of which was described as having the depth and profundity of a man twice my age.

I am a passionate lover, a sharp thinker, and a trader of witty repartee.

I am not self-pitying, meek or needlessly humble.

I will live a good life at your expense.

>> No.4544968

>first drug addiction, 14
>first depression cycle, 15/15.5
>second deppresion cycle 17
>fell in love 18
>second drug addiction 18

>> No.4544974


How did you get it?

>> No.4544991

My existential crises usually only last a few minutes.

I'll usually be in bed, thinking. I'll then start to panic and have heavy breathing and feel like the world is crashing around me.

I get up, get some water, maybe take a walk, and I'll feel better.

It usually occurs when I think about death and the afterlife. My biggest fear is eternity, thinking about it too much will make me have a panic attack.

>> No.4545007

You don't owe the world anything, deep down. He's gone. That's okay.

If you can't find passion for your work than that's okay too, although it might be worth it to keep in mind that it might be different in the future, and you might find that it truly is something you want to dedicate part of your time on Earth to. You might find that in the future this spark doesn't come back, but that's okay too. It's your time here, not any one else's.


That's a perfectly fine goal, and it's perfectly alright to know that being good at something doesn't mean you should do it. Too many people make that mistake. I'm guessing you're a fairly intelligent person who doesn't really have any major passions, and you're probably good at most things.

There's no shame in wanting a life based on self-enjoyment, although it's good you're looking into alternatives. If you're not already in a city or place which allows it, try looking into moving to or finding a place with a community of other minded people. Or hell, try making one. Start a club. Be around people. I might be making assumptions about your life, but I'd be willing to bet you don't have the kind of connections with people that are fulfilling to you in a way beyond shallow.


So why write complete stories? Write stories with gaps and holes in them. Don't write stories. Go do something else. Keep trying and write full stories. Go eat something and drink a glass of water, I bet you're slightly thirstier than you realize. No, that wasn't a metaphor for anything, hydration makes people feel better and more alert. You should do that.



Then don't follow time. The birds do not follow time. The trees do not follow time. They're liable to it as a matter of their nature, but they do not think, "Oh goodness I better start thinking about flowering soon, god dammit Oak, how could you think about putting this off."

Stop over thinking things. Go sit in the woods. Pretend to be a tree. You're going to die when you die, and while there are certainly things you can do to prevent that day, one of the the saddest thing you can ever see is a man who spent his entire life thinking about the very end of it.

Yes, humans are silly, we like to use time because it's a convenience to us. Lots of man-made things start out this way, this very website for instance. But that doesn't mean you should be letting yourself go and swearing fealty to 4chan anytime soon. Anything that is manmade, whether a concept or otherwise, can be removed from your life with time, or at least its effects reversed.


You still have the rest of your life to go. Stop whining.


>> No.4545010

Once, but I never got truly over it. I had to learn to live with it in an absurdist fashion.

>> No.4545013

cont. from.

And their ideas will live on, even if they never write any of them down, one day, maybe in a different version of time, they'll be repeated. The same thoughts that brought them up will come to fruition. The same ideas and traits will come again.

This should not be a scary thought, although it was for me for a very, very long time. If you're feeling that allow me to slap you. It's not the idea, it's what you do with it, and what other ideas you use with it.

okay that's all.

>> No.4545032

lol clean your room faggot

>> No.4545034

so you just got out of highschool huh>

>> No.4545044

This is an old copypasta, calm down there buckaroo.

>> No.4545051

don't tell me to calm down you fucking piece of shit, you don't know me, you don't know the pain I go through

>> No.4545069

salicylic acid: look into it.

>> No.4545088

No idea. It just snuck up on me and won't let go. Almost as if it'd been hiding right beyond acknowledgment until it sort of just enveloped my head.

When I put it that way, it reminds me sort of like the yellow fog in The Love Song of Alfred J. Prufrock.

There doesn't seem to be any malice in it, but it's still sort of frightening in its own way.

>> No.4545174
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Just get rich du

>> No.4545201
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Oh My Anon

Good Luck getting through !

>> No.4545284


>The drugs didn't create a need, they just satisfied one that always existed. My life was bad before them, tolerable on them, and is a hell of pain and anxiety without them.

All of this, except the last part. Should I hit the bottom of the rabbit hole or just occasionally use the hard stuff? Currently, I never drink or do drugs alone.

>> No.4545381
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>wake up in the middle of the night
>ears are ringing like crazy, visual noise
>I can feel my heart hurting, pounding
>I try to move my arm but I can't
>afraid as shit
>suddenly I become unnaturally calm
>realize it's over, pray for forgiveness
>everything fades

I wake up again, drawing in breath frantically. My ears are still ringing, and I'm feeling light-headed. I find my way to the bathroom and as I look in a mirror, I feel a strange disconnect between the one I am seeing in there, and myself. I know at that time, that what I experienced was not a dream, and that I am going to rationalize it down to just that if I don't remember well. And as I promise myself to remember, my certainty is already beginning to fade.

>> No.4545551

>Then don't follow time
Yeah bro, I'll just stop turning up to work on time and spend my 'days' in an empty field pretending to be a worm. I'm sorry man, but the reason it hit so heavily is because even though time is a man made construct it's one that I can't get out of, unless I want to die or suicide.

>> No.4545784

I would say that I've been in an existential crisis since I was maybe 16. It's not really alarming, just I question that I haven't received an answer to. I live comfortably next to the void. I cuddle up next to it and watch my own life as if it were a movie. There are MANY aspects about being human that are a complete delusion, but I just let myself get sucked in. In an earlier thread about a similar topic, I was defined as a conformist. I just kind of go along with the life as prescribed. It's easier this way.

>> No.4545795

Yes. In the midst of one I don't ever see myself getting out of. I feel life is a complete absurdity, and I cannot even satisfy myself with a utilitarian view of life (as I once did resort to) because I now believe that utility itself is a lie.

I feel nothing but apathy and emptiness, even to my mother and sister. I find myself quizzing every single thing I do for its utilitarian motive and falsifying it on that grounds, and same for the actions of all others. It's no existence.. but as per my philosophy, I cannot call it "bleak" or "sad".

>> No.4545954

Had one when I was 15. Back then I thought I was going to study and be a pharmacist and had a good life, then everything crashed. It didn't matter. I was very depressed and careless with my study. Didn't want to wake up, wanted to blind myself so I didn't have to look. Tried cutting, but it wasn't relieving anything. I realized I felt nothing.

>> No.4545974

>not drinking

>> No.4545978

>Then there's always the possibility that it means nothing
more like thick, fat chance.

>> No.4545981
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ITT: Middleclass teenagers thinking they are special and giving themselves problems

>> No.4545985

mmm i wanna suck that big juicy chance

>> No.4546023

>that militant anti-specialness


>> No.4546024
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This is why there should be a /phil/ board. To keep shit like this away. Dat angst

>> No.4546036

as opposed to serious literature discusses by meme posters

kill yourself

>> No.4546060

>to what did they pertain
>to what did they pertain
>to what did they pertain
>to what did they pertain
>to what did they pertain

>> No.4546069

The dunning-kruger effect ladies and gentlemen.

>> No.4546072

The thought that it doesn't end is far more terrifying.

>> No.4546086

My first led me to the conclusion that the meaning of life is happiness, and that true happiness is merely a chemical perception equivalent to a serotonin high from drugs, ergo the meaning of life is to get fucked on drugs, all the time

after destroying my life and my mind for 5 years i had my second, which, with the help of Sartre, led me to the conclusion that a life spent chasing happiness is shallow and artistic creation is of superior importance, suffering in pursuit of this is the only thing that can truly give meaning to my life, so now i make music and am chasing my dreams :)

>> No.4546092
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I hope that guy looks back on that comment and cringes.

>> No.4546104

I've had one, long, unremitting existential crisis. From about the age of 5 until the present day.

>> No.4546111


Yep. That describes my entire life.

I honestly don't know what it must be like to not spend a day contemplating your suicide. Except for when I'm drunk. I'm pretty at ease with everything then.

>> No.4546113


>worrying about sleep, sanity and health when you're going to die anyway

You sound like you need a crisis.

>> No.4546114

Define "existential crisis," because I think it is continual. I don't really understand what is going on most of the time.

>> No.4546122


You guys are so dumb it hurts me to watch you respond to him.

>> No.4546123

What do you think it means anon?

>> No.4546137


The term, sort of, implies that you have to reach a crisis to develop existential beliefs. Which is retarded.

>> No.4546146

I think it implies a crossroads--like a mid-life crisis, for example.

Meaning, you were toodling along just fine, doing your thing and then your mind starts telling you, "What the fuck? What are you doing? Think about it! Analyze your existence."

>> No.4546147

How does me never seeing that before make me stupid?

>> No.4546150

>me never seeing that before

So fucking unlikely. Stop trying to save face.

>> No.4546156

It's either that or new.

>go on 4chan
>see something that gets posted regularly and is monumentally stupid
>"surely this person is serious"

>> No.4546244

Sounds like you are a level I m8.

>> No.4546246

>save face
>anonymous image board


>> No.4546305

I was taught to hate myself yet I cannot separate "getting over" that with correct self-examination from time to time. The two are inseparable to me and I am always wrong. In the eyes of judgment, I am pure evil. However, in the eyes of the Law, I am good. However, sexually speaking, I am impure. However, Jesus heals me. However, I don't believe in any of that s---. However, what am I supposed to believe in? However <--this is how my mind operates, upon the computation of "however" endlessly. It is my "held down 7."

>> No.4546321

About 4. Once a year, I'm 20 now. To absolutely nothing. I mean, really. Nothing.

>> No.4546331

Not him, but you'd be surprised at how common it is. There's rarely anyone on 4chan that will openly admit to being wrong or incorrect, even though it's an anonymous image board and nobody will know they did it. It's easier to stubbornly defend your point or just abandon the thread. People try to save face for their own benefit first.

>> No.4546422


The problem here is that existence means "your parents fucked." So homosexuality is "evil" because it devaluates the point of all existence.

>> No.4546623


>, then

lol franzen GON B MAD

I also laughed when I read his essay dissing the comma-then, then another one praising Munro, then I read a short story by her using the fucking COMMA-THEN


but i think comma-then sucks too

>> No.4546627


smoke dmt instead you bitch

>> No.4547130

I've solved that by embracing purposelessness idleness as my goal in life. I'm the superfluous man 2k14 edition. Feels good.

>> No.4547156

Sounds like you've got an anxiety disorder

>> No.4547158

When I was a child, like 8 or so, I would sometimes look out the car window when it was dark and you could see the traffic lights, and I would start thinking about the world, and then I would start having horrifying thoughts like what is this world?is it even real, what was it like before this, I'm not going to be here someday and there will be nothing...
And I would get this fucking weird scary crazy insane feeling in me and I would start to feel like what is this thing called life? And I would shut my eyes and want to scream
That happened often, then whenever I drifted into those thoughts in the future, I blocked them out and never thought about them anymore
Is this existential crisis?

>> No.4547166

It's seems like every few days I will be lying awake in bed and the crushing weight of the utter insignificance of everything hits me. I begin to think of how meaningless my life will be in all probability. About how once I'm dead I'll only be remembered in passing for a max of like fifty years. How even if I beat the odds and accomplish something significant the sheer insignificance of human accomplishment when viewed against the sheer enormity of time will render any achievements forgotten anyway. This hits me all at once and suddenly I can't breathe or move and all the while I feel like I'm slowly being crushed.I can't even call out for help because why bother doing anything. After this happens it's usually about a day before I can muster up the willpower to get out of bed.

>> No.4547170

hm, lights, you remind me how i was deeply depressed once and couldn't watch at lighted windows because i assumed that every window hides unhappy and afflicted people. it was kind of reversed of what saint-exupery wrote in his 'the planet of people' -_-

>> No.4547175

I have one every day.
Three minutes long, they start when I finish jacking off and end when I get up to go take a piss.

>> No.4547185

I've attempted suicide at 16, I think that counts as one, although looking back now I think it was because I really was depressed (as in sick).

I think I'm having one now. I'm graduating and I have 0 idea of what to do with my life (I'm 23 yrs old now).

>> No.4547186

I had this for the longest time.
Quit watching porn.
Feel a bit better now.

Sheer excitement of watching a bit of porn would kick the rest of the day's good feelings asses.

>> No.4547295

Pretty much this. But you only truly realise it the deeper you delve into your thoughts.

Being unemployed for quite a while has left me thinking completely differently than I used to, for good or for worse.

You can learn a lot from your own mind, but it's not always pleasant.

>> No.4547333

>Being unemployed for quite a while has left me thinking completely differently than I used to, for good or for worse.
Could you elaborate a bit?

>> No.4547345


screencap anyone?

>> No.4547347

I had one when I was ~14, lasted like a month. Never had one since.

>> No.4547348

tbf it's translated from French

>> No.4547355

>finish apprenticeship
>apply for loads of jobs and don't get any of the bastards
>spend increasing amounts of time at home
>get depressed
>not keeping yourself completely occupied with a job leaves you more time to think about things more
>thinking about things more leads to contemplating life more
>think about what I truly want from life, what my goals aspirations are, and what makes me happy

Before all of that I was just focused on getting a job thinking that that is pretty much what life is all about and it would make me happy. I've changed my views drastically since then.

Not quite sure how best to describe it, but by not having a job for a while and thinking more has made me realise that there's more to life than I originally thought.

>> No.4547382

My first was at 11yo, I vividly remember it. Never really had existential crises after that, depression etc tons but nothing existential.

>> No.4547397

>wake up in the middle of night
you lost me there
couldn't continue reading without listening this first.

>> No.4547401

>this is how cavemen try to make sense of sleep paralysis

>> No.4547431


>> No.4549729

Dude are you me? This used to happen so much when I was younger. The thought of living an eternity was unfathomable.