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File: 146 KB, 1251x700, Echoandnarcissus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4542948 No.4542948[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Narcistic personalities trying to gain power over others, degrading the emotional state of their prey to a pitty pile of shame.

Sometimes I think 4chan in generall is a place to find them. I commiserate with you and your hollow exictence

>> No.4542957

Those stupid narcissists, not paying attention to me.

>> No.4542970
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>> No.4542978

>Narcistic personalities try to gain power over others, degrading the emotional state of their prey to a pitty pile of shame.
>I'll make a thread telling them so, so I can gain power over them, degrading the emotional state of them to a pity pile of shame (and it sure will work, btw).

>And I'll make a thread about you, to show you how hollow your existence is as opposed to mine.

>> No.4542983

>gain power
>anonymous imageboard

i think narcissists don't need any confirming that they are powerful people. i think the people who you are talking about are just anyone with a bad day who wants an ego boost

>> No.4542981

Anyone worth knowing is at least a little narcissistic. If they're truly an interesting person, they themselves will have picked up on how interesting they are, and there will be an element, however small, of self-promotion to their personality.

>> No.4542988


great, a writing disability riddled narcissist on lit

>> No.4542989

any tips on how to stop becoming blinded by my narcissism?

>> No.4543001

Narcissism entails much more than "loving oneself" or "being confident"

see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Narcissism#Traits_and_signs

>> No.4543003


b-but isn't pathological narcissism defined as the inability to find appreciation in the own beeing?

>> No.4543004
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Congrats, OP. Looks like your thread's been a success! You sure told those stupid narcists.

>> No.4543005

Just don't overdo it, fuckwit. Look at the person across the train from you, on the other side of the highway, and recognize that they have merit as an individual. Realize that every single person is interesting in their own way.

It's fine to be just a little conceited, particularly if you think you are interesting. But don't go overboard. And if you're at all intelligent, you WILL know when you've gone overboard.

>> No.4543012

hollow exictence detected

>> No.4543014

>don't overdo your narcissism
the things you hear on this fucking website

you realize narcissism is a psychological disorder right? it's not something you turn on and off as you wish

>> No.4543020
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wait a sec
your right

>> No.4543027


i appreciate your admiration and subjugation

>> No.4543026

Reading comprehension: 0/10.

>> No.4543037

raggum fraggum narcists!

>> No.4543030


Goodness people are taking OPs statement out of context.

I think he's just referring to narcissism as a concept/a trait, not particularly in its psychological aspect.

Don't be a smug shit and assume that bending the context of a word is being right, it just makes you look silly.

>> No.4543033

okay, here's your guaranteed reply le epic joge trole guy with tripcode

>> No.4543040

Oh, how unnarcissistic of you!

>> No.4543045

the beauty of 4chan is that it is all anonymous. only a narcissist would feel threatened by that and feel the need to create a recognizable name for themselves, narcissist

>> No.4543047

>don't overdo it
>To do, use, or stress to excess; carry (something) too far: overdid the diet and became malnourished.
Do you get it now? Your comprehension skills really sucked there.

>> No.4543054

>the beauty of 4chan is that it is all anonymous.
Says who? The Anonymous legion?
It's like some people are just too dumb to get fun and not take things too seriously sometimes.

>> No.4543062

>responding to a tripfag

>> No.4543072

>responding to a tripfag

>> No.4543075


>doubleposting on an imageboard

>> No.4543080

>implying they were the same person

>> No.4543088
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>implying implying

>> No.4543093

>all those traits and signs
Fuck, I think I might have that.

How do I fix it?

>> No.4543103

how about
>not being an enormous dick to everyone

>> No.4543106

I don't act that way towards anyone though.

Just people I hate.

>> No.4543134


you clearly read it from your very personal point of view. you need to get into an even mor critical state of mind...

as the article states: "Although most individuals have some narcissistic traits, high levels of narcissism can manifest themselves in a pathological form as narcissistic personality disorder[.]"

>> No.4543138


i also think none narcisst would admit beeing pathological (see the 'Shame' part)

>> No.4543143

Maybe not in a place where they could place repercussions, no. But on an anonymous image board would it really matter to them then?

>> No.4543148

ets not about ego, ets a mental disorder. dey habeeb et

>> No.4543159


>Egotistical = Narcisistic

They're different things OP and you described egotism.
>trying to gain power over others, degrading the emotional state of their prey to a pitty pile of shame.

Narcissistic personalities dont degrade others, they built themselves up. They have an innate overappreciation of themselves, it is not deliberate. Thats why its a condition.

>> No.4543185

>Narcissistic personalities dont degrade others, they built themselves up. They have an innate overappreciation of themselves, it is not deliberate. Thats why its a condition.

both of you have painted over simplified pictures of the story. there are narcissists who'll only talk themselves up, but there are others who will put people down too (like gaslighting (see: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gaslighting)) is a pretty common thing among narcissists). if you were only showing the former behaviour, there's actually very little chance you'd receive a diagnosis, as an over-inflated self-confidence, in of itself, is rarely detrimental.

>> No.4543212

Well in any society those people exist. I am not one of those people, but consider how we all go through phases, some may change and grow up out of the lust for power stage. It is uncommon, but some people are able to not succumb to the lust of money and influence.

>> No.4543252


i see always thought of it in a way that one includes the other. Like the set of Egoists is a subset of Narcissts

>> No.4543284


>> No.4543289

Related I suppose.

Do nice guys finish last /lit/? Not just with girls, but in general. How much should you care about your fellow man?

>> No.4543344

It is situational. There is a threshold of being nice where you are being nice and then you are allowing people to step on you and they are not the same thing. While i may try to be nice to a bad person or act kindly towards them, i am still going to not help or work with them on their shitty attitudes and i will make it known in a light form that I do not approve of their behavior without being offensive. If they are offended, tell them that they offended you and that you are only trying to fix the situation, but that they are uncoperative.

Some of those bad people are not even worth the time, but it is not the right to be an asshole.

>> No.4543360


be 'nice' without acting nice (nice is really the wrong word i think, and certainly not equivalent with righteous or virtuous).

youve got ideas on whats good or not right? how stuff should be better and how things ought to be done? then cleave too it. if you cant imagine yourself walking up to a girl (even better, a girl you know) and saying 'that dress looks terrible', for instance, youve probably got a ways to go. in short, supplication breeds contempt.

>but what if *i* dont even think im right.

well then its even more important to get yourself stuck into something, how else will you get better without the feedback of challenge?

>> No.4543367

lel. you sound like you've read pua

>> No.4543378
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Did you seriously just steal that from a recent Ask men article?

>> No.4543390


of course, i acknowledge their observations on biomechanics but as you can see i dont think the implications or applications are limited to just picking up chicks, nor do i think its simply 'amoral' instrumentality. alot of scientific studies on behavioral dynamics are preempted by ancient wisdom on building and living virtuously.

>> No.4543659

this guys on to something

>> No.4543699

You really just have to take what you want, while still being friendly

If you want shotgun and someone else calls it, pull him outof the seat and take it. This kind of thing isn't something everyone can do, or applicable to every situation, but you'd be surprised what people will learn to put up with with when you take what you want
It's pretty self evident, really; to get what you want, you take it

Girls are something I'm still learning. I'm attractive, but like Orvid says, you can't rely on your looks
When it comes to girls I think it just takes patience with an overarching persistence. Show her that you want her while expressing you're just as fine not having her

>> No.4543740

>implying that implications will be implied in this implicative thread of implications that imply implications, thus implying implications that will debunk your original implications

(capture: 420 ofsigul)

>> No.4543790
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Even if you had already been my friend, if you pulled me out of the seat I was sitting in because you wanted it, we'd have a problem.

>> No.4543818

is the opposite of narcissism neuroticism?

>> No.4543833

>a bad thing

Fucking pseudo-scientific drivel.

>> No.4543981
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Our whole society is narcissistic, hence facebook.

>> No.4545289

Just try to put some thought into what you believe in and who you want to be, and stick to your own set of principles.

If you don't give a damn about your fellow man, then that's fine, but don't go around pretending to yourself that you do while at the same time expoloiting and manipulating him.

>> No.4545349
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>> No.4545388
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>writes book about American social decline
>President Carter is so moved by it that he invites him to White House for ideas
>"So, Christopher, how do we fix America?"
>uhh ... idk

No thanks.